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Posts posted by KellyCat

  1. The Stage- Sven and Rib

    Resting her hands on the stage, Erika gently pushed herself up to sit on the edge and let her feet dangle in the air. “I fear that I am immune to your charms.” Erika said with a small laugh at Sven’s suggestion of stealing her heart. “Plus I fear I am much too old for you.” She gave her salt and pepper hair a small shake to bring attention to the fact that there appeared to be an age gap between the two of them.


    “You are much too kind.” Erika said in response to Rib’s comments about her skills. “But every musical contest is subjective in its own ways. My violin would find rave reviews in my native land of Farnasia, though in many other places it isn’t as strong a draw as a lute and a good voice. It is hard to compare pears to pears.” She smiled politely as a way to decline a competition. “But music is always more pleasant as a collective performance, greater than the sum of its parts.”


    “I fear that likely the crew selection would be quite limited.” Erika answered truthfully. “Elven wingships are sadly not very spacious ships, and while you can in a pinch take on more… Comfortably they can have about…” A few of her fingers twitched as she did some mental math on spacing in her head. “25 to 35 crew on an extended voyage. And if one is hunting ships more than a few days out at sea… The ability to stretch one’s legs is always at a premium. And assuming the mid number, I would guess that Captain Zentaru is looking to hire maybe… four to six officers?” She shrugged her shoulders at the guess, trying to keep it as educated as possible. 


    “Plus not to mention that more officers would mean less loot spread amongst them.” She added practically. “As most people here are not here out of the goodness of their hearts but instead to make a living, a secondary windsinger would likely be taken on as an apprentice who would draw part of the crew’s share.” Erika rolled her right foot around in small circles in time with an imaginary tempo. “The higher probability is that we might be hired for other roles… I am a… passably capable sawbones, and qualified to serve as a ship’s mage. Though neither is a skill I would preferably like aboard the ship.”

    Erika’s cheeks took on a faint crimson tint. “Sorry if I am too pessimistic. I do like to keep my expectations grounded and not get my hopes up too high.”


  2. The Stage-Sven

    Erika closed her eyes as she leaned into the hardwood of the stage, humming softly to herself. “This is true, having a skilled navigator is very important aboard a ship. Being that I am often controlling the wind, it is… Difficult for me to plot a course and keep it. Like trying to juggle one too many balls in the air.” Erika said with a small shrug. “But I suppose it is like any other skill that one can learn.”


    The left side of Erika’s lips quirked upwards in a half smile at the suggestion that singing badly was among Sven’s talents. “The first step of learning to sing is learning to sing badly.” She offered with a patient explanation. “Many people who might have the gift of music never embrace that doing something badly is the first step in getting better. Being aware that you are bad at something is the second step… Observing what is going wrong, and slowly making adjustments.” 

    “That is how you get better. Observe what works, what doesn’t work, and consciously focus on improving… And before you know it, you’ll get better without being aware of your efforts.” She tapped her fingers lightly on her violin case as she focused on a memory. “At least, that is the way that I learned music. Everyone else… I can’t speak for.”


  3. I'll see about tapping something up tonight before bed time. But those who want to continue with the pregame RP might want to have our characters migrate to a similar space so that there are more chances to jump in and play off one another.

  4. The Stage-Sven

    Erika smiled softly as she looked down at Sven. “We all have our points where we need a stable person… otherwise chaplains wouldn’t be needed aboard ships.” Erika explained, leaning back against the hardwood of the stage. “And I worry that some here are more the leap before looking type. Which can be great when there is action needed… But we don’t get paid if we bite off more than we can chew.”


    Erika’s head tilted to the side at Sven’s description of the Swift Vengeance. “There are few things faster on the water than an Elvan Wingship, especially with a seasoned windsinger.” She said simply. “Personally I could keep her moving at a solid 10 knots through even the most becalmed seas for a solid day just with magic alone. Nothing short of a Theurgeme could possibly escape her… And even then, they would need to be traveling against the winds to shake her.” She let her voice drop to lower levels as she muttered under her breath as she recalled a less than pleasant week at sea. “Not that I would be able to do much besides keep the ship going at that speed.”

    The musician let out a small breath at the suggestion of hunting non-Ivernian ships. “Given that we would give those that surrender quarter and are not intentionally attempting to kill those that resist…” Erika closed her eyes as she pondered the answer. “It is what it is. The funds will go to help fight Ivernia, which is in itself a long term win.”


  5. 10 minutes ago, Avaday Daydream said:

    Out of curiosity, who else is a navigator? Lastanor's really good at Knowledge (Geography), but sahuagin are light-sensitive so it'd be nice to have someone around to take over during the day.

    There are a few other applicants who have applied to be navigator. Though it should be noted that dalamb did say in character creation "Acceptance tentatively by ZZ, which starts a discussion among accepted players about adjustments to balance character spotlight time and manage any overlap in roles and abilities."


    Which leads me to believe that if two people apply as say, navigator, one might get the job and another might find a second choice that is a good fit for them. For example, Erika (my character) is applying as a wind singer. She might be equally a fit for first mate, doctor, or quartermaster to fill out the party. Or with the switching of skill points, navigator.

  6. The Stage - Sven

    Erika offered a small smile. “It seems like a difference without a distinction.” The musician said as she looked down at Sven. “But provided that you keep your fingers away from the rest of the crew, I suspect that you and I will have no quarrels.” Erika closed her eyes for a few moments as she thought about it. “Though I suppose it is true, having someone of a mindset of finding hidden things can be helpful for finding the hidden nooks and crannies that a captain and crew use to avoid detection.”


    At the question of her motivations, Erika’s right arm and back seemed to itch unpleasantly, and she barely resisted the urge to scratch at them. Instead she shifted her backpack which helped a little with the phantom pains. “I wish to strike back against Iverina.” She answered truthfully with a cold smile. “And the Swift Vengeance is the swiftest way to accomplish that goal.” Erika’s smile turned into a smirk as she attempted to make a joke with the name.

    “And besides… I suspect the crew will need someone who is level headed. A long life tends to lend a certain degree of patience and wisdom.” Erika said with a small smile.
  7. 3 hours ago, dalamb said:

    My health status is improving, but Real Life tasks have piled up while I was recovering. I will see how fast I progress with the IC posts for a day or two before figuring out how much longer I need before considering who to accept.

    Thank you all for your kind words.

    I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better dalamb. Hopefully you continue to make a speedy recovery.


    Curiosity question, how many people are you planning to accept? Or what kinda range if you are not sure on an exact number?

  8. The Stage-Sven

    Erika smiled softly. “I am glad to hear that you are following the straight and narrow.” She shifted her pack on her back to put it in a more comfortable position. “A thief is a dangerous thing to have aboard a ship. Horrible for morale.” She kept her face neutral as she stressed the last part. “Nothing tears apart a crew like their possessions going missing to sticky fingers.”


    “Seems that you didn’t learn all of his hiding spots.” Erika said with a laugh. Her time aboard the boat had clued her into a few additional spots that the small thief had missed. A wind singer was always considered an officer on a ship, and after years she liked to think she earned the Captain’s trust enough to get a glowing recommendation. And that level of trust was why she didn’t mention the trick bottom drawer of his desk, the ceiling panel that swung up or the cubby hidden behind the map rack. 

    “True, and Ha’shim is a creature of habit.” Erika agreed as she rested her back against the stage with a small smile. “And sailors are a superstitious lot. Last thing you would want to do is risk ill fortune or a badly timed storm by failing to see a criminal brought to justice.”

  9. Feel better soon dalamb, don't worry about us... We can entertain ourselves (plus or minus me, I have a doctor's appointment to go to). Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids and cozy up with a warm blanket, and there should be a bottle of medicinal tequila around here somewhere.

  10. The Stage- Sven

    Erika’s left eyebrow quirked up a little at the mention of stealing from Captain Ha’shim. “Oh I see.” The musician said at Sven’s confession of theft from her (technically) current captain. “And I don’t suppose you happen to have a two inch tall jade statue of a woman? Captain Ha’shim was quite irate when it went missing as it was a gift from his wife. And it just so happens that he is still in port.” Erika rested one of her hands on her hip as she took on a serious expression with the small humanoid. “If it happens to find it’s way back into my possession, I will gladly suggest that I happened to find it in a deckside pawn shop.” She offered the small pixie a way out of the theft.


    “As I would hate to let the good captain know that a confessed thief is in town. Last person he caught stealing from him ended up tied to the mast and whipped three times.” She tapped a finger against her cheek as she seemed to be pondering the memory. “Or was it seven times? Oh but the discomfort the poor sod was in… the Captain refused to let the chaplain take a look at the wounds and had the sawbones do the stitches instead. I'm not sure if more alcohol was used on the wounds or to ‘steady’ the doc’s hands.”

    Erika made a tisking noise. “Surely you wouldn’t want to be in Captain Ha’shim’s ill graces. Especially when applying for a career when Ha’shim ship is two docks down from the Swift Vengence.”


  11. 4 hours ago, dalamb said:

    I like the background, but haven't had the time to check mechanics.

    I find mechanics is always best left until after selections... Why take time to make sure that fractions all add up if you are not sure that you are going to like the character they are attached to?

  12. So I need to make a small apology... I am a dingbat. I named a ship in my first post IC, forgot that I named it, and then chose a second name for the same boat. I am going back to correct my errors... Anyone offended can help themselves to a thin mint girl scout cookie.

  13. @dalamb to give you a heads up... I will probably be unable to post Tuesday and Wednesday if you wish to take that into account for handling interviews as you want to have them done by Friday. There is a possibility I can squeeze some time in those days, but I would not bank on it.

  14. The Stage-Sven

    Erika opened her eyes as she finished her second song to see the small pixie trying to get her attention. With a practiced grace, she replaced her violin and the bow back into its protective waterproof case and flicked the clasps to keep the container closed. She studied the brightly colored fey with a discerning look as she picked up her case, she tried to place the small humanoid. “I… Can’t say that I recall you?” Erika said as she scrunched her brows up in concentration. “My apologies.”  She said as she gracefully made her way down off the stage.

    Approaching Sven, Erika extended her free hand with a smile. “I am Erika Sanolda.” She said by means of introduction. “I most recently served on Flower de Luce, under Captain Ha’shim… Though admittedly he hasn’t had much in terms of passengers these last few years. Mostly cargo.” Erika made a small shrug of her shoulders to indicate that it wasn’t that important. “What ship did you most recently serve on?” She asked curiously as she attempted to kill time before her interview began.


  15. 21 minutes ago, bloodsprite said:

    Yeah I could use some, it was perfect, was looking for +Cha and amphibious, found one that also had +Dex, and have now fell in love with it being a frog.

    Willing to settle for +Cha and can choose to look like a frog somehow.

    I'd rather just have the OP "Watercraft" power chopped off.

    Locathah might be up your alley... Though it lacks the CHA.

    Doppleganger is a possibility if you don't mind the buyoff and 4 racial hit die... that would get you the frog like shape with a small CHA boost.


    Those are my first thoughts... The others suggested ideas in your thread too.

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