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Lord Fhalkyn

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  1. The official out-of-character thread for Ruins of Sol. Post thoughts, questions, or hurtful insults here.
  2. When you wake up, it's in strange surroundings. Shaking your heads to clear the fog, you try to recollect what happened. You remember signing the Starlynx waiver and boarding that bus the next day to the Starlynx facility clearly. After that it was more forms, loading your stuff onto the shuttle, and then entering a tube for medical screening and DNA sampling. Then there was that horrible pain, and the next thing you knew, you're waking up here. The room you're in is fairly expansive, furnished with cheap couches, a sad-looking plastic table, and a television that has seen better days. One wall has two stations built into it. The first is a full workbench and workstation, with tools, a terminal, and other trappings of the mechanic's trade. The other is a full kitchen- well, full as it can get in this day and age; only a battered coffee machine and food dispenser sit atop the counter. The steel floor is colored a dull gray and worn smooth by who knows how many people and Pokemon wandering about. The walls and ceiling are painted a dull yellow-beige. Looking around, you see four doors, neatly labeled. One reads "Dorms." The next reads "O2." The third reads "Arcology." And the fourth, the largest and thickest, reads "Airlock." Next to the airlock are three empty spacesuit docks. Near the airlock door is a window of thick glass, gazing out into the inky depths of space. You take all this in with a glance. Looking about, you see your Pokemon, groggily waking up but otherwise none the worse for the wear. And then you realize you're not alone.... Who are these strangers in this strange place?
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