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Posts posted by chongjasmine

  1. What are the differences between adventure paths and society and adventure card games?

    Can all three of them be played by post?

    Notice Paizos has a range of PF products.

    Also, what do you recommend a newbie to get?

  2. Recommend me some rpg games other than pathfinder and dnd to try.

    I like the fantasy and history genres. I like Western as well, and pirates. Mystery is fine as well.

    I don't really like science fiction.

    Recommend me some rpg games and tell me what genres do they fall into. Thanks.

  3. I am a newbie when it comes to play by post? How to begin? Which thread should I look into first? What is IC or OOC? How to roll die? How to create characters? What determine their stats/attributes?
    Is there any book I need to buy? How to know when you are required to roll a die or not in role-play? I read the dungeon and dragon's guide and discovered sometimes you need to roll dies.
    Besides during combat, how do you know when you are required to roll a die or not? Another question, how do you know what to add to the attack? For instance, some posts I read add 2 or 3 or even 4 attack points to the dice roll. It is not consistent. Some players add 2, some 3, some 4. How do you know how to determine what points to add to your initial dice roll?

    Also, which rpg systems do you recommend I check up? DnD or PF? Why? Do they offer pdf or epubs? Are they newbie friendly?

    Sorry for the questions, I am new and keen to learn the ropes.

    I am asking more for pbp roleplay than face to face. I am too shy to roleplay face to face.

    Final question: How do I actually join a game here?

  4. I am a complete newbie to roleplaying, but it is my dream to be a GM or DM one day.
    I will like to know if there are any video or book courses I can take that will allow me to achieve my aim one day.
    Any course on how to be a player?
    Any course on how to be a GM?
    Any youtube videos you recommend I watch?
    Thanks. I don't mind paying for a good video course on how to be a player or GM.
    I prefer to play by post rather than meet people online.
  5. I am still new to the world of role-play, and just applied for my first game.
    But I hope to be a GM one day.
    The question is, how do I know when I am ready?
    Roughly, what is the your recommended minimum amount of games I participated as players before you recommend I take on the role as a GM?

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