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Posts posted by eltorin

  1. 1 minute ago, Shadowstarr said:

    Background-wise, I wouldn't require a great deal. The characters should be new to the Denver area and relatively new to being a shadowrunner. A flushed-out backstory of how they decided to choose that line of work, what their motives are, and any dependants/responsibilities. Maybe they were a downsized wage slave,or a ganger looking to put their questionable skills to get off the streets. The more I got the work with the more I can make the world feel lived in.


    I would like to pick a team with some skill overlap so losing one person does not cut off a major aspect of shadorunnning (matrix, physical, astral.)





    Got it, thanks! I would gladly apply, if the time comes.

  2. I’m definitely interested, the concept sounds great! I’d be up for posting daily or in some cases, multiple times a day, no problem there.

    1) all clear, I’d be okay both with the timeline and the Karma/Nuyen exchange

    2) Street level is fine

    3) I would go for a Street Samurai, a Covert-Ops Specialist or a Bounty Hunter, something along those lines, so not something magical, directly depending on spirits


    How extensive a background story would you require?

    The most successful games I’ve been in were all “tightly held” by the GM, so if you can keep up the regular and meaningful posting as a GM, I think that’s half the success. Also, I don’t know how many players you’re thinking about, but 1 or 2 extra maybe beneficial as a few players “disappeared“ after a short while in every game I’ve been in, lately. :)


  3. On the other hand, I just checked and Jana has 3 Dermal Sealers (healing potions, essentially) so I can use one as my action in my next round (will heal 5 for the first time), no worries, just hit him hard to make up for my missing shot. :)

  4. I would imagine Patriot would also know Sam Wilson, Miles Morales (and have at least a passing familiarity with Peter Parker's Spider-Man, having lived in Brooklyn), the Black Widow, Rage and Misty Knight.


  5. 3 hours ago, Civit said:

    @eltorin what do you think? Run with the "you two used to be a thing?" Tension or simplify things and say we don't have a past history? I'm good eithrr way but lean towards the former.

    Frankly, today I follow only some of the current Marvel comics like a few lines of Spider-Man (I'm more of a DC guy..), so I'm not terribly familiar with this roster of characters (I chose Patriot as a budget Cap :) - and I just realised that he has no superpowers at all..well, I'll have to think about this..) - nevertheless, sure, we can go post-relationship, just give me a few short pointers on how to act on it, if need be.

  6. 5 hours ago, Malkavian Grin said:

    Plus the -3 soak from the entropic arrow I opened with. That stays around until the end of combat!

    Edit: I dunno your stats; you might've already added that in. XD

    I did not, so let's hope for the best. :)

  7. Jana

    Jana isspacer.png encouraged by Karrik's successful attack and thinks it's time for a coordinated assault to speed things up a bit further. "We're running out of time, Karrik, let's end this now!" She takes aim now at 109.XY, only slightly changing her angle and takes another shot.

    KarrikI'm using Jana's Coordinated Assault maneuver to give you an additional Advantage to all combat checks until the end of my next turn.

  8. Games I would play
    • The Dark Eye
    • Ascendant
    • Prowlers and Paragons UE
    • Mutants and Masterminds 3e
    • Marvel Multiverse
    • Faserip
    • Destined
    • HERO System (Champions/Fantasy Hero)
    • Mythras
    • OpenQuest/SimpleQuest
    • Shadowrun 5th
    • Genesys
    • Against the Darkmaster
    Games I would run
    • Ascendant
    • Prowlers and Paragons UE
    • Mutants and Masterminds 3e
    • Faserip
    • Destined
    • OpenQuest/SimpleQuest
    • Genesys


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