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About This Game

Join me on a terrifying adventure into space... where no one can hear you scream. Knowledge of the Alien Franchise and the Alien TTRPG is not required. Premade characters are available if desired. 5 players are needed, but I am open to running concurrent games if the demand is high. NOTE: Formatting may be awkward on mobile devices.

Game System




Detailed Description

C H A R I O T    O F    T H E    G O D S

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As space truckers on the starfreighter USCSS Montero, you are used to running "the Gauntlet" - the trade route connecting Anchorpoint Station and the Frontier. Your ship's cargo hold is packed with dozens of tanks containing dangerous Tritium gas which is in the process of decaying into extremely profitable Hellum-3. Usually large tanker modules are used to tow higher concentrations of the gas safe distances, but the Montero isn't rated as a commercial towing vehicle. However, this is a small run - special order for Weyland-Yutani's corporate account on Sutter's World, a newly established Frontier colony. While the trip so far has been a piece of the proverbial cake, the Montero's sensors developed a glitch. Moments before your crew left Anchorpoint, the sensors pinged contact with a sensor reflection as you activated the displacement drive and went FTL. Now you find yourselves awakening from hypersleep, ready to deliver your goods to the colony of Sutter's World.


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  • Knowledge of Alien RPG is not required to play. I will provide resources and answer any questions you may have. You can find further details in [PLACEHOLDER].
  • This is to be a long-form campaign that takes place over several months (possibly even a year). Your time and commitment is invaluable; however, I do not intend to exhaust you. I expect at least one post per week - more are welcome but not required. There will be no posting order; however, if two weeks pass with no word from you - I will be checking in to make sure everything is okay.
  • Chariot of the Gods will focus on interpersonal relationships within a bleak, tragic, and terrifying setting. While there may be comedic and lively moments, this game is an Alien game at its core. Difficult material will arrive and your characters have a very real chance of dying a brutal death. Though they may die, I expect each of you to take the time to get attached and play your characters as realistically as possible. Hell, maybe some even fall in love. After all, what is a horror game without a little bit of trauma?
  • I will be accepting 5 players. If more are interested, then I am open to running concurrent games. This campaign was published with premade characters. Their character sheets are below. You may play one of these, tweaking personality and backstory to your preference. You may also create your own character. If you do not have access to the CRB, that's fine. I will detail the progress in [PLACEHOLDER]
  • Although this is a horror game and your characters will be placed in life-threatening situations, I expect players to be friendly with each other in OOC regardless of any character conflict. If Bob's character pulls a gun on Jane's character in fear, I don't expect Jane to harass Bob in OOC. In-game party conflict is expected.
    • C O M F O R T   &   S A F E T Y : If a topic is breached in game or OOC that you are uncomfortable with, please let everyone know immediately. You can also tell me directly so I can tell the group while you remain anonymous. The characters can be traumatized, but that doesn't mean you should be.




Yes, that's right - Gamemother. It's the wonderful title the Alien RPG gives it's DM. Just don't make it weird and call me mommy, okay?

I am a long-time lover of Alien, horror, and TTRPGs. So when I discovered Free League's Alien, I knew I had to have it immediately. Then the dreaded COVID hit and I ended up moving across the United States leaving me with no one to play this wonderful game with. Hopefully you will allow me to share it with you!

Please be patient with me. While I have DM'd many games around a legitimate table, this is my first venture into the realm of Forum DMing. I will be doing my absolute best to ensure that we both have an amazing game/writing experience.



If this is your first time in an Alien RPG, I strongly encourage you to take one of the following characters. You may tweak them as you see fit, provided their stats remain the same.

Claim a character by providing their backstory. If more than one person wishes to play the same character, I will make the ultimate decision.

The completed premade character sheets (including abilities and gear) can be found here.

If you wish to create your own, go [PLACEHOLDER].


V A N E S S A   M I L L E R ,   O F F I C E R

image.png.eebb0d8d5e5b314471578ac523ab1abd.pngVANESSA MILLER, OFFICER
Captain of the USCSS Montero

AGE: 46

You're tired of being a corporate cog and want out. If you could finally get enough money to get your own ship, you could start controlling your own destiny on the Frontier. The company has offered you a lease-to-buy option on the Montero, but that doesn't make any sense unless you can afford to overhaul her for better cargo runs. Without an engine upgrade to allow her to tractor bigger loads, you are losing thousands of dollars every day. You need to find a way to make enough money to lease the Montero and upgrade her, or, better yet, go independent and replace her with a newer ship.

L E A H   D A V I S ,   P I L O T

image.png.36224027ed3be1c119a18a8de1552309.pngLEAH DAVIS, PILOT
Pilot of the USCSS Montero

AGE: 27
PERSONALITY: Adrenaline Junkie

Safety limits? Those are lies. Any vehicle or piece of equipment can be pushed past the red line and still work fine. You do it as often as you can, just to keep from getting bored. Unfortunately, daily routines are never that exciting, and that's why you've developed a little stimulant problem. Your Weyland-Yutani prescription has just about run out, and you need to get some more fast. You'll do just about whatever it takes to keep yourself from crashing, even if it puts you in danger. Whether it's an adrenaline rush or substance abuse, all that matters to you is that you are flying high.

DRUG ADDICT: You must use some form of recreational drug every Shift, or your STRESS LEVEL increases by one. You cannot relieve stress without consuming your drug of choice.

K A Y L A   R Y E ,   R O U G H N E C K

image.png.97d6818d927d996eca45811726dad064.pngKAYLA RYE, ROUGHNECK
Technician on the USCSS Montero

AGE: 23

Your job sucks. Practically everyone on this ship gets paid more than you for doing nothing. You want to do less work and get paid more for it. Your younger brother back on Earth is chronically ill, and your family keeps begging you to send more money to support them. If there's a way to increase your share on this run, you'll do it. Loyalty does pay the bills, so if you have to flip on someone to make more money, so be it. Desperate times call for desperate measures

L Y R O N   C H A M ,   R O U G H N E C K

image.png.8d6c6e981d61ed949c0e1af318db6142.pngLYRON CHAM, ROUGHNECK
Cargo Handler on the USCSS Montero

AGE: 32

You grew up alone. Your parents sold power loaders on the frontier for a living and did not have much time for you. Hopping from colony to colony also meant you never were in any place long enough to make real friends. This crew is the closest thing to a family you've ever had - dysfunction and all. You would do anything to protect them, even put yourself at risk.

J O H N   J .   W I L S O N ,   C O M P A N Y   A G E N T


image.png.4de8fa2a02cc74efe6b88efc59de44b6.pngJOHN J. WILSON, COMPANY AGENT
Corporate Liaison on the USCSS Montero

AGE: 43

You've been embedded with the Montero crew for a good six months now, evaluating their performance to see if the ship and crew should be scrapped and fired, or promoted and given a new ship. You've actually come to like this motley assortment, but there is no room for advancement in this work. Now, a special order has come your way, and you finally see your chance to climb. You pull this off and you can parlay it into a fortune.

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