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  2. Into the Stranglewood: Journey to the Roseate Monarch And Rosecourt, Seat of the Roseate Attendants [/]-[/]-[ ]-[ ] Alfred Gardening Helena Clearing Mire Ham On Watch Hoist At the Helm (Cut a Path) Rifhe Harvesting Honey Journey Tracks - Slipfang Ship Sheet K's Chart [/]-[/]-[ ]-[ ] Karakkal's Revenge [/]-[/]-[/]-[ ] Pieter's Return [/]-[/]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] Mindcatcher Growth [/]-[ ]-[ ] For the first time since his sudden and unexpected recruitment into the crew of the Slipfang, Hoist took the helm. The ship, while not quite as good as new, was certainly in a much better condition that it had been yesterday, and after a few false starts was running smoothly. The ironbound skirted them around the stretch of sea where he thought he had heard pirates, and kept them on a heading taking them westward, toward the Roseate Monarch. The morning's clouds cleared away, to be replaced by warm sunshine; more than enough to replace the compressed sunlight leaked out by the engine during the previous day's problems. Helena, still struggling with herself, spent some time in her room, then stalking the halls of the ship alongside the spectral slinks, and then finally took some time to truly relax and unwind, napping in her room and staring out the windows of the navigation suite. Rifhe spent several hours becoming friendly with the ship's hearthbees, and after twice as many false starts as the ship's engine, managed to come away with a ragged honeycomb and only a handful of stings. The honey in the comb, once extracted, was the color of ash, and reminded the horizoneer of the calcified trees. He theorized to anyone who would listen (mostly Ham, keeping watch) that the bees must have taken in some petrified pollen in their latest batch of honey. He thought that consuming the honey might have mild petrifying effects, but was not quite willing to test them out. Alfred worked off his fury at Karakkal's arachnoid sabotage by undoing the calcatrice's damage to his eldbestberries, planting some candlemoss, and transplanting the mindcatcher into a proper garden plot. This last task took far longer than it should have, as the plant's leaves made him dizzy, and he ultimately had to blindfold himself and rely on Old Stumps and Torvek hollering directions from across the deck to get it in place. Still, it felt good to have all the plants in once place. Duo hauled in the trawler nets as dusk fell again, and an angry chittering squirrel leapt out, bit Torvek, and then jumped out again. As Torvek cursed after it, Duo fished out something from the net they had noticed the squirrel was missing: a very velvety, fluffy, oversized tail. Then night fell, and the ship, and its crew, rested, with Ham keeping an eye out through the night. OOC Helena's Mire is gone, you have advanced one more step towards Rosecourt, Rifhe got you some very interesting (and possibly poisonous) honey, the plants are all in one place (and the Mindcatcher rules have been replaced by ship garden rules), and your trawler nets hauled in a velvet-squirrel tail. Scene: A Midnight Haunting Happy (Soon-to-Be) Halloween! 'Twas the night after battle, and all through the ship, Not a creature was stirring, except for a slip. The crew were all sleeping, without any care, In hopes they would wake up, lungs full of fresh air. The envelope twisted, and watchful Ham spied, The post on the deck, then on spectral winds, glide; The gau hobbled off, in fierce swift pursuit, Down belowdecks, and with alarm he did hoot. His crewmates awakened, all staring aghast, At K's empty room, the ironbound last. The wordbearer gone, with nothing else left, But an envelope, bloodied, and hearts bereft. The crew were all roused, staring down at K's empty, rumpled bed. Where there should have been a comatose mothryn, there was instead simply a bloodstained envelope. Though only Helena, Ham, Duo, and Wrench had really known her in any true capacity, the mothryn had been one of the Slipfang's original crew and was still fiercely defended by both the corsair and alchemist. The two of them looked physically struck by her absence, while Duo and Wrench, who were harder to read, seemed quieter. "She can't have... gotten up and walked off to the galley, could she have?" Rifhe asked lightly. Ham knelt by the bed and checked it. "No spiders," they said, softly. "And her undelivered letters are gone." The gau stood and gestured; the bag of letters that K had always carried with her was still there, but completely empty. "Still, sirs, we should maybe check the ship?" hazarded Torvek. The crew split up, scouring the ship from top to bottom, but there was no sign of K. There was only the letter. On the top deck, Ham held the letter they had found on her bed, sealed with an unmarked wax seal. It was addressed to The Slipfang. Ham opened it, and pulled out a small card of paper. It read: Don't open this! Helena yelled in alarm, and they all looked up. A deep purple light; emanating from the moon, had enveloped their ship. The envelope Ham was holding turned inside out, the paper card crumbling to dust, and then the world lurched. The green sea, now bathed in purple, contorted around them. They all lost their balance, save Wrench and Hoist, who looked remarkably unperturbed. Helena had it worst; not only did she call to her knees, but she nearly lost her last meal over the deck as a terrible wave of vertigo swept over her. The wildsea fell away from them, and the Slipfang was airborn; no, it was falling. Wrench and Hoist, both ironbound, both unaffected, exchanged a glance. Hoist ran back to the helm, reclaiming his rightful place, while Wrench did a hero's work and unfurled the channeling sail by himself. The sail unfurled, and the Slipfang's fall was arrested, becoming more of a glide characterized by a rapid descent. Hoist switched the helm's controls from the saw to the sail, and swept his gaze over the world around him. The others came to themselves after several moments, beginning with Duo and ending with Helena. They, too, stared out over the deck, gawping at what lay before them. Above them was a massive purple moon, hanging over a funnel-shaped forest inundated with purple light. The sides of the forest sloped away from a hole of pure darkness at the funnel's center, seeming to extend infinitely onward and upward. The trees below them were wrong in several ways; these were not ironroots, upon which they sailed, but instead smaller trees, like the old forests of legend that could sometimes still be found on larger mountaintops and plateaus, and more sparsely spaced. And what was worse, these trees were not crowned with leaves, but instead with... Helena inhaled sharply, her eyes even keener than usual. "Are those... envelopes on the trees?" Rifhe swung up to the observation platform. "I do believe we have fallen into a slipscar! Welcome to the spirit world, friends!" As the Slipfang glided down towards the trees, there not being enough of a breeze to keep them aloft for long in this place, three landmarks stood out to them. One was a particularly large and tall tree, stretching up about five times the height of those around it, about halfway between where the Slipfang was now and the pit at the center. Another was the black pit itself at the bottom of the funnel-forest. The third was a patch of light flickering from beneath the trees to starboard, glowing faintly. Hoist, at the helm, realized he was going to need to pick a place to landcrash the ship, and he hoped that the envelope trees would cushion the blow. OOC Welcome to the slipscar! If you've been keeping up with your future crewmember Kalyras/Nika, you may have some hint as to what's going on here. As Hoist is at the helm, he gets to make the choice about where to "land" the ship. There are four rough choices: The very large tree. The pit at the bottom of the forest. A patch of light nearby. A random patch of letter-forest that looks softer (i.e., with more letter-leaves) than the rest.
  3. Exactly, the system is really really intuitive, and being a Jrpg, with enphasys on J, means that the japanese are used to overexplaining things, yes. I suggest the roll with the 13 in it. I was running a little simulation of a Lildrak Fight4/Enh3/Scout3 And... welp... °-° you'll be a pretty fine tank with a nice accuracy a Ton of HP and embarassing defence.
  4. Last turn Lydia's hit gave -10 ft to move speeds via rogue debilitation. I don't see it in the tracker so I think the creature wouldn't have been able to move so far. Trying to determine if it would be in range for her to skirmish strike
  5. Thank you very much. I am well in practice from my cheese obsessed characters, so all of my dwarves and Reginald the Cheeseman.
  6. Spynet Commando Advanced Training As a member of the elite Bothan Spy Network Commandos, agents are expected to push beyond standard capabilities and tailor their skills to suit the needs of covert operations. Advanced training is a crucial component of this specialization, allowing agents to excel in the specific areas that complement their missions and personal strengths. This extra layer of expertise can mean the difference between life and death in the field. Upon assignment to field duty, all Spynet commando agents are given the opportunity to enhance their capabilities by selecting one of the following Advanced Training Boons. These specializations are designed to reflect the advanced nature of Spynet operations, ensuring agents are ready for the variety of challenges they may encounter. Advanced Training Boons (Choose 1 at Character Creation) Unarmed Combat Specialization Spynet agents are often required to operate in environments where weapons may be impractical or prohibited. This specialization hones your unarmed combat abilities, allowing you to strike with increased precision and force. Damage Enhancement: Your damage die for unarmed strikes and natural weapons increases by one step (e.g., from 1 to d4, d4 to d6, or d6 to d8). Additional Qualities: Alternatively, you can add one of the following qualities to your unarmed strikes: Finesse Strength Brutal ( Keen Defensive 1 Disarming Technical Specialization Agents often need to rely on advanced technical knowledge in the field, from bypassing security systems to hacking Imperial databases. This specialization grants greater proficiency with tools and kits, allowing for more precision in your operations. Gain proficiency in two additional kits or tools of your choice. For one kit or tool in which you are proficient, you can apply double your proficiency bonus when making ability checks with it. Skill Diversity Spynet agents must be versatile, able to adapt quickly to any situation. This specialization enhances your skillset, ensuring you're prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. Gain proficiency in one additional skill of your choice. Advanced Weaponry Sometimes subtlety isn't an option, and when the situation calls for more direct measures, an agent must be proficient with a variety of weapons. This specialization allows you to wield advanced weaponry with lethal efficiency. Choose three weapons. You are considered proficient with each of these weapons, regardless of their complexity or type. You may also forgo 2 weapon choice to gain the next step in your armor proficiency (none to light, light to medium, medium to heavy) Advanced Combat Training Elite agents require not only basic combat skills but also refined techniques that grant them the edge in dangerous encounters. This specialization sharpens your combat prowess and gives you tactical options during engagements. Choose one Fighting Style (excluding Formfighting). In addition, you may select one maneuver. You gain 1d4 maneuver dice (which is spent when using the maneuver). You regain all expended dice after a short or long rest.
  7. Lydia "Lydia" She/Her, LN, Human, Half Elf; Scoundrel Rogue 10 | Character Sheet HP 76/118 | AC 28 (+2 vs first strike each round via nimble dodge) F+18 (Resilience S-> CS) | R+22 (Evasion S->CS) | W+18 | Perception+19 (low-light vision, trapfinding+2), Stealth+22 Speed: 30 ft | Hero Points: 1/3 + campaign coin Active Conditions: quickened, fly Fortitude DC 29 -> Rogue Resilience turns success into Crit Success
  8. Fortunately, the nurse has a high enough intuition to know that Percy is a human and not a Bulbasaur. She waves happily, and he makes his way into a room where he can sleep the night away. You are welcome to transition to the next morning and travel to a new location whenever you wish.
  9. Mrs. Dyer The Factotum Vitality 0 | Composure 1 | Reason 1 | Presence 1 | Sensitivity 0 Advancement XP: □□□□□ | □/■ Condition(s): Mrs. Dyer was grateful for Estelle's presence. Distraction served many purposes, but above all it exposed cracks in carefully-crafted façades. The expensive alcohol and cigars, impressive collection of books, fine furnishings, and employment of at least one servant indicated that the Beales were especially concerned with appearances. Yet, if that were the case, why were the front bushes not maintained? Why were the cigars in a glass jar instead of a humidor? Surely, a death in the house would upend things for a while, but these small details revealed a larger issue: why were the Beales so intent on appearing to have higher standing than they had? Is that why it had taken so long for the sad news of Ginny's death to become public? Were they trying to save face? What had changed their mind? Pythagoras' yelp broke her thoughts and she frowned deeply. Mr. Beale's statement about the dog's change in behavior since they moved in made perfect sense to her. Animals had a sixth sense most humans did not. To dismiss their concerns or odd behavior was to ignore vital clues. Mrs. Dyer slipped some meat from the half-eaten lunch and approached the skittish greyhound. "Come on, love. Have a nibble," she said sweetly, holding out the bit of meat for the dog. She waited patiently for the dog to gingerly take the meat from her hand. Making friends with the dog may prove useful. Perhaps having Pythagoras accompany her around the house would yield information about where the dog felt most and least comfortable. And, perhaps, she would learn about any real and present dangers. OOC
  10. Violet smiles when she sees Sabrina approach. "Sabrina! We were just talking about you! Oh, the cat ears? No. I was hoping you'd understand, but I guess not. I was going for a Gengar look, you know with the purple points on top of its head and the flowy purple hair. Oh well. I guess it doesn't really matter. But yeah, cats are nice too." She frowns when Percy leaves. "He's got a lot of potential, but he really does need to take better care of himself." She then turns back to Sabrina. "So you're going with a more business formal look? I really liked the dress. Was trying to get the armor ready for your dress look, actually. Or did I already give it to you? Sorry, my brain is a little addled. How are you?"
  11. I'm going to assume that it's absolutely relevant to me, and that it is 100% going to be a problem in the future. Also, I rolled above a 1 on an Intuition check! It was a 2. Ball?
  12. I definitly would have liked if that could have been possible, please. It is significant for the Cleric to abide by the local Temple authority, and the graveyard is a sacred place for Pharasmins.
  13. I'll have some scene updates later today. 4-5 hours.
  14. Cadmus Stone | Perception 3d6 | AP: 4/5 | AbilitiesNaturewalk (Grassland) DR 3 (DR 5 vs Weather) | Carried Pokemon: Why doesn't she want me to tell anyone I found her out here? She'd been completely truthful, as far as he could tell, but there was still something off about the whole situation. Still, it wasn't his job to police who came and went from where, and as far as he knew she wasn't doing anything illegal out here. The amount of blood back in the field still bothered him, though - she didn't appear injured, which means it could have come from the Ekans that attacked him. This whole meeting seemed...off. Misgivings and suspicions weren't evidence of anything, though. Something else could have left that blood spot, after all. She may even have just passed through it after it happened. "Well, I don't quite understand why you wouldn't want anyone to know I found you out here, but I can keep your presence out here a secret. You must really be worried about people finding out your recipes." He kept eye contact with her and said, "What sort of something incredible are we talking?" Pharoah Species: Furfrou | Abilties: Fur CoatThe user resists all physical attacks one step further. Defensive. | Immune: Ghost | Weaknesses: Fighting (1.5) | Training: Agility TrainingGains +4 Initiative and +1 Movement Pharoah kept an eye on the area around him for the powerful Pokemon. OOC Cadmus finds this whole situation weird, and there's something off to him. He doesn't have proof of anything or evidence she's being untruthful, though, so he's going to agree. I am going to roll another Intuition about the something incredible she tells me about to see if I can evaluate how dangerous it is. Pokemon Team
  15. "Yeah mate." Lucas replied, "I've had better starts to a day. Just whacked my head an' had to make sure nothing got shook loose". Although the music wasn't to his taste, he was able to tune it out after a couple of minutes. Probably just as well with the state of the traffic. Habitually reluctant to divulge too much about himself, Lucas attempted to redirect the conversation. "So, uh. I've been wondering since I got here, do you guys have to learn every street like London cab drivers?"
  16. Hrandak Steelguard AC: 20 | Save DC: 14 | HP: 27/30 | Initiative: +2 | Pass Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 16 Hrandak walks over to the injured orc and frog and says, "I can do that for ye." Hrandak then says to Slanneth, "Ye be needing some heals as well, Slanneth. Ye two need to be more careful in the future, I can only heal ye so many times." Hrandak sings the word of healing, "Swiiiiiiiiiissssss." Then, the rejuvenating powers wash over Kurgan and Slanneth. Everyone looks at confusingly at Hrandak, then Hrandak says, "What? Did my key be off, or be that ye know not that Swiss be holy cheese?" Mechanics Actions
  17. // Percy Larr // Finally back again! As soon as he was out of sight of the market, Percy ended up running the rest of the way, though he's not completely sure why. He takes a moment to catch his breath, then waves a hello to the nurse as he heads for the rooms to finally get some rest for him and his pokemon. Current Team:
  18. At first glance, the system looks intimidating but once you start reading the corebook it really is very intuitive. Honestly, it feels like the rulebook REALLY wants you to play the game, it over explains a lot of the character creation process. You have charts, templates and written examples for everything lol. The choice of STR and AGI is more of if you want to prioritize offensive or defensive capabilities, so it mostly depends on what concept of a character you have.
  19. Okay! Sheet corrected - he now speaks Yam-Cher, Terran, Kasatha, and Aklo
  20. Rion Fentril Ardennian, Smuggler, Operative AC: 15 (Heavy Combat Suit + Dex) | HP: 9/9 (1d8) | Speed: 30 ft. Initiative: +3 Senses: passive Perception 13, Insight 13, Investigation 12 Str:Save: -1 08 (-1) | Dex:Save (trained): +6 17 (+3) | Con:Save: +1 12 (+1) | Int:Save: +5 14 (+2) | Wis:Save: +1 13 (+1) | Cha:Save: +0 10 (+0) Languages: Galactic Basic and Ardennian “My words,” | ‘My thoughts,’ | My actions . . . After letting the others know the rifle was still working and had half a charge he offers it up to anyone who wants it. Hearing that they need to figure out some way to get the door open, he offers his help with that. I can help trying to get the door open. Let's see what we have to work with here. He walks up to what is left of the panel and starts trying to get the damaged parts out of the way so he can see what condition the insides are in. OOCMovement: Action: Bonus Action: Reaction: In Right Hand: In Left Hand:
  21. Did Mandor go and check with the Church before we popped into their graveyard as he appeared to want to do (since we were waiting an hour before going in anyhow)?
  22. Joliet HP: 30/30 AC: 14 Init: +3 PP: 13 Speed: 30 Ammo: 6/6 (35 total) Action Surge: 0/1 Second Wind: 1/1 Fighting Spirit: 3/3 Condition: Normal Features IC Joliet shrugs to Bram. "Right now, I'm figurin' he doesn't know he's set against us. Or me, rather. He doesn't know the rest of you from the inside of his arse. "But it's probably just a job for him, which he'll do for the drinkin' money. The real question is what happens when he sees me on the other end of his irons, yeah? Would like to think he wouldn't pull the trigger, but that assumes he's in his right mind. And this place seems to have a way of makin' people lose theirs," she says. She looks momentarily melancholy. "Wish I could say that a lifetime of love would snap him out of any such loss of clarity, but the truth is we've been strangers most our lives. Only been gettin' to know the other these last few, and he's still gone half the time, drunk the other half. So..." She shrugs again. Then her usual smirk slides back into place. "Supposin' we'll find out. If nothin' else, we finally answer the question as to which one of us is quicker on the draw." OOC Move: n/a Action: n/a AoO: n/a Action Surge: n/a Bonus Action: n/a Reaction: n/a
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