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Posts posted by eltorin

  1. On 2/6/2024 at 11:32 PM, cailano said:
    I threw out the Marvel Superhero Game I was thinking of because it just didn't sound as interesting to me as some of the fantasy campaign ideas I had cooking.

    Oh, I'm truly sad to read this, now with Jedaii seemingly gone, there are no new superhero game ads on the site. :(

  2. Lovely, we did it, thank you very much for staying with us till the end, even with a decreased number of players! You've written up such a good summary, I’ve not much to add, so this is a great finale and a truly nice closure.

  3. IIRC, you can't directly modify the outcome of a roll like that, and after the roll your options are somewhat limited (it is typically used for upgrading your dice before a roll, when used like this) but you can change the narrative by introducing some new element that may help you out, but this is just one idea (I'd need to consult with the book).

  4. Just updated my latest post with the roll, went with 2 Difficulty dice as the L1z1x is a hive mind, they won't mind - that's a net 4S 3T roll, and I didn't even have to use a Story Point, what a shame, because I was counting on it. :)

  5. Jana

    Turning to Karrik, Jana says: "I think spacer.png- think! - that it's safe now for Herool's Truce, it's damaged beyond any actual high scale capacity to explode. I'm not sure about the building, though, so let's leave and talk to locals!"


  6. Jana

    Jana takes a stepspacer.png closer to check for any other immediate threats - the L1z1x was a though one, but just an obstacle. Seeing none, she turns to her companion: "Karrik, what do we do now? This is far cry for my expertise but I may able to help if you walk me through it. What do you think, do we have enough time to dismantle the device before it blows up in our face?"

    Jana is more than slightly worried, but this is not the time for that, the lives on Herool's Truce are still at stake.


  7. My latest roll is net 6S 5A, so that's 10 Damage with ignoring 5 points of Soak, still.

    With the remaining 5 Advantages, I give myself 1 Boost die, and Karrik 3, to use, for now.

  8. Sorry about the late reply, I was waiting for the GM. You can do more than that:

    You can use 1 Advantage to give me 1 boost or multiplication of that, or you can use 2 to give the Boost to yourself, so you if you give me and yourself 1 Boost, you still have 2 Advantages to use. If you give yourself 2 for 4, that that still leaves me 1, or you can give yourself 1 and 3 to me, or any combination of this. :) Whatever works for you, but thanks for any.

  9. That’s right, it can always be applied in the next round. I don’t usually check your rolls carefully, this time the many lines caught my eye, sorry about that. :)

  10. On p. 104 it says for 2 Advantages: "Add Boost die to any allied character's next check, including that of the active character." (this is true for Setback, too, but it's not relevant here)

    As you already acted, the result can be used in the next round, even if you aid yourself with it.

  11. No worries, I was just hoping to wrap this up before Christmas.
    A small note, though, if you allow me: using the Advantage dice for boost yourself (or someone else) is possible in the next round, not in the one you gain them.

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