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Game Expectations

Game Introduction and Expectations

System: Fate Condensed with modifications from the toolkit and other books.
GM Post Rate: Every day or every 2 days (depending on my schedule)


Welcome to Reapers ! This is Fate Core Game which will be Military themed campaign mixed with the occult where monsters appear through out the world and are handled by bullets and explosions.


The posting rate for this game will be an average of three times per week. Some days there will be more posts than others, but this campaign will be run at a leisurely pace. If you do not post once within 48 hours during combat, actions will be taken for you (usually the dodge or assist action). I reserve the right to eject from the campaign anyone who has not posted in a week without prior warning of absence.


I expect players to engross themselves in the role-playing element and contribute interestingly to the story.


For this campaign I also favor longer posts with detail and emphasis on the growth of the characters over just posting to meet the requirement. Always remember, what is your character seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking, or doing!


Along with that all applicants and players are required to join my personal Discord for our OC chat. Discord

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