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Angelic Crux

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  1. Standing beside Derek, and guarded by Shelyn's favor, Emmelyn's hands curled together. She felt the reassuring presence, Her reassuring presence, upon her hand. Focused and ready to ask for her intercession, when the moment came. Not that she was very quick on her feet.Delay action to Initiative 18 of the NEXT round. I want to act immediately following Derek.
  2. I just can't help but think how weird it probably sounds to maintain Cackle between encounters. Even if it is fervent, muttered prayer... still, fits that delicious 7 Charisma.
  3. Emmelyn murmured an incantation, as her mage armor shimmered into being. A turning of the hourglass was all they had, but it would most like be enough. After that, she moved close behind Derek. If he were to lead the way, she would want to be close by to offer the blessings of her goddess.
  4. She slipped inside, staying close to Derek and keeping an eye on Stella. She hadn't known many wizards to be so intrepid... but she hadn't known many wizards. She shifted a bit closer to Derek's side, so that she might speak at just a whisper. "Weren't not going through the pier?" It was a question of honest confusion. Of all of them, save perhaps the silent Velka, he seemed the most apt to know how to kick down doors and place villains under arrest. Well... Velka seemed like she probably knew how to kick down doors, at least. She kept quiet after that, in case Stella's cry signalled that they had found their quarry.
  5. To Derek, nary more than a quick shake of her head. Nothing worth spilling words over. While she might not have been good at speaking on anything not in praise of the Eternal Rose, the silence she was asked for was easily given. She carefully stepped to the corner of the pier, where she had been bidden. Close enough, hopefully, for Shelyn's grace to protect if it were to come to such...
  6. Oh, I know. But unless we keep a constant combat, it's a once per day hex on a person. Though, if we've given up on stealth once the first combat starts, I could keep it going alllll through the encounter...
  7. Emmelyn followed. The salt and murk had its own smell, and a familiar one, even if this was far from the Shingles. Far, but all too close. "Shelyn protects... as she does.The Hex has a "once in 24 hours" limit on it, so for these combats, we may want me to drop it on ya'll when you're directly under attack. " It was said in a murmur, as uninflected as it was cryptic. Outside of prayer and sermon, Emmelyn was ill-comfortable letting her tongue speak for her; her hands, deft as they were, tended to do a better job of it. At Derek's the mention of the north pier and less obvious routes, she stared at him, perhaps a bit overlong, and nodded.
  8. I'm good for it. Sorry about holding things up!
  9. A silence had indeed come over her. Or rather, an invisible loudness had filled her. Enough she had hardly even, in the moment, noticed those looks of growing confusion cast her way by the only one to truly know her there. A statue she was, as they discussed the approach. Somehow, all she could think of was Lamm, and she couldn't think of Lamm at all. The orphans. Would they be used, turned out as ill-trained knives the same way they were pressed to pick pockets and deliver their ill-gotten gains, only to have empty bellies, shivering bodies, and fruitless dreams. "I agree with Stella. The sun, in her radiance, shouldn't have to witness what must be done. Nor should it have to gaze upon the sisters and brothers abandoned to their fates another day..." She wasn't emphatic as she said it. Her eyes still somewhere far away, with her goddess, and her thoughts, and their communion. But she was returning, and caught, in memory, those looks Stella had given her. Of worry and then... something else. "Sorry, I..." She hesitated. She could not bear to call her connection a fit, a spell, or anything which demeaned the intimate connection, the blessing, Shelyn had invested her with. And yet... she had been rude. Aloof. Distant. This, too, was thoughtless. "I lost myself for a moment."
  10. It seemed a conspiratorial question. But then, this meeting had a whiff of conspiracy about it. Some, murderous intent dripping from their lips before being gentle ushered out. Velka. Derek. Stella. These were not ones who drank a toast to blood not yet upon their hands. But it was clear enough this fortune-teller wished to goad them on, to make the turning of the hour nip at their heels as a cutthroat might a mark. She didn't answer Stella immediately. Her eyes closed in thought, left hand clasped over right, as she listened. Listened. The moment lingered. A moment of blessed peace before the confrontation. "...I am with you." Her hands unwound from themselves, slowly, like vines releasing a trellis. "I'm... not very noticeable, if one of us needed to be chosen to scout ahead."
  11. Double-post! , how old do you imagine Velka was when Gaedren beat her and left her for dead? Velka's 4 years younger than Emmelyn, a gap that gets bigger and more meaningful when you're a kid, but as two half-elves, I imagine they must've MUST've been aware of each other. I didn't nail down the age, but Emmelyn was probably between ten and twelve when she managed to get out and become an apprentice jeweler.
  12. So, I'm one of those anal-retentive people who audits for character weight and it looks like some of us aren't keeping track of our encumbrance! Stella Item Weight Spellbook 3 lbs Scholar's Outfit 6 lbs Vial of Acid 1 lb 4 x Alchemist's Fire 4 lbs 2 x Weapon Blanch (Silver) 1 lb Cold Iron Weapon Blanch .5 lbs 48.5 gp of crafting materials* (assuming they are worth their weight in gold) .97 lbs Total additional Weight 16.47 lbs Derek Item Weight 3 x Javelin 6 lbs Total additional Weight 6 lbs ...though, Derek doesn't have any clothes, so assuming he'd have a soldier's uniform, that'd be another 5 lbs. Ahhh... my anal retentiveness begins to subside... Velka's not up, but... oof. We may need to consider investing in a floating disk. Or just never go backpacking.
  13. I suppose my worry is the action economy. Fortune means you have to choose your one roll you're using it on that round, whereas Protective Luck affects all the attacks on you. Either way, it's the group getting it, so... I'm down for either.
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