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Posts posted by TheDragonOfFlame

  1. 27 minutes ago, Bornite said:

    The first sounds more interesting to me. Around what year are you thinking of?

    I was thinking late TL 5, so probably 1850s-1880s range. I'll need to do some more research to develope the alternate timeline better before setting an exact date, though.

  2. Hey, all! I'm looking at running some Steampunk. I've got two pitches for the same idea, but completely different themes. Let me know what you all think. The basic concept is "Steampunk city at the gates of Hell", and so these are two takes on that thought.

    Scenario 1:

    Streets stained black with coal, children working overtime shifts in boiler plants, and a plague spreading like wildfire through the slums of London. All the while the gentry enjoy the spoils of the new technological age, oblivious to the wretched tragedies occurring daily in their city. Certain arcane gentlemen's clubs begin to experiment with rituals and artifacts beyond their comprehension, and rumours begin to spread of sickening creatures that prey on innocents in the night.

    A dark and gritty game that starts characters in a low tech, low magic London right at the beginning of a Steampunk revolution. The TL can be expected to change from TL 5 to 6 or even 7 through the course of the game. The players will be pitted against demonic forces and corrupt occultists, perhaps even venturing into hell themselves. One of the main differences between this scenario and the next is that the creatures are undeniably malicious entities with supernatural effects on the world.


    Scenario 2:

    Shining brass boilers, magnificent airships, fantastical new cogwork machines, and vast horizons to explore. A bustling new city with a bright future, pushing the bleeding edge of technology further and further. However, deep in the boilerworks beneath the city, there is a problem. For unknown reasons, workers and explorers in the steam tunnels have been disappearing, only to be rediscovered brutally maimed. The rumors abound. Otherworldly monsters that some call demons and others call failed experiments and still more call aliens have supposedly been spotted in these catacombs, and many brave or foolish souls make uncovering their origins a goal.

    In this scenario, technology is already quite far along, and the origin of the "demons" is likely not supernatural. It is a much brighter and cheerier game, and more standard to the steampunk genre.


    Personally, I am more interested in running the first scenario. I like the idea of the technology developing as the game goes on, and the idea of a darker take on Steampunk. But let me know what you all think! Maybe something in the middle could work, a grittier setting without the objectively evil entities, or a setting that seems Utopian on the surface but really hides vast corruption and demonic influences.

  3. Kind of a lot of different historic times and locations. (Not a time travel game though). I guess it is time I invest in Low Tech, I've never been able to find it before. I'll check out those one shots! They might help fill out my campaign idea.

  4. Hey all 👋

    I'm TheDragonOfFlame, you can call me Dragon or El, whichever you prefer. I've had to take hiatus from the weave for a while, because I've had no time for gaming. It's looking like I might have the time to commit in the near future, so I'm re-emerging here.

    I love GURPS. I've made a ton of characters, and read a ton of books, but I can count the games I've actually played on one hand. I haven't played for several months, so I feel a bit rusty, but I'll get the hang of it again.

    I'm going to try and review my GURPS knowledge and lay out some plans for a game on the future, but I am going to take it slow because I really want to be sure I won't have to kill another game. I haven't been the most consistent player in the past, simply because my schedule seems to constantly change, and because of my tendency to overcommit. So I plan to stick to one game, to guarantee I'll be able to carry it through.

    Expect a post about a GURPS game sometime in the next few weeks.

  5. "Myself, I shall most likely book a room in this establishment. Perhaps in the morn I will continue with Amira if she will have me, but perhaps not." Kelarith says, setting his pack at his feet. "For now, I think I may ask around after jobs for a while, see if anything comes up. If you wish, I can inform you all of any jobs I encounter that require several to undertake."

    He points over his shoulder. "But there's no point loitering out here. Shall we head in?"

  6. Kelarith starts after the woman, making a show of lashing out with his walking stick and chasing her off, before retreating to the relative security of the wagon when the press of the crowd grows too thick.

    He glares at the crowd in what he hopes is a menacing fashion. 'There wasn't really much I could do, and besides, what do I care if some petty thief gets a meal? Good on her for taking advantage of a weakness. Got to make a good show of it, though, or I won't get payed.' He lashes his stick at an urchin who git too close to the wagon.

  7. Kelarith, Warlock

    Kelarith takes a seat, orders the night's meal and an ale, and attempts to look relaxed. He leans back in his chair, flipping the cowl of his cloak down. One crossbow is displayed prominently on his right hip, while the other sits concealed within his cloak. He lets his gaze flit inconspicuously around the room, taking note of all the other inhabitants of the bar. After his initial threat assessment is complete, he leans forward, resting his elbows on the grimy table, and addresses his companions.

    "So, where's it to for you lot once this contract is through?" He asks, accepting his ail and stew from the server, in exchange for a handful of coins. He inspects the meal peripherally for some indication of rot or maggots, eventually satisfying himself that the food, while somewhat unsavory, was at least edible, and digging in eagerly.

  8. What editions of GURPS are you interested in playing?

    4th edition, though I do like to update and use 3e material.

    Are you interested as a player, a GM, or both?

    Both, though at the moment I don't have enough time to commit to GMing.

    Do you want to be mentioned in new GURPS games?


    What experience do you have with GURPS?

    By now I've been playing GURPS for about 3 years, which is over half the time I've been roleplaying. I've voraciously devoured all the books I could get my hands on. I've played and run a handful of games, the longest of which lasted for just over a year. I feel like I am very experienced with character creation, slightly less so with actual gameplay, since I make characters in my free time quite often.

  9. Kelarith

    Kelarith attempts to regain some dignity, standing up straight and brushing off his clothes. “If your offer extends my way, ma’am, I would be glad to take you up on it. I realize my showing as of yet has been poor, but I assure you I am much more capable within the bounds of a city.”

    He pauses as Arwi speaks, nodding in agreement. “Do you have any notion what threats we might expect to face, beyond the standard thuggery of the Bandit Kingdoms?”


  10. On my end, I haven’t been able find even ten minutes free to post for two weeks. So that’s part of it. I also did start to lose interest in the game, as I find it … hard to relate to the character, for obvious reasons. If I can’t get inside the head of the character then I find it hard to enjoy writing for it.

  11. The robot efficiently continues the cleaning job, making sure to observe the other employees to ensure that its behaviour remains unsuspicious. It volunteers to use the automatic-ride-on-floor-scrubber, driving the machine out of sight before dismounting and pulling open the top. A few cut wires and swapped circuits later, it remounts and sits back, letting the now-self-steering machine do the job autonomously. As it punches the time card in the morning and waits in line to receive payment, it remarks to the custodial worker behind it: “What did the janitor say when it jumped out of the closet. Supplies. Hah hah. Hah.” Then, ignoring the confused look cast at its back, it moves forward, grabs the envelope of cash, and leaves the building.

    A short walk later, the robot arrives at the nearest Computer City and pushes at the door. The door is locked. Processing… processing… smash door: negative. Determined course of action: wait until store opens.

    A few moments later, a worker in a tacky blue vest unlocks the door, looking slightly bemused at the large figure standing stock still in front of the door. The moment the door clicks, the robot pushes the door and moves inside. It moves around the store, collecting the requisite items in a basket, before heading to the checkout in the back. A haggard looking middle aged man sits behind the counter. Analyzing: bags under eyes show lack of sleep. Tan line on ring finger: recently married. Empty glass bottle: alcoholic. Assessment: derogatory wife humour and alcohol humour. “My wife’s been demanding this crap for weeks now. And of course it’s gotta come out of my pay.” the robot complains to the cashier.

    It lets the man ring through the items. “That’ll be 112.87$.” the man says, setting the items in the bagging area. The robot pretends to look in its wallet.
    “Ugh, you know, I’ve tried to save the money, but sometimes after working one and a half shifts, with no overtime… well, sometimes a guy has just got to hit the bar, y’know?” The cashier nods conspiratorially. “I’m afraid I’ve only got half your money.” The robot continues. “But if I go home without this stuff, my lady’ll rip my head off. Could ya do a fella a favour and let me get the rest to you after I get payed tomorrow?”

    The man hesitates, then chuckles. “I’m always here to help a fellow out. But you better get me that money, hear? Or the boss’ll have my job.”

    Exiting the store with a grin on its face, the robot heads across the street to the drug mart, enters, grabs a bottle of ‘flavourless laxative’ and approaches the counter, adopting a somewhat ashamed expression. The teen at the cash grins at the robot’s face as he sees the laxative. “You, uh, having issues?” he mocks, causing the robot to grimace.

    ”Mind your own business. Kids these days.” The robot mutters, giving the teen the rest of the money before walking away and tucking the bottle in his pocket. Finally, the robot walks a few blocks to the Greek Corner and sits down to wait across the street at a bus stop. It sits for half an hour, enough time to see the typical patrons, how busy the restaurant is, and how many employees the restaurant boasts, before getting up and leaving with the crowd as the bus arrives.


  12. Kelarith

    Kelarith stumbles back in shock, fumbling to pull his crossbow from its sheath. He crushes as the bow catches on his belt, and he throws one arm up to cover his face as he attempts to move towards cover. As he moves, his foot catches on something on the uneven ground and he tumbles backwards, barely catching himself on the wall, frantically straining to remain upright.


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