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Character Name: Ariane "Det" McKinnon



Play Overview: In-combat, Det provides ranged overwatch and crowd-control, firing off devastating shots from her rifle at both enemy equipment and enemies themselves; her shots at equipment are particularly powerful, and any excess damage there spills over, so she can - and does - disarm and disrobe enemies from range, shredding them with shrapnel all the while.


Ariane also has a wide array of traps, explosives, and explosive traps at her disposal, and is able to apply those effects directly to enemies via a combination of Trap Launcher and Mechanical Insight's Land Mine option. She can entangle them in foam, create nauseating smoke clouds or fiery explosions, and blinding flares.


Where Ariane shines, however, is when she gets a chance to set up a battlefield. Given a few hours to set up, Ariane can deploy three turrets equipped with any firearm she can create and litter the battlefield with traps to delay and debuff, turning it into a slaughterhouse.


Outside of combat, Det is an expert mechanic, engineer, and both layer and disabler of traps and explosives. She's fluent in seven languages and reasonably stealthy, and can whip up devices given time to boost her capabilities in a variety of areas.


She is also capable of crafting technological items, primarily focusing on firearms, but more than capable of building anything mechanical.




Melee Attack/Damage (Constructed Heavy Mace): +8, 1d8+3 damage 
Ranged Attack/Damage:

Grenade Launcher: +12/+7, damage varies based on round

Heavy Sniper Rifle: +13/+8, 6d6+5 damage

Heavy Sniper Rifle, Ranged Sunder: +19, 9d6+5 damage (minus the sunder item's hardness and HP)

Alternative Attacks: 
Dart Trap: +11, 3d6 damage
Snare Trap: DC 18 (3d6 with Razor Wire)
Detonator: DC 18, 6d6 damage (+18 damage versus unattended objects, walls, and terrain. Deals full damage to objects), a wide variety of possible effectsAriane can choose to add up to one of the following benefits:

Powerful: Radius increases from 5ft to 10ft
Foam: Fills a radius of 10ft (+5ft per 5 class levels) with foam, revealing invisible creatures for 1 minute per level, or until they wipe it off as a full-round action. Can choose to have detonator deal no damage to entangle creatures affected as well. Lasts 1 minute per level.
Flare: Shed bright light in a 30ft (+5ft per 2 class levels) radius, and increasing the light level by one step to a maximum of normal in an additional 30ft (+5ft per 2 class levels) radius for 1 minute per level. May have detonator deal no damage to make all creatures in bright light radius make a Fort save or be blinded for one round.
Incendiary: Deal all fire damage instead of half-piercing/half-fire. Flammable material and creatures who fail their reflex saves catch on fire.
Smoke: Fill a 5ft (+5ft per 5 levels) radius with smoke, obscuring all sight - including darkvision - beyond 5ft. Creatures farther away have total concealment. Lasts 1 minute/level. Moderate wind disperses in 4 rounds, strong wind in 1 round. May choose not to deal damage, and cause all inside or who enter cloud to make Fort saves or be sickened for 1d4+1 rounds. If already sickened, becomes nauseated instead.

And may choose up to one of the following trigger methods (which increase the duration of the detonator to 10 minutes per technician level):
Landmine: Explodes when a creature enters its square. Qualifies as a snare trap for Trap sphere talents such as Remote Trigger and Trap Wielder.
Remote: Can be placed as a standard action, then triggered as a swift. Any number of Detonators can be triggered with the same swift action, but multiple AoEs do not stack.
Timed: Explodes after a set amount of time. Maximum duration increases to 1 hour per technician level.

And may choose to change area from a 5ft burst to a 15ft cone. With Chemical Insight, instead becomes 3x radius (30ft cone). If cone breaks an intervening object, creatures on the other side take damage as well (e.g. if Det places a shaped charge against a wall and rolls enough damage to destroy the wall, creatures on the other side also are affected by the blast)

Tech Sphere: DC 16
Combat Maneuvers: Ranged Sunder CMB +19, 9d6+5 damage to objects (damage spills over if item breaks)


AC: 20, 15 touch, 15 flatfooted

CMD: 23, FFCMD 18, +2 vs Sunder
Saves: +12/+12/+7
HP: 90, 8 THP/rd via berserker sphere
Special Defenses: None


Group Effects: Blacksmith Maintenance, Technical Maintenance, Item Crafting (permanent gadgets from Tech sphere)


Appraise +12, Craft [Mechanical] +23, Craft [Traps] +12, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Knowledge [Engineering] +15, Profession [Blacksmith] +18, Stealth +14, Perception +9


Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can create a Mechanical Tool that acts as Masterwork for the following skills, granting +6 (+2 base, +4 Toolsmith insight): Acrobatics, Craft, Climb, Escape Artist, Heal, Perception, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Swim. She can spend a charge from the Tool to increase the bonus by an additional +6 competence (3 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks) for a specific use.


Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can create a Tutor that grants a +2 competence bonus to the following skills, and allows them to be used untrained: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Linguistics, Perform, Profession (any), Sense Motive, or Survival. She can spend a charge from the Tutor to increase the bonus to +6 (3 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks) for a specific use.




Using the Tank:
Primary Role: Engineer
Secondary Roles: Gunner, Driver




Character Name: Ariane "Det" McKinnon



Play Overview: In-combat, Det provides ranged overwatch and crowd-control, firing off devastating shots from her rifle at both enemy equipment and enemies themselves; her shots at equipment are particularly powerful, and any excess damage there spills over, so she can - and does - disarm and disrobe enemies from range, shredding them with shrapnel all the while.


Ariane also has a wide array of traps, explosives, and explosive traps at her disposal, and is able to apply those effects directly to enemies via a combination of Trap Launcher and Mechanical Insight's Land Mine option. She can entangle them in foam, create nauseating smoke clouds or fiery explosions, and blinding flares.


Where Ariane shines, however, is when she gets a chance to set up a battlefield. Given a few hours to set up, Ariane can deploy three turrets equipped with any firearm she can create and litter the battlefield with traps to delay and debuff, turning it into a slaughterhouse.


Outside of combat, Det is an expert mechanic, engineer, and both layer and disabler of traps and explosives. She's fluent in seven languages and reasonably stealthy, and can whip up devices given time to boost her capabilities in a variety of areas.


She is also capable of crafting technological items, primarily focusing on firearms, but more than capable of building anything mechanical.




Melee Attack/Damage (Constructed Heavy Mace): +8, 1d8+3 damage 
Ranged Attack/Damage:

Grenade Launcher: +12/+7, damage varies based on round

Heavy Sniper Rifle: +13/+8, 6d6+5 damage

Heavy Sniper Rifle, Ranged Sunder: +19, 9d6+5 damage (minus the sunder item's hardness and HP)

Alternative Attacks: 
Dart Trap: +11, 3d6 damage
Snare Trap: DC 18 (3d6 with Razor Wire)
Detonator: DC 18, 6d6 damage (+18 damage versus unattended objects, walls, and terrain. Deals full damage to objects), a wide variety of possible effectsAriane can choose to add up to one of the following benefits:

Powerful: Radius increases from 5ft to 10ft
Foam: Fills a radius of 10ft (+5ft per 5 class levels) with foam, revealing invisible creatures for 1 minute per level, or until they wipe it off as a full-round action. Can choose to have detonator deal no damage to entangle creatures affected as well. Lasts 1 minute per level.
Flare: Shed bright light in a 30ft (+5ft per 2 class levels) radius, and increasing the light level by one step to a maximum of normal in an additional 30ft (+5ft per 2 class levels) radius for 1 minute per level. May have detonator deal no damage to make all creatures in bright light radius make a Fort save or be blinded for one round.
Incendiary: Deal all fire damage instead of half-piercing/half-fire. Flammable material and creatures who fail their reflex saves catch on fire.
Smoke: Fill a 5ft (+5ft per 5 levels) radius with smoke, obscuring all sight - including darkvision - beyond 5ft. Creatures farther away have total concealment. Lasts 1 minute/level. Moderate wind disperses in 4 rounds, strong wind in 1 round. May choose not to deal damage, and cause all inside or who enter cloud to make Fort saves or be sickened for 1d4+1 rounds. If already sickened, becomes nauseated instead.

And may choose up to one of the following trigger methods (which increase the duration of the detonator to 10 minutes per technician level):
Landmine: Explodes when a creature enters its square. Qualifies as a snare trap for Trap sphere talents such as Remote Trigger and Trap Wielder.
Remote: Can be placed as a standard action, then triggered as a swift. Any number of Detonators can be triggered with the same swift action, but multiple AoEs do not stack.
Timed: Explodes after a set amount of time. Maximum duration increases to 1 hour per technician level.

And may choose to change area from a 5ft burst to a 15ft cone. With Chemical Insight, instead becomes 3x radius (30ft cone). If cone breaks an intervening object, creatures on the other side take damage as well (e.g. if Det places a shaped charge against a wall and rolls enough damage to destroy the wall, creatures on the other side also are affected by the blast)

Tech Sphere: DC 16
Combat Maneuvers: Ranged Sunder CMB +19, 9d6+5 damage to objects (damage spills over if item breaks)


AC: 20, 15 touch, 15 flatfooted

CMD: 23, FFCMD 18, +2 vs Sunder
Saves: +12/+12/+7
HP: 90, 8 THP/rd via berserker sphere
Special Defenses: None


Group Effects: Blacksmith Maintenance, Technical Maintenance, Item Crafting (permanent gadgets from Tech sphere)


Appraise +12, Craft [Mechanical] +23, Craft [Traps] +12, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Knowledge [Engineering] +15, Profession [Blacksmith] +18, Stealth +14, Perception +9


Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can create a Mechanical Tool that acts as Masterwork for the following skills, granting +6 (+2 base, +4 Toolsmith insight): Acrobatics, Craft, Climb, Escape Artist, Heal, Perception, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Swim. She can spend a charge from the Tool to increase the bonus by an additional +6 competence (3 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks) for a specific use.


Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can create a Tutor that grants a +2 competence bonus to the following skills, and allows them to be used untrained: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Linguistics, Perform, Profession (any), Sense Motive, or Survival. She can spend a charge from the Tutor to increase the bonus to +6 (3 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks) for a specific use.




Using the Tank:
Primary Role: Engineer
Secondary Roles: Gunner, Driver




Character Name: Ariane "Det" McKinnon



Play Overview: In-combat, Det provides ranged overwatch and crowd-control, firing off devastating shots from her rifle at both enemy equipment and enemies themselves; her shots at equipment are particularly powerful, and any excess damage there spills over, so she can - and does - disarm and disrobe enemies from range, shredding them with shrapnel all the while.


Ariane also has a wide array of traps, explosives, and explosive traps at her disposal, and is able to apply those effects directly to enemies via a combination of Trap Launcher and Mechanical Insight's Land Mine option. She can entangle them in foam, create nauseating smoke clouds or fiery explosions, and blinding flares.


Where Ariane shines, however, is when she gets a chance to set up a battlefield. Given a few hours to set up, Ariane can deploy three turrets equipped with any firearm she can create and litter the battlefield with traps to delay and debuff, turning it into a slaughterhouse.


Outside of combat, Det is a skillmonkey and expert mechanic and engineer, capable in a modest array of areas naturally. Given time to prepare, however, she can jury-rig a device to significantly increase that bonus; +6 base, via a Mechanical Tool boosted by her Toolsmith smithing insight, or +2 via a Tutor (which also lets her use the skill untrained). Expending charges on these devices further increases the bonuses to +12 and +6, respectively.


She is also capable of crafting technological items, primarily focusing on firearms. WIP




Melee Attack/Damage: +9/+4, dice+3 damage 
Ranged Attack/Damage: +13/+8, 6d6+5
Alternative Attacks: 
Dart Trap: +11/3d6
Snare Trap: DC 18 (3d6 with Razor Wire)
Detonator: DC 18, 6d6 damage, a wide variety of possible effectsAriane can choose to add up to one of the following benefits:

Powerful: Radius increases from 5ft to 10ft
Foam: Fills a radius of 10ft (+5ft per 5 class levels) with foam, revealing invisible creatures for 1 minute per level, or until they wipe it off as a full-round action. Can choose to have detonator deal no damage to entangle creatures affected as well. Lasts 1 minute per level.
Flare: Shed bright light in a 30ft (+5ft per 2 class levels) radius, and increasing the light level by one step to a maximum of normal in an additional 30ft (+5ft per 2 class levels) radius for 1 minute per level. May have detonator deal no damage to make all creatures in bright light radius make a Fort save or be blinded for one round.
Incendiary: Deal all fire damage instead of half-piercing/half-fire. Flammable material and creatures who fail their reflex saves catch on fire.
Smoke: Fill a 5ft (+5ft per 5 levels) radius with smoke, obscuring all sight - including darkvision - beyond 5ft. Creatures farther away have total concealment. Lasts 1 minute/level. Moderate wind disperses in 4 rounds, strong wind in 1 round. May choose not to deal damage, and cause all inside or who enter cloud to make Fort saves or be sickened for 1d4+1 rounds. If already sickened, becomes nauseated instead.

And may choose up to one of the following trigger methods (which increase the duration of the detonator to 10 minutes per technician level):
Landmine: Explodes when a creature enters its square. Qualifies as a snare trap for Trap sphere talents such as Remote Trigger and Trap Wielder.
Remote: Can be placed as a standard action, then triggered as a swift. Any number of Detonators can be triggered with the same swift action, but multiple AoEs do not stack.
Timed: Explodes after a set amount of time. Maximum duration increases to 1 hour per technician level.

And may choose to change area from a 5ft burst to a 15ft cone. With Chemical Insight, instead becomes 3x radius (30ft cone). If cone breaks an intervening object, creatures on the other side take damage as well (e.g. if Det places a shaped charge against a wall and rolls enough damage to destroy the wall, creatures on the other side also are affected by the blast)

Tech Sphere: DC 16
Combat Maneuvers: Ranged Sunder CMB +19, 9d6+5 damage to objects (damage spills over if item breaks)


AC: 22, 17 touch, 17 flatfooted

CMD: 26, FFCMD 21, +2 vs Sunder
Saves: +12/+12/+7
HP: 90, 8 THP/rd via berserker sphere
Special Defenses: None


Group Effects: Blacksmith Maintenance, Technical Maintenance, Item Crafting (permanent gadgets from Tech sphere)


Appraise +12, Craft [Mechanical] +23, Craft [Traps] +12, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Knowledge [Engineering] +15, Profession [Blacksmith] +18, Stealth +14, Perception +9


Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can create a Mechanical Tool that acts as Masterwork for the following skills, granting +6 (+2 base, +4 Toolsmith insight): Acrobatics, Craft, Climb, Escape Artist, Heal, Perception, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Swim. She can spend a charge from the Tool to increase the bonus by an additional +6 competence (3 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks) for a specific use.


Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can create a Tutor that grants a +2 competence bonus to the following skills, and allows them to be used untrained: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Linguistics, Perform, Profession (any), Sense Motive, or Survival. She can spend a charge from the Tutor to increase the bonus to +6 (3 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks) for a specific use.


This ability to jury-rig devices makes Ariane capable with a wide variety of skills.




Using the Tank:
Primary Role: Engineer
Secondary Roles: Gunner, Driver




Character Name: Ariane "Det" McKinnon



Play Overview: In combat, Det aims to stay at range, using primarily her rifle to deliver devastating shots from range, both to enemies and to their equipment. She's capable of launching Trap sphere traps via her rifle, both setting them and applying snares directly to foes to hinder their movement, as well as applying a stacking debuff to AC, attacks, and CMD via Hindering Shot.


She also has a grenade launcher and a small selection of WPGs to inflict area damage or debuffs on foes, as well as a Seeker Missile Cannon for high-damage, low-area attacks. 


Det's primary tactic is to, if given time to set up, litter the battlefield with snares, then sunder key pieces of equipment and apply debuffs, peppering in explosives as often as she can.


Outside of combat, Det is a flexible skillmonkey, given time to prepare some gadgets. She is a mechanic and trap specialist, and a decent crafter and sneak.




Melee Attack/Damage: +9/+4, dice+3 damage 
Ranged Attack/Damage: +13/+8, 6d6+5
Alternative Attacks: 
Dart Trap: +11/3d6
Snare Trap: DC 18 (3d6 with Razor Wire)
Detonator: DC 18, 6d6 damage, a wide variety of possible effectsAriane can choose to add up to one of the following benefits:

Powerful: Radius increases from 5ft to 10ft
Foam: Fills a radius of 10ft (+5ft per 5 class levels) with foam, revealing invisible creatures for 1 minute per level, or until they wipe it off as a full-round action. Can choose to have detonator deal no damage to entangle creatures affected as well. Lasts 1 minute per level.
Flare: Shed bright light in a 30ft (+5ft per 2 class levels) radius, and increasing the light level by one step to a maximum of normal in an additional 30ft (+5ft per 2 class levels) radius for 1 minute per level. May have detonator deal no damage to make all creatures in bright light radius make a Fort save or be blinded for one round.
Incendiary: Deal all fire damage instead of half-piercing/half-fire. Flammable material and creatures who fail their reflex saves catch on fire.
Smoke: Fill a 5ft (+5ft per 5 levels) radius with smoke, obscuring all sight - including darkvision - beyond 5ft. Creatures farther away have total concealment. Lasts 1 minute/level. Moderate wind disperses in 4 rounds, strong wind in 1 round. May choose not to deal damage, and cause all inside or who enter cloud to make Fort saves or be sickened for 1d4+1 rounds. If already sickened, becomes nauseated instead.

And may choose up to one of the following trigger methods (which increase the duration of the detonator to 10 minutes per technician level):
Landmine: Explodes when a creature enters its square. Qualifies as a snare trap for Trap sphere talents such as Remote Trigger and Trap Wielder.
Remote: Can be placed as a standard action, then triggered as a swift. Any number of Detonators can be triggered with the same swift action, but multiple AoEs do not stack.
Timed: Explodes after a set amount of time. Maximum duration increases to 1 hour per technician level.

And may choose to change area from a 5ft burst to a 15ft cone. With Chemical Insight, instead becomes 3x radius (30ft cone). If cone breaks an intervening object, creatures on the other side take damage as well (e.g. if Det places a shaped charge against a wall and rolls enough damage to destroy the wall, creatures on the other side also are affected by the blast)

Tech Sphere: DC 16
Combat Maneuvers: Ranged Sunder CMB +19, 9d6+5 damage to objects (damage spills over if item breaks)


AC: 22, 17 touch, 17 flatfooted

CMD: 26, FFCMD 21, +2 vs Sunder
Saves: +12/+12/+7
HP: 90, 8 THP/rd via berserker sphere
Special Defenses: None


Group Effects: Blacksmith Maintenance, Technical Maintenance, Item Crafting (permanent gadgets from Tech sphere)


Appraise +12, Craft [Mechanical] +23, Craft [Traps] +12, Disable Device +26, Drive +14, Knowledge [Engineering] +15, Profession [Blacksmith] +18, Stealth +14, Perception +9


Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can create a Mechanical Tool that acts as Masterwork for the following skills, granting +6 (+2 base, +4 Toolsmith insight): Acrobatics, Craft, Climb, Escape Artist, Heal, Perception, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Swim. She can spend a charge from the Tool to increase the bonus by an additional +6 competence (3 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks) for a specific use.


Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can create a Tutor that grants a +2 competence bonus to the following skills, and allows them to be used untrained: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Linguistics, Perform, Profession (any), Sense Motive, or Survival. She can spend a charge from the Tutor to increase the bonus to +6 (3 + 1/2 Craft [Mechanical] ranks) for a specific use.


This ability to jury-rig devices makes Ariane capable with a wide variety of skills.




Using the Tank:
Primary Role: Engineer
Secondary Roles: Gunner, Driver




Character Name: Ariane "Det" McKinnon



Play Overview: In combat, Det aims to stay at range, using primarily her rifle to deliver devastating shots from range, both to enemies and to their equipment. She's capable of launching Trap sphere traps via her rifle, both setting them and applying snares directly to foes to hinder their movement, as well as applying a stacking debuff to AC, attacks, and CMD via Hindering Shot.


She also has a grenade launcher and a small selection of WPGs to inflict area damage or debuffs on foes, as well as a Seeker Missile Cannon for high-damage, low-area attacks. 


Det's primary tactic is to, if given time to set up, litter the battlefield with snares, then sunder key pieces of equipment and apply debuffs, peppering in explosives as often as she can.


Outside of combat, Det is a flexible skillmonkey, given time to prepare some gadgets. She is a mechanic and trap specialist, and a decent crafter and sneak.




Melee Attack/Damage: +9/+4, dice+3 damage 
Ranged Attack/Damage: +14/+9, 6d6+5
Alternative Attacks: 
Dart Trap: +11/3d6
Snare Trap: DC 18 (3d6 with Razor Wire)
Detonator: DC 18, 6d6 damage
Tech Sphere: DC 16
Combat Maneuvers: Ranged Sunder CMB +20, 9d6+5 damage to objects (damage spills over if item breaks)


AC: 22/17/17

CMD: 26 FFCMD 21, +2 vs Sunder
Saves: +12/+12/+7
HP: 90, 8 THP/rd via berserker sphere
Special Defenses: None


Group Effects: Blacksmith Maintenance, Technical Maintenance


Craft [Mechanical] +24, Disable Device +26, Knowledge [Engineering] +12, Stealth +14

Note: Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can gain +6 to any of Acrobatics, Craft (aside from Mechanical), Climb, Escape Artist, Heal, Perception, Profession (not Blacksmith), Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Swim, via Jury-Rigging a Mechanical Tool for that skill, and increasing the bonus with the Toolsmith smithing insight. She can also spend a charge to increase the bonus from the tool for one specific action to +10, making her an effective skillmonkey.


Using the Tank:
Primary Role: Engineer
Secondary Roles: Gunner, Driver




Character Name: Ariane "Det" McKinnon



Play Overview: In combat, Det aims to stay at range, using primarily her rifle to deliver devastating shots from range, both to enemies and to their equipment. She's capable of launching Trap sphere traps via her rifle, both setting them and applying snares directly to foes to hinder their movement, as well as applying a stacking debuff to AC, attacks, and CMD via Hindering Shot.


She also has a grenade launcher and a small selection of WPGs to inflict area damage or debuffs on foes, as well as a Seeker Missile Cannon for high-damage, low-area attacks. 


Det's primary tactic is to, if given time to set up, litter the battlefield with snares, then sunder key pieces of equipment and apply debuffs, peppering in explosives as often as she can.


Outside of combat, Det is a flexible skillmonkey, given time to prepare some gadgets. She is a mechanic and trap specialist, and a decent crafter and sneak.




Melee Attack/Damage: +9/+4, dice+3 damage 
Ranged Attack/Damage: +14/+9, 6d6+5
Alternative Attacks: 
Dart Trap: +11/3d6
Snare Trap: DC 18 (3d6 with Razor Wire)
Detonator: DC 18, 6d6 damage
Tech Sphere: DC 16
Combat Maneuvers: Ranged Sunder CMB +20, 9d6+5 damage to objects (damage spills over if item breaks)


AC: 22/17/17
Saves: +12/+12/+7
HP: 90, 8 THP/rd via berserker sphere
Special Defenses: None


Group Effects: Blacksmith Maintenance, Technical Maintenance


Craft [Mechanical] +24, Disable Device +26, Knowledge [Engineering] +12, Stealth +14

Note: Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can gain +6 to any of Acrobatics, Craft (aside from Mechanical), Climb, Escape Artist, Heal, Perception, Profession (not Blacksmith), Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Swim, via Jury-Rigging a Mechanical Tool for that skill, and increasing the bonus with the Toolsmith smithing insight. She can also spend a charge to increase the bonus from the tool for one specific action to +10, making her an effective skillmonkey.


Using the Tank:
Primary Role: Engineer
Secondary Roles: Gunner, Driver




Character Name: Ariane "Det" McKinnon




Melee Attack/Damage: +9/+4, dice+3 damage 
Ranged Attack/Damage: +14/+9, 6d6+5
Alternative Attacks: 
Dart Trap: +11/3d6
Snare Trap: DC 18 (3d6 with Razor Wire)
Detonator: DC 18, 6d6 damage
Tech Sphere: DC 16
Combat Maneuvers: Ranged Sunder CMB +20, 9d6+5 damage to objects (damage spills over if item breaks)


AC: 22/17/17
Saves: +12/+12/+7
HP: 90, 8 THP/rd via berserker sphere
Special Defenses: None


Group Effects: Blacksmith Maintenance, Technical Maintenance


Craft [Mechanical] +24, Disable Device +26, Knowledge [Engineering] +12, Stealth +14

Note: Given time to jury-rig a device, Det can gain +6 to any of Acrobatics, Craft (aside from Mechanical), Climb, Escape Artist, Heal, Perception, Profession (not Blacksmith), Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Swim, via Jury-Rigging a Mechanical Tool for that skill, and increasing the bonus with the Toolsmith smithing insight. She can also spend a charge to increase the bonus from the tool for one specific action to +10, making her an effective skillmonkey.


Using the Tank:
Primary Role: Engineer
Secondary Roles: Gunner, Driver


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