Disney Verse Adventures - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Disney Verse Adventures

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Game Description

Greetings Friends Welcome to the Disney Verse, where all the stories of the Disney kingdoms have been gathered and compiled into one world of existence. The world itself is stable, and the kingdoms are at peace after dealing with their villains and other troublemaking things but like all stories just because one book finishes with a 'happy' ending doesn't mean that's the end. The kingdoms continue to exist and through various envoys and ambassadors, the various kingdoms trade knowledge and other resources with each other so that all flourish, and every so often a collaboration of kingdoms results in big projects, academies of magic and knowledge, military camps for training the next generation of heroes for combat and even guilds for people to learn and practice various professions but for all this to exist there has to be something else in existence and that is the villains and their land of darkness

One thing certain people of this world have discovered is that this world has a system of magic in play that even if someone 'dies' their existence doesn't end and they are for the most part revived. This includes the various villains and other troublemakers but instead of being allowed to roam the kingdoms they caused trouble in, the villains are 'banished' to their own kingdom, the land of darkness, a sort of land of villainy that exists to balance out the various kingdoms of light and good and for the most part that even that dark land is quiet. Sure anyone who visits there has to watch their back for a thug itching for a fight or a thief just practicing their pickpocket skills but those who live in that dark land have come to a consensus, It could be a lot worse. Here they have the freedom to exist how they choose not held back by morals or social rank but can live by their own will and strength and they can respect one another for their strength. Magic sustains the land and allows people to exist without too much hardship and peace is maintained because of respect for one another.
However, despite these claims of peace, One can't be too careful when dealing with a villain.

You are a resident of this world and have a dream to make a name for yourself like some of the greats both hero and villain who have come before you but one must always heed this warning, What goes around comes around.

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