Discordant Harmony - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Discordant Harmony

Game Masters

Game Information

Game Description

The Planes
Welcome to the planet of Terrus, a busy little rock in the depths of space, and the prime material plane. It is not however a lonely rock.
At night the Astral plane shines quietly, to your character this is called “The Moon,” however it’s true name is Eos. Every moon has a dark side, and in this case, it is Mortus, the plane of shadow.
During the day, The plane of fire shines bright, it is the third most powerful plane due to sheer energy and heat, Egni circles the largest plane, smoldering to itself, like a second smaller sun.
Terrus’s twin planet, the plane of earth is called, Seismos, and is constantly tossed around by tremors and quakes, only the hardy survive.
The far off plane of Okeanus is ruled by sea, engulfed in ocean, it gurgles longingly.
Swirling masses of dust carried by wind, tall towers of magnetic material are stacked over spots of high intensity magnetic fields, guiding the weary creatures, of Tempus to their roosts.
The Second most powerful, and second largest plane, holiday location for holy gods, and all dwellers of good and light Lumos, “the sun.”
The largest plane is Ubelus, a plane ruled by evil, where the weak grovel at the feet of the strong, then stab them in the back at the first chance they get, this plane is a dark tumorous mass creeping at the edge of this planar system.
Home of the gods and acting as a fence to the outside planar systems, Deimus is the name given to millions of asteroids, where each god has their own territory where their power is greatest.
There is one more plane, an unknown infinity, that has no single planet, but rather is a “mirror”, an endless bridge sprawls past any known planes, those who attempt to walk it never return, the Outside.
2, Terrus
Terrus is home to four continents, Frostshade, Marimore, Menflick, and Sunscorch.
Frostshade is a cold, perma winter environment, where orcs raise livestock living largely off of meat, and dwarves, deep inside of caves, living off of mushrooms, and cave animals. Sunscorch is its literal polar opposite, where farming is barely manageable and nomadic tribes of elves roam through large savannas, most large cities are coastal, inhabited by halflings, making life on the sea, fishing trading and farming sea green, in vast ocean floor plantations. Menflick, is a vast sprawling plains home to men, it is said you would be able to see from one side straight through to the other, were it not for the great plateaus. Home to gnomes, the great plateaus are large flat surfaces raised from the ground in a spine-like fashion. Lastly, is Marimore, the largest continent, covered in city-states, pioneer villages and farms. This place has a little bit of everything, gorgeous beaches cover the east coast, the central plains are vast, ringed by thick forest. Mariglass has tall snow capped mountains to the west, with colder northern shores, and temperate southern shores, home to the city-state of seaview.
3, Playable Races
Human, Gnome, Halfling, Elf, Half orc, Half elves, Halfling(hobbits), Dwarves, Drow/dark elf, Aasimar*, Tiefling*, Goblin, Kobold, and were-creatures.
* Aasimar- part archon/angel, part of the first 8 races, Tiefling-part devil/demon, part first 8 races.
If you can convince me i might let you play as other races, like a Gnoll or a Dragonborn.
4. Playable Classes
Barbarian - An armorless savage, whose health is near limitless, and strength matched by few.
Bard - Spellcaster who uses magic to enhance allies and best enemies, very charismatic.
Cleric - Holy servant dedicated to helping their deity, calls upon their god to help them.
Druid - lover of of nature, a hermit who loves flora and fauna more than people.
Fighter - Most versatile warrior, capable of wearing heavy armor, and proficient with most weapons.
Monk - Hand to hand combat specialist, armed with shuriken, quarterstaff, and occult knowledge.
Paladin- Divine warrior, a mix between cleric and fighter, channels the power of their god.
Ranger- Protector of nature, trains to defeat specific types of enemies, cat-like agility.
Rogue- A thief, armed with dart, dagger or short sword, quick as a whisper.
Sorcerer- Magical savant, calls spells from memory, but has a limit on the number he can use without a rest.
Wizard- trained in magic, memorizes certain spells, can use those specific spells a lot without being drained.
5. The Deities
God of prime material plane.
God of the afterlife
Protector of gates and doorways
The goddess of punishment after death
No deed goes unpunish
Penultimate god of death
God of Fire and Martyrs
Power over earth
Control over seas, oceans, and water
God of wind
God of sun and light
Patron of healing
Yamato no Orochi
Goddess of reptile and fugitives
Shares control of Ubelus with Nephthys
God of birth and night
Shares control of Ubelus with Yamato no Orochi
Goddess of felines and warrior
Patron of engineering
God of wine and celebration
God of nature
Patron of wild beasts
God of deals and souls
God of pranksters, rogues, tricksters.
The Whispered One
God of secrets
Aido Wedo
Goddess of peaceful dragons
God of doom and death bringing dragons

Made 9/19/17

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