Ether Drift - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Ether Drift

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Game Description

The endless worlds of the innumerable universes hold many doors. These doors take many forms, but once opened they draw in all that is near till they close once again. Like driftwood, this detritus of the planes floats along ethereal currents until it washes onto alien shores. Sometimes this flotsam and jetsam are denizens from the countless worlds that finds themselves strangers in strange lands.

You are one such wayward traveler, washed up from turquoise oceans onto white-sand beaches beneath an azure sky. The the sky ripples with rainbow-colored auroras. Above on the bluff, casting its shadow upon you is a great city of gleaming spires. You march off the beach, other lost souls make their way along side you towards this magnificent city. As you near an archway that once passed will bring you to this strange place, a criers voice rings out, "Welcome all new arrivals to the Isle of Wanderers. Welcome all to the City that Shimmers, Lighthouse of the Planes: welcome to Elseport, and to Tanarie!"

An adventure of survival, exploration, treasure-hunting and soul-searching using Dungeons & Dragons, 5th Edition.

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