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Closed Game

This is a closed game, meaning only members of the club can see content within it.

About This Game

Continuation of the adventures surrounding the land of Ryvauld. Ported from the now retired Fear the Boot forum.

Game System

D&D 3.5e

Detailed Description

Welcome to Ryvauld, a hot, prosperous country nestled atop the northern half of the Vaulden Plateau. Overlooking rainforest on two sides and two less than friendy countries on the others, Ryvauld is faintly idyllic in its bubble. However, bubbles are by their very nature fragile things. Rumours of disappearances are outshone by southern unrest. Soldiers are being recruited, monsters spoken of over ale, so you look to your leaders, but are they the paragons of good that they appear? Come discover for yourself.

I'm using Obsidian Portal as a game wiki, with descriptions of the world, character sheets, and changes to the SRD all kept in one convenient place. To enable you to better get into the minds of your characters, the DM will handle all dice rolls. Some major changes to SRD are: removed feat prerequisites (within reason); spells slots regenerate 1/hour; Clerics have a more personal relationship with their deity, and all gods are present (d&d original, fantasy and real world).

This is a continuation of a game that was interrupted by the abrupt closure of its host forum. Thus, the previous events have been documented, and can be found on the first post of the game for your perusal.


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