About This Game
For three hundred years, the last remnants of humanity have clung to the wild green jungles of the Sunset Isles. They have watched the red mist that consumed their world roil a hundred miles off the coast, waiting, a beast at bay. But now the crimson dreams are becoming stronger, and the wild Shou tribes of the west howl their hate at the human invaders. Who shall rise to save a world quenched in blood? Note: as players post over the course of the game, they are encouraged to link IC posted text to various blog articles which should be at least a brief paragraph defining the hyperlinked term. In this way, players help to flesh out the world.
The cities of men are few in these accursed days. Ever since the demon-haunted mists of the Red Tide exiled a scattering of desperate survivors
from their ancestral lands, all that remains of humanity are those peoples who cling to survival in the distant Sunset Isles. Their refuges remain
perched upon wild shores, men and women gathered together in city-states grown fearful of their neighbors.
The Mandarin of Xian broods in his many-towered city as the blood sorcerers of Tien Lung scheme and the Shogun of Hell dreams the red
dreams of his masters. The grim pikemen of Hohnberg turn away from their former allies in the east, and in the ancient halls of his Gate
Citadel the dwarf-king dwells uneasily upon the change of days.
In the west, the Shou howl for vengeance. Driven from their lands by the human exiles, locked in never-ending war against the hated interlopers and their own rival neighbors, they lack only a leader to make an irresistible tide of their warriors. Even now their raiding parties harry the
western borderlands and thrust deep into once-safe territories. Their savagery lights the midnight skies with the flames of burning villages and
make pillars of smoke from the homes of men.
The decay festers even within the hearts of the people as the dreams of the Red Tide win fresh cultists to its alien cause. It forever seeks to open
a way into the haven of the Isles, to draw closer to the shores that denied it the last and most delicious of its prey. These cultists trade their
reason for auspicious madness and pleasing delusion, until their very flesh rebels against sanity and their rites bring in the red fog of their lords.
How long can the ruling powers suppress knowledge of the cult’s hideous spread?
No foul sorcery is needed to explain the pirates and the bandits and the rapacious border lords who are more brigand than protector. The
common people groan under the troubles of these days, and many give up all hope of honest gain in favor of a sharp spear and the plunder of
their neighbors. These bandits are a scourge upon honest men. Too many lords lack the strength to suppress them, even if they had the will.
Yet even in these dark days the hours are not without hope. Among the legions of the bitter, the resigned, and the desperate there are those
with the potential for greater things. There are those with the iron thews or razor wits or unquenchable faith that is required for a greatness
beyond ordinary men. These are the heroes of the Sunset Isles, the men and women destined to light legends with their deeds.
With courage, cunning and the dauntless fury of a soul born for glory these few chosen may yet be the salvation of a land that trembles on the
brink of bloody ruin. Many will fall. Many will perish in nameless and terrible ways, brought down by the dooms they so often face. Yet not all
will fail, and from these few heroes may come a new and better age.
Game System
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game
Detailed Description
Although the listed Game System is Basic Fantasy, that's only because Scarlet Heroes isn't an option in the dropdown box above.
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