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About This Game

The Stolen Lands have long been the domain of bandits and monsters, but no longer! Your party has been granted a charter to explore these wilds, defeat its dangers, and build a brand new nation. Yet not everyone will welcome you as new neighbors, and powerful supernatural forces have their own plans for the region. Can you defeat your kingdom’s enemies and become leaders of one of the greatest new nations in the world?

Game System

Pathfinder 2e

Detailed Description

This will be a campaign of the Kingmaker Adventure Path, as updated for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. We will be using some optional rules for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Despite these optional rules, this campaign will be as new-to-PF2 friendly as it can be. I will happily provide help to those who ask, and feedback to everyone when I review your character. We will also make use of the following external tools:

  • Roll20 (combat maps)
  • Google Sheets/Docs/Drawings (Kingdom Building/Hexploration)

I may also create a Discord for this game, as well, for OOC chatter ability.

For posting expectations, I would like to see a two to three times a week posting rate. I have some table-specific rules, as well:

  1. Speak to each other with respect and kindness. We're all people, let's act like it.
  2. No PvP. While I don't immediately expect the group to work together perfectly, I do expect everyone's characters to not actively (or passively) combat or undermine each other.
  3. If you will be unable to post for a period of time, please do notify me. I will do the same during periods where I will likely be unable to do so.

The advertising period has been opened for two weeks, until January 26th. Once the advertising period closes, those who have already posted a submission will have one more week to finish up their characters, until February 2nd. I will make choices the following Monday, February 5th, at which point we'll iron out some last minute details between party members and hopefully get started the first week of February. This campaign will have six players total. One spot is already filled due to that person requesting this campaign be run, so I will be accepting five other submissions total.

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