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  1. -- Smart Hero (Mastermind/1) HP: 7 | Defense: 13 | Initiative +2 | Passive Perception 12 Str +0 | Dex +2 | Con +1 | Int +3 | Wis +2 | Cha: +2 Having disembarked the crowded SUV, the group enters the eating establishment. Once the team is safely deposited into the "Party Room", the two silent agents quietly disappear. Looking around the.... "restaurant" -- (A far too generous word to use to describe Nacho Haüs in Emil's opinion. Perhaps 'truck stop?') -- the Professor selects the cleanest chair that he can find at the table where Butch and Jo are seated, takes out a handkerchief, and deliberately dusts off the seat before taking his place. Trying to ignore the eatery's gaudy and excessive use of stuffed animals as décor, he examines a readily available menu, and then tries to stifle a gagging reflex. "Er, ah, yes, Butch. That was Bogota where you ate the cow. And, yes, it was under the influence." Setting the offensive flyer as far away from himself as possible, he continues. "Permit me to introduce myself. I am Emil-Auguste Lucard. I am an evolutionary biologist although I tend to function more as a cryptozoologist for REDEMPTION. You may address me as Emil-Auguste or Professor or even Doctor." He then nods curtly at Butch and rolls his eyes heavenward, "Sigh. And I do answer occasionally to 'Frenchy' as my hirsute compatriot here likes to call me." Turning to the others, he continues, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mlle. Josephine. The same for you, M. Henri. However, I am curious as to your areas of specialization. It may give us a clue as to our upcoming mission." He turns expectantly to Johnny Outlaw. "And as for you, monsieur....?"
  2. Prof. Alberich von Nibelungen, Rock Gnome Wizard Statblock [b][url=http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2582688]Prof. Alberich von Nibelungen[/url][/b] [i]Rock Gnome Wizard 4 LG[/i] [b]AC[/b] 12 [b]HP[/b] 26 [b]Speed[/b] 25ft [b]Str[/b] 10 (0) [b]Dex[/b] 14 (2) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 12 (1) [b]Int[/b] 16 (3) [b]Cha[/b] 10 (0) [b]Attacks[/b] [b]Quarterstaff[/b] 1d20 +2 1d6 [b]Dagger[/b] 1d20 +4 1d4 +2 [b][/b] [b][/b] [b][/b] Wizard Features Hit Points, PHB, pg. 113 Proficiencies, PHB, pg. 113 Arcana History Spellcasting, PHB, pg. 114 You can cast prepared wizard spells using INT as your spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 16, Spell Attack +8) and wizard spells in your spellbook as rituals if they have the ritual tag. You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus. Arcane Recovery, PHB, pg. 115 Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover - up to a combined level of 3, and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. Arcane Recovery: (No Action) / Long Rest Arcane Tradition, PHB, pg. 115 School of Illusion Illusion Savant, PHB, pg. 117 The gold and time you must spend to copy an illusion spell into your spellbook is halved. Improved Minor Illusion, PHB, pg. 115 2nd level When you choose this school at 2nd level, you learn the minor illusion cantrip. If you already know this cantrip, you learn a different wizard cantrip of your choice. The cantrip doesn’t count against your number of cantrips known. When you cast minor illusion, you can create both a sound and an image with a single casting of the spell. FEAT, PHB, pg. Magic Initiate (Wizard) You learn two cantrips of your choice from the wizard's spell list -- Minor Illusion and Mold Earth. In addition, choose one 1st-level spell from the wizard's spell list -- Color Spray. You learn that spell and can cast it at its lowest level. Once you cast it, you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again using this feat. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. RACIAL TRAITS Darkvision, BR, pg. 37 You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft. Gnome Cunning, BR, pg. 37 You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic. Artificer’s Lore, BR, pg. 37 Add twice your proficiency bonus to History checks related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices. Tinker, BR, pg. 37 You are proficient with tinker's tools and can use them to construct tiny clockwork devices. Not understanding why his spell proved ineffective, the little Professor shoots yet another fire bolt at the madman. Waving his staff at Effalreich, Alberich utters the incantation, "Feuerblitz!" HP: 26/26 AC: 12 (15) Spells: Lev1 -- 2/4; Lev2 -- 2/3 OOC Casting Firebolt yet again on Effalreich. Hopefully, if successful, the damage is not severe enough to kill the poor fellow, but at this point, stuff happens, y'know?
  3. Prof. Emile-Auguste Lucard -- Smart Hero (Mastermind/1 ) HP: 7 | Defense: 13 | Initiative +2 | Passive Perception 12 Str +0 | Dex +2 | Con +1 | Int +3 | Wis +2 | Cha: +2 Prof. Emil-Auguste Lucard, the eminent French cryptozoologist, had previously arrived at NYC for an international scientific conference held at Columbia University. He received the REDEMPTION call on his smartwatch over a secure channel while delivering a lecture on evolutionary biology. As soon as he could, he grabs an Uber to his hotel room where he picks up his traveling luggage, takes another Uber, and catches a late-night private jet sent by REDEMPTION over to LaGuardia Airport to Des Moines International Airport as per orders. Naturally he doesn’t carry everything that he owns because he was traveling. Besides, the agency would normally provide the necessary equipment on-site, especially since weapons and hazardous material are prohibited by FAA and DHS in the States. Still, the Professor manages to take some "light" reading material along for the long trip ahead — a recent French biography on Léonard de Vinci, a book of the poetry of Robinson Jeffers, a translated copy of a medieval bestiary, and a textbook on evolutionary cell biology. Once on the plane, he sees the others. As always, Emil doesn’t know who’s on the team nor what the current mission objectives are. However, he has met the sleeping giant known as Butch before. While he was not necessarily a sparkling conversationalist, mind you, he often came in very handy in a firefight. So he nods his head politely towards him, smiles at the others, and grabs a seat in the back where he could read in peace with his earbuds tuned into a station playing the music of Édith Piaf, the famed French chanteuse. The others on the plane, though, they seem... interessantes, to say the least. The well-dressed Asian fellow, the enigmatic bearded young man, and the physically impressive woman warrior. Comme c'est belle une femme! Standard REDEMPTION protocol, albeit informal, was for the operatives to not speak to each other about their mission until they were all officially briefed. So, he reads -- all along the way -- keeping to himself. Somewhere along the 90-minute drive to their mysterious destination -- somewhere amidst the endless fields of corn, wheat, and soybeans, with only an occasional town or copse of trees, the young Asian introduces himself. Emil was so startled, he dropped his poetry book onto the floor. The poor academician didn't know what to say at first to Henry, so he spoke in French. "Eh? Pardonnez-moi, monsieur. Un moment...." The academician turns off his earbuds and shakes the man's proffered hand. "Ah, yes. Henri, you say? Ah, I.... um, I am Prof. Emil-Auguste Lucard. Eh, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
  4. Actually, it’s not a required M-W format. It’s just something I remember from a French comic book that I read as a teenager. I think it’s the French way of depicting a quote. Anyway, it popped back into my head recently and I thought it might work here. Just a point of fact, though. While I still remember a little French, I just use Google translate for Lucard’s linguistic skills. LOL!
  5. Evidently we only need to give our Dispatch ID number and he will take care of it himself. That’s why some of us have included it at the top of our applications with our PC names.
  6. DARWYN PRIESTLY ("Morgan Hunt") - Outlaw Human Operative 1 HP: 10/10 | SP: 8/8| RP: 5/5 | EAC: 15 | KAC: 16 | FORT: +2 | REF: +6 | WILL: +4 | INITIATIVE: +5 LINK: PRIMARY WEAPON: Azimuth Laser Pistol - 1d4F - 20/24 With Akari, Jin and Whiskey in tow, "Morgan" makes his way back to Duncan and Davir, who have been guarding the yaro berry shipment. Looking grimly at the crew, he says, "Okay, boys. You heard what went on in there. That frellin' hazmot! They're playing hardball with us. So, what do you think? Should we go scouting around for other buyers? Opinions, people."
  7. -- Mouse (Lightfoot Halfling) Folk Hero Sorcerer AC: 17 (14) | HP: 41/32 | Init: +4 | Speed: 25' | Jump: 30'| Prof. Bonus: +3 | Passive Perception: 9 | Passive Insight: 9 | Passive Investigation: 11 | STR: 10 (0) | DEX: 18 (+4) | CON: 13 (+1) | INT: 13 (+1) | WIS: 8 (-1) | CHA: 17 (+3) | Subclass: Wild Magic | Sorcery Points: 6/7 | Spellcasting Ability: CHA | Spell Save DC: 14 | Spell Attack Bonus: +6 Buffs: None | Debuffs: None | Advantages: Fear | Inspiration: 0 | Exhaustion: 0 Having dealt with the pirate's crew, the young sorcerer turned to heed his leader's directives. Jiminy Crickets! That Captain Hook is a pretty tough customer! Good golly! What can I do to stop a villain like.... Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What did Eilonwy just say? Tick-tock? That's it! There was something that he had once heard during a lecture by one of his professors at the Mage Towers, some quirk about this bad guy in particular. Something about a... crocodile? And a... clock? And so the thought becomes the deed. Mechanics OOC: Mickey casts Minor Illusion -- the sound of a ticking clock reverberating throughout the encampment. The saving throw is DC/14. If Hook manages to make the save, I will have Mickey spend 2 sorcery points to Bend Luck. I will then roll 1d4 to deal a penalty to his save. If it takes more than that to ensure Hook fails the save, I will use Metamagic to cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter as a Quickened spell as a bonus action. Main Hand: Empty Off Hand: Bit of fleece Action: Casting Minor Illusion Bonus Action: n/a Move: Moves 2 squares eastward (10') closer to Hook so that he is within 30' in order to cast the spell due to Difficult Terrain. Manipulate: n/a
  8. I can’t really say for sure about EGO, but I know you can register more than one character on Dispatch. My guess is that you could register two Sleuths, each with a different name, but with the same background, profession and class.Then you could use whichever one is more appropriate for your intentions.
  9. I feel like we’re dead in the water. Oops! Hope the GM doesn’t take that literally for our characters. LOL!
  10. A herculean effort, . Bravo! I hope your new computer arrives quickly and is headache-free. , thanks for getting your thread up. Love the character and can’t wait to see her in action. , am looking forward to each new tidbit of info on your character. He looks cool. , am also looking forward to your character. What kind of Sleuth will it be? Can’t wait. , am still hoping that you’ll be in the game. Raphael has a lot of potential. Would love to see him developed.
  11. Sorry to hear that, . You are one of the stalwarts of this game. Best of luck getting back into the game ASAP.
  12. I don't believe that that it's required that only one of each archetype is permitted in this system. had originally replied to a query from early on in the "Meat the Enemy -- Session 1" thread that all archetypes and classes are allowed. My interpretation is that it would be similar to, say, D&D, where you could have two dwarves or two clerics in the same dungeon party. One would assume that they wouldn't be cookie-cutter versions of each other because, well, players just don't think like that. There would be differences. Each PC would be an individual. In any case, create any kind of character you want (unless the GM says otherwise, of course). As it is, I am curious as to your Wise Hero (Sleuth/1) character, as well as Johnny Outlaw, . Also, could , , and also post threads with their character sheets?
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