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Ace Bronson

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  1. Alright, I feel like I've left this scene open for a sufficient amount of time and it feels right to move things along. Please speak up if there is anything I missed or if anyone has plans to do more with it but just haven't had the chance. I'll start working towards the next scene and get a post up later today.
  2. Perhaps surprisingly, Erik, Sigurd's right-hand man seems drawn to Sven's devotions. He is a quiet observer in the first couple but soon becomes a fervent participant. Despite his grim and steely demeanor it becomes clear he is a devout man. Sigurd is clearly displeased that Erik is being so distracted and influenced by one of the interlopers, but despite Erik's loyalty to Sigurd it's clear that he is his own man in some respects. Erik is a man of discipline however, and he does not readily divulge camp secrets. Sven thinks that if he is to learn more from him he would have to apply some pressure or leverage, which could have it's risks as well as rewards... OOC INFO
  3. Yeah, what Eborne1 said. Please dont stress. I was responding to your post above where you asked us not to interpret your post as starting a battle. You seem like you're on the right track. We're just info gathering, creating connections, RPing etc while we wait for the ship to be repaired. I try not to let anything truly important get buried in the Discord conversations. I'll post anything important both here and in the "important info" channel on discord. I also try to tag people on important posts so you can see it in your notifications and not have to dig for it. This is meant to be fun, not stressful. :)
  4. Ulfgrim devotes his time to aiding and accompanying the camp cook, Gunnhild. She is a warm-hearted person and is appreciative of Ulfgrim's help. She is talkative but seems to know little of the details of why they are here on this island. She's heard snippets of ghost stories that seem rather fanciful, she brushes them off as old wive's tales. The craftsmen were tight lipped. They tell him little to nothing about what is going on here, but some of the sharpened stakes that they are planting seem excessive in size for common defenses. If nothing else, Ulfgrim is well fed and treated kindly during his stay in the camp. OOC INFO
  5. Hjarlof makes significant strides in ingratiating himself with the suspicious and taciturn Ormrung in the camp. Though some still keep him at arms length as well as the others in the Hrafning expedition, many greatly enjoy his music and stories. He manages to convince several to let their guards down enough to garner some pertinent information. Between his time with the scout, the messenger and the huntsman Hjarlof is able to learn a bit more about the island: There is a vast, uncharted interior Volcanic and geothermal activity is significant There are a variety of dangers and they have lost men already. They seem reluctant to talk about the exact nature of the dangers but reading between the lines seems to suggest that there are a combination of bestial, supernatural, environmental and human dangers. Surprisingly (or not surprisingly depending on how well you know the Ormrung) they are quite tight lipped about affairs from back in their territory. These seem like the most innocuous conversations to be had but it is hard to glean anything meaningful when talking about their home, politics or affairs. Somewhat hypocritically they are quite interested to hear tales from other lands and don't seem to balk at all at the disparity. Once again, they are hesitant to say much at all about Leif's expedition, but Hjarlof's charm wins through and he manages to loosen a few lips more than they should This is what he learns. The camp as a whole has been here only a couple weeks Leif and his party have made a couple forays since they've been here. They've been gone a few days on their most recent excursion. One member of Leif's party has already died. Nothing about diseases The landward defenses are in case of attack from the various threats encountered so far. It doesn't sound like there's been a significant attack on the camp yet. Those who have died have been out and about on the island. OOC INFO
  6. Sigurd's hard eyes soften slightly at Hjarlof's polite word and tone. He nods and the agreement is made. He shakes the hand of all those present and begins barking orders to the men around him to man some rowboats to transfer men and goods. The party is given a tent to themselves and free reign within the camp. The captain of the Shield Maiden makes arrangements to share supplies so that the Hrafning expedition is not a burden on the fodder of the Ormrung camp. The tone of the camp is generally reserved and suspicious but not entirely unfriendly. Some folk are eager for news from other lands and some have news of their own. OOC INFO A couple days of the repairs pass and you have come to know a handful of the camp members and a little about them. You learn that there is a group abroad on the island interior which includes Sigurd's father Leif who seems to be the leader of this camp. Please let me know what you'd like to do and what information you might like to try and glean. You're welcome to make IC posts if you'd like or you can go back and forth with me OOC to resolve rolls or work things out in a more abstract way. We'll play this out for as long as it seems fun and useful and then we can move on. So if you're feeling done with your part of this scene let me know so I can know who to wait for. Vilrun, you learn that the Volva is also out with the group in the interior Gunnhild, Camp Cook: A stout and jovial woman with a round face and a hearty laugh. She has been with the Ormrung expedition for many years, serving as the camp cook and caretaker. Gunnhild takes pride in her culinary skills, often preparing hearty meals to lift the spirits of her companions. Despite her warm demeanor, she is fiercely protective of those under her care. Ragnar, Camp Craftsman: A skilled artisan with rough hands and a weathered face. Ragnar is adept at working with wood and metal, crafting tools and weapons for the expedition members. He keeps to himself mostly, preferring the company of his tools and materials. Despite his gruff exterior, Ragnar takes great pride in his work and will go to great lengths to ensure its quality. Ingrid, Companion Woman: A striking beauty with long golden hair and piercing blue eyes. Ingrid hails from a distant village, drawn to the Ormrung expedition by tales of adventure and glory. She serves as a companion to the camp members, offering comfort and solace in their darkest hours. Ingrid possesses a quiet strength and resilience, having endured hardships of her own in the past. Erik, Camp Warrior: A seasoned fighter with a scarred face and a steely gaze. Erik is fiercely loyal to Sigurd, serving as his right-hand man in matters of defense and security. He is skilled with both sword and shield, having honed his combat prowess through years of training and experience. Erik's presence instills confidence in the camp members, knowing they have a formidable protector in their midst. Bjorn, Expedition Navigator: A grizzled sailor with salt-stained clothes and a weather-beaten face. Bjorn is responsible for charting the course of the expedition's ships and navigating the treacherous waters surrounding the island. He possesses an intimate knowledge of the sea, gained through years of seafaring experience. Despite his rough exterior, Bjorn is a trusted advisor to Sigurd, offering invaluable guidance in matters of maritime travel. Freydis, Camp Healer: A gentle-hearted woman with a soothing voice and a calming presence. Freydis is skilled in the art of herbalism and natural remedies, tending to the wounds and ailments of the expedition members. She possesses a deep connection to the land and its healing properties, often gathering medicinal herbs and plants from the surrounding wilderness. Freydis is held in high regard by her companions, who rely on her expertise to keep them healthy and strong. Torstein, Camp Scout: A wiry and agile tracker with keen eyes and quick reflexes. Torstein is tasked with scouting the island's terrain and gathering intelligence on potential threats or opportunities. He moves with silent grace through the wilderness, blending seamlessly with his surroundings. Torstein's knowledge of the land is unparalleled, allowing the expedition to navigate safely through unknown territory and avoid potential dangers. Sif, Camp Messenger: A swift-footed runner with boundless energy and enthusiasm. Sif is responsible for delivering messages and relaying important information between the camp and the expedition members. She possesses an uncanny ability to traverse long distances in record time, her endurance and determination unmatched by any other. Sif's infectious optimism and unwavering dedication make her a valued member of the expedition, always ready to lend a helping hand or a word of encouragement. Hakon, Camp Huntsman: A rugged outdoorsman with a rugged appearance and a deep love for the wilderness. Hakon is skilled in the art of hunting and tracking, providing fresh meat and provisions for the expedition members. He roams the forests and plains of the island with his trusty bow and arrow, stalking prey with stealth and precision. Hakon's knowledge of the local wildlife is invaluable, ensuring that the camp always has an ample supply of food and resources.
  7. I feel like I interpreted your post correctly. You're welcome to your thoughts and opinions. I wouldn't have even had a problem with you contradicting Hjarlof or pulling him aside for a debate. A little intra-party friction isn't always a bad thing as long as it contributes to the story, stays in character and doesn't get out of hand. Hopefully everyone is more or less on the same page now with the plan.
  8. Any of you can continue this conversation as much as you wish, we can also move forward if you're ready to. Here's my general plan for this stage. You'll have a few days to a week while the repairs are being done. You can use this time in the Ormrung camp as you see fit. It could be a good time for information gathering and planning. Obviously setting up camp here where you intended isn't going to likely work, but maybe there are other options... Be thinking about what information or planning your character would like to pursue and what skills you might have to bring to bear, if any. I will give you more information about the camp once you're done talking to Sigurd if you choose to accept his terms and stay for the repairs. Please speak up here if you're done with the conversation so I know not to wait for you to move things forward.
  9. The young man takes them in one by one, pausing before he answers, "I am Sigurd, son of Leif. I am responsible for this camp in my father's absence. I wonder what your purpose is here in these waters. You are clearly not traders, nor are you pirates. Such a motely band, but poor you are not. I have heard some of your names and of your exploits. You say you sail under Folkvar the Wise and I wonder again, what interest he has here that requires such a well funded party. Knowing more of your purpose would do much to build trust between us." He pauses again and rubs his chin, peering out at the two longships poised just off shore. "Let it not be said that the Ormrung under Leif Grimson are heartless and cruel. You may moor your damaged ship for repairs. Here are my conditions. The other ship remains out of bow shot. No more than half your men may be on land at a time. Should the ship approach or more men come ashore it will be considered an act of war and we will respond in kind. I will provide rowboats to shuttle men and goods. No one is to leave the camp perimeter inland. You will be our guests in camp and share our food and tents, but when your repairs are finished I will bid you farewell from this shore. Do you agree to these terms?" He extends out a hand in a gesture of trust, though his eyes still show his suspicion.
  10. I'm interested in the game. what do we know about the incursion? what's the nature of it? I'm only asking to better tailor my character to the game an setting. Is it something that has already started that we are rising to face, or will all be revealed in-game and we should make characters geared for a standard Hyborian adventure?
  11. The plan is set and the ships are in place. The captured pirate ship drifts just inside longbow range and the Shield Maiden approaches behind the white boat. Upon the makeshift docks stand a wiry young man, well dressed and decorated in elaborate dragon tattoos. He is flanked by four hard looking warriors with stony looks on their faces. Others stand scattered around in mid task but waiting curiously to catch a glimpse of the newcomers. The young man does nothing to hinder (or help) the boat moor or the passengers disembark onto the dock. He eyes them with a shrewd and critical eye that belies a keen wit. Once the party has found it's footing he steps forward and speaks, "Who are you that comes to our camp? Under who's orders do you sail and what is your business here that you come in force?" OOC Some things readily apparent without need of rolls as you approach and disembark: The camp is newly constructed and still a work in progress with little in the way of outward sea-facing defenses at rough first glance the camp seems out manned by the party and their crew, (not by much) though not all is visible from the docks They seem well supplied and in good heath and spirit
  12. I appreciate you putting the game together. I had fun.
  13. Please use this thread for in character interactions that are outside the main storyline. Don't worry too much about continuity. You can define when the conversation is taking place if it feels necessary, (i.e. during the ship travel to the island)
  14. I am leaving for a week long camping/archery trip. I'll be back next Monday. Just wanted to let y'all know. I'm fine with being in the background if you want to do something fun with Coroebus, or you can post for me to keep things moving along. whatever you think best.
  15. Zorus takes a moment to revel in the cheering crowd, standing on a pile of rubble. "Congratulations, Coroebus! Well struck!" He shouted to is companion. His arrogance could at times be insufferable but his competency and athleticism could hardly be questioned. OOC Zorus doesn't have strong feelings about the companions and will go with Coroebus' suggestion Quick Stats Parry: 6 Toughness: 10 (3) Favor: 3 Status: Normal Full Stats Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Language ( Koine) d8, Notice d4, Performance d4, Persuasion d4, Repair d4, Riding d4, Stealth d6, Survival d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 (3) Hindrances: Overconfident, Stubborn, Vengeful (minor) (1 Edge, 1 Attribute) Edges: Legendary Hide (custom), Brawny (custom) Rock Slayer Weapons: Spiked Great Club, 6 javelins, wineskin, 5 days rations, sack Language: Koine (native, d8) Lydian (d?) Current Wealth: 44ah
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