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Game Expectations


This is my second attempt at running this; the first one crashed due to GM inattention and I vowed to myself that would not happen this time. (I hope the players will help keep me in line as well with a cattle prod if need be!)

Characters will be created to DL:TWW standards as Seasoned cowpokes. I'd prefer not to go the Veteran O' The Weird West route, but if the submission is very much above average, I may consider 1 among the posse size of 4-6 that I am looking for. I mean, there's got to be a crotchety old cowhand that just has seen it all, right?

Whether this is your first time with Deadlands and Savage Worlds, or you are an old timer from pre-Deluxe edition, you are welcome. No matter your outlook or philosophy about life, as long as you can have fun, and don't become an overbearing varmint we'll be in good shape.


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