Pirates of Drinax Tk 2 - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Pirates of Drinax Tk 2

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created Aug 6 '17
  • Last Post Apr 22 '18 at 1:20am
  • Status Aborted
  • System Miscellaneous

Game Description

The Kingdom of Drinax once stretched across two dozen worlds in the Trojan Reach and so prospered with its gardenlike high tech capital of Drinax at its center. Then the Aslan, mighty warrior race lion people, came and shattered the kingdom, bombarding Drinax itself until its surface was nothing but wasteland and only its legendary floating palace still stood. That was 200 years ago. Today, the energetic but old King of Drinax looks out into the stars and dreams of the empire of his forefathers. His daughter, a cunning and ambitious princess, has a plan that may yet restore the kingdom. But it needs rogues, thieves, and pirates. Men and women who are willing to get their hands dirty for King and Country...or at least Riches and Glory

Step one: plunder and loot the trade route that runs between the two great empires of the region and through what is rightfully the space of the Kingdom of Drinax. Collect a tax, you could say. Do enough to give Drinax leverage but not enough to start a war.

Step two: help the independent worlds of the region. Aid them against raiders, sell them your stolen goods, recruit their people into your ships and give them a taste of wealth. Complete their side quests. Become folk heroes of legend and make them friendly to Drinax so they will be willing to join when the time comes.

When the time comes, you'll get a dozen worlds to have your back and offer the empires a deal: recognize the Kingdom, give it its due, and the piracy stops. Drinax will become a new power in the Trojan Reach.

Well, that's the plan anyway

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