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About This Game

Hardvalk was once the pride of the north, the largest and only trade port in the far north. You are inhabitants of the frozen northern colony, at least until a horde from the edges of the world arrives to take the port for their own.

Game System

D&D 4e
  1. What's new in this game
  2. The game has not started yet, and is not currently open for recruitment.
  3. I would love to be part of this game. Are you looking for us to post characters or character concepts in this topic?
  4. Ability score: Standard array or 22 point buy Allowed Sources: Any WOTC books, including Dragon magazine or Essentials line Level: You will be starting at Level 5 Themes: Allowed Background Traits: 1 Allowed Allowed Races: Any, you are in a trading port that is also at the end road of a dwarven trading route, so a lot of races do journey there, although some are more rare than others. Allowed Classes: Any, including Hybrid classes Feats: You will receive an additional level 1 feat
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