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Everything posted by M3mentoMori

  1.         Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 "Doc! You're gonna wanna see this!" Det calls out as soon as it is explained what the plant is, her excited voice echoing painfully loud to the settlers nearby. The crew, of course, are used to such calls; it's hard to hear when Tia's going full-bore, so uncommonly loud yells are the norm. The rest of Lysandra's story is tuned out as Det pokes and prods at the unit supporting the plant, before she pops off a cover and leans inside, examining the internals. "Usual wear and tear in here, maybe a bit more banged-up thanks to the scuffle. Nothin' else happens, it'd last to Athena Station, with some regular love. We run into anythin' nasty, though... I'll reinforce the jeep and the unit, just in case. Might even be worth havin' either me or Martin babysit the thing the whole trip."    At the mention of the Disciples, Det pops out briefly to add "Disciples don't grow food; they steal it. Greenwood grew food, they hit it. Simple as that," before returning to her tinkering.    Show Mechanics OOC commentary     ___________________________________________________ Main Hand: Heavy Sniper Rifle (15/15 rds (9 fired thus far)) Off Hand: Empty Technician Gadgets: 4/6 Martial Focus: No ___________________________________________________ Full: None Free: None Swift: None Move: None Standard: None Show Mini Character Sheet Ariane - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 ___________________________________________________ STATS Str 12 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (-2) HP 90/90 [THP: 50/50] HD d10+5 Speed 30 ft.    Initiative +9 LanguagesEnglish Spanish Chinese Primal Myut French/French Creole Arabic Wayfairer Russian German ___________________________________________________ OFFENSE Grenade Launcher (range 70ft) +12 attack, varies on ammo Heavy Sniper Rifle (range 180/1,800, touch to 900) +13 attack, 3d6+5 B&P damage Seeker Missile Cannon (range long (400 + 40ft/level) N/A attack, 1d4x6 bludg/fire damage in 5ft radius around each missile ___________________________________________________ DEFENSE AC 20 [Touch 15, FF 15] CMD 22 [FF 17] Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +9 DR N/A Special Clarifying Reinforcements (+2 comp to Will saves) ___________________________________________________ SKILLS Craft [Mechanical] +25, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Perception +16 (9 base, +7 Green War Paint), Stealth +14 ___________________________________________________ Whatever Else Weapon-Propelled Grenades  Smoke, Flashbang, Frag   Show Equipment     Hidden Storage (10lbs current, 10lbs/1cbft max) ___________________________________________________   Trap Bag (10lbs) ___________________________________________________ General Inventory (42 lbs.)Exquisite +3 Sturdy Backpack (4lbs): +2 to Strength for carry weight 50 rounds of Heavy Ammo (5.5lbs) Gunsmith's Kit (2lbs) Masterwork Binoculars (2lbs) 2 Smoke Weapon-Propelled Grenades [WPGs] (2lbs) 2 Flashbang WPGs (2lbs) 3 Frag WPGs (3lbs) Exceptional +3 Thieves' Tools (2lbs) Flashlight (1lb) Gasmask (2lbs) 2 Gasmask Filters Compass (.5lbs) Walkie-Talkies [1 pair] (1lb) Det's Lucky Toolbox [Exceptional +3 Profitable Craft [Mechanical] Tool] (5lbs) Engineering Kit (10lbs)   Equipped Gear (33.5 lbs) ___________________________________________________ Heavy Sniper Rifle (15lbs) Grenade Launcher (6lbs) Seeker Missile Cannon Darkleaf Cloth Leather Lamellar (12.5lbs) Coin Purse Platinum: 0 Gold: 100 Electrum: 0 Silver: 0 Copper: 0   Encumbrance Max Load: 100 (light)/200 (medium)/300 (heavy) Current Weight: 85lbs Show Abilities    Passive Effects ___________________________________________________   Breaking BlastDet's ranged attacks deal full damage to objects, instead of half., Expert ReloadingAriane reduces the time needed to reload ranged weapons she is proficient in by one step: full-round > standard > move > free, Mechanical SavantWhen Ariane makes a successful ranged attack with an attack action, AoO, or additional attacks granted by class features or talents, while wielding a crossbow or firearm, she deals extra damage equal to 1/2 her BAB (minimum 1)., Huntsman TrainingDet only suffers a -1 penalty per range increment when using a ranged weapon., Greater SunderDet gains a +1 competence bonus to sunder combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMB vs sunders. For ever 4 BAB she has, this bonus increases by 1 [+2]. Does not stack with Powerful Maneuvers or Greater Sunder feat., OpportunistCreatures struck by Det's dart traps or who fail a save against her snare traps provoke an AoO from her. She may make this AoO with a ranged weapon, so long as it is within her first range increment., WarningAllies who can see and hear Det never trigger her traps unless they choose to., Combat ReflexesAriane gains additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to her Dexterity modifier (+5).   Active Effects ___________________________________________________   Vital StrikeWhen Det uses the attack action, she may make a single attack at her highest BAB with double the base weapon damage dice (not multiplied on a critical hit), Deadly Shot (Sniper Sphere)As a special attack action, Det may make an attack with a ranged weapon, and may add one (snipe) talent she knows to the attack. She may expend martial focus to have the attack deal an extra 1d10 damage, plus 1d10 per 4 BAB. This damage is reduced to d6 if the attack targets Touch AC., Hindering Projectile (snipe)Ariane's successful deadly shot lodges inside the target, inflicting a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and CMD. This ability stacks, increasing the penalty by 2 per application. The target may remove a single stack by spending a move action, or multiple as a full-round action., Place Snare or Dart TrapAs a full-round action (standard, if she has Martial Focus), Ariane can make a DC 5 Craft [Mechanical] check to place a snare trap or dart trap in a square within her reach. [This will be in OOC tags: The trap persists for 1 round per point she beats the DC by, and occupies one five-foot square, plus one more five-foot square per five ranks in Craft [Mechanical]. All squares must be contiguous, and she cannot place two traps in the same square. Entering a square triggers the trap. The DC to resist her traps is 10 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] Ranks + her constitution modifier. The DC to detect or disable her traps is 10 + Craft [Mechanical] Bonus. If Det warns someone, or they see her place the trap, they get a +5 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves, AC, and Perception checks against that trap. A Trap has Hardness equal to Craft [Mechanical] ranks, AC equal to 10 + Craft [Mechanical] ranks, and 5 + (5 per 2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks); Hardness 6, AC 16, 20 HP., Snare TrapA snare trap targets the first creature to enter one of the squares it occupies. A creature may avoid the snare with a successful Reflex save. Doing so leaves the trap untriggered and makes the creature both aware of the trap and able to pass through its space freely without further risk of triggering it. A snare may benefit from one (snare) talent., Dart TrapA dart trap targets a line originating from one corner of the squares it occupies, out to Close Range (25ft + 5ft per two ranks of Craft [Mechanical], 40ft), and stops after one creature is hit. When triggered, make a ranged attack roll against each creature in line until one is hit. You may substitute Craft [Mechanical] + Int mod + BAB for Dex+BAB on this roll. The dart deals 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 for every two ranks above 1 (2d6 at 3, 3d6 at 5, and so on), with Crit 20/x3. A dart trap may benefit from a single (dart) talent. , Tripwire (snare)A creature that fails its save against a tripwire snare falls prone. Once knocked prone, a creature is no longer at risk of triggering the trap in that square. This trap is not destroyed when triggered; instead the duration is reduced by 5 rounds per creature that fails its save. Running and charging creatures take a -2 penalty on their Reflex saves against this trap., Razor WireWhen you place the tripwire snare, you may choose to have it deal 1d6 slashing damage + 1d6 at 3 ranks in Craft (traps) and every 2 ranks thereafter to the triggering creature. Alchemical items cannot be added to this snare. A razor wire snare otherwise functions as a tripwire snare. Gadgets and Inventions:   Heavy Sniper Rifle ___________________________________________________ Charge: 18/18 Gadgets:  Heavy Sniper Rifle (4 charges) Grenade Launcher (4 charges) Seeker Missile Cannon (6 charges)
  2.        Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 Det's response to Doc's comment is a lazy middle finger and muttered assurances to the tank beneath her, informing the battle-scarred machine of war that she's always pretty, don't listen to crazy ol' Doc. The topic of the jeep, however, causes her to actually take notice, sidling to the edge of the tank and peering at the wrecked vehicle. After a few moments, she shrugs and shakes her head. "'s pretty busted, Doc; towin' it'll slow us down. Could fix it, of course, but actually gettin' it runnin' before the idiots over there," she jerks a thumb at the Disciples busy razing Greenwood, "finally get close enough to hit the broadside of Tia is iffy at best. I say scrap it, salvage what we can, and get the hell out of here. Call it partial payment, or I can rig up something for them for the hassle once we're all safe." She shrugs again, and - turning to Lysandra and Jana - adds "Lemme know if you wanna keep it or not; I'm gonna go help Martin in the meantime."   Show Mechanics OOC commentary   Det'll offload the decision about the jeep to the DM NPCs, and go help Martin salvage. :D. IDK if it'd be Aid Another or two separate rolls, but I'm pretty sure the Aid Another roll is just a normal skillcheck, so I'll just roll normally.   She can't fail the Knowledge check (+25 to the roll), so using the full knowledge info.   Det'll also reload her rifle. ___________________________________________________ Main Hand: Heavy Sniper Rifle (15/15 rds (9 fired thus far)) Off Hand: Empty Technician Gadgets: 4/6 Martial Focus: No ___________________________________________________ Full: None Free: None Swift: None Move: None Standard: None Show Mini Character Sheet Ariane - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 ___________________________________________________ STATS Str 12 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (-2) HP 90/90 [THP: 50/50] HD d10+5 Speed 30 ft.    Initiative +9 LanguagesEnglish Spanish Chinese Primal Myut French/French Creole Arabic Wayfairer Russian German ___________________________________________________ OFFENSE Grenade Launcher (range 70ft) +12 attack, varies on ammo Heavy Sniper Rifle (range 180/1,800, touch to 900) +13 attack, 3d6+5 B&P damage Seeker Missile Cannon (range long (400 + 40ft/level) N/A attack, 1d4x6 bludg/fire damage in 5ft radius around each missile ___________________________________________________ DEFENSE AC 20 [Touch 15, FF 15] CMD 22 [FF 17] Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +9 DR N/A Special Clarifying Reinforcements (+2 comp to Will saves) ___________________________________________________ SKILLS Craft [Mechanical] +25, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Perception +16 (9 base, +7 Green War Paint), Stealth +14 ___________________________________________________ Whatever Else Weapon-Propelled Grenades  Smoke, Flashbang, Frag   Show Equipment     Hidden Storage (10lbs current, 10lbs/1cbft max) ___________________________________________________   Trap Bag (10lbs) ___________________________________________________ General Inventory (42 lbs.)Exquisite +3 Sturdy Backpack (4lbs): +2 to Strength for carry weight 50 rounds of Heavy Ammo (5.5lbs) Gunsmith's Kit (2lbs) Masterwork Binoculars (2lbs) 2 Smoke Weapon-Propelled Grenades [WPGs] (2lbs) 2 Flashbang WPGs (2lbs) 3 Frag WPGs (3lbs) Exceptional +3 Thieves' Tools (2lbs) Flashlight (1lb) Gasmask (2lbs) 2 Gasmask Filters Compass (.5lbs) Walkie-Talkies [1 pair] (1lb) Det's Lucky Toolbox [Exceptional +3 Profitable Craft [Mechanical] Tool] (5lbs) Engineering Kit (10lbs)   Equipped Gear (33.5 lbs) ___________________________________________________ Heavy Sniper Rifle (15lbs) Grenade Launcher (6lbs) Seeker Missile Cannon Darkleaf Cloth Leather Lamellar (12.5lbs) Coin Purse Platinum: 0 Gold: 100 Electrum: 0 Silver: 0 Copper: 0   Encumbrance Max Load: 100 (light)/200 (medium)/300 (heavy) Current Weight: 85lbs Show Abilities    Passive Effects ___________________________________________________   Breaking BlastDet's ranged attacks deal full damage to objects, instead of half., Expert ReloadingAriane reduces the time needed to reload ranged weapons she is proficient in by one step: full-round > standard > move > free, Mechanical SavantWhen Ariane makes a successful ranged attack with an attack action, AoO, or additional attacks granted by class features or talents, while wielding a crossbow or firearm, she deals extra damage equal to 1/2 her BAB (minimum 1)., Huntsman TrainingDet only suffers a -1 penalty per range increment when using a ranged weapon., Greater SunderDet gains a +1 competence bonus to sunder combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMB vs sunders. For ever 4 BAB she has, this bonus increases by 1 [+2]. Does not stack with Powerful Maneuvers or Greater Sunder feat., OpportunistCreatures struck by Det's dart traps or who fail a save against her snare traps provoke an AoO from her. She may make this AoO with a ranged weapon, so long as it is within her first range increment., WarningAllies who can see and hear Det never trigger her traps unless they choose to., Combat ReflexesAriane gains additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to her Dexterity modifier (+5).   Active Effects ___________________________________________________   Vital StrikeWhen Det uses the attack action, she may make a single attack at her highest BAB with double the base weapon damage dice (not multiplied on a critical hit), Deadly Shot (Sniper Sphere)As a special attack action, Det may make an attack with a ranged weapon, and may add one (snipe) talent she knows to the attack. She may expend martial focus to have the attack deal an extra 1d10 damage, plus 1d10 per 4 BAB. This damage is reduced to d6 if the attack targets Touch AC., Hindering Projectile (snipe)Ariane's successful deadly shot lodges inside the target, inflicting a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and CMD. This ability stacks, increasing the penalty by 2 per application. The target may remove a single stack by spending a move action, or multiple as a full-round action., Place Snare or Dart TrapAs a full-round action (standard, if she has Martial Focus), Ariane can make a DC 5 Craft [Mechanical] check to place a snare trap or dart trap in a square within her reach. [This will be in OOC tags: The trap persists for 1 round per point she beats the DC by, and occupies one five-foot square, plus one more five-foot square per five ranks in Craft [Mechanical]. All squares must be contiguous, and she cannot place two traps in the same square. Entering a square triggers the trap. The DC to resist her traps is 10 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] Ranks + her constitution modifier. The DC to detect or disable her traps is 10 + Craft [Mechanical] Bonus. If Det warns someone, or they see her place the trap, they get a +5 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves, AC, and Perception checks against that trap. A Trap has Hardness equal to Craft [Mechanical] ranks, AC equal to 10 + Craft [Mechanical] ranks, and 5 + (5 per 2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks); Hardness 6, AC 16, 20 HP., Snare TrapA snare trap targets the first creature to enter one of the squares it occupies. A creature may avoid the snare with a successful Reflex save. Doing so leaves the trap untriggered and makes the creature both aware of the trap and able to pass through its space freely without further risk of triggering it. A snare may benefit from one (snare) talent., Dart TrapA dart trap targets a line originating from one corner of the squares it occupies, out to Close Range (25ft + 5ft per two ranks of Craft [Mechanical], 40ft), and stops after one creature is hit. When triggered, make a ranged attack roll against each creature in line until one is hit. You may substitute Craft [Mechanical] + Int mod + BAB for Dex+BAB on this roll. The dart deals 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 for every two ranks above 1 (2d6 at 3, 3d6 at 5, and so on), with Crit 20/x3. A dart trap may benefit from a single (dart) talent. , Tripwire (snare)A creature that fails its save against a tripwire snare falls prone. Once knocked prone, a creature is no longer at risk of triggering the trap in that square. This trap is not destroyed when triggered; instead the duration is reduced by 5 rounds per creature that fails its save. Running and charging creatures take a -2 penalty on their Reflex saves against this trap., Razor WireWhen you place the tripwire snare, you may choose to have it deal 1d6 slashing damage + 1d6 at 3 ranks in Craft (traps) and every 2 ranks thereafter to the triggering creature. Alchemical items cannot be added to this snare. A razor wire snare otherwise functions as a tripwire snare. Gadgets and Inventions:   Heavy Sniper Rifle ___________________________________________________ Charge: 18/18 Gadgets:  Heavy Sniper Rifle (4 charges) Grenade Launcher (4 charges) Seeker Missile Cannon (6 charges)
  3.       Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 Det was already behind cover before the first syllable had finished leaving Duende's mouth, experienced as she is with unexpected explosives. She stayed down for a second more out of reflex, in case there was secondary fragmentation or another charge, but when more explosions failed to materialize, she jumped back into action. Slinging her rifle across her back, she hefts up another stack of plates and crawls out the hatch, replacing the many dented ablative plates on the Tank with fresh ones, tossing the damaged ones back down for reprocessing.   Show Mechanics OOC commentary   Raider needs to make a DC 16 Reflex save or the detonator explodes, dealing 6d6 (half fire/half BPS) in a 10ft radius, which hits all raiders on the truck.   Additionally, the other two raiders need to make a DC 16 save or take half the weapon damage dealt to the initial target, as well as a DC 16 save if the detonator goes off. ___________________________________________________ Main Hand: Heavy Sniper Rifle (6/15 rds) Off Hand: Empty Technician Gadgets: 4/6 Martial Focus: No ___________________________________________________ Full: Apply Reactive Armor Free: None Swift: None Move: None Standard: None Show Mini Character Sheet Ariane - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 ___________________________________________________ STATS Str 12 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (-2) HP 90/90 [THP: 50/50] HD d10+5 Speed 30 ft.    Initiative +9 Languages English Spanish Chinese Primal Myut French/French Creole Arabic Wayfairer Russian German ___________________________________________________ OFFENSE Grenade Launcher (range 70ft) +12 attack, varies on ammo Heavy Sniper Rifle (range 180/1,800, touch to 900) +13 attack, 3d6+5 B&P damage Seeker Missile Cannon (range long (400 + 40ft/level) N/A attack, 1d4x6 bludg/fire damage in 5ft radius around each missile ___________________________________________________ DEFENSE AC 20 [Touch 15, FF 15] CMD 22 [FF 17] Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +9 DR N/A Special Clarifying Reinforcements (+2 comp to Will saves) ___________________________________________________ SKILLS Craft [Mechanical] +25, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Perception +16 (9 base, +7 Green War Paint), Stealth +14 ___________________________________________________ Whatever Else Weapon-Propelled Grenades  Smoke, Flashbang, Frag   Show Equipment     Hidden Storage (10lbs current, 10lbs/1cbft max) ___________________________________________________   Trap Bag (10lbs) ___________________________________________________ General Inventory (42 lbs.) Exquisite +3 Sturdy Backpack (4lbs): +2 to Strength for carry weight 50 rounds of Heavy Ammo (5.5lbs) Gunsmith's Kit (2lbs) Masterwork Binoculars (2lbs) 2 Smoke Weapon-Propelled Grenades [WPGs] (2lbs) 2 Flashbang WPGs (2lbs) 3 Frag WPGs (3lbs) Exceptional +3 Thieves' Tools (2lbs) Flashlight (1lb) Gasmask (2lbs) 2 Gasmask Filters Compass (.5lbs) Walkie-Talkies [1 pair] (1lb) Det's Lucky Toolbox [Exceptional +3 Profitable Craft [Mechanical] Tool] (5lbs) Engineering Kit (10lbs)   Equipped Gear (33.5 lbs) ___________________________________________________ Heavy Sniper Rifle (15lbs) Grenade Launcher (6lbs) Seeker Missile Cannon Darkleaf Cloth Leather Lamellar (12.5lbs) Coin Purse Platinum: 0 Gold: 100 Electrum: 0 Silver: 0 Copper: 0   Encumbrance Max Load: 100 (light)/200 (medium)/300 (heavy) Current Weight: 85lbs Show Abilities    Passive Effects ___________________________________________________   Breaking Blast: Det's ranged attacks deal full damage to objects, instead of half.   Expert Reloading: Ariane reduces the time needed to reload ranged weapons she is proficient in by one step: full-round > standard > move > free   Mechanical Savant: When Ariane makes a successful ranged attack with an attack action, AoO, or additional attacks granted by class features or talents, while wielding a crossbow or firearm, she deals extra damage equal to 1/2 her BAB (minimum 1).   Huntsman Training: Det only suffers a -1 penalty per range increment when using a ranged weapon.   Greater Sunder: Det gains a +1 competence bonus to sunder combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMB vs sunders. For ever 4 BAB she has, this bonus increases by 1 [+2]. Does not stack with Powerful Maneuvers or Greater Sunder feat.   Opportunist: Creatures struck by Det's dart traps or who fail a save against her snare traps provoke an AoO from her. She may make this AoO with a ranged weapon, so long as it is within her first range increment.   Warning: Allies who can see and hear Det never trigger her traps unless they choose to.   Combat Reflexes: Ariane gains additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to her Dexterity modifier (+5).   Active Effects ___________________________________________________   Vital Strike: When Det uses the attack action, she may make a single attack at her highest BAB with double the base weapon damage dice (not multiplied on a critical hit)   Deadly Shot (Sniper Sphere): As a special attack action, Det may make an attack with a ranged weapon, and may add one (snipe) talent she knows to the attack. She may expend martial focus to have the attack deal an extra 1d10 damage, plus 1d10 per 4 BAB. This damage is reduced to d6 if the attack targets Touch AC.   Hindering Projectiles (snipe): Ariane's successful deadly shot lodges inside the target, inflicting a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and CMD. This ability stacks, increasing the penalty by 2 per application. The target may remove a single stack by spending a move action, or multiple as a full-round action.   Place Snare or Dart Trap: As a full-round action (standard, if she has Martial Focus), Ariane can make a DC 5 Craft [Mechanical] check to place a snare trap or dart trap in a square within her reach. [This will be in OOC tags: The trap persists for 1 round per point she beats the DC by, and occupies one five-foot square, plus one more five-foot square per five ranks in Craft [Mechanical]. All squares must be contiguous, and she cannot place two traps in the same square. Entering a square triggers the trap. The DC to resist her traps is 10 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] Ranks + her constitution modifier. The DC to detect or disable her traps is 10 + Craft [Mechanical] Bonus. If Det warns someone, or they see her place the trap, they get a +5 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves, AC, and Perception checks against that trap. A Trap has Hardness equal to Craft [Mechanical] ranks, AC equal to 10 + Craft [Mechanical] ranks, and 5 + (5 per 2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks); Hardness 6, AC 16, 20 HP.   Snare Trap: A snare trap targets the first creature to enter one of the squares it occupies. A creature may avoid the snare with a successful Reflex save. Doing so leaves the trap untriggered and makes the creature both aware of the trap and able to pass through its space freely without further risk of triggering it. A snare may benefit from one (snare) talent.   Dart Trap: A dart trap targets a line originating from one corner of the squares it occupies, out to Close Range (25ft + 5ft per two ranks of Craft [Mechanical], 40ft), and stops after one creature is hit. When triggered, make a ranged attack roll against each creature in line until one is hit. You may substitute Craft [Mechanical] + Int mod + BAB for Dex+BAB on this roll. The dart deals 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 for every two ranks above 1 (2d6 at 3, 3d6 at 5, and so on), with Crit 20/x3. A dart trap may benefit from a single (dart) talent.    Trap Talents: Tripwire (failure knocks the target prone, loses 5rds of duration upon triggering), Razor Wire (as Tripwire, but also deals slashing damage equal to a Dart trap's to the triggering creature),  Gadgets and Inventions ___________________________________________________ Charge: 18/18 Gadgets:  Heavy Sniper Rifle (4 charges) Grenade Launcher (4 charges) Seeker Missile Cannon (6 charges)
  4.      Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 Seeing the raiders break and run brings Det relief, but no joy; not yet. There's still too many raiders razing the camp for that, and the sooner they clear up these, the sooner they can go take on the bulk of the warband. To that effect, Det swings her rifle around yet again, flipping switches and adjusting knobs to bring the rifle back to its more destructive configuration. She barely takes a moment to line up a shot on the closest thing to the center of the three groups before pulling the trigger, sending another explosive payload to make their day even worse, followed quickly by another two shots in the carnage.   Show Mechanics OOC commentary   Raider needs to make a DC 16 Reflex save or the detonator explodes, dealing 6d6 (half fire/half BPS) in a 10ft radius, which hits all raiders on the truck.   Additionally, the other two raiders need to make a DC 16 save or take half the weapon damage dealt to the initial target, as well as a DC 16 save if the detonator goes off. ___________________________________________________ Main Hand: Heavy Sniper Rifle (6/15 rds) Off Hand: Empty Technician Gadgets: 4/6 Martial Focus: No ___________________________________________________ Full: N/A Free: Reload rifle as a free action, making the round Explosive Swift: None Move: Aim down the Sniper Scope (+4 to-hit) Standard: Vital Strike Deadly Shot firing a Powerful Detonator at the northmost Disciple. Show Mini Character Sheet Ariane - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 ___________________________________________________ STATS Str 12 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (-2) HP 90/90 [THP: 50/50] HD d10+5 Speed 30 ft.    Initiative +9 Languages English Spanish Chinese Primal Myut French/French Creole Arabic Wayfairer Russian German ___________________________________________________ OFFENSE Grenade Launcher (range 70ft) +12 attack, varies on ammo Heavy Sniper Rifle (range 180/1,800, touch to 900) +13 attack, 3d6+5 B&P damage Seeker Missile Cannon (range long (400 + 40ft/level) N/A attack, 1d4x6 bludg/fire damage in 5ft radius around each missile ___________________________________________________ DEFENSE AC 20 [Touch 15, FF 15] CMD 22 [FF 17] Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +9 DR N/A Special Clarifying Reinforcements (+2 comp to Will saves) ___________________________________________________ SKILLS Craft [Mechanical] +25, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Perception +16 (9 base, +7 Green War Paint), Stealth +14 ___________________________________________________ Whatever Else Weapon-Propelled Grenades  Smoke, Flashbang, Frag   Show Equipment     Hidden Storage (10lbs current, 10lbs/1cbft max) ___________________________________________________   Trap Bag (10lbs) ___________________________________________________ General Inventory (42 lbs.) Exquisite +3 Sturdy Backpack (4lbs): +2 to Strength for carry weight 50 rounds of Heavy Ammo (5.5lbs) Gunsmith's Kit (2lbs) Masterwork Binoculars (2lbs) 2 Smoke Weapon-Propelled Grenades [WPGs] (2lbs) 2 Flashbang WPGs (2lbs) 3 Frag WPGs (3lbs) Exceptional +3 Thieves' Tools (2lbs) Flashlight (1lb) Gasmask (2lbs) 2 Gasmask Filters Compass (.5lbs) Walkie-Talkies [1 pair] (1lb) Det's Lucky Toolbox [Exceptional +3 Profitable Craft [Mechanical] Tool] (5lbs) Engineering Kit (10lbs)   Equipped Gear (33.5 lbs) ___________________________________________________ Heavy Sniper Rifle (15lbs) Grenade Launcher (6lbs) Seeker Missile Cannon Darkleaf Cloth Leather Lamellar (12.5lbs) Coin Purse Platinum: 0 Gold: 100 Electrum: 0 Silver: 0 Copper: 0   Encumbrance Max Load: 100 (light)/200 (medium)/300 (heavy) Current Weight: 85lbs Show Abilities    Passive Effects ___________________________________________________   Breaking Blast: Det's ranged attacks deal full damage to objects, instead of half.   Expert Reloading: Ariane reduces the time needed to reload ranged weapons she is proficient in by one step: full-round > standard > move > free   Mechanical Savant: When Ariane makes a successful ranged attack with an attack action, AoO, or additional attacks granted by class features or talents, while wielding a crossbow or firearm, she deals extra damage equal to 1/2 her BAB (minimum 1).   Huntsman Training: Det only suffers a -1 penalty per range increment when using a ranged weapon.   Greater Sunder: Det gains a +1 competence bonus to sunder combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMB vs sunders. For ever 4 BAB she has, this bonus increases by 1 [+2]. Does not stack with Powerful Maneuvers or Greater Sunder feat.   Opportunist: Creatures struck by Det's dart traps or who fail a save against her snare traps provoke an AoO from her. She may make this AoO with a ranged weapon, so long as it is within her first range increment.   Warning: Allies who can see and hear Det never trigger her traps unless they choose to.   Combat Reflexes: Ariane gains additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to her Dexterity modifier (+5).   Active Effects ___________________________________________________   Vital Strike: When Det uses the attack action, she may make a single attack at her highest BAB with double the base weapon damage dice (not multiplied on a critical hit)   Deadly Shot (Sniper Sphere): As a special attack action, Det may make an attack with a ranged weapon, and may add one (snipe) talent she knows to the attack. She may expend martial focus to have the attack deal an extra 1d10 damage, plus 1d10 per 4 BAB. This damage is reduced to d6 if the attack targets Touch AC.   Hindering Projectiles (snipe): Ariane's successful deadly shot lodges inside the target, inflicting a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and CMD. This ability stacks, increasing the penalty by 2 per application. The target may remove a single stack by spending a move action, or multiple as a full-round action.   Place Snare or Dart Trap: As a full-round action (standard, if she has Martial Focus), Ariane can make a DC 5 Craft [Mechanical] check to place a snare trap or dart trap in a square within her reach. [This will be in OOC tags: The trap persists for 1 round per point she beats the DC by, and occupies one five-foot square, plus one more five-foot square per five ranks in Craft [Mechanical]. All squares must be contiguous, and she cannot place two traps in the same square. Entering a square triggers the trap. The DC to resist her traps is 10 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] Ranks + her constitution modifier. The DC to detect or disable her traps is 10 + Craft [Mechanical] Bonus. If Det warns someone, or they see her place the trap, they get a +5 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves, AC, and Perception checks against that trap. A Trap has Hardness equal to Craft [Mechanical] ranks, AC equal to 10 + Craft [Mechanical] ranks, and 5 + (5 per 2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks); Hardness 6, AC 16, 20 HP.   Snare Trap: A snare trap targets the first creature to enter one of the squares it occupies. A creature may avoid the snare with a successful Reflex save. Doing so leaves the trap untriggered and makes the creature both aware of the trap and able to pass through its space freely without further risk of triggering it. A snare may benefit from one (snare) talent.   Dart Trap: A dart trap targets a line originating from one corner of the squares it occupies, out to Close Range (25ft + 5ft per two ranks of Craft [Mechanical], 40ft), and stops after one creature is hit. When triggered, make a ranged attack roll against each creature in line until one is hit. You may substitute Craft [Mechanical] + Int mod + BAB for Dex+BAB on this roll. The dart deals 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 for every two ranks above 1 (2d6 at 3, 3d6 at 5, and so on), with Crit 20/x3. A dart trap may benefit from a single (dart) talent.    Trap Talents: Tripwire (failure knocks the target prone, loses 5rds of duration upon triggering), Razor Wire (as Tripwire, but also deals slashing damage equal to a Dart trap's to the triggering creature),  Gadgets and Inventions ___________________________________________________ Charge: 18/18 Gadgets:  Heavy Sniper Rifle (4 charges) Grenade Launcher (4 charges) Seeker Missile Cannon (6 charges)
  5.     Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 Despite the seriousness of the situation, despite the lives lost, homes razed, and peace shattered, seeing half a dozen explosives go off in rapid succession made Det's heart flutter, just like every time before, plastering a wide grin - that the unenlightened would call 'crazed' - on her face, framed by a blush more commonly seen on hormonal teens when their crush walks by. Sometimes she wished for a less violent life, after some of their worse contracts, one where she didn't have to see communities torn apart by greed or hatred. Sometimes she wished she had actual arms again. Sometimes, she even dreamed of a distant retirement, rebuilding Slag Valley and surrounding it with enough explosives and traps to make Doc have an aneurysm if he ever got within fifty miles of the place. But never, not from the first moment she wandered into the mines, to when she lost her arm, to when she lost her other arm, to even now, did Ariane ever even consider the notion she'd stop making things explode in new and exciting ways, nor would she ever.   Still, her medically ill-advised calling wasn't the only thing driving The Crew's resident Boom Expert; she had earned her keep on The Tank with her skill, but she had been driven to join the first place to Protect. Keep the people safe. And now the wolf was at the door, both metaphorically and literally, and they were the last line of defense. Det swings her rifle around, leaving the devastation behind for the moment - she'd give them another present later - to focus on the other active threat; the lone zealot currently threatening the settlers and their livestock truck. She reverses her earlier adjustments to the rifle - as much fun as blowing the Disciple up would be, she doubted the settler he's attacking would enjoy it quite so much - and takes aim down her scope, settling on the man's weapon. He'd still be a threat without it, but nowhere near as much of a one, and at least the shrapnel from it shattering would distract him.   Show Mechanics OOC commentary     ___________________________________________________ Main Hand: Heavy Sniper Rifle (9/15 rds) Off Hand: Empty Technician Gadgets: 5/6 Martial Focus: No ___________________________________________________ Full: N/A Free: Reload rifle as a free action Swift: None Move: Aim down the Sniper Scope (+4 to-hit) Standard: Vital Strike Sunder on Buzz Zealot 1's weapon; if the weapon is destroyed, all excess damage is dealt to the zealot. Show Mini Character Sheet Ariane - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 ___________________________________________________ STATS Str 12 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (-2) HP 90/90 [THP: 50/50] HD d10+5 Speed 30 ft.    Initiative +9 Languages English Spanish Chinese Primal Myut French/French Creole Arabic Wayfairer Russian German ___________________________________________________ OFFENSE Grenade Launcher (range 70ft) +12 attack, varies on ammo Heavy Sniper Rifle (range 180/1,800, touch to 900) +13 attack, 3d6+5 B&P damage Seeker Missile Cannon (range long (400 + 40ft/level) N/A attack, 1d4x6 bludg/fire damage in 5ft radius around each missile ___________________________________________________ DEFENSE AC 20 [Touch 15, FF 15] CMD 22 [FF 17] Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +9 DR N/A Special Clarifying Reinforcements (+2 comp to Will saves) ___________________________________________________ SKILLS Craft [Mechanical] +25, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Perception +16 (9 base, +7 Green War Paint), Stealth +14 ___________________________________________________ Whatever Else Weapon-Propelled Grenades  Smoke, Flashbang, Frag   Show Equipment     Hidden Storage (10lbs current, 10lbs/1cbft max) ___________________________________________________   Trap Bag (10lbs) ___________________________________________________ General Inventory (42 lbs.) Exquisite +3 Sturdy Backpack (4lbs): +2 to Strength for carry weight 50 rounds of Heavy Ammo (5.5lbs) Gunsmith's Kit (2lbs) Masterwork Binoculars (2lbs) 2 Smoke Weapon-Propelled Grenades [WPGs] (2lbs) 2 Flashbang WPGs (2lbs) 3 Frag WPGs (3lbs) Exceptional +3 Thieves' Tools (2lbs) Flashlight (1lb) Gasmask (2lbs) 2 Gasmask Filters Compass (.5lbs) Walkie-Talkies [1 pair] (1lb) Det's Lucky Toolbox [Exceptional +3 Profitable Craft [Mechanical] Tool] (5lbs) Engineering Kit (10lbs)   Equipped Gear (33.5 lbs) ___________________________________________________ Heavy Sniper Rifle (15lbs) Grenade Launcher (6lbs) Seeker Missile Cannon Darkleaf Cloth Leather Lamellar (12.5lbs) Coin Purse Platinum: 0 Gold: 100 Electrum: 0 Silver: 0 Copper: 0   Encumbrance Max Load: 100 (light)/200 (medium)/300 (heavy) Current Weight: 85lbs Show Abilities    Passive Effects ___________________________________________________   Breaking Blast: Det's ranged attacks deal full damage to objects, instead of half.   Expert Reloading: Ariane reduces the time needed to reload ranged weapons she is proficient in by one step: full-round > standard > move > free   Mechanical Savant: When Ariane makes a successful ranged attack with an attack action, AoO, or additional attacks granted by class features or talents, while wielding a crossbow or firearm, she deals extra damage equal to 1/2 her BAB (minimum 1).   Huntsman Training: Det only suffers a -1 penalty per range increment when using a ranged weapon.   Greater Sunder: Det gains a +1 competence bonus to sunder combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMB vs sunders. For ever 4 BAB she has, this bonus increases by 1 [+2]. Does not stack with Powerful Maneuvers or Greater Sunder feat.   Opportunist: Creatures struck by Det's dart traps or who fail a save against her snare traps provoke an AoO from her. She may make this AoO with a ranged weapon, so long as it is within her first range increment.   Warning: Allies who can see and hear Det never trigger her traps unless they choose to.   Combat Reflexes: Ariane gains additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to her Dexterity modifier (+5).   Active Effects ___________________________________________________   Vital Strike: When Det uses the attack action, she may make a single attack at her highest BAB with double the base weapon damage dice (not multiplied on a critical hit)   Deadly Shot (Sniper Sphere): As a special attack action, Det may make an attack with a ranged weapon, and may add one (snipe) talent she knows to the attack. She may expend martial focus to have the attack deal an extra 1d10 damage, plus 1d10 per 4 BAB. This damage is reduced to d6 if the attack targets Touch AC.   Hindering Projectiles (snipe): Ariane's successful deadly shot lodges inside the target, inflicting a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and CMD. This ability stacks, increasing the penalty by 2 per application. The target may remove a single stack by spending a move action, or multiple as a full-round action.   Place Snare or Dart Trap: As a full-round action (standard, if she has Martial Focus), Ariane can make a DC 5 Craft [Mechanical] check to place a snare trap or dart trap in a square within her reach. [This will be in OOC tags: The trap persists for 1 round per point she beats the DC by, and occupies one five-foot square, plus one more five-foot square per five ranks in Craft [Mechanical]. All squares must be contiguous, and she cannot place two traps in the same square. Entering a square triggers the trap. The DC to resist her traps is 10 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] Ranks + her constitution modifier. The DC to detect or disable her traps is 10 + Craft [Mechanical] Bonus. If Det warns someone, or they see her place the trap, they get a +5 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves, AC, and Perception checks against that trap. A Trap has Hardness equal to Craft [Mechanical] ranks, AC equal to 10 + Craft [Mechanical] ranks, and 5 + (5 per 2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks); Hardness 6, AC 16, 20 HP.   Snare Trap: A snare trap targets the first creature to enter one of the squares it occupies. A creature may avoid the snare with a successful Reflex save. Doing so leaves the trap untriggered and makes the creature both aware of the trap and able to pass through its space freely without further risk of triggering it. A snare may benefit from one (snare) talent.   Dart Trap: A dart trap targets a line originating from one corner of the squares it occupies, out to Close Range (25ft + 5ft per two ranks of Craft [Mechanical], 40ft), and stops after one creature is hit. When triggered, make a ranged attack roll against each creature in line until one is hit. You may substitute Craft [Mechanical] + Int mod + BAB for Dex+BAB on this roll. The dart deals 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 for every two ranks above 1 (2d6 at 3, 3d6 at 5, and so on), with Crit 20/x3. A dart trap may benefit from a single (dart) talent.    Trap Talents: Tripwire (failure knocks the target prone, loses 5rds of duration upon triggering), Razor Wire (as Tripwire, but also deals slashing damage equal to a Dart trap's to the triggering creature),  Gadgets and Inventions ___________________________________________________ Charge: 18/18 Gadgets:  Heavy Sniper Rifle (4 charges) Grenade Launcher (4 charges) Seeker Missile Cannon (6 charges)
  6.     Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 The next few seconds are a flurry of motion, as Det hotswaps parts, tightens loosening bolts and screws, and pours coolant on overheating components. The Tank wasn't meant to be pushed like this, not anymore, and it took every ounce of her skill to keep the stresses to an acceptable level. Between emergency repairs, Det takes a moment to pop open a viewport, both to allow the billowing cloud of evaporated coolant to air out, as well as to give herself a clear line on the Disciples. She'd be damned thrice over if she let a chance to put down some of the rabid raiders pass her by in favor of just sitting in the tank.   It wasn't long until she got her chance; Doc had brought them close enough that Ariane was more than confident she could hit any of the raiders, so the engineer re-engaged the Governer, shouting "Governer's back on!" as she did, dropped her tools, and picked up her rifle. A quick rack of a slide and a flip of a switch popped ensured the gun hadn't jammed when she wasn't looking, and chambered a new round of her own devising; in concept, it wasn't that complicated. Det had simply packed as much raw explosive power as she could into a single rifle bullet, shaped to blow whoever it hit to ash, as well as anyone within a couple dozen feet who were unlucky enough to be standing behind them, or next to them. Perfect for taking out scum like the Archon and his retinue. Det hefted the rifle barrel into the gap, put her eye to the scope, and drew a bead on the staff-waving lunatic. Breath in, steady the shot, wait, wait...   Det lets out a slow, even breath and pulls the trigger. Hell breaks loose on the platform truck, and it's this hell specifically where Det thrives; in a blur of motion, she pulls back the bolt on her rifle, flips a switch, and fires, four times over, each putting a round into a raider that detonates on impact.   Show Mechanics OOC commentary   The Archon needs to make a DC 18 Reflex save, or else the Detonator goes off and everyone on the truck takes 6d6 fire damage.   The two enemies adjacent to the Archon must also make a DC 16 reflex save or take half weapon damage.   Whoever is adjacent to Zealot 2 needs to make a DC 16 Reflex save or take 6 damage ___________________________________________________ Main Hand: Heavy Sniper Rifle (10/15 rds) Off Hand: Empty Technician Gadgets: 5/6 Martial Focus: No ___________________________________________________ Full: N/A Free: Toggle her rifle, making her currently-chambered round an Explosive Round (deals half-damage to all enemies adjacent to the target, DC 16 Reflex reduces to 0). Reloads the rifle as a free action between each AoO, making all rounds Explosive. Swift: Reenable the Governer on the tank Move: Aim down the Sniper Scope (+4 to-hit) Standard: Vital Strike Deadly Shot on the Archon, expending Martial Focus, and applying an Incendiary (via Chemical Insight, deals all fire damage, flammable materials and creatures who fail the save are set on fire) Landmine (via Mechanical Insight, detonator is a (snare) talent for Trap talents like Trap Launcher) Detonator as a (snare), shaping the explosion into a Cone facing directly behind the target (Demolitions Insight, cone size is 3x normal radius, so 30ft) Show Mini Character Sheet Ariane - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 ___________________________________________________ STATS Str 12 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (-2) HP 90/90 [THP: 50/50] HD d10+5 Speed 30 ft.    Initiative +9 Languages English Spanish Chinese Primal Myut French/French Creole Arabic Wayfairer Russian German ___________________________________________________ OFFENSE Grenade Launcher (range 70ft) +12 attack, varies on ammo Heavy Sniper Rifle (range 180/1,800, touch to 900) +13 attack, 3d6+5 B&P damage Seeker Missile Cannon (range long (400 + 40ft/level) N/A attack, 1d4x6 bludg/fire damage in 5ft radius around each missile ___________________________________________________ DEFENSE AC 20 [Touch 15, FF 15] CMD 22 [FF 17] Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +9 DR N/A Special Clarifying Reinforcements (+2 comp to Will saves) ___________________________________________________ SKILLS Craft [Mechanical] +25, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Perception +16 (9 base, +7 Green War Paint), Stealth +14 ___________________________________________________ Whatever Else Weapon-Propelled Grenades  Smoke, Flashbang, Frag   Show Equipment     Hidden Storage (10lbs current, 10lbs/1cbft max) ___________________________________________________   Trap Bag (10lbs) ___________________________________________________ General Inventory (42 lbs.) Exquisite +3 Sturdy Backpack (4lbs): +2 to Strength for carry weight 50 rounds of Heavy Ammo (5.5lbs) Gunsmith's Kit (2lbs) Masterwork Binoculars (2lbs) 2 Smoke Weapon-Propelled Grenades [WPGs] (2lbs) 2 Flashbang WPGs (2lbs) 3 Frag WPGs (3lbs) Exceptional +3 Thieves' Tools (2lbs) Flashlight (1lb) Gasmask (2lbs) 2 Gasmask Filters Compass (.5lbs) Walkie-Talkies [1 pair] (1lb) Det's Lucky Toolbox [Exceptional +3 Profitable Craft [Mechanical] Tool] (5lbs) Engineering Kit (10lbs)   Equipped Gear (33.5 lbs) ___________________________________________________ Heavy Sniper Rifle (15lbs) Grenade Launcher (6lbs) Seeker Missile Cannon Darkleaf Cloth Leather Lamellar (12.5lbs) Coin Purse Platinum: 0 Gold: 100 Electrum: 0 Silver: 0 Copper: 0   Encumbrance Max Load: 100 (light)/200 (medium)/300 (heavy) Current Weight: 85lbs Show Abilities    Passive Effects ___________________________________________________   Breaking Blast: Det's ranged attacks deal full damage to objects, instead of half.   Expert Reloading: Ariane reduces the time needed to reload ranged weapons she is proficient in by one step: full-round > standard > move > free   Mechanical Savant: When Ariane makes a successful ranged attack with an attack action, AoO, or additional attacks granted by class features or talents, while wielding a crossbow or firearm, she deals extra damage equal to 1/2 her BAB (minimum 1).   Huntsman Training: Det only suffers a -1 penalty per range increment when using a ranged weapon.   Greater Sunder: Det gains a +1 competence bonus to sunder combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMB vs sunders. For ever 4 BAB she has, this bonus increases by 1 [+2]. Does not stack with Powerful Maneuvers or Greater Sunder feat.   Opportunist: Creatures struck by Det's dart traps or who fail a save against her snare traps provoke an AoO from her. She may make this AoO with a ranged weapon, so long as it is within her first range increment.   Warning: Allies who can see and hear Det never trigger her traps unless they choose to.   Combat Reflexes: Ariane gains additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to her Dexterity modifier (+5).   Active Effects ___________________________________________________   Vital Strike: When Det uses the attack action, she may make a single attack at her highest BAB with double the base weapon damage dice (not multiplied on a critical hit)   Deadly Shot (Sniper Sphere): As a special attack action, Det may make an attack with a ranged weapon, and may add one (snipe) talent she knows to the attack. She may expend martial focus to have the attack deal an extra 1d10 damage, plus 1d10 per 4 BAB. This damage is reduced to d6 if the attack targets Touch AC.   Hindering Projectiles (snipe): Ariane's successful deadly shot lodges inside the target, inflicting a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and CMD. This ability stacks, increasing the penalty by 2 per application. The target may remove a single stack by spending a move action, or multiple as a full-round action.   Place Snare or Dart Trap: As a full-round action (standard, if she has Martial Focus), Ariane can make a DC 5 Craft [Mechanical] check to place a snare trap or dart trap in a square within her reach. [This will be in OOC tags: The trap persists for 1 round per point she beats the DC by, and occupies one five-foot square, plus one more five-foot square per five ranks in Craft [Mechanical]. All squares must be contiguous, and she cannot place two traps in the same square. Entering a square triggers the trap. The DC to resist her traps is 10 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] Ranks + her constitution modifier. The DC to detect or disable her traps is 10 + Craft [Mechanical] Bonus. If Det warns someone, or they see her place the trap, they get a +5 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves, AC, and Perception checks against that trap. A Trap has Hardness equal to Craft [Mechanical] ranks, AC equal to 10 + Craft [Mechanical] ranks, and 5 + (5 per 2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks); Hardness 6, AC 16, 20 HP.   Snare Trap: A snare trap targets the first creature to enter one of the squares it occupies. A creature may avoid the snare with a successful Reflex save. Doing so leaves the trap untriggered and makes the creature both aware of the trap and able to pass through its space freely without further risk of triggering it. A snare may benefit from one (snare) talent.   Dart Trap: A dart trap targets a line originating from one corner of the squares it occupies, out to Close Range (25ft + 5ft per two ranks of Craft [Mechanical], 40ft), and stops after one creature is hit. When triggered, make a ranged attack roll against each creature in line until one is hit. You may substitute Craft [Mechanical] + Int mod + BAB for Dex+BAB on this roll. The dart deals 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 for every two ranks above 1 (2d6 at 3, 3d6 at 5, and so on), with Crit 20/x3. A dart trap may benefit from a single (dart) talent.    Trap Talents: Tripwire (failure knocks the target prone, loses 5rds of duration upon triggering), Razor Wire (as Tripwire, but also deals slashing damage equal to a Dart trap's to the triggering creature),  Gadgets and Inventions ___________________________________________________ Charge: 18/18 Gadgets:  Heavy Sniper Rifle (4 charges) Grenade Launcher (4 charges) Seeker Missile Cannon (6 charges)
  7.    Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 It never got any easier, running into the Disciples. Their fragmented nature, frothing fanaticism, and gleeful violence meant that there was always a splinter somewhere, and they always showed up to terrorize the hardworking townsfolk. Like a nest of rabid rats. And like vermin, Ariane's first response is to stomp them all out, but - unfortunately - her rifle wasn't too good at this extreme a range. She'd have to settle for hitting them with the tank's cannon, then, and for that, they'd probably need to be closer. Det scrambles back into the tank and starts cranking switches and beating recalcitrant equipment, pushing even more speed out of the behemoth, calling out to the crew all the while. "Governer's off, Doc, floor it! Stabilizers ready when you are, Martin! Can keep 'em both running for 'bout thirty seconds before I need to shut 'em off!"   Show Mechanics OOC commentary   Knowledge (Local) 20, Knowledge (Engineering) 27   Tank gains 15ft of movement speed, and +3 to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 round.   Tank gains 20 stress. ___________________________________________________ Main Hand: Heavy Sniper Rifle (15/15 rds) Off Hand: Empty ___________________________________________________ Full: N/A Free: Your free actions go here. Swift: Disable the Governer on the tank Move: Move to a hatch, down it, and to the Engineer position Standard: Push the Tank into Overdrive Show Mini Character Sheet Ariane - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 ___________________________________________________ STATS Str 12 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (-2) HP 90/90 [THP: 50/50] HD d10+5 Speed 30 ft.    Initiative +9 Languages English Spanish Chinese Primal Myut French/French Creole Arabic Wayfairer Russian German ___________________________________________________ OFFENSE Grenade Launcher (range 70ft) +12 attack, varies on ammo Heavy Sniper Rifle (range 180/1,800, touch to 900) +13 attack, 3d6+5 B&P damage Seeker Missile Cannon (range long (400 + 40ft/level) N/A attack, 1d4x6 bludg/fire damage in 5ft radius around each missile ___________________________________________________ DEFENSE AC 20 [Touch 15, FF 15] CMD 22 [FF 17] Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +9 DR N/A Special Clarifying Reinforcements (+2 comp to Will saves) ___________________________________________________ SKILLS Craft [Mechanical] +25, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Perception +16 (9 base, +7 Green War Paint), Stealth +14 ___________________________________________________ Whatever Else Weapon-Propelled Grenades  Smoke, Flashbang, Frag   Show Equipment     Hidden Storage (10lbs current, 10lbs/1cbft max) ___________________________________________________   Trap Bag (10lbs) ___________________________________________________ General Inventory (42 lbs.) Exquisite +3 Sturdy Backpack (4lbs): +2 to Strength for carry weight 50 rounds of Heavy Ammo (5.5lbs) Gunsmith's Kit (2lbs) Masterwork Binoculars (2lbs) 2 Smoke Weapon-Propelled Grenades [WPGs] (2lbs) 2 Flashbang WPGs (2lbs) 3 Frag WPGs (3lbs) Exceptional +3 Thieves' Tools (2lbs) Flashlight (1lb) Gasmask (2lbs) 2 Gasmask Filters Compass (.5lbs) Walkie-Talkies [1 pair] (1lb) Det's Lucky Toolbox [Exceptional +3 Profitable Craft [Mechanical] Tool] (5lbs) Engineering Kit (10lbs)   Equipped Gear (33.5 lbs) ___________________________________________________ Heavy Sniper Rifle (15lbs) Grenade Launcher (6lbs) Seeker Missile Cannon Darkleaf Cloth Leather Lamellar (12.5lbs) Coin Purse Platinum: 0 Gold: 100 Electrum: 0 Silver: 0 Copper: 0   Encumbrance Max Load: 100 (light)/200 (medium)/300 (heavy) Current Weight: 85lbs Show Abilities    Passive Effects ___________________________________________________   Breaking Blast: Det's ranged attacks deal full damage to objects, instead of half.   Expert Reloading: Ariane reduces the time needed to reload ranged weapons she is proficient in by one step: full-round > standard > move > free   Mechanical Savant: When Ariane makes a successful ranged attack with an attack action, AoO, or additional attacks granted by class features or talents, while wielding a crossbow or firearm, she deals extra damage equal to 1/2 her BAB (minimum 1).   Huntsman Training: Det only suffers a -1 penalty per range increment when using a ranged weapon.   Greater Sunder: Det gains a +1 competence bonus to sunder combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMB vs sunders. For ever 4 BAB she has, this bonus increases by 1 [+2]. Does not stack with Powerful Maneuvers or Greater Sunder feat.   Opportunist: Creatures struck by Det's dart traps or who fail a save against her snare traps provoke an AoO from her. She may make this AoO with a ranged weapon, so long as it is within her first range increment.   Warning: Allies who can see and hear Det never trigger her traps unless they choose to.   Combat Reflexes: Ariane gains additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to her Dexterity modifier (+5).   Active Effects ___________________________________________________   Vital Strike: When Det uses the attack action, she may make a single attack at her highest BAB with double the base weapon damage dice (not multiplied on a critical hit)   Deadly Shot (Sniper Sphere): As a special attack action, Det may make an attack with a ranged weapon, and may add one (snipe) talent she knows to the attack. She may expend martial focus to have the attack deal an extra 1d10 damage, plus 1d10 per 4 BAB. This damage is reduced to d6 if the attack targets Touch AC.   Hindering Projectiles (snipe): Ariane's successful deadly shot lodges inside the target, inflicting a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and CMD. This ability stacks, increasing the penalty by 2 per application. The target may remove a single stack by spending a move action, or multiple as a full-round action.   Place Snare or Dart Trap: As a full-round action (standard, if she has Martial Focus), Ariane can make a DC 5 Craft [Mechanical] check to place a snare trap or dart trap in a square within her reach. [This will be in OOC tags: The trap persists for 1 round per point she beats the DC by, and occupies one five-foot square, plus one more five-foot square per five ranks in Craft [Mechanical]. All squares must be contiguous, and she cannot place two traps in the same square. Entering a square triggers the trap. The DC to resist her traps is 10 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] Ranks + her constitution modifier. The DC to detect or disable her traps is 10 + Craft [Mechanical] Bonus. If Det warns someone, or they see her place the trap, they get a +5 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves, AC, and Perception checks against that trap. A Trap has Hardness equal to Craft [Mechanical] ranks, AC equal to 10 + Craft [Mechanical] ranks, and 5 + (5 per 2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks); Hardness 6, AC 16, 20 HP.   Snare Trap: A snare trap targets the first creature to enter one of the squares it occupies. A creature may avoid the snare with a successful Reflex save. Doing so leaves the trap untriggered and makes the creature both aware of the trap and able to pass through its space freely without further risk of triggering it. A snare may benefit from one (snare) talent.   Dart Trap: A dart trap targets a line originating from one corner of the squares it occupies, out to Close Range (25ft + 5ft per two ranks of Craft [Mechanical], 40ft), and stops after one creature is hit. When triggered, make a ranged attack roll against each creature in line until one is hit. You may substitute Craft [Mechanical] + Int mod + BAB for Dex+BAB on this roll. The dart deals 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 for every two ranks above 1 (2d6 at 3, 3d6 at 5, and so on), with Crit 20/x3. A dart trap may benefit from a single (dart) talent.    Trap Talents: Tripwire (failure knocks the target prone, loses 5rds of duration upon triggering), Razor Wire (as Tripwire, but also deals slashing damage equal to a Dart trap's to the triggering creature),  Gadgets and Inventions ___________________________________________________ Charge: 18/18 Gadgets:  Heavy Sniper Rifle (4 charges) Grenade Launcher (4 charges) Seeker Missile Cannon (6 charges)
  8.   Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 Over the years, Ariane had developed a habit of dozing under La Chancla. It had started in her apprenticeship, back when there wasn't a rule against her experimenting with new explosives inside the tank, and a tiredness-induced slip-up had filled her room with a horrific stench for hours. She'd climbed out to escape the smell, fell asleep under the main cannon, and found she liked it enough to come back time and again. Actual sleep was rare - she'd gotten better about proper sleep schedules - but it was pleasant and peaceful to sink into a haze of half-awake, watching clouds and funky plants roll on by while keeping an eye out for the occasional IED or landmine that someone had forgotten or - in the former case - set to try to ambush whoever came down the road. Sure, it left her vulnerable to anyone wanting to take a potshot, and it took a few moments longer to get to her station, but the relaxation was worth it. A stock of ablative plates just inside the hatch didn't hurt, either, letting her justify her naps with the logic that it'd be faster for her to start armoring up the tank in case of things going south, just like now.   Jana's question had set her stirring from her rest, and Tanya's command got her the rest of the way there and jumping down the hatch, calling "Applying armor!" to the crew as she comes back up with an armful of plates. To their client, she adds. "Listen to Tanya, Jana. Hopefully some idiot set a field on fire, but if Greenwood's been attacked, you'll want to be inside," The cheerful and energetic Det Jana had seen the day before was nowhere to be seen, replaced by deadly seriousness and practiced efficiency as she began bolting the plates to The Tank.   Show Mechanics OOC commentary   Initiative (28), Craft (Mechanical) 28   The Tank now has 28 temporary HP ___________________________________________________ Main Hand: Heavy Sniper Rifle (15/15 rds) Off Hand: Empty ___________________________________________________ Full: Applying Reactive Armor to The Tank Free: Your free actions go here. Swift: Your swift action goes here. Move: Your movement goes here. Standard: Your standard action goes here. Show Mini Character Sheet Ariane - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 ___________________________________________________ STATS Str 12 (+3) Dex 20 (+5) Con 20 (+5) Int 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 7 (-2) HP 90/90 [THP: 50/50] HD d10+5 Speed 30 ft.    Initiative +9 Languages English Spanish Chinese Primal Myut French/French Creole Arabic Wayfairer Russian German ___________________________________________________ OFFENSE Grenade Launcher (range 70ft) +12 attack, varies on ammo Heavy Sniper Rifle (range 180/1,800, touch to 900) +13 attack, 3d6+5 B&P damage Seeker Missile Cannon (range long (400 + 40ft/level) N/A attack, 1d4x6 bludg/fire damage in 5ft radius around each missile ___________________________________________________ DEFENSE AC 20 [Touch 15, FF 15] CMD 22 [FF 17] Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +9 DR N/A Special Clarifying Reinforcements (+2 comp to Will saves) ___________________________________________________ SKILLS Craft [Mechanical] +25, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Perception +16 (9 base, +7 Green War Paint), Stealth +14 ___________________________________________________ Whatever Else Weapon-Propelled Grenades  Smoke, Flashbang, Frag   Show Equipment     Hidden Storage (10lbs current, 10lbs/1cbft max) ___________________________________________________   Trap Bag (10lbs) ___________________________________________________ General Inventory (42 lbs.) Exquisite +3 Sturdy Backpack (4lbs): +2 to Strength for carry weight 50 rounds of Heavy Ammo (5.5lbs) Gunsmith's Kit (2lbs) Masterwork Binoculars (2lbs) 2 Smoke Weapon-Propelled Grenades [WPGs] (2lbs) 2 Flashbang WPGs (2lbs) 3 Frag WPGs (3lbs) Exceptional +3 Thieves' Tools (2lbs) Flashlight (1lb) Gasmask (2lbs) 2 Gasmask Filters Compass (.5lbs) Walkie-Talkies [1 pair] (1lb) Det's Lucky Toolbox [Exceptional +3 Profitable Craft [Mechanical] Tool] (5lbs) Engineering Kit (10lbs)   Equipped Gear (33.5 lbs) ___________________________________________________ Heavy Sniper Rifle (15lbs) Grenade Launcher (6lbs) Seeker Missile Cannon Darkleaf Cloth Leather Lamellar (12.5lbs) Coin Purse Platinum: 0 Gold: 100 Electrum: 0 Silver: 0 Copper: 0   Encumbrance Max Load: 100 (light)/200 (medium)/300 (heavy) Current Weight: 85lbs Show Abilities    Passive Effects ___________________________________________________   Breaking Blast: Det's ranged attacks deal full damage to objects, instead of half.   Expert Reloading: Ariane reduces the time needed to reload ranged weapons she is proficient in by one step: full-round > standard > move > free   Mechanical Savant: When Ariane makes a successful ranged attack with an attack action, AoO, or additional attacks granted by class features or talents, while wielding a crossbow or firearm, she deals extra damage equal to 1/2 her BAB (minimum 1).   Huntsman Training: Det only suffers a -1 penalty per range increment when using a ranged weapon.   Greater Sunder: Det gains a +1 competence bonus to sunder combat maneuver checks, as well as to her CMB vs sunders. For ever 4 BAB she has, this bonus increases by 1 [+2]. Does not stack with Powerful Maneuvers or Greater Sunder feat.   Opportunist: Creatures struck by Det's dart traps or who fail a save against her snare traps provoke an AoO from her. She may make this AoO with a ranged weapon, so long as it is within her first range increment.   Warning: Allies who can see and hear Det never trigger her traps unless they choose to.   Combat Reflexes: Ariane gains additional attacks of opportunity each round equal to her Dexterity modifier (+5).   Active Effects ___________________________________________________   Vital Strike: When Det uses the attack action, she may make a single attack at her highest BAB with double the base weapon damage dice (not multiplied on a critical hit)   Deadly Shot (Sniper Sphere): As a special attack action, Det may make an attack with a ranged weapon, and may add one (snipe) talent she knows to the attack. She may expend martial focus to have the attack deal an extra 1d10 damage, plus 1d10 per 4 BAB. This damage is reduced to d6 if the attack targets Touch AC.   Hindering Projectiles (snipe): Ariane's successful deadly shot lodges inside the target, inflicting a -2 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and CMD. This ability stacks, increasing the penalty by 2 per application. The target may remove a single stack by spending a move action, or multiple as a full-round action.   Place Snare or Dart Trap: As a full-round action (standard, if she has Martial Focus), Ariane can make a DC 5 Craft [Mechanical] check to place a snare trap or dart trap in a square within her reach. [This will be in OOC tags: The trap persists for 1 round per point she beats the DC by, and occupies one five-foot square, plus one more five-foot square per five ranks in Craft [Mechanical]. All squares must be contiguous, and she cannot place two traps in the same square. Entering a square triggers the trap. The DC to resist her traps is 10 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] Ranks + her constitution modifier. The DC to detect or disable her traps is 10 + Craft [Mechanical] Bonus. If Det warns someone, or they see her place the trap, they get a +5 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves, AC, and Perception checks against that trap. A Trap has Hardness equal to Craft [Mechanical] ranks, AC equal to 10 + Craft [Mechanical] ranks, and 5 + (5 per 2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks); Hardness 6, AC 16, 20 HP.   Snare Trap: A snare trap targets the first creature to enter one of the squares it occupies. A creature may avoid the snare with a successful Reflex save. Doing so leaves the trap untriggered and makes the creature both aware of the trap and able to pass through its space freely without further risk of triggering it. A snare may benefit from one (snare) talent.   Dart Trap: A dart trap targets a line originating from one corner of the squares it occupies, out to Close Range (25ft + 5ft per two ranks of Craft [Mechanical], 40ft), and stops after one creature is hit. When triggered, make a ranged attack roll against each creature in line until one is hit. You may substitute Craft [Mechanical] + Int mod + BAB for Dex+BAB on this roll. The dart deals 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 for every two ranks above 1 (2d6 at 3, 3d6 at 5, and so on), with Crit 20/x3. A dart trap may benefit from a single (dart) talent.    Trap Talents: Tripwire (failure knocks the target prone, loses 5rds of duration upon triggering), Razor Wire (as Tripwire, but also deals slashing damage equal to a Dart trap's to the triggering creature),  Gadgets and Inventions ___________________________________________________ Charge: 18/18 Gadgets:  Heavy Sniper Rifle (4 charges) Grenade Launcher (4 charges) Seeker Missile Cannon (6 charges)
  9. I suppose. I would greatly prefer you read my sheet in its entirety, unless Doc has only recently joined the crew.
  10. Eh. Between Ariane and Martin, there's very, very little from the Tech sphere that cannot be supplied. We can make any (gadget) talent gadget if needed via Jury-Rigging, and have a ton of talents otherwise between the two of us.
  11. Looks like it's gonna be Tia, unfortunately. Unless the last voter makes it a tie again.
  12. Looks like everyone's weighed in on the names; here's the votes (sans Tank names that got 1 or 2 votes):    Tank Name: Boom Box: 5 Defiant: 5 Tia: 5 Aegis: 4 Indomitable: 3   Crew Name: The Breakers: 3 Tia's Tankers (if Tia wins): 3 The Crew: 2 Valkyries: 2     Looks like a tie between Boom Box, Defiant, and Tia. Everyone who voted Tia's Tankers had a rider specifying only if Tia won, so the Tank vote will decide the crew vote.    
  13.   There's already a thread on OGMW for dice rolling; there's a link in the Overview, near where the Discord server link is.
  14.   Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 "All the sulfur's gone, but suit yourself," Det shrugs, hefting a beaten toolbox out from under the tank and tucking under an arm, "And yeah, 's a job and a half. Everything's pretty sturdy, but there's so much of it that by the time you fix the last thing on the list, the first thing needs some love again. Not to mention the repairs after a scrap. But I love it; whoever built her really knew their stuff, and I learn so much every day just poking at the systems." As they walk, Ariane shifts the toolbox around to pop it open, and pulls out a small mess of wires, metal, and some sort of putty, as well as a screwdriver, and begins tinkering with it with quick, sure movements. Whatever it is, it engrosses Det enough that it takes her a few moments to realize Jana asked a question. "Oh, that? Nah, I don't owe anyone. Well, 'cept Doc. He's got a mean poker face, and I'm terrible at cards, but we keep track of that mostly for score, not actual cash. It's 'Det', no 'B', short for 'Detonator'," with a deft twist of her wrist and a quiet 'aha!', Ariane finishes what is now obviously a grenade, and gives it a little wave in Jana's direction. "Keepin' the ride running's my job, but my passion is making things explode!"   All of Ariane's scars, and her missing arms, make a lot more sense with this revelation. Unaware - or uncaring - of this fact, she adds, "So what's Greenwood like? I don't think we've been 'round there since I signed on. You got farms, sounds like?"    
  15. Tank:  Indomitable Inevitable Serenity Tyrant of the Wastes The Tank Boom Box Winged Hussar Defiant Aegis Crew:  The Crew Valkyries     Not a fan of Tia or variants.
  16. For the foreseeable future, I'll probably stick with just the one, and maybe a handful of batteries. The current plan is to have a dozen or so cameras providing vision outside of the tank for people on the inside, and some turrets to help protect the tank, as well as gadget firearms to mount on said turrets. Cameras are 1 charge/4 hours, turrets are a charge a minute, and - assuming I don't want to figure out how to supply turrets with physical ammo - gadget-weapons can spend a charge in place of a round of ammo, making them a charge/round when active. With a single-charge battery attached to each camera for emergencies, and maybe one on each turret, a Large Generator can easily supply all the gadgets indefinitely, and then turn its charges to supplying ammo for the weaponry during combat.   This'll take a while to setup, too; each camera is 800gp, as is each battery. A turret, by my reading, would be 2400gp each (assuming I want it to have the best attack-bonus it can), and each weapon would be 800gp as well. Not to mention the generator itself costs 4800gp if I want it to be stable. Those all might be increased if I need to pay for Wireless Charge to work with them, too. It'll be like, 35k GP to get this all set up lol, and months of work.
  17. I was more talking about the critical hit vulnerability if it's integrated into the tank-as-drone; taking the talent twice removes that weakness, though if you're still willing to allow it to remove the stable requirement, that'd be amazing. I'm already cannibalizing the talents and feats I can justify losing to pull this off, not much else to throw at it lol.
  18. I'll probably take the talent twice to remove those weaknesses.
  19. Would the Generator and Wireless Charge Legendary Talents be allowed? I want to use then to supply power to appliances and contraptions that'll be sticking with the tank, though there is a side-effect of the combination of both meaning that - while we're near the tank - charges are basically unlimited. Most gadgets consume charges every minute or longer, though, so it doesn't seem too gamebreaking.
  20.  Ariane - "Det" McKinnon - Blacksmith (Techsmith) 6/Technician (Rigger) 6 One of the crew, Jana notices, is apparently too busy with what they're doing to properly join the huddle that decides her and her family's fate, remaining a pair of cloth-covered legs poking out from the underneath the tank. This doesn't stop her - for the voice is female - from either hearing what the others are saying or shouting her opinion, muffled calls that the other members of the crew seem to have no trouble interpreting. As the deal is struck, however, a loud CLANG! echoes from under the tank, followed by muffled swearing which becomes intelligible as the woman pulls herself out from under the vehicle. "-ew I shouldn't have trusted him, the lying, gouging, cheating piece of-," she mutters, before cutting her rant off upon spotting Jana. Now that she's properly visible, Jana can see that the woman is a mess of scars, every inch of skin not covered by her oil-stained overalls and tank-top, ranging up and down her face and neck to dip below her clothes and - presumably - further down her body. The biggest wounds, however, are her arms; or what's left of them. Her torso terminates in two gnarly masses of scars at her shoulders, attached to which are two rather beaten-looking mechanical arms. It doesn't seem to pain her in the slightest, as she shoots Jana a quick grin before turning to her fellow shareholders. "Remind me to shoot Soloman the next time we see him; that steel he sold me was more like tin for all that it held up, and now the secondary rear axle's busted. I can rig a replacement tonight that'll last us to Greenwood, but I'm gonna need to head into the Bazaar to pick up some actual metal so I can make a proper one on the way there."   After receiving various gestures of acknowledgement, the woman then turns to Jana, grinning again. "You can come along, if you like. A couple of my regulars have room to spare, and I might be able to trade some repair-work for a night, if you like. Could also stay in the tank, too; I think I worked my way through all the sulfur we had in storage, so there's plenty of room. Gonna need to get some more of that, I'm running low on nitroglycerin AND gunpowder. RDX, too, might be able to pick up the stuff to make...," she trails off, lost in her list of needs, before abruptly remembering Jana is there. "Oh, right, I forgot. I'm Ariane! Though most people call me Det. I keep this hunk of junk running. Nice to meet you!"   She holds out a mechanical hand - still partially covered in oil - to Jana.    
  21. So far, we've got the following suggestions (I just listed every name someone suggested): Tank Name:  The Tank Jaxbe The Beast Slayer Devastator Silver Shield The Sword The Hammer Golden Arrow The Turtle The Rock Hedgehog Porcupine Indomitable Unstoppable Inevitable Serenity Ohio Valley Krakatoa Vesuvius Wastes Tyrant Tyrant of the Wastes The Axe Tia The Tank "You're Gonna Need More Men" Defiant Boom Box The Fist Winged Hussar Protector Aegis Beastkiller Tiny Tia Crew Name:  The Crew Hussars Winged Hussars Valkyries The Crew Dragoons Tia's Tankers Breakers     I'm thinking we maybe do a few more suggestions, then have everyone pick a couple names and slap all those together in a list and vote on which ones we like. Probably with Approval voting, since that's easy enough to set up a strawpoll for.     I kinda like just 'The Crew' for the crew, as it has an implied fame/infamy to it. You don't need to specify who they're the crew of; there is only one Crew of note.    
  22. I'm not too big a fan of Winged Hussars, personally. It's fine; got good historic background, an excuse to play Sabaton, thematic, but the name itself doesn't really have the same oomph, if you get what I mean? Maybe it's just because I don't know much about them, but I don't really think anything amazing when I hear the name, as opposed to fighting forces more mainstream like Spartans or whatever.   Maybe we could call the tank the Winged Hussar, and go with a different name for the crew? I like it as a tank name better than a crew name.
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