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About This Game

New Cyre is the home to thousands of Cyran refugees on the Breland border of the Mournland.

Game System

Pathfinder 1e

Detailed Description

Welcome Cyran citizens and visitors to our refuge. Take a weight off your feet and tell us the tales of your travels in the Dead Grey Mists into the grave of our homeland. What monsters and horrors have you found there? What remnants of artifice and magic lurk there still?

New Cyre (formerly the Brelish Camp) is a town in eastern Breland and the new home of the refugees of the ruined nation of Cyre. Beginning as a refugee camp, it has grown into a large town, as well as a beacon and symbol of hope for the scattered Cyran refugees of Khorvaire.

"These Brelish laws are fit for Breland, but they have no authority over the sons and daughters of Cyre." -
Prince Oargev, private remarks to close aides on the Brelish legislation granting them the land of the Brelish Camp for their own use.

In the world of Eberron, in the continent of Khorvaire, the nation of Cyre suffered a terrible fate at the end of The Last War. A horrible, magical effect encompassed the entire land, destroying all that lived within the borders and twisting the very land so that it can no longer be recognised. Nobody knows the cause but the fear of it being repeated went some way to bring an end to The Last War.

The Mournland, as Cyre has been renamed, contains the treasures of an entire nation, magical secrets, and material that the prince of that nation seeks for his new home. The town of New Cyre, less that four years old, is struggling despite former citizens of Cyre bringing their skills and wealth to the town, despite help from the dragonmarked houses, and despite the charity of Breland's King Boranel. Most people came here with nothing but the clothes on their backs or were released prisoners of war with nothing to their names, not even a sword or bow. The charity of King Boranel is wearing thin as rumours of an uprising of Cyrans within his borders has reached him. The dragnmarked houses have been generous but they expect a return on their investment in the town's prosperity that has yet to be delivered.

Prince Oargev is doing his best to hold it all together but he is a prince without a nation and his position is precarious. Monsters emerge from the Dead-Grey Mists of the Mournland with increased regularity and his town is becoming a way station for treasure seekers looking to fill their pockets from the corpse of his homeland.

Where do you fit within New Cyre?

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