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Everything posted by GreyJaeger

  1. [Verse 1] Now here I go, hope I don't break down I won't take anythin', I don't need anythin' Don't want to exist, I can't persist Please stop before I do it again [Pre-Chorus] Just talk about nothin' Let's talk about nothin' Let's talk about no one Please talk about no one, someone, anyone
  2. No idea if this is going to be niche or not truthfully. [Verse 1] Now here I go, hope I don't break down I won't take anythin', I don't need anythin' Don't want to exist, I can't persist Please stop before I do it again [Pre-Chorus] Just talk about nothin' Let's talk about nothin' Let's talk about no one Please talk about no one, someone, anyone
  3. Fire Water Burn- Bloodhound Gang Of course I think I' m8ght be off on the title
  4. Sorry for the delay. I think I caught a bit of something the other day and been feeling very puny.
  5. With the mention of Stahnvald, the man who has stayed on the ground, as well as quiet, speaks up. "Take us to Stahnvald, and we be dead." The man gets up more quickly than the other did, but not so hastily as to be perceived as an attack. "And not by being bandits. Brother and I were driven to this!" The first man nods his head emphatically, eyes showing fear. Seeing the two standing next to each other, you can see some resemblances. They both have dark hair and pale green eyes, as well as sharing their nose and a chin cleft. The second man looks to be older, while the younger is taller and leaner.
  6. Sorry for the delay. Between prepping the house for inspection, helping the GF with a medical procedure, and with a TS/Hurricane bearing down, I had a lot on my plate. Will post tonight
  7. Looking like we have quite a few people have not posted in a bit.
  8. The man looks around and steps carefully to see down towards the road. "We were about third. Sometimes there more, sometimes less. Other groups come through and stay few days."
  9. The talkative brigand looks to the party before looking around from his spot on the ground. Looking a bit frustrated he slowly and carefully gets to his feet, keeping his hands out and open. Once sure he has his bearings, he nods and points towards the west. "That way.. Maybe hour. High hill.. Has cave. Shelter there."
  10. Older but more mainstream It's getting near dawn When lights close their tired eyes I'll soon be with you my love Give you my dawn surprise I'll be with you darling soon I'll be with you when the stars start falling
  11. I stayed in too long But she was the perfect fit And we dragged it out so long this time Started to make each other sick But now I've got time for you For you, you, you and me too Well, come and get it, come and get it Cause I'm done
  12. The party proceeds to waken the two sleeping bandits. It takes a few moments to to rouse them from the magic-induced slumber. Finally, the two awaken with a start. They are confused at first, but when they realize what has happened, they stay still and raise their hands. The two are both humans, likely from the region, since their dress seems akin to the area. Their eyes are filled with fear as they look to you. "Vhat do want?"
  13. I was very happy that the Days of Hair Metal ended. Sorry, not sorry. LoL The song was This one is probably a bit niche as well. However, the lead singer of this band worked together with Mark Lanegan on a few projects before Marks death two years ago. Your attention, please Now turn off the light Your infection, please I haven't got all night Understand, do you understand?
  14. I know the lead singer has a big following, so I assumed the whole band had a following. I assumed poorly. 😆
  15. I just realized that this song was rather niche, only being known for being on the Singles soundtrack. Drag me far enough to know I'm blind every mile that you burn There's a rider that's fallen and It's clear there's no time to return
  16. Did you hear the distant cry Calling me back to my sin Like the one you knew before Calling me back once again
  17. Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana
  18. Checking the weapons and armour of the dead brigands, you mostly see that they are common weapons; hand axes, clubs, spears, and knives or daggers. The two sleeping archers were carrying short bows with quivers as well as a hand axe and dagger. Treasure Gold Roll Treasure Gems Roll Treasure Extraordinary Items Roll Treasure Magic Items Roll Looking for anything else of value or interest you do not find anything unfortunately. DM Notes: You still have two bandits under the effects of a Sleep spell. What does the party wish to do?
  19. The song was Blood, Sweat, and Tears . Try something that might be easy... You've been down too long in the midnight sea Oh what's becomin' of me Ride the tiger You can see his stripes but you know he's clean Oh don't you see what I mean
  20. [Verse 2] The others were untrue But when it came to lovin' you I'd spend my whole life with you [Pre-Chorus] 'Cause you came and you took control You touch my very soul You always show me that Lovin' you is where it's at
  21. I lost at love before Got mad and closed the door But you said try just once more I chose you for the one Now I'm having so much fun You treated me so kind, I'm about to lose my mind
  22. Tearing Away- Drowning Pool. Just ran to the store and it was playing on the radio when I got in the car.
  23. Within barely a breath being taken, seven of the ten brigands lie either dead or incapacitated. Seeing the results of the combination of magic, both godly and arcane, and martial prowess, the remaining bandit's taste for fight completely fades. Each of the three turns to flee; the last shielded bandit runs south, the two bow-armed heads west. DM Notes The remaining bandit's morale is completely broken, and they are fleeing. You may try to purse if you wish. However, keep in mind that more than likely these ruffians know the area better than you, and they are skilled. They just bit off a bit more than they can chew. Although it is not clear, the area the archers were on is elevated. It is not a ten foot vertical, but the incline is somewhat steep (about 30 degrees). And yes, I do realize I did not mark North, so just consider North is towards the top. Combat Sense works with Surprise as well as Flanking and Rear Attacks. (+2 to Surprise checks, Opponents receive no bonus to Flank attacks, and Opponents Back/Rear bonuses are halved).
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