Star Trek - Prime Directive - Myth-Weavers Lethe

Star Trek - Prime Directive

Game Masters

Game Information
  • Created May 8 '10
  • Last Post Aug 21 '10 at 7:39am
  • Status Aborted
  • System GURPS

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Game Description

Space - the Final Frontier. Star Fleet command decided after examining the records of James T Kirk and crew, and all the other ships at the time, that a crew of specially trained first contact specialists were needed. These advanced Away Teams, were trained to be what ever was needed to ensure a crew's safety. It has only been a few years since James Kirk's disappearance. The Academy started the training by selecting the best of the best and then training them more. In the years that have passed, the number of red-shirt deaths has declined, but there is still that element of risk.

You are the elite of Star Fleet, A Prime Team, a small band of multi-tasking experts who are the best that the Federation can send on various special missions. A Prime Team is a combination of a commando team, gang of spies, diplomatic negotiating group, scientific exploration party, hostage rescue squad, and special missions force.
Characters need a back story. There are many races available to play. All Federation.

Races - Humans, Vulcans(70), Rigellians(11), Cygnans(16), Alpha-Centaurans(50/24), Prellarians(35), Deians(37), Brecons(45), Mynieni(67), Arcturians(35), Andorians(50), and Tellarites(27). If you have a questions about any race, I will add a brief synopsis.

Templates(optional) Star Fleet Academy(27), Federation Marine Academy(52), Federation Marine boot camp(27), Merchant Marine Academy(33), or Merchant Marine Basic Training(3). (generally one to a customer.)

Personal Certifications.(needed for specific positions)
Communications Officer: Cryptography/TL - 12, Electronics Operation(Communications)/TL - 15, Electronics Repair(Communications)/TL - 15, Mathematics(Cryptology)/TL - 12
Damage Control Technician: Armory(choose one)/TL - 12, Electronics Repair(choose one)/TL - 15, Electronics Repair(choose one)/TL - 12, Mechanic(choose one)/TL - 15, Spacer/TL - 15
Helm/Navigation:Astronomy/TL - 12, Electronics Operation(Sensors)/TL - 15, Electronics Repair(Sensors)/TL - 15, Navigation(Space)/TL - 15, Piloting(Aerospace)/TL - 15
Medical Assistant: Diagnosis/TL - 12, Electronics Operation(Medical) - 12, Electronics Repair(Medical) - 12, First Aid/TL -15, Physician/TL - 12, Physiology(Native Race)/TL - 12
Medical Doctor: Diagnosis/TL - 15, Electronics Operation(Medical) - 12, Electronic Repair(Medical) - 12, First Aid/TL - 18, Physician/TL - 18, Physiology(Native Race)/TL - 15, Physiology(One Other Race)/TL - 12, Surgery/TL - 15
Operations Officer: Computer Operation/TL - 18, Electronics Operation(Choose One) - 15, Electronics Operation(Choose Two) - 12, Electronics Repair(Choose One) - 15, Electronics Repair(Choose One) - 12
Propulsion Engineer: Electrician/TL - 15, Engineer(Electrical)/TL - 12, Mechanic(Warp Engines)/TL - 15. Mechanic(Impulse Engines)/TL - 15
Science Officer: Computer Operation/TL - 15, Electronics Operation(Scientific) - 18, Electronic Repair(Scientific) - 12, Any one Science skill (primary discipline) - 15, Any Two science skills (Secondary disciplines, or related) - 12
Special Forces Training: Armory(Small Arms)/TL - 15, Beam Weapons(Pistol)/TL - 15, Beam Weapons(Rifle)/TL - 15, Camouflage - 15, Climbing - 15, Electronic Operation(Communications)/TL - 12, Engineer(Combat)/TL - 12, Explosives(Demolitions)/TL - 12, First Aid/TL - 15, Forward Observer/TL - 12, Jumping - 12, Karate - 15, Knife - 15, Navigation(Land) - 12, Operations - 12, Stealth - 15, Strategy -12, Swimming - 12, Tactics - 12, Throwing - 12, Traps - 12
Transporter Operations: Electronics Operation(Sensors)/TL - 15, Electronic Operations(Transporters)/TL - 18, Electronic Repair(Transporter)/TL - 16, Electronics Repair(Sensors)/TL - 12
Weapons (Tactical) Officer: Armory(Heavy Weapons)/TL - 12, Armory(Small Arms)/TL - 12, Electronics Operation(Electronic Warfare) - 12, Electronics Operation(Force Shields) - 12, Electronics Operation(Sensors) - 12, Electronic Repair(Any two of the above) - 12, Gunner(Pick one of Phaser, Racial Heavy Weapon, Racial Seeking Weapon) - 15, Gunner(Pick two of Phaser, racial heavy weapon, racial seeking weapon) - 12, Tactics -12

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