Numenera - Myth-Weavers Lethe


Game Masters
Game Information
  • Created May 11 '16
  • Last Post May 27 '22 at 12:55am
  • Status Aborted
  • System Cypher
  • Setting Numenera

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Game Description

The GameThere have been eight previous worlds. You may refer to them as ages, aeons, epochs, or eras, but it’s not wrong to think of each as its own individual world. Each former world stretched across vast millennia of time. Each played host to a race whose civilizations rose to supremacy but eventually died or scattered, disappeared or transcended. During the time that each world flourished, those that ruled it spoke to the stars, re-engineered their physical bodies, and mastered form and essence, all in their own unique ways.

Each left behind remnants.

The Ninth World is built on the bones of the previous eight, and in particular the last four. Reach into the dust, and you’ll find that each particle has been worked, manufactured, or grown, and then ground back into drit—a fine, artificial soil—by the relentless power of time. Look to the horizon—is that a mountain, or part of an impossible monument to the forgotten emperor of a lost people? Feel that subtle vibration beneath your feet and know that ancient engines—vast machines the size of kingdoms—still operate in the bowels of the earth.

The Ninth World is about discovering the wonders of the worlds that came before it, not for their own sake, but as the means to improve the present and build a future.

Each of the prior eight worlds, in its own way, is too distant, too different, too incomprehensible. Life today is too dangerous to dwell on a past that cannot be understood. The people excavate and study the marvels of the prior epochs just enough to help them survive in the world they have been given. They know that energies and knowledge are suspended invisibly in the air, that reshaped continents of iron and glass—below, upon, and above the earth—hold vast treasures, and that secret doorways to stars and other dimensions and realms provide power and secrets and death. They sometimes call it magic, and who are we to say that they’re wrong?

I became aware of Monte's Cypher System, Numenera and The Strange in the beginning of 2016, and I would to try out the system. I have spent the bulk of the past 9 months devouring all of the books for The Strange, as the genre interest me more, so my knowledge of Numenera cannon is limited.

I am a big fan of co-operative storytelling. You are as much the storytellers in this game as I am. I do not intend this to be a game where you look at me and ask "What's on the menu at this restaurant?" I want you to add to the story and tell me what you order. I'll often ask the players for descriptions of things. "What's this gate look like?", "Out of the muck of the polluted river rises a creature, What does it look like?" "Your weapon fires across the crowded Qwik-E-Mart and blasts into a rack of junk food. Describe that for me."

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, sign up and lets talk! All you will really need is the Numenera Player's Guide or core rules ($9.99USD/$19.99USD as PDF from DriveThruRPG)

Character CreationCharacters should be prepared at Tier 2, with the 4 Advancements to reach Tier 2. In addition, please take 1 additional advancement. All Descriptors and Foci from the Numenera core rules/Players' Guide, As well as Numenera - Discovery are available. Character types should be chosen from the Numenera Core rules, Character Options 1, or Numenera - Discovery. Where changes exist between products, I'll take a look and make a call as to which version we'll use. Initial Link and Character connections will be made once characters have been accepted to the game. Aliens are acceptable. Mutants subject to extreme vetting. I do not allow anything from Character Options 2.

Submissions should include a short character bio. We will work together to craft the connections between characters and link to the game.

You will begin with 2 XP, and 2 random cyphers, rolled by the GM when you have been accepted into the game.

Player ExpectationsOnce the game gets going, I try to post three times a week in-character, Monday - Friday, even if it is just a mid-round update. Players should try and post 3x a week, but I understand real life does take precedence. Posting on weekends is optional. I rarely have the time to do so, and often am off-grid on weekends.

I understand that we all have real life commitments, and I am not going to hold you to this posting schedule while you and the family are on vacation or you are in the middle of final exams. However, if you know you will be away for an extended time, I expect to be notified prior to your absence.

Application into this game indicates you agree to these expectations.

GM CVI have been playing and running RPGs since 1979, when my brother came home with the red box Basic D&D game. Since then, I have played and run games from several genres, including D&D (Basic, 1E, 2E, 3.5E, 5E), Pathfinder, Top Secret, Star Frontiers, Twilight 2000, Traveller, Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5. Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, RIFTS, Vampire, Werewolf, Blue Planet, Call of Cthulhu, and many flavors of Savage Worlds and FATE.

I like to focus on character interaction and roleplaying. When designing a campaign, I like to build in intrigue, puzzles, roleplaying, exploration, footwork and investigation. There is, of course, always room for combat.

I have been playing and running Play-by-Posts for over 8 years. I understand that PBP games are a long term commitment, and that setting out to run a long campaign by post, usually ends before the campaign ends. I tend to try to set up a series of short interconnected plot-point scenarios into a campaign, where the comings and goings of characters has low impact. I very much enjoy co-creating worlds and games. I want players to have input into the game they play.

I have been running this Numenera game for over two years. The game has morphed a bit from it's inception, but has been running with the current 3 active characters for about 18 months.

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