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  2. well Xiadais games on myth weavers are sometimes temperamental. In an effort to play with 2e's new mechanics I wanted to run a simple game without my usual accoutrements- mostly a home-brew world called Drelin. I thought as snow begins to fall in rl, it would be fun to breakout of imprisonment or dye trying. The future story is largely up to the players but in a perfect world I learn 2e well enough to convert my Barony of Felines to 2e and we play as nobles on Drelin. I put up a CRS thread and the two PCs will be up within a day or two. Above is one of them.(thanks Ryfte) WIP - im sure Surkri are fine, I need time to review Ostilli Host.
  3. Lucia Abate - Cleric (1) ArmorBanded AC = 4 Shield => +1 AC: 3 [16] | HP: 5/6 (d6) | AttributesStr: 10 (+0 to melee attack rolls/damage, 2-in-6 to open doors) Int: 9 (Native, literate) Wis: 13 (+1 to magic saves) Dex: 9 (+0 to AC, missile attack rolls, and initiative) Con: 10 (+0 to hit points) Cha: 14 (+1 to NPC reactions; 5 retainers max; loyalty 8) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 11 W 12 P 14 B 16 S 15 +1 vs Spells for WIS THAC0 = 19 [+0] mace (+0;1d6); sling + 20 stones (1d4; 40' range increments, +1; +0; -1) | Class AbilitiesClerics can invoke the power of their deity to repel undead monsters encountered. To turn the undead, the player rolls 2d6. The referee then consults the table opposite, comparing the roll against the HD of the type of undead monsters targeted. Successful Turning If the turning attempt succeeds, the player must roll 2d6 again to determine the number of HD affected (turned or destroyed). Turned undead: Will leave the area, if possible, and will not harm or make contact with the cleric. Destroyed undead (result of D): Are instantly and permanently annihilated. Excess: Rolled Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a monster are wasted. Minimum effect: At least one undead monster will always be affected on a successful turning. Mixed groups: If turn undead is used against a mixed group of undead monsters of different types, those with the lowest HD are affected first. | SpellsNone yet | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone currently | "Nows dat ya mentions it, did Croaker really seem like he's could count...?" Well, he was clever enough to bargain for and save his miserable life. No, I don't really trust him, but the 'metal shoes' part, at least, seems to have been borne out. OOC
  4. @ocelotdie So, I forgot completely, you'll want to also let people know about gear! Treasure / wealth... Treasure for New Characters Now, I know we are going to be prisoners, but, if you have the players list items they want within the given wealth / level restrictions it will be gear you can dole out to them earlier in the adventure to get them "geared up" if you will, lol. Its like normal gear purchasing effectively, you're simply taking away said gear until its recovered. Unless you're just going to have the wolves quite literally give it all back right away, in which case, let people get their stuff and have it on their sheets to start with. Oh, and one other thing as well, you're going to want to specify remastered vs. legacy. The standard, for the most part, is remastered for all material that has been remastered and legacy for additional materials. For example, all the core classes have now been remastered, so none of the legacy versions would be allowed typically. On the other hand there are a ton of archetypes that are legacy still and they're typically allowed as is. That sort of thing basically. Archives of Nethys has everything labeled with remastered vs. legacy for easy reference. I think the other PF2e sites do as well.
  5. I rolled in OOC and got an 8. Going off of page 4 of your personal play book. If we're doing average only then yea it should be 20.
  6. Def a win for Aife, yes, but a wild move to pull off narratively in the context of the play. Captured princess suddenly kisses monster trying to take over power. Though I did also technically say that none of what I said applied in a fight
  7. Aife could win by losing "you know what i told you about kissing attacks?" "yes" "....forget what i said"πŸ₯°
  8. So... I kinda messed with the stuff surrounding Aife's arrival but... did Emily ever actually get healed? Or is she still below half health? Though she should in theory still have the digestion buff from the muffin? I think she ate it, at least. Either way this might be a bit of a problem emotionally for Aife, if not necessarily mechanically. At least I can whale on the Arbok for the moment.
  9. "...Emergency..." The voice whispers faintly and then vanishes again, giving Cadmus the impression that it has gone back to sleep. Professor Redgum gives Cadmus a curious look. "Are you alright, Cadmus?"
  10. The two pokemon give a little start, surprised to see a human in the area. They both regard Joseph with curiosity for a moment. Then the blue one does a jump, continuing to show off. The Vulpix hips happily and continues to watch. Both pokemon have had their disposition improved from Fearful to Neutral. It is your turn.
  11. "The survivors from the west had come to attack," Diva narrates dramatically. "Amidst the chaos, Draco and Ralse both sang of their love for Maria. And Ultros, the monstrous chancellor, saw their chance to seize power once more. Would Draco be reunited with Maria at last, or would he be slain in front of her by Ralse's hands? Or would all of them fall, leaving Ultros to claim the prince's throne?" "Wait...are we battling now?" Emily gasps with sudden realization. "Its a gym battle, dearie. There has to be some competition to it! A 4 way battle to see who wins, and how the story ends." Emily looks over at Foster with a worried look, and then she looks at Aife. "Oh f-" Combat has begun! Emily has already taken her turn, since she has the highest speed. Hugs has the lowest, so Aife and Foster may act next. Remember that this is a dramatic opera battle, so while this works just like normal pokemon combat it also requires dramatic description. Also, you will get in trouble (attacked by Diva) if an attack damages the stage or theater itself. Also, each character will lose narratively if their character's narrative goal fails. Details are below: Maria loses if Draco is reduced to 0 health before Ultros is reduced to 0 health Draco loses if Maria is reduced to 0 health before Ralse is reduced to 0 health Ralse loses if Ultros is reduced to 0 health before Draco is reduced to 0 health Ultros loses if they ever attack the same person twice in a row before 2 other people are reduced to 0 health. Also, based on your acting performances, the following boosts are given at the start of the battle. Foster gets +2 CS to S ATK but drops down to +1 because Emily used Confide on her turn. Emily gets +2 CS to S ATK. Hugs gets +2 CS to ATK. Aife gets the Five Strike keyword added to her Struggle attacks while in combat.
  12. Hinami Human Swordsman HP: 12/12|| FP: 11/12|| Conditions/Effects: (Basic Speed, 7) Hinami steps into position to attack. As he moves, he says "Drez, move your head a little to the left". Hinami then starts what looks to be a mem attack ("Men is a long slashing stroke that targets the center of the head") that diverts into a cut into the creatures left shoulder. OOC All Out Attack – move 1 hex NE (should then have, more or less, clear line of sight between Zurana and Drez). Katana 1 hand, Swing, 2 range SL 23. Determined Attack (+4 skill). -2 for attacking into Close Combat. A Deceptive Attack (-8 skill, -4 to defense). ESL = 17. Rolled 8. 2d+5 Cutting, rolled 13.
  13. With the grave dug, the assembled party, along with Eren, Ludwid, and Endra, laid the corpse of Rikard Vos to rest just as the morning sun broke the horizon. Partway through the process, Endra wandered solemnly away from the group. Kichea stepped up to the head of the grave, holding a burning torch, and spoke a few brief words, as is the way of the Sacred Flame, hoping that Rikard's flame be accepted into the Divine Flame in the afterlife. She tossed the burning torch into the grave and those gathered passed around a shovel so that those interested could take turns piling the dirt back into the grave. That sad business done, Eren gave freely a pack of provisions for the road to Ludwig and Endra before they set out on their way, with few remaining words for the party. Rain had started to fall and the party went about packing up their belongings in order to finish the trek to Emberwood Village. The night had shown them but the slightest of the twisted and horrific things that they might encounter within the city of Drakkenheim. Not only that, but the night had tested the bond between them. Where before they had been amiable travellers on their way to their individual destinies, the night had shown them each the reality that awaited them: that they would need to rely on each other to survive within the city, and that the differences between them were vast. Drakkenheim would test not only their survival skills and will, but also the strength of their trust in one another, which had already started to show its weaknesses. The rest of the trip was short and uneventful, but Drakkenheim's fate became more and more pronounced. As Eren's wagon neared Emberwood Village, Geminara, Lottie, and Ardor felt the same pain as always, looking upon the desolated landscape that had been so lush, green, and vibrant in their youths. Where once a thick forest had lined the road to Emberwood, the party now wound their way through an expanse of dead gray trees. Eventually, Emberwood Village comes into view and as the party approaches, the village is quiet and seemingly empty. They travel through a collection of residences, all abandoned and deteriorating with their windows and doors nailed shut. And then the wagon nears the middle of Emberwood and the mood changes distinctly. The village centre is alive with activity. Conversation, laughter, and music resound from several taverns along the main thoroughfare. Amidst a bustling market square, a small crowd of adventurers, merchants, and prospectors busily traffic all manner of weapons, equipment, coins, recovered treasures, and a few strange glimmering crystals. Even the light of the Sacred Flame still glows within the modest stone chapel at the heart of town. It is the first sign of real life that you have seen in three weeks and it a welcome sight, indeed; the final bastion of humanity before one reaches the fallen city. Eren brings the wagon to a stop in an empty space on the perimeter of the central crossroads. As she disembarks from the wagon, she wastes no time in fishing out the agreed upon payment for the protection on the trip. She hands each of you a pouch of 25 gold piecesEach character receives 25 gp. "Your help was most welcome," she says to each of you, in turn, as she shakes your hand and bids you farewell. "I wish you good fortune in the city. If things don't go well... well, I'll be travelling back in another few weeks, so keep it in mind. I won't keep you, but if you need to get set up, go see the owner of the Beak and Buzzard. It's a good place to relax and have a meal, but the owner might also be able to set you up with lodging. If you need any supplies, or have any questions, my stall will be set up here. Take care of yourselves." As a final gesture, Eren leaves you with a map of Emberwood and gives you a brief overview of the main locations in the village. You turn from the wagon, standing amidst your other five companions in Caravan Court. It is a hubbub of activity as the other merchants with stalls set up go about their business of trade. A few miles north lies Drakkenheim... OOC There is now an Emberwood Village entry in Rules & Resources with a brief description of the locations around town and a map (also included below).
  14. Gaerzil | HP 22/22 | AC 16 | Initiative +3 | Passive Perception 11 Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4 | 2nd: 3/3 Active Effects: Mage armor Gaerzil settles in as Duke Portyr begins to speak, knowing from prior experience how dull and uncharismatic the man was. He's genuinely surprised, though, that he has the courage to openly call out the Cult of Zariel, their plans, and even their fiendish leader Gharizol. He didn't expect that sort of chutzpah from the old fop. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out well for him. Gaerzil winces as the arrow thuds into the duke's chest and turns to look for the source. The screams draw his attention back to the stage, however, just in time for him to see an entire bloody squad of lesser devils explode out of Portyr's torso. "Bloody Hells!" he snarls, taken aback for a moment before collecting himself enough to recognize the threat they now face. Well, there's no time to waste. Before anyone can close to melee with the creatures, Gaerzil calls upon his signature spell, mindshatter, aiming to catch as many fiends in the blast radius as he can. OOC Casting mindshatter; that'll be as many DC 14 Con saves as Gaerzil can hit, please. Also, he'll roll a Religion to try and identify our new friends fiends.
  15. "But this is my costume" she think how to prove it to Yellowgum and get an idea, Sabrina take out her pokedex and scroll through it, after several seconds she turn the screen to Yellowgum "This is me" The pokedex show a picture, the selfie she has taken with Queen, in the picture Sabrina is crouching, to be at the same height of the gengar and she's wearing her normal dress. Hopefully Yellowgum will accept it, she stow away her pokedex and take two pokeballs. She summon Litwick and Phantump "She hasnt a name yet, names are important, we need to think about it, shes a Litwick" holding the candle pokemon in the palm of her hand "She does prefer Percy's lifeforce over mine, better taste, but a little nip once in a while is hardly noticeable, like donating blood, definitely not the monster portrayed by the pokedex" "While he is Stumped" raising the other hand "never made a sound, but communicate with hand gestures, he too is victim of the pokedex description" "Based on legends, legends! their name get tainted because a legend say they are the cause of lost children, legends likely made by the parents who lost them...." like with Cadmus, when Sabrina begin to talk about this topic, she sound like a pro-ghost activist, fighting her battle to clean their name. "I would like to submit them, that way ghosts will be represented"
  16. βš” Round IV βš” With Fuma recovered, it's time to move things around. Fuma, Mareen, Krone, and Gemma all move at once, as Audren lashes out and misses once again and Sanguinus haphazardly defends his location, not getting in an opportunity to do much damage to the foe before him. Fuma moves out of Krone's way as the white-haired woman lashes out at the armor before Sanguinus, Fuma doing the same: both send shards of scrap metal flying in all direction, the armor looking quite roughly made now. Sadly Gemma's chilling touch finds no register this time, nor does Mareen's cutting wordsGoblin Boss 2 Save 13 vs. Mareen VM Save DC 13, fail. The goblin only grins, then picks her to throw something at. "You die first!" Picking up another makeshift dagger, he tosses it at Mareen, and unfortunately, it hitsGoblin Boss Ranged Dagger Attack 16 vs. Mareen AC 16, hit for 3 piercing damage, catching her in the shoulder. The animated armors begin their assault against Sanguinus and a renewed Fuma accordingly. The one falling apart almost hits Sanguinus square in the face but falls shortAnimated Armor 3 Attacks with disadvantage 7/6 and 7/19 vs. Sanguinus AC 18, miss short, as does the one directly in front of FumaAnimated Armor 4 Attack with Disadvantage 11/17 and 13/12 vs. Fuma AC 18, miss. The others remain inert, unmoving in their frustration. The battle rages on. Out of Character Initiative: Party15 Future Initiative Pool: 13, 13.333 Enemies13 Enemies Goblin Boss 2-AC 17, 9/21 HP Animated Armor 1-AC 18, 32/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Animated Armor 2-AC 18, 33/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Animated Armor 3-AC 18, 10/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Animated Armor 4-AC 18, 33/33 HP, Conditions and AbilitiesDamage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned Begin Round 5! No OA this round! But progress with one of the bad guys.
  17. Yes! You can do that in the SNES version I play. One of the disasters is to summon a giant Bowser to trample the city.
  18. Wobgom - Gargantua (1) ArmorChainmail Armor AC = 5 DEX +1 to AC AC: 4 | HP: 12/12 (d10) | AttributesStr 18 (+3) Int 9 Wis 11 Dex 13 (+1) Con 16 (+2) Cha 11 | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 8 W 9 P 10 D 13 S 12 THAC0 = 19 Polearm +3 (1d10+3) Brace, Melee, Slow, Two-Handed Shortsword +3 (1d6+3 ) Melee Crossbow +1 (1d6) Missile (5’–80’ / 81’–160’ / 161’–240’), Reload, Slow, Two-handed | Class AbilitiesTwo-handed Weapons: A gargantua can wield two-handed melee weapons with one hand. Open Doors: Open doors one level higher than normal. Throw Rocks: Can throw rocks for 1d6 damage. Range: 50/100/150. | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone | GearBackpack Belt Pouch Tinder Box 6 Torches Waterskin 2 Iron Rations Mirror (hand-sized, steel), Large Sack 50' Hemp Rope Whistle | "Nows dat ya mentions it, did Croaker really seem like he's could count...?" OOC Wobgom Int Check(9)
  19. Oh, that sounds good! Thanks, Col.! Here's hoping that Bobcloclimar says "yes" to that. (But even if not, I'll stay my course. Jacquie's not created as fighter, anyway.) Olothontor the Dreamer
  20. Lucia Abate - Cleric (1) ArmorBanded AC = 4 Shield => +1 AC: 3 [16] | HP: 5/6 (d6) | AttributesStr: 10 (+0 to melee attack rolls/damage, 2-in-6 to open doors) Int: 9 (Native, literate) Wis: 13 (+1 to magic saves) Dex: 9 (+0 to AC, missile attack rolls, and initiative) Con: 10 (+0 to hit points) Cha: 14 (+1 to NPC reactions; 5 retainers max; loyalty 8) | Speed, Saves, ATKsSpeed: 60’ (20’) Saves D 11 W 12 P 14 B 16 S 15 +1 vs Spells for WIS THAC0 = 19 [+0] mace (+0;1d6); sling + 20 stones (1d4; 40' range increments, +1; +0; -1) | Class AbilitiesClerics can invoke the power of their deity to repel undead monsters encountered. To turn the undead, the player rolls 2d6. The referee then consults the table opposite, comparing the roll against the HD of the type of undead monsters targeted. Successful Turning If the turning attempt succeeds, the player must roll 2d6 again to determine the number of HD affected (turned or destroyed). Turned undead: Will leave the area, if possible, and will not harm or make contact with the cleric. Destroyed undead (result of D): Are instantly and permanently annihilated. Excess: Rolled Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a monster are wasted. Minimum effect: At least one undead monster will always be affected on a successful turning. Mixed groups: If turn undead is used against a mixed group of undead monsters of different types, those with the lowest HD are affected first. | SpellsNone yet | LanguagesCommon | Special EffectsNone currently | Lucia looks at the boot-clocks and compares with the can(s) that Bramzann exhibits (INT check follows) thinking about their likely weight. Croaker, if we can trust him, said: You put three cans down, you get the metal shoes. I saw this, long ago! Of course, he might have been referring to other cans, but these are all we've found so far. OOC So ... let me guess ... the dice roller will give me a '20' now when I don't need it. Ugh. This thing is sentient and evil: oh, so taunt me with a 20 will you? Fine, I'll give you the target number missed by 1.
  21. Yes, but do we blow them up before or after our ticket says we must? And do we blow them up as a group or will pair off in order to blow up more ground? No problem here with seeing what's at the end of the ride and confronting it as a group. Wyck seemed to suggest that would be a bad idea, though. Yopine agrees with him even if that's not what he tried to convey (in which case, my apologies). She trusts their leadership enough to go along with whatever they decide to do. Do you want her to check the ship's charts to see what their stops will look like?
  22. Today
  23. Mishka Strakeln (Dwarven Artificer 4) HP: 35/35 | AC: 19 | Passive Perception: 13 Active Effects: NA Spells and Expendables Hardly listening at first, Mishka is pondering Hravin's reversal of the Book Club recommendation, wondering if she might bring up a suggestions of a history of Candlekeep, as Hravin might be able to correct inaccuracies... Or there's always histories of the Sunrise Mountains, Mishka's homelands. Through all of these thoughts, Duke Portyr drones on, right up to the moment that he doesn't, and instead unceremoniously ejects his internal organs all over the dwarf and those aroundh er! Mishka's very first thought is that Hex is going to think that the party killed the Duke-- by inaction, most likely, but the gnome doesn't seem good with causality in these matters. Her shield is in her hand in a moment as she scrambles forward, trying to climb onto the stage and enter the fray! Her right gauntlet glows with a magical sigil meaning Thunder in old Dwarven, Mishka growls at the nearest imp, "Back to hell wit you, monster!" OOC Move: Get on the stage and as close to imps as I can. Uncertain if Action: Highly contingent. Either dashing to reach the foes, or (if I can reach the foes with one move) casting a spell or attacking. Without a map, it's a little unclear what I can do without actively harming a non-hostile NPC, or if I can even reach our foes from where I am. What I would love to do is put myself in the middle of as many imps/Nupperibos as possible and immediately Thunderwave my foes. If and only if that is possible without catching the an innocent in the spray, then here's the damage (DC14 Con saving throw to resist and take half damage. On a failure take full damage and gget pushed 10ft back.): Thunderwave However, if that's not possible, then I get within attacking distance of the closest foe and Thunder-gauntlet that sonofagun: Thundergauntlet Religion:1d20+4 EDIT: Assuming I can Thunderwave, I delay my action until after Kavonde's action. But if he can't do a Mindshatter this round, screw him! He should have acted faster! Nerd! I'm using my Thunder-twin powers!
  24. Mordant gurgles and twitches on the floor… This is why he lurks at the back behind the warriors.
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