Earthlings in Glimmerspire - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Earthlings in Glimmerspire

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Game Description

The Old One gave life to the Five and a vast world for them, he then did sleep the great sleep.
So to did the Five give life and so did they take it, for the Five knew only strife between them.
T'was with a heart so heavy that after waking, did the Old One do some breaking.
Not of sons nor daughters, but of the world so vast.

The game is taking place within the Kingdom of Glimmerspire, set in a setting currently referred to as the Sundered World. The idea behind Sundered World is that everything and everywhere started as a single world and that every setting and plane are connected by the fact they started as a whole. This connection can result in 'stuff' bleeding through. That means that every legend and tale you have heard could be true to some degree (Merlin, dragons, bigfoot, and Nessie for example). In this case, the PCs are humans from Earth that have bled into Glimmerspire, with the hows, whys, and wheres unknown to them.

What has happened so far:

TLDR: Five earthlings found themselves in a place called Glimmerspire. There they encountered a plague. After following some clues/leads, they tracked down and dealt with the assumed source. A month has passed since then, and now they look beyond the walls of Redhallow.

(Full Story Summary)

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