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  1. Are there any other players other than me? If so, what do you think we should do?
  2. Assuming we still have critical mass for a game, I'm still here and willing.
  3. I'm still keen and watching the forums. I see that we have someone else running up a character. When we start back up I'll still be here.
  4. When to do stuff IC or OOC is always a little trickier in Play by post than at the table. As I see where we're at, we don't have much in the way of solid lead to point us towards a particular location or person. We've got hints of what is going on, but we need to convert those into something solid. Given that we can't rely on witnesses for anything other than vague memories we probably need to find stuff out first hand The only way I can think of doing this is to invest some time in staking out the neighborhood and hope to catch something when it's happening. If anyone has thoughts on other courses of action I'm happy to go with them.
  5. Kenna takes her coffee back to the corner booth. She bends over to her co-investigators. Oh man, look at this. How'd I end up being a baby-sitter? "Ok so I just heard some ghost stories. Rumors won't get us very far, but if that's connected maybe we can try and get a solid lead on that." "People getting the sudden urge to fight also jives with the 'youth' problem the locals have been having." "So what's our next step? I can't go strong-arming the locals on every little rumor. That chief will run me out of the suburb." "Maybe it's worth doing some snooping around the suburbs at night? Ghosts don't generally turn up in the middle of the day, and we've got one confirmed sighting late at night." OOC Sorry for the lack of the normal Kenna pic. I'm doing this at work and the firewall is blocking imgur. Will fix when I'm back at home.
  6. Kenna orders a black coffee, no food. She calls the waitress "doll" without realising it. She hangs at the counter longer than she needs to, listening to the patrons and hoping to hear something that could be of use. Investigate I figure that its time for Kenna to get in the game, roll-wise. I'm going to apply the tags Junior city detective, A hunger for answers, Natural detective if any of them seem unsuitable, we can remove them from the roll. I figure there's a chance that she might hear something unpleasant or that justifies her dim view of the city denizens, so I'm adding the weakness Images of the city's seedy underbelly. Power = +3 tags, -1 Weakness Investigate
  7. Sorry to see you go . I hope to see you in other games.
  8. "How'd you get on? Find anything interesting?" Kenna is all business after the frustrating ride back in the car. Her cop-brain is in charge. "We got some good stuff from the driver at the hospital: late night, he's driving too fast, a girl in a school uniform is in the street, he almost runs her down, but something, I'm guessing the girl, sends the car up into the apartment." She pauses and turns to Mori (is her partner still there?) "Did I get that right?" How she did it (magic? psychic powers? brute strength?) is unknown. Did you find anything that might shed light on that?" "I think we've got to find this girl, make sure she's ok, and make sure she's not a danger to anyone." "She's a local, wears the local school uniform, and Mori here thinks that the local police's problem with youth might have something to do with her."
  9. Kenna is seething with frustration at the traffic. She clutches the wheel white-knuckled. Seriously, where is everyone going at this time of day anyway? Goddam suburbs! Who'd live here by choice? There's no way they continue to sit in the car silently, Kenna discovers that she really doesn't like awkward silences. "So, that got weird real quick. You can do that? Take on a shape that you drag out of some guy's head? Remind me not to let you into mine." "How weird is that for you? Does it hurt?" "Actually, maybe I should let you into my head. All sorts of memories that I can't access rolling around in there. Might help me to find out how I was before I, like, died and got reborn in a fire."
  10. Mori steps out (Kenna has almost completely gotten used to her offsider) and then all hell breaks loose. A schoolgirl in the uniform he just described appears at the door. A revenant, silently accusing Levine. He screams. Nurses appear. Kenna is dumbstruck and allows herself to be pushed out of the room. Her brain is racing, trying to catch up with what's happening. There's a phone on the ground, and the pieces start to fit together. You're an idiot. You gotta get used to working with a shapeshifter. Some detective you are. She punches the wall in frustration at her slowness. The punch is hard enough to open a scar on the knuckle and start it bleeding. She walks outside of the hospital. Confident that Mori-Myrtle-Schoolgirl will find her when she's able and messages Mia. Mia We've got a solid lead from the hospital. Headed back to the apartment block.
  11. Hey, just to clarify Myrtle's actions here. Are we assuming that because Kenna doesn't know what's going on, she'll chase Myrtle as the girl, or is there something else that I'm missing? Just making sure that I understand what's going on.
  12. Go for it! I'm totally fine with you doing something crazy.
  13. "Hmm, that looks about right," Kenna replies after reading her partner's notebook, "Worth following up on for sure." "We can get out of your hair pretty soon Mr Levine, we just need to get as many details as we can. Especially what you can remember about her age, details of the uniform and anything you might remember as standing out."
  14. "I don't think you need to worry about that. We've got no reports of any injuries from the scene other than yours, so I'm pretty sure you didn't hit anyone." Kenna replies in her business-like cop voice. "But, we're going to need details on what you can remember. Can you describe what you remember? How old? What she was wearing? Was anyone else that you could see?" "If we get a good description we can track her down and make sure everything is all right." "What do you think Officer Mori? It sounds like Adam here swerved to avoid hurting a little girl, putting his own life in danger. A pretty selfless act if you ask me. That makes him a bit of a hero if you think about it."
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