Crimson Throne Secrets - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Crimson Throne Secrets

Game Masters

Game Information

Game Description

Revisit the cursed city of Korvosa and go beneath the surface to explore it through the intriguing world of the occult.

Korvosa, the Jewel of Varisia, has long sparkled on Varisia’s southern shore. But the city's infamous seat of power—the Crimson Throne—is not a prize to be won but a curse. No monarch of Korvosa has died of old age, and none have produced an heir while ruling.
Korvosa is a lawful city, with multiple enforcement organizations and an almost draconic approach to enforcing rules, as heavy-handed as a non-evil city can get. A thieves' guild is officially recognized by the city, and vices are legally offered in the parts of the city run by powerful crime families. But Korvosa is a decaying city, and the hard-working poor vie with despicable carrion-feeders calling themselves for control of the slums that ring the city's noble heights.

Those who pull the strings of the city are rich, well-connected, and substantially more powerful than those who are ruled. Not everyone who isn't a ruler is destitute, but democracy is not on the city's agenda. Still, the city exists because of those hard-working merchants, farmers, artisans, and laborers and upsetting the balance might throw it all into disarray.

This version of Korvosa is a city for champions of the people inspiring from the shadows, those who persuade with charm, or control through perfectly coordinated assassinations. This game will take many of the story elements of the Curse of the Crimson Throne AP and rework them to include Occult and Intrigue adventures. Think mystery and thrills, subtle power merged with magic. Barbarians walking around with giant bastard swords are arrested on sight, unless they are official bodyguards with the necessary paperwork.

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