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Character Name: Marcus "Doc" Strumpky; "Just call me Doc"



Play Overview: Doc is, first and foremost, a healer, and he is damn good at it.  He can heal both in and out of combat, either via direct application of the Heal skill, or through various alchemical items (both personal and AOE).  Doc is also a very firm believer in the Hippocratic OathTo the point where I took a modified Oath Against Harm.

He can do whatever he wants to 'non-sentients', though killing will always be a last resort, just because that's his personality.

But against Sentients, he will ONLY use non-damaging or nonlethal attacks, and will do his level best to convince the rest of the Crew to let enemies surrender whenever possible, rather than allowing them to be killed. If there is no other choice (ie they simply refuse to be reasoned with and/or keep attacking no matter what, or they're specifically targeting non-combatants, Doc will do what he has to to restrain them and not say anything if the others kill them, but in all other circumstances, Doc will pretty much always be the voice of restraint.
, and will not attack any sentient being if he can help it.  If required to do so, his attacks will always be non-lethal, with an aim towards capture, rather than kill.

When required to engage in combat, Doc will act primarily as a Buffer/Debuffer, along with some crowd control, all primarily at Close range.  He carries a tactical shotgun as a primary weapon, and has both lethal and nonlethal rounds.  He also has a Needle Launcher, which allows him to use his poisons at Medium-ish range.  Doc pretty much doesn't have any long range attacks. Again, he relies on the others, outside the tank, to deal with enemies at long range, while buffing the crew until enemies get close enough to engage.

In the tank, Doc is an absolute genius behind the wheel, having grown up in a Wastlander gang that had access to a large number of vehicles and a decent supply of fuel.  He can generally coax a bit of extra speed out of the tank, and is quite adept at what used to be called 'Combat Driving', to make her much harder to hit.

With just a few minutes to prepare, Doc can whip up an incredibly variety of alchemical concoctions, both to heal and harm, and he has advanced enough in his craft to make 'potions and lotions' of all types that are 'shelf stable', capable of lasting for days, weeks, or even years, until used.

Outside of combat, Doc is a capable skill monkey, with prodigious amounts of knowledge about all facets of the Wastes, has a knack for languages, is extremely observant and perceptive, and is, of course, an unparalleled physician.

Doc is a gifted storyteller, his warm, mellow baritone more than capable of soothing the most skittish child or the most aggressive raider.  He's also not a half bad drummer...he even has a small hand drum that he likes to play when the group is camping, to keep them all entertained.  Dont ask him to sing though.  His speaking voice might be like warm butter, but his singing voice could peel the paint off the walls.

Doc's enjoys working with the fruits of the crew's kills while on the road, being quite adept at leatherworking, and spends a fair portion of his downtime either making trade goods and knickknacks from various animal hides, or working on keeping the crew clothed.  He's not a half bad seamstress, either.





Melee attack/damage: If Target is Scouted, +2 to hit

  • Unarmed: +6 / 1d4+2
  • Sanpkhang: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Butterfly Knife: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Acccupuncture Needles: +13 / 0 OR 6 (Precision) (+Poison); Can be thrown w/10' range increment

Ranged attack/damage: Only suffers a -1 to hit penalty per range increment (Huntsman Training)

  • Flashbang: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d8 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled & DeafenedFORT DC 19 or -2 to attack and -4 Initiative & Auditory Perception)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Stinkbomb: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d6 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled and SickenedFORT DC 19 or -4 to attack, and -3 to damage; saves; skills; & ability checks)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Tactical Shotgun:  +14 (vs Touch w/Slugs or Beanbags) / 1d10+6 (+Poison)
    • Deadly Nightblade: (Activated @Move action, lasts until canceled): Neurodegenerative toxin (FORT DC 19); Causes Confusion; additional doses cause Mental Ability damage.
  • Needle Launcher: +13 vs Touch / 0 OR 6 dmg (Precision) (+Poison)

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): 

  • Formulae: All Formulae can be thrown (25' range increments) and count as Splash weapons (+13 vs Touch); All formulae can have various aspects increased by increasing the creation DC.  Full details of individual items will always be noted on IC post list of 'Current Formulae'
    • Improved Acid Flask:  4d6 Acid Damage; 1/2 damage the following round
    • Improved Liquid Ice: 3d6 Cold Damage; Coat large AOE in ice; Freeze medium cube of liquid
    • Improved Sneezing Powder: FORT DC 19 or Staggered for 1 round; on failed save, must continue making saves for 1d4+1 rounds, or remain Staggered
    • Improved Tanglefoot Bag: Struck target is -2 to attack/-4 Dexterity; must make REF DC 19 save or be glued to floor, unable to move; STR Check or 20HP Slashing Dmg to goo to free self (no To Hit roll required, base weapon + STR dmg only); Once free, can move at 1/2 speed for 3d4 rounds, after which goo becomes brittle and breaks off.
  • Toxins: All Toxins, unless otherwise noted, require a FORT DC 19 Save.  All Toxins have the Incurable property, which means that anyone attempting to counter them must make a check (1d20+Ranks in Heal, no other bonuses) vs a DC of 17, otherwise the poison remains; All Toxins last 1 minute, unless otherwise noted. Toxins are created on the fly, rather than beforehand.  Toxins can be contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury, chosen at the time of creation.
    • Fatigue: Target is Fatigued (cannot Run or Charge, -2 to STR & DEX)
    • Anesthetic: The first 14 HP of damage target takes after the toxin's application are converted to Nonlethal; Target is +3 to save vs Pain effects
    • Degenerating: -4 to 1 stat OR -2 to 2 stats of Doc's choice (except CON); Multiple applications stack
    • Drowsy: Failing a second save makes target Exhausted (Moves 1/2 speed, cannot Run or Charge, -6 to STR & DEX); Failing a third save causes the target to immediately fall asleep (can be roused by hard slap or damage - takes a Standard Action to awaken someone)

Combat Maneuvers: None known; Base CMB +5



AC: If target is Scouted, +2 to AC; Reinforced (via Oath Boon); +2 vs Called Shot or Crit Confirm; +4 vs Crit Confirm on Called Shot

  • Regular: 26
  • Touch: 25
  • Flat Footed: 24


  • For all maneuvers: 30

Saves: +9 vs Poison & Disease

  • FORT: 11
  • REF: 9
  • WILL: 9


  • Full HP: 78
  • Daily HP: 72 (6 sacrificed daily for Oath of Ritual)
  • Temp HP: 33 (Daily dose of Revitalizing Compounds, lasts 6 hours, renewed as needed; Heals 6 non-lethal damage per round. Adds Character Level to HP healed to a max of x2 the amount.) 

Special Defenses: None



  • Alchemical Items: With sufficient time and a few ingredients, Doc can make a plethora of alchemical items to aid the crew or hinder their enemies.  Literally too many to list.
  • Alchemy Formulae
    • Salve: 3d8+50 Healing
      • All healing above Max HP becomes Temp HP which lasts 6 hours
    • Panacea: Can cure almost any conditionBlinded, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, poisoned, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned.
    • War Paint: One paint can be applied per character (Doc can apply 3 to self); 1 application lasts 18 hours; Applied daily, heals 50HP
      • Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
      • Blue: +15 Enhancement Bonus to Speed
      • Green: +3 rounds duration on all Morale bonuses
      • Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



  • Craft (Alchemy): +26 Base, Can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Alchemist Lab (Profitable, Swift; +3 to Craft (Alchemy) checks)
  • Craft (Leather): +20 Base; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; GrandMaster Leatherworking Kit (Profitable, Swift; +1 to Craft (Leather) checks)
  • Heal (Duh 😄) : +29 Base, can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Healers Kit w/Surgical Tools (+5 or +6 to Treat Deadly Wounds); Does not require Kit to make Heal checks; when using kit, gain +2 Circumstance bonus (Improvisational Healer); Uses Heal instead of Craft (Alchemy) for all Alchemy Sphere effects (Field Medic Martial Tradition)
    • Without Kit: +43
    • With His Kit: +50/+51 to Treat Deadly Wounds
    • With Normal Kit: +45
  • Knowledge (All): +21 (+15 plus Roguish Know-How to add INT a second time; also gain INT to checks to remember details)
  • Perform (Oratory & Percussion): +20 (Versatile Performance x2; Substitute Perform for Diplomacy; Handle Animal; Intimidate; & Sense Motive); Has GrandMaster Profitable, Swift instrument (+1 to Perform, 2x Gold from busking; checks requiring more than 1 rd take 1/2 time)
  • Perception: +22 (Low Light Vision; can see 10' in smoke/fog/etc; +1/20' range penalty
  • Profession (Pilot): +23 (Specifically, driving; can use appropriate Athletics talents with any vehicle he is driving)



  • Driver: Doc is heavily tilted towards the Driver slot. He has a high Piloting skill, and with the Ace Pilot talent, he can use his Athletics talents with the tank (Swift Movement, Moving Target, and the Run package at present, but I plan to invest more as we level).  This, or riding in the back playing Mad Scientist, are Doc's preferred roles.
  • Engineer: Doc has high INT and solid Tech skills, so he could do a fair job in the Engineer slot, but would defer to a more Tech oriented character.
  • Commander: With his high INT and Perception, Doc would do a reasonably good job as Commander, but, again, would defer to a more tactically oriented character.
  • Loader: Doc would be terrible at this. He's got average strength (12 STR), and basic firearm proficiency (enough to maintain his weapons and make/reload ammo). He would do it in a pinch, but that's it.
  • Gunner: Only in the direst emergency would Doc take the Gunner slot. His Oath of Peace means that he could literally kill himself from mental trauma if he were to inadvertently kill a sentient being...a very real possibility when firing off La Chancla


Doc was part of a brutal wasteland gang in his youth who were guilty of every crime under the sun.  After the locals banded together to slaughter them, he managed to survive, barely, by being literally buried under multiple fallen corpses. He was rescued, healed, and trained by a hermit doctor over the next few years, then, as a young man (and when the doctor felt he was ready), he set out to make his fortune/help the common citizen/earn his penance.


Doc heard rumors of The Tank in his wanderings, but didn't encounter it for nearly a decade.  When he did, he observed The Crew for awhile, and once he determined that the rumors were true, he practically begged them to take him on as an apprentice.  With his doctoring and chemistry skills, he was a valuable addition to the crew and quickly earned his place.  He has been with them for about five years now.  He has yet to find someone he feels is worthy of becoming his apprentice (this is more of a moral thing than an intelligence/skill thing), but he continues to hope.



Doc has a minor mutation that gives him several feline characteristics.  His eyes are slit pupiled, allowing him to see in near darkness, and his reflexes are quite cat-like.  He has the same ability to dilate and restrict the muscles around his larynx that a cat does, which allows him to purr when he wishes (and sometimes when he's happy or distracted). 

He has several other feline mannerisms, including an almost obsessive need to be clean...though that's also partly fueled by his medical training.  He is also brutally honest, to the point where he literally will not lie...dont ask Doc's opinion unless you want the honest, unvarnished truth.

Finally, rather than being rescued from a near-death experience by the hermit who saved and taught him, Doc firmly believes that he literally died that day, but some part of him was so offended by the horrible life he lived up to that point, that he was reborn, like a cat with it's multiple lives, so that he could do penance for his past sins as well as try to bring peace to the souls of those he slew by helping other lost souls in the Wasteland.



Character Name: Marcus "Doc" Strumpky; "Just call me Doc"



Play Overview: Doc is, first and foremost, a healer, and he is damn good at it.  He can heal both in and out of combat, either via direct application of the Heal skill, or through various alchemical items (both personal and AOE).  Doc is also a very firm believer in the Hippocratic OathTo the point where I took a modified Oath Against Harm.

He can do whatever he wants to 'non-sentients', though killing will always be a last resort, just because that's his personality.

But against Sentients, he will ONLY use non-damaging or nonlethal attacks, and will do his level best to convince the rest of the Crew to let enemies surrender whenever possible, rather than allowing them to be killed. If there is no other choice (ie they simply refuse to be reasoned with and/or keep attacking no matter what, or they're specifically targeting non-combatants, Doc will do what he has to to restrain them and not say anything if the others kill them, but in all other circumstances, Doc will pretty much always be the voice of restraint.
, and will not attack any sentient being if he can help it.  If required to do so, his attacks will always be non-lethal, with an aim towards capture, rather than kill.

When required to engage in combat, Doc will act primarily as a Buffer/Debuffer, along with some crowd control, all primarily at Close range.  He carries a tactical shotgun as a primary weapon, and has both lethal and nonlethal rounds.  He also has a Needle Launcher, which allows him to use his poisons at Medium-ish range.  Doc pretty much doesn't have any long range attacks. Again, he relies on the others, outside the tank, to deal with enemies at long range, while buffing the crew until enemies get close enough to engage.

In the tank, Doc is an absolute genius behind the wheel, having grown up in a Wastlander gang that had access to a large number of vehicles and a decent supply of fuel.  He can generally coax a bit of extra speed out of the tank, and is quite adept at what used to be called 'Combat Driving', to make her much harder to hit.

With just a few minutes to prepare, Doc can whip up an incredibly variety of alchemical concoctions, both to heal and harm, and he has advanced enough in his craft to make 'potions and lotions' of all types that are 'shelf stable', capable of lasting for days, weeks, or even years, until used.

Outside of combat, Doc is a capable skill monkey, with prodigious amounts of knowledge about all facets of the Wastes, has a knack for languages, is extremely observant and perceptive, and is, of course, an unparalleled physician.

Doc is a gifted storyteller, his warm, mellow baritone more than capable of soothing the most skittish child or the most aggressive raider.  He's also not a half bad drummer...he even has a small hand drum that he likes to play when the group is camping, to keep them all entertained.  Dont ask him to sing though.  His speaking voice might be like warm butter, but his singing voice could peel the paint off the walls.

Doc's enjoys working with the fruits of the crew's kills while on the road, being quite adept at leatherworking, and spends a fair portion of his downtime either making trade goods and knickknacks from various animal hides, or working on keeping the crew clothed.  He's not a half bad seamstress, either.





Melee attack/damage: If Target is Scouted, +2 to hit

  • Unarmed: +6 / 1d4+2
  • Sanpkhang: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Butterfly Knife: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Acccupuncture Needles: +13 / 0 OR 6 (Precision) (+Poison); Can be thrown w/10' range increment

Ranged attack/damage: Only suffers a -1 to hit penalty per range increment (Huntsman Training)

  • Flashbang: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d8 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled & DeafenedFORT DC 19 or -2 to attack and -4 Initiative & Auditory Perception)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Stinkbomb: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d6 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled and SickenedFORT DC 19 or -4 to attack, and -3 to damage; saves; skills; & ability checks)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Tactical Shotgun:  +14 (vs Touch w/Slugs or Beanbags) / 1d10+6 (+Poison)
    • Deadly Nightblade: (Activated @Move action, lasts until canceled): Neurodegenerative toxin (FORT DC 19); Causes Confusion; additional doses cause Mental Ability damage.
  • Needle Launcher: +13 vs Touch / 0 OR 6 dmg (Precision) (+Poison)

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): 

  • Formulae: All Formulae can be thrown (25' range increments) and count as Splash weapons (+13 vs Touch); All formulae can have various aspects increased by increasing the creation DC.  Full details of individual items will always be noted on IC post list of 'Current Formulae'.
    • Cherry Bombs: 6 Individual 'Bombs'This counts as a single use of one Formulae.

      They can be thrown as cluster or broken apart and thrown at individual targets. Split ones go inert in 1 round if not used.
      : 3d4 dmg per bombletNormally do Bludgeoning damage, but they can do Acid damage if Doc desires, but this must be decided when they are made.

      Each bomblet can be created to do a different type of damage. ie 3 Bludgeon and 3 Acid, or any other combination.
    • Improved Acid Flask:  4d6 Acid Damage; 1/2 damage the following round
    • Improved Sneezing Powder: FORT DC 19 or Staggered for 1 round; on failed save, must continue making saves for 1d4+1 rounds, or remain Staggered
    • Improved Tanglefoot Bag: Struck target is -2 to attack/-4 Dexterity; must make REF DC 19 save or be glued to floor, unable to move; STR Check or 20HP Slashing Dmg to goo to free self (no To Hit roll required, base weapon + STR dmg only); Once free, can move at 1/2 speed for 3d4 rounds, after which goo becomes brittle and breaks off.
  • Toxins: All Toxins, unless otherwise noted, require a FORT DC 19 Save.  All Toxins have the Incurable property, which means that anyone attempting to counter them must make a check (1d20+Ranks in Heal, no other bonuses) vs a DC of 17, otherwise the poison remains; All Toxins last 1 minute, unless otherwise noted. Toxins are created on the fly, rather than beforehand.  Toxins can be contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury, chosen at the time of creation.
    • Fatigue: Target is Fatigued (cannot Run or Charge, -2 to STR & DEX)
    • Anesthetic: The first 14 HP of damage target takes after the toxin's application are converted to Nonlethal; Target is +3 to save vs Pain effects
    • Degenerating: -4 to 1 stat OR -2 to 2 stats of Doc's choice (except CON); Multiple applications stack
    • Drowsy: Failing a second save makes target Exhausted (Moves 1/2 speed, cannot Run or Charge, -6 to STR & DEX); Failing a third save causes the target to immediately fall asleep (can be roused by hard slap or damage - takes a Standard Action to awaken someone)

Combat Maneuvers: None known; Base CMB +5



AC: If target is Scouted, +2 to AC; Reinforced (via Oath Boon); +2 vs Called Shot or Crit Confirm; +4 vs Crit Confirm on Called Shot

  • Regular: 26
  • Touch: 25
  • Flat Footed: 24


  • For all maneuvers: 30

Saves: +9 vs Poison & Disease

  • FORT: 11
  • REF: 9
  • WILL: 9


  • Full HP: 78
  • Daily HP: 72 (6 sacrificed daily for Oath of Ritual)
  • Temp HP: 33 (Daily dose of Revitalizing Compounds, lasts 6 hours, renewed as needed; Heals 6 non-lethal damage per round. Adds Character Level to HP healed to a max of x2 the amount.) 

Special Defenses: None



  • Alchemical Items: With sufficient time and a few ingredients, Doc can make a plethora of alchemical items to aid the crew or hinder their enemies.  Literally too many to list.
  • Alchemy Formulae
    • Salve: 3d8+50 Healing
      • All healing above Max HP becomes Temp HP which lasts 6 hours
    • Panacea: Can cure almost any conditionBlinded, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, poisoned, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned.
    • War Paint: One paint can be applied per character (Doc can apply 3 to self); 1 application lasts 18 hours; Applied daily, heals 50HP
      • Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
      • Blue: +15 Enhancement Bonus to Speed
      • Green: +3 rounds duration on all Morale bonuses
      • Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



  • Craft (Alchemy): +26 Base, Can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Alchemist Lab (Profitable, Swift; +3 to Craft (Alchemy) checks)
  • Craft (Leather): +20 Base; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; GrandMaster Leatherworking Kit (Profitable, Swift; +1 to Craft (Leather) checks)
  • Heal (Duh 😄) : +29 Base, can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Healers Kit w/Surgical Tools (+5 or +6 to Treat Deadly Wounds); Does not require Kit to make Heal checks; when using kit, gain +2 Circumstance bonus (Improvisational Healer); Uses Heal instead of Craft (Alchemy) for all Alchemy Sphere effects (Field Medic Martial Tradition)
    • Without Kit: +43
    • With His Kit: +50/+51 to Treat Deadly Wounds
    • With Normal Kit: +45
  • Knowledge (All): +21 (+15 plus Roguish Know-How to add INT a second time; also gain INT to checks to remember details)
  • Perform (Oratory & Percussion): +20 (Versatile Performance x2; Substitute Perform for Diplomacy; Handle Animal; Intimidate; & Sense Motive); Has GrandMaster Profitable, Swift instrument (+1 to Perform, 2x Gold from busking; checks requiring more than 1 rd take 1/2 time)
  • Perception: +22 (Low Light Vision; can see 10' in smoke/fog/etc; +1/20' range penalty
  • Profession (Pilot): +23 (Specifically, driving; can use appropriate Athletics talents with any vehicle he is driving)



  • Driver: Doc is heavily tilted towards the Driver slot. He has a high Piloting skill, and with the Ace Pilot talent, he can use his Athletics talents with the tank (Swift Movement, Moving Target, and the Run package at present, but I plan to invest more as we level).  This, or riding in the back playing Mad Scientist, are Doc's preferred roles.
  • Engineer: Doc has high INT and solid Tech skills, so he could do a fair job in the Engineer slot, but would defer to a more Tech oriented character.
  • Commander: With his high INT and Perception, Doc would do a reasonably good job as Commander, but, again, would defer to a more tactically oriented character.
  • Loader: Doc would be terrible at this. He's got average strength (12 STR), and basic firearm proficiency (enough to maintain his weapons and make/reload ammo). He would do it in a pinch, but that's it.
  • Gunner: Only in the direst emergency would Doc take the Gunner slot. His Oath of Peace means that he could literally kill himself from mental trauma if he were to inadvertently kill a sentient being...a very real possibility when firing off La Chancla


Doc was part of a brutal wasteland gang in his youth who were guilty of every crime under the sun.  After the locals banded together to slaughter them, he managed to survive, barely, by being literally buried under multiple fallen corpses. He was rescued, healed, and trained by a hermit doctor over the next few years, then, as a young man (and when the doctor felt he was ready), he set out to make his fortune/help the common citizen/earn his penance.


Doc heard rumors of The Tank in his wanderings, but didn't encounter it for nearly a decade.  When he did, he observed The Crew for awhile, and once he determined that the rumors were true, he practically begged them to take him on as an apprentice.  With his doctoring and chemistry skills, he was a valuable addition to the crew and quickly earned his place.  He has been with them for about five years now.  He has yet to find someone he feels is worthy of becoming his apprentice (this is more of a moral thing than an intelligence/skill thing), but he continues to hope.



Doc has a minor mutation that gives him several feline characteristics.  His eyes are slit pupiled, allowing him to see in near darkness, and his reflexes are quite cat-like.  He has the same ability to dilate and restrict the muscles around his larynx that a cat does, which allows him to purr when he wishes (and sometimes when he's happy or distracted). 

He has several other feline mannerisms, including an almost obsessive need to be clean...though that's also partly fueled by his medical training.  He is also brutally honest, to the point where he literally will not lie...dont ask Doc's opinion unless you want the honest, unvarnished truth.

Finally, rather than being rescued from a near-death experience by the hermit who saved and taught him, Doc firmly believes that he literally died that day, but some part of him was so offended by the horrible life he lived up to that point, that he was reborn, like a cat with it's multiple lives, so that he could do penance for his past sins as well as try to bring peace to the souls of those he slew by helping other lost souls in the Wasteland.



Character Name: Marcus "Doc" Strumpky; "Just call me Doc"



Play Overview: Doc is, first and foremost, a healer, and he is damn good at it.  He can heal both in and out of combat, either via direct application of the Heal skill, or through various alchemical items (both personal and AOE).  Doc is also a very firm believer in the Hippocratic OathTo the point where I took a modified Oath Against Harm.

He can do whatever he wants to 'non-sentients', though killing will always be a last resort, just because that's his personality.

But against Sentients, he will ONLY use non-damaging or nonlethal attacks, and will do his level best to convince the rest of the Crew to let enemies surrender whenever possible, rather than allowing them to be killed. If there is no other choice (ie they simply refuse to be reasoned with and/or keep attacking no matter what, or they're specifically targeting non-combatants, Doc will do what he has to to restrain them and not say anything if the others kill them, but in all other circumstances, Doc will pretty much always be the voice of restraint.
, and will not attack any sentient being if he can help it.  If required to do so, his attacks will always be non-lethal, with an aim towards capture, rather than kill.

When required to engage in combat, Doc will act primarily as a Buffer/Debuffer, along with some crowd control, all primarily at Close range.  He carries a tactical shotgun as a primary weapon, and has both lethal and nonlethal rounds.  He also has a Needle Launcher, which allows him to use his poisons at Medium-ish range.  Doc pretty much doesn't have any long range attacks. Again, he relies on the others, outside the tank, to deal with enemies at long range, while buffing the crew until enemies get close enough to engage.

In the tank, Doc is an absolute genius behind the wheel, having grown up in a Wastlander gang that had access to a large number of vehicles and a decent supply of fuel.  He can generally coax a bit of extra speed out of the tank, and is quite adept at what used to be called 'Combat Driving', to make her much harder to hit.

With just a few minutes to prepare, Doc can whip up an incredibly variety of alchemical concoctions, both to heal and harm, and he has advanced enough in his craft to make 'potions and lotions' of all types that are 'shelf stable', capable of lasting for days, weeks, or even years, until used.

Outside of combat, Doc is a capable skill monkey, with prodigious amounts of knowledge about all facets of the Wastes, has a knack for languages, is extremely observant and perceptive, and is, of course, an unparalleled physician.

Doc is a gifted storyteller, his warm, mellow baritone more than capable of soothing the most skittish child or the most aggressive raider.  He's also not a half bad drummer...he even has a small hand drum that he likes to play when the group is camping, to keep them all entertained.  Dont ask him to sing though.  His speaking voice might be like warm butter, but his singing voice could peel the paint off the walls.

Doc's enjoys working with the fruits of the crew's kills while on the road, being quite adept at leatherworking, and spends a fair portion of his downtime either making trade goods and knickknacks from various animal hides, or working on keeping the crew clothed.  He's not a half bad seamstress, either.





Melee attack/damage: If Target is Scouted, +2 to hit

  • Unarmed: +6 / 1d4+2
  • Sanpkhang: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Butterfly Knife: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Acccupuncture Needles: +13 / 0 OR 6 (Precision) (+Poison); Can be thrown w/10' range increment

Ranged attack/damage: Only suffers a -1 to hit penalty per range increment (Huntsman Training)

  • Flashbang: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d8 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled & DeafenedFORT DC 19 or -2 to attack and -4 Initiative & Auditory Perception)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Stinkbomb: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d6 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled and SickenedFORT DC 19 or -4 to attack, and -3 to damage; saves; skills; & ability checks)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Tactical Shotgun:  +14 (vs Touch w/Slugs or Beanbags) / 1d10+6 (+Poison)
    • Deadly Nightblade: (Activated @Move action, lasts until canceled): Neurodegenerative toxin (FORT DC 19); Causes Confusion; additional doses cause Mental Ability damage.
  • Needle Launcher: +13 vs Touch / 0 OR 6 dmg (Precision) (+Poison)

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): 

  • Formulae: All Formulae can be thrown (25' range increments) and count as Splash weapons (+13 vs Touch); All formulae can have various aspects increased by increasing the creation DC.  Full details of individual items will always be noted on IC post list of 'Current Formulae'.
    • Cherry Bombs: 6 Individual 'Bombs'This counts as a single use of one Formulae.

      They can be thrown as cluster or broken apart and thrown at individual targets. Split ones go inert in 1 round if not used.
      : 3d4 dmg per bombletNormally do Bludgeoning damage, but they can do Acid damage if Doc desires, but this must be decided when they are made.

      Each bomblet can be created to do a different type of damage. ie 3 Bludgeon and 3 Acid, or any other combination.
    • Improved Acid Flask:  4d6 Acid Damage; 1/2 damage the following round
    • Improved Sneezing Powder: FORT DC 19 or Staggered for 1 round; on failed save, must continue making saves for 1d4+1 rounds, or remain Staggered
    • Improved Tanglefoot Bag: Struck target is -2 to attack/-4 Dexterity; must make REF DC 19 save or be glued to floor, unable to move; STR Check or 20HP Slashing Dmg to goo to free self (no To Hit roll required, base weapon + STR dmg only); Once free, can move at 1/2 speed for 3d4 rounds, after which goo becomes brittle and breaks off.
  • Toxins: All Toxins, unless otherwise noted, require a FORT DC 19 Save.  All Toxins have the Incurable property, which means that anyone attempting to counter them must make a check (1d20+Ranks in Heal, no other bonuses) vs a DC of 17, otherwise the poison remains; All Toxins last 1 minute, unless otherwise noted. Toxins are created on the fly, rather than beforehand.  Toxins can be contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury, chosen at the time of creation.
    • Fatigue: Target is Fatigued (cannot Run or Charge, -2 to STR & DEX)
    • Anesthetic: The first 14 HP of damage target takes after the toxin's application are converted to Nonlethal; Target is +3 to save vs Pain effects
    • Degenerating: -4 to 1 stat OR -2 to 2 stats of Doc's choice (except CON); Multiple applications stack
    • Drowsy: Failing a second save makes target Exhausted (Moves 1/2 speed, cannot Run or Charge, -6 to STR & DEX); Failing a third save causes the target to immediately fall asleep (can be roused by hard slap or damage - takes a Standard Action to awaken someone)

Combat Maneuvers: None known; Base CMB +5



AC: If target is Scouted, +2 to AC; Reinforced (via Oath Boon); +2 vs Called Shot or Crit Confirm; +4 vs Crit Confirm on Called Shot

  • Regular: 26
  • Touch: 25
  • Flat Footed: 24


  • For all maneuvers: 30

Saves: +9 vs Poison & Disease

  • FORT: 11
  • REF: 9
  • WILL: 9


  • Full HP: 78
  • Daily HP: 72 (6 sacrificed daily for Oath of Ritual)
  • Temp HP: 33 (Daily dose of Revitalizing Compounds, lasts 6 hours, renewed as needed; Heals 6 non-lethal damage per round. Adds Character Level to HP healed to a max of x2 the amount.) 

Special Defenses: None



  • Alchemical Items: With sufficient time and a few ingredients, Doc can make a plethora of alchemical items to aid the crew or hinder their enemies.  Literally too many to list.
  • Alchemy Formulae
    • Salve: 3d8+39 Healing
    • Panacea: Can cure almost any conditionBlinded, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, poisoned, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned.;+33 Healing
    • War Paint: One paint can be applied per character (Doc can apply 3 to self); 1 application lasts 18 hours;+33 Healing
      • Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
      • Blue: +15 Enhancement Bonus to Speed
      • Green: +3 rounds duration on all Morale bonuses
      • Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



  • Craft (Alchemy): +26 Base, Can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Alchemist Lab (Profitable, Swift; +3 to Craft (Alchemy) checks)
  • Craft (Leather): +20 Base; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; GrandMaster Leatherworking Kit (Profitable, Swift; +1 to Craft (Leather) checks)
  • Heal (Duh 😄) : +29 Base, can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Healers Kit w/Surgical Tools (+5 or +6 to Treat Deadly Wounds); Does not require Kit to make Heal checks; when using kit, gain +2 Circumstance bonus (Improvisational Healer); Uses Heal instead of Craft (Alchemy) for all Alchemy Sphere effects (Field Medic Martial Tradition)
    • Without Kit: +43
    • With His Kit: +50/+51 to Treat Deadly Wounds
    • With Normal Kit: +45
  • Knowledge (All): +21 (+15 plus Roguish Know-How to add INT a second time; also gain INT to checks to remember details)
  • Perform (Oratory & Percussion): +20 (Versatile Performance x2; Substitute Perform for Diplomacy; Handle Animal; Intimidate; & Sense Motive); Has GrandMaster Profitable, Swift instrument (+1 to Perform, 2x Gold from busking; checks requiring more than 1 rd take 1/2 time)
  • Perception: +22 (Low Light Vision; can see 10' in smoke/fog/etc; +1/20' range penalty
  • Profession (Pilot): +23 (Specifically, driving; can use appropriate Athletics talents with any vehicle he is driving)



  • Driver: Doc is heavily tilted towards the Driver slot. He has a high Piloting skill, and with the Ace Pilot talent, he can use his Athletics talents with the tank (Swift Movement, Moving Target, and the Run package at present, but I plan to invest more as we level).  This, or riding in the back playing Mad Scientist, are Doc's preferred roles.
  • Engineer: Doc has high INT and solid Tech skills, so he could do a fair job in the Engineer slot, but would defer to a more Tech oriented character.
  • Commander: With his high INT and Perception, Doc would do a reasonably good job as Commander, but, again, would defer to a more tactically oriented character.
  • Loader: Doc would be terrible at this. He's got average strength (12 STR), and basic firearm proficiency (enough to maintain his weapons and make/reload ammo). He would do it in a pinch, but that's it.
  • Gunner: Only in the direst emergency would Doc take the Gunner slot. His Oath of Peace means that he could literally kill himself from mental trauma if he were to inadvertently kill a sentient being...a very real possibility when firing off La Chancla


Doc was part of a brutal wasteland gang in his youth who were guilty of every crime under the sun.  After the locals banded together to slaughter them, he managed to survive, barely, by being literally buried under multiple fallen corpses. He was rescued, healed, and trained by a hermit doctor over the next few years, then, as a young man (and when the doctor felt he was ready), he set out to make his fortune/help the common citizen/earn his penance.


Doc heard rumors of The Tank in his wanderings, but didn't encounter it for nearly a decade.  When he did, he observed The Crew for awhile, and once he determined that the rumors were true, he practically begged them to take him on as an apprentice.  With his doctoring and chemistry skills, he was a valuable addition to the crew and quickly earned his place.  He has been with them for about five years now.  He has yet to find someone he feels is worthy of becoming his apprentice (this is more of a moral thing than an intelligence/skill thing), but he continues to hope.



Doc has a minor mutation that gives him several feline characteristics.  His eyes are slit pupiled, allowing him to see in near darkness, and his reflexes are quite cat-like.  He has the same ability to dilate and restrict the muscles around his larynx that a cat does, which allows him to purr when he wishes (and sometimes when he's happy or distracted). 

He has several other feline mannerisms, including an almost obsessive need to be clean...though that's also partly fueled by his medical training.  He is also brutally honest, to the point where he literally will not lie...dont ask Doc's opinion unless you want the honest, unvarnished truth.

Finally, rather than being rescued from a near-death experience by the hermit who saved and taught him, Doc firmly believes that he literally died that day, but some part of him was so offended by the horrible life he lived up to that point, that he was reborn, like a cat with it's multiple lives, so that he could do penance for his past sins as well as try to bring peace to the souls of those he slew by helping other lost souls in the Wasteland.



Character Name: Marcus "Doc" Strumpky; "Just call me Doc"



Play Overview: Doc is, first and foremost, a healer, and he is damn good at it.  He can heal both in and out of combat, either via direct application of the Heal skill, or through various alchemical items (both personal and AOE).  Doc is also a very firm believer in the Hippocratic OathTo the point where I took a modified Oath Against Harm.

He can do whatever he wants to 'non-sentients', though killing will always be a last resort, just because that's his personality.

But against Sentients, he will ONLY use non-damaging or nonlethal attacks, and will do his level best to convince the rest of the Crew to let enemies surrender whenever possible, rather than allowing them to be killed. If there is no other choice (ie they simply refuse to be reasoned with and/or keep attacking no matter what, or they're specifically targeting non-combatants, Doc will do what he has to to restrain them and not say anything if the others kill them, but in all other circumstances, Doc will pretty much always be the voice of restraint.
, and will not attack any sentient being if he can help it.  If required to do so, his attacks will always be non-lethal, with an aim towards capture, rather than kill.

When required to engage in combat, Doc will act primarily as a Buffer/Debuffer, along with some crowd control, all primarily at Close range.  He carries a tactical shotgun as a primary weapon, and has both lethal and nonlethal rounds.  He also has a Needle Launcher, which allows him to use his poisons at Medium-ish range.  Doc pretty much doesn't have any long range attacks. Again, he relies on the others, outside the tank, to deal with enemies at long range, while buffing the crew until enemies get close enough to engage.

In the tank, Doc is an absolute genius behind the wheel, having grown up in a Wastlander gang that had access to a large number of vehicles and a decent supply of fuel.  He can generally coax a bit of extra speed out of the tank, and is quite adept at what used to be called 'Combat Driving', to make her much harder to hit.

With just a few minutes to prepare, Doc can whip up an incredibly variety of alchemical concoctions, both to heal and harm, and he has advanced enough in his craft to make 'potions and lotions' of all types that are 'shelf stable', capable of lasting for days, weeks, or even years, until used.

Outside of combat, Doc is a capable skill monkey, with prodigious amounts of knowledge about all facets of the Wastes, has a knack for languages, is extremely observant and perceptive, and is, of course, an unparalleled physician.

Doc is a gifted storyteller, his warm, mellow baritone more than capable of soothing the most skittish child or the most aggressive raider.  He's also not a half bad drummer...he even has a small hand drum that he likes to play when the group is camping, to keep them all entertained.  Dont ask him to sing though.  His speaking voice might be like warm butter, but his singing voice could peel the paint off the walls.

Doc's enjoys working with the fruits of the crew's kills while on the road, being quite adept at leatherworking, and spends a fair portion of his downtime either making trade goods and knickknacks from various animal hides, or working on keeping the crew clothed.  He's not a half bad seamstress, either.





Melee attack/damage: If Target is Scouted, +2 to hit

  • Unarmed: +6 / 1d4+2
  • Sanpkhang: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Butterfly Knife: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Acccupuncture Needles: +13 / 0 OR 6 (Precision) (+Poison); Can be thrown w/10' range increment

Ranged attack/damage: Only suffers a -1 to hit penalty per range increment (Huntsman Training)

  • Flashbang: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d8 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled & DeafenedFORT DC 19 or -2 to attack and -4 Initiative & Auditory Perception)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Stinkbomb: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d6 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled and SickenedFORT DC 19 or -4 to attack, and -3 to damage; saves; skills; & ability checks)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Tactical Shotgun:  +14 (vs Touch w/Slugs or Beanbags) / 1d10+6 (+Poison)
    • Deadly Nightblade: (Activated @Move action, lasts until canceled): Neurodegenerative toxin (FORT DC 19); Causes Confusion; additional doses cause Mental Ability damage.
  • Needle Launcher: +13 vs Touch / 0 OR 6 dmg (Precision) (+Poison)

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): 

  • Formulae: All Formulae can be thrown (25' range increments) and count as Splash weapons (+13 vs Touch); All formulae can have various aspects increased by increasing the creation DC.  Full details of individual items will always be noted on IC post list of 'Current Formulae'.
    • Cherry Bombs: 6 Individual 'Bombs'This counts as a single use of one Formulae.

      They can be thrown as cluster or broken apart and thrown at individual targets. Split ones go inert in 1 round if not used.
      : 3d4 dmg per bombletNormally do Bludgeoning damage, but they can do Acid damage if Doc desires, but this must be decided when they are made.

      Each bomblet can be created to do a different type of damage. ie 3 Bludgeon and 3 Acid, or any other combination.
    • Improved Acid Flask:  4d6 Acid Damage; 1/2 damage the following round
    • Improved Sneezing Powder: FORT DC 19 or Staggered for 1 round; on failed save, must continue making saves for 1d4+1 rounds, or remain Staggered
    • Improved Tanglefoot Bag: Struck target is -2 to attack/-4 Dexterity; must make REF DC 19 save or be glued to floor, unable to move; STR Check or 20HP Slashing Dmg to goo to free self (no To Hit roll required, base weapon + STR dmg only); Once free, can move at 1/2 speed for 3d4 rounds, after which goo becomes brittle and breaks off.
  • Toxins: All Toxins, unless otherwise noted, require a FORT DC 19 Save.  All Toxins have the Incurable property, which means that anyone attempting to counter them must make a check (1d20+Ranks in Heal, no other bonuses) vs a DC of 17, otherwise the poison remains; All Toxins last 1 minute, unless otherwise noted. Toxins are created on the fly, rather than beforehand.  Toxins can be contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury, chosen at the time of creation.
    • Fatigue: Target is Fatigued (cannot Run or Charge, -2 to STR & DEX)
    • Anesthetic: The first 14 HP of damage target takes after the toxin's application are converted to Nonlethal; Target is +3 to save vs Pain effects
    • Degenerating: -4 to 1 stat OR -2 to 2 stats of Doc's choice (except CON); Multiple applications stack
    • Drowsy: Failing a second save makes target Exhausted (Moves 1/2 speed, cannot Run or Charge, -6 to STR & DEX); Failing a third save causes the target to immediately fall asleep (can be roused by hard slap or damage - takes a Standard Action to awaken someone)

Combat Maneuvers: None known; Base CMB +5



AC: If target is Scouted, +2 to AC; Reinforced (via Oath Boon); +2 vs Called Shot or Crit Confirm; +4 vs Crit Confirm on Called Shot

  • Regular: 26
  • Touch: 25
  • Flat Footed: 24


  • For all maneuvers: 30

Saves: +9 vs Poison & Disease

  • FORT: 11
  • REF: 9
  • WILL: 9


  • Full HP: 78
  • Daily HP: 72 (6 sacrificed daily for Oath of Ritual)
  • Temp HP: 33 (Daily dose of Revitalizing Compounds, lasts 6 hours, renewed as needed)

Special Defenses: None



  • Alchemical Items: With sufficient time and a few ingredients, Doc can make a plethora of alchemical items to aid the crew or hinder their enemies.  Literally too many to list.
  • Alchemy Formulae
    • Salve: 3d8+39 Healing
    • Panacea: Can cure almost any conditionBlinded, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, poisoned, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned.;+33 Healing
    • War Paint: One paint can be applied per character (Doc can apply 3 to self); 1 application lasts 18 hours;+33 Healing
      • Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
      • Blue: +15 Enhancement Bonus to Speed
      • Green: +3 rounds duration on all Morale bonuses
      • Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



  • Craft (Alchemy): +26 Base, Can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Alchemist Lab (Profitable, Swift; +3 to Craft (Alchemy) checks)
  • Craft (Leather): +20 Base; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; GrandMaster Leatherworking Kit (Profitable, Swift; +1 to Craft (Leather) checks)
  • Heal (Duh 😄) : +29 Base, can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Healers Kit w/Surgical Tools (+5 or +6 to Treat Deadly Wounds); Does not require Kit to make Heal checks; when using kit, gain +2 Circumstance bonus (Improvisational Healer); Uses Heal instead of Craft (Alchemy) for all Alchemy Sphere effects (Field Medic Martial Tradition)
    • Without Kit: +43
    • With His Kit: +50/+51 to Treat Deadly Wounds
    • With Normal Kit: +45
  • Knowledge (All): +21 (+15 plus Roguish Know-How to add INT a second time; also gain INT to checks to remember details)
  • Perform (Oratory & Percussion): +20 (Versatile Performance x2; Substitute Perform for Diplomacy; Handle Animal; Intimidate; & Sense Motive); Has GrandMaster Profitable, Swift instrument (+1 to Perform, 2x Gold from busking; checks requiring more than 1 rd take 1/2 time)
  • Perception: +22 (Low Light Vision; can see 10' in smoke/fog/etc; +1/20' range penalty
  • Profession (Pilot): +23 (Specifically, driving; can use appropriate Athletics talents with any vehicle he is driving)



  • Driver: Doc is heavily tilted towards the Driver slot. He has a high Piloting skill, and with the Ace Pilot talent, he can use his Athletics talents with the tank (Swift Movement, Moving Target, and the Run package at present, but I plan to invest more as we level).  This, or riding in the back playing Mad Scientist, are Doc's preferred roles.
  • Engineer: Doc has high INT and solid Tech skills, so he could do a fair job in the Engineer slot, but would defer to a more Tech oriented character.
  • Commander: With his high INT and Perception, Doc would do a reasonably good job as Commander, but, again, would defer to a more tactically oriented character.
  • Loader: Doc would be terrible at this. He's got average strength (12 STR), and basic firearm proficiency (enough to maintain his weapons and make/reload ammo). He would do it in a pinch, but that's it.
  • Gunner: Only in the direst emergency would Doc take the Gunner slot. His Oath of Peace means that he could literally kill himself from mental trauma if he were to inadvertently kill a sentient being...a very real possibility when firing off La Chancla


Doc was part of a brutal wasteland gang in his youth who were guilty of every crime under the sun.  After the locals banded together to slaughter them, he managed to survive, barely, by being literally buried under multiple fallen corpses. He was rescued, healed, and trained by a hermit doctor over the next few years, then, as a young man (and when the doctor felt he was ready), he set out to make his fortune/help the common citizen/earn his penance.


Doc heard rumors of The Tank in his wanderings, but didn't encounter it for nearly a decade.  When he did, he observed The Crew for awhile, and once he determined that the rumors were true, he practically begged them to take him on as an apprentice.  With his doctoring and chemistry skills, he was a valuable addition to the crew and quickly earned his place.  He has been with them for about five years now.  He has yet to find someone he feels is worthy of becoming his apprentice (this is more of a moral thing than an intelligence/skill thing), but he continues to hope.



Doc has a minor mutation that gives him several feline characteristics.  His eyes are slit pupiled, allowing him to see in near darkness, and his reflexes are quite cat-like.  He has the same ability to dilate and restrict the muscles around his larynx that a cat does, which allows him to purr when he wishes (and sometimes when he's happy or distracted). 

He has several other feline mannerisms, including an almost obsessive need to be clean...though that's also partly fueled by his medical training.  He is also brutally honest, to the point where he literally will not lie...dont ask Doc's opinion unless you want the honest, unvarnished truth.

Finally, rather than being rescued from a near-death experience by the hermit who saved and taught him, Doc firmly believes that he literally died that day, but some part of him was so offended by the horrible life he lived up to that point, that he was reborn, like a cat with it's multiple lives, so that he could do penance for his past sins as well as try to bring peace to the souls of those he slew by helping other lost souls in the Wasteland.



Character Name: Marcus "Doc" Strumpky; "Just call me Doc"



Play Overview: Doc is, first and foremost, a healer, and he is damn good at it.  He can heal both in and out of combat, either via direct application of the Heal skill, or through various alchemical items (both personal and AOE).  Doc is also a very firm believer in the Hippocratic OathTo the point where I took a modified Oath Against Harm.

He can do whatever he wants to 'non-sentients', though killing will always be a last resort, just because that's his personality.

But against Sentients, he will ONLY use non-damaging or nonlethal attacks, and will do his level best to convince the rest of the Crew to let enemies surrender whenever possible, rather than allowing them to be killed. If there is no other choice (ie they simply refuse to be reasoned with and/or keep attacking no matter what, or they're specifically targeting non-combatants, Doc will do what he has to to restrain them and not say anything if the others kill them, but in all other circumstances, Doc will pretty much always be the voice of restraint.
, and will not attack any sentient being if he can help it.  If required to do so, his attacks will always be non-lethal, with an aim towards capture, rather than kill.

When required to engage in combat, Doc will act primarily as a Buffer/Debuffer, along with some crowd control, all primarily at Close range.  He carries a tactical shotgun as a primary weapon, and has both lethal and nonlethal rounds.  He also has a Needle Launcher, which allows him to use his poisons at Medium-ish range.  Doc pretty much doesn't have any long range attacks. Again, he relies on the others, outside the tank, to deal with enemies at long range, while buffing the crew until enemies get close enough to engage.

In the tank, Doc is an absolute genius behind the wheel, having grown up in a Wastlander gang that had access to a large number of vehicles and a decent supply of fuel.  He can generally coax a bit of extra speed out of the tank, and is quite adept at what used to be called 'Combat Driving', to make her much harder to hit.

With just a few minutes to prepare, Doc can whip up an incredibly variety of alchemical concoctions, both to heal and harm, and he has advanced enough in his craft to make 'potions and lotions' of all types that are 'shelf stable', capable of lasting for days, weeks, or even years, until used.

Outside of combat, Doc is a capable skill monkey, with prodigious amounts of knowledge about all facets of the Wastes, has a knack for languages, is extremely observant and perceptive, and is, of course, an unparalleled physician.

Doc is a gifted storyteller, his warm, mellow baritone more than capable of soothing the most skittish child or the most aggressive raider.  He's also not a half bad drummer...he even has a small hand drum that he likes to play when the group is camping, to keep them all entertained.  Dont ask him to sing though.  His speaking voice might be like warm butter, but his singing voice could peel the paint off the walls.

Doc's enjoys working with the fruits of the crew's kills while on the road, being quite adept at leatherworking, and spends a fair portion of his downtime either making trade goods and knickknacks from various animal hides, or working on keeping the crew clothed.  He's not a half bad seamstress, either.





Melee attack/damage: If Target is Scouted, +2 to hit

  • Unarmed: +6 / 1d4+2
  • Sanpkhang: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Butterfly Knife: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Acccupuncture Needles: +13 / 0 OR 6 (Precision) (+Poison); Can be thrown w/10' range increment

Ranged attack/damage: Only suffers a -1 to hit penalty per range increment (Huntsman Training)

  • Flashbang: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d8 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled & DeafenedFORT DC 19 or -2 to attack and -4 Initiative & Auditory Perception)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Stinkbomb: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d6 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled and SickenedFORT DC 19 or -4 to attack, and -3 to damage; saves; skills; & ability checks)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Tactical Shotgun:  +14 (vs Touch w/Slugs or Beanbags) / 1d10+6 (+Poison)
    • Deadly Nightblade: (Activated @Move action, lasts until canceled): Neurodegenerative toxin (FORT DC 19); Causes Confusion; additional doses cause Mental Ability damage.
  • Needle Launcher: +13 vs Touch / 0 OR 6 dmg (Precision) (+Poison)

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): 

  • Formulae: All Formulae can be thrown (25' range increments) and count as Splash weapons (+13 vs Touch); All formulae can have various aspects increased by increasing the creation DC.  Full details of individual items will always be noted on IC post list of 'Current Formulae'.
    • Cherry Bombs: 6 Individual 'Bombs'This counts as a single use of one Formulae.

      They can be thrown as cluster or broken apart and thrown at individual targets. Split ones go inert in 1 round if not used.
      : 3d4 dmg per bombletNormally do Bludgeoning damage, but they can do Acid damage if Doc desires, but this must be decided when they are made.

      Each bomblet can be created to do a different type of damage. ie 3 Bludgeon and 3 Acid, or any other combination.
    • Improved Acid Flask:  4d6 Acid Damage; 1/2 damage the following round
    • Improved Sneezing Powder: FORT DC 19 or Staggered for 1 round; on failed save, must continue making saves for 1d4+1 rounds, or remain Staggered
    • Improved Tanglefoot Bag: Struck target is -2 to attack/-4 Dexterity; must make REF DC 19 save or be glued to floor, unable to move; STR Check or 20HP Slashing Dmg to goo to free self (no To Hit roll required, base weapon + STR dmg only); Once free, can move at 1/2 speed for 3d4 rounds, after which goo becomes brittle and breaks off.
  • Toxins: All Toxins, unless otherwise noted, require a FORT DC 19 Save.  All Toxins have the Incurable property, which means that anyone attempting to counter them must make a check (1d20+Ranks in Heal, no other bonuses) vs a DC of 17, otherwise the poison remains; All Toxins last 1 minute, unless otherwise noted. Toxins are created on the fly, rather than beforehand.  Toxins can be contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury, chosen at the time of creation.
    • Fatigue: Target is Fatigued (cannot Run or Charge, -2 to STR & DEX)
    • Anesthetic: The first 14 HP of damage target takes after the toxin's application are converted to Nonlethal; Target is +3 to save vs Pain effects
    • Degenerating: -4 to 1 stat OR -2 to 2 stats of Doc's choice (except CON); Multiple applications stack
    • Drowsy: Failing a second save makes target Exhausted (Moves 1/2 speed, cannot Run or Charge, -6 to STR & DEX); Failing a third save causes the target to immediately fall asleep (can be roused by hard slap or damage - takes a Standard Action to awaken someone)

Combat Maneuvers: None known; Base CMB +5



AC: If target is Scouted, +2 to AC; Reinforced (via Oath Boon); +2 vs Called Shot or Crit Confirm; +4 vs Crit Confirm on Called Shot

  • Regular: 26
  • Touch: 25
  • Flat Footed: 24


  • For all maneuvers: 30

Saves: +9 vs Poison & Disease

  • FORT: 11
  • REF: 9
  • WILL: 9


  • Full HP: 78
  • Daily HP: 72 (6 sacrificed daily for Oath of Ritual)
  • Temp HP: 33 (Daily dose of Revitalizing Compounds, lasts 6 hours, renewed as needed)

Special Defenses: None



  • Alchemical Items: With sufficient time and a few ingredients, Doc can make a plethora of alchemical items to aid the crew or hinder their enemies.  Literally too many to list.
  • Alchemy Formulae
    • Salve: 3d8+6 Healing
    • Panacea: Can cure almost any conditionBlinded, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, poisoned, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned.
    • War Paint: One paint can be applied per character (Doc can apply 3 to self); 1 application lasts 18 hours
      • Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
      • Blue: +15 Enhancement Bonus to Speed
      • Green: +3 rounds duration on all Morale bonuses
      • Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



  • Craft (Alchemy): +26 Base, Can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Alchemist Lab (Profitable, Swift; +3 to Craft (Alchemy) checks)
  • Craft (Leather): +20 Base; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; GrandMaster Leatherworking Kit (Profitable, Swift; +1 to Craft (Leather) checks)
  • Heal (Duh 😄) : +29 Base, can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Healers Kit w/Surgical Tools (+5 or +6 to Treat Deadly Wounds); Does not require Kit to make Heal checks; when using kit, gain +2 Circumstance bonus (Improvisational Healer); Uses Heal instead of Craft (Alchemy) for all Alchemy Sphere effects (Field Medic Martial Tradition)
    • Without Kit: +43
    • With His Kit: +50/+51 to Treat Deadly Wounds
    • With Normal Kit: +45
  • Knowledge (All): +21 (+15 plus Roguish Know-How to add INT a second time; also gain INT to checks to remember details)
  • Perform (Oratory & Percussion): +20 (Versatile Performance x2; Substitute Perform for Diplomacy; Handle Animal; Intimidate; & Sense Motive); Has GrandMaster Profitable, Swift instrument (+1 to Perform, 2x Gold from busking; checks requiring more than 1 rd take 1/2 time)
  • Perception: +22 (Low Light Vision; can see 10' in smoke/fog/etc; +1/20' range penalty
  • Profession (Pilot): +23 (Specifically, driving; can use appropriate Athletics talents with any vehicle he is driving)



  • Driver: Doc is heavily tilted towards the Driver slot. He has a high Piloting skill, and with the Ace Pilot talent, he can use his Athletics talents with the tank (Swift Movement, Moving Target, and the Run package at present, but I plan to invest more as we level).  This, or riding in the back playing Mad Scientist, are Doc's preferred roles.
  • Engineer: Doc has high INT and solid Tech skills, so he could do a fair job in the Engineer slot, but would defer to a more Tech oriented character.
  • Commander: With his high INT and Perception, Doc would do a reasonably good job as Commander, but, again, would defer to a more tactically oriented character.
  • Loader: Doc would be terrible at this. He's got average strength (12 STR), and basic firearm proficiency (enough to maintain his weapons and make/reload ammo). He would do it in a pinch, but that's it.
  • Gunner: Only in the direst emergency would Doc take the Gunner slot. His Oath of Peace means that he could literally kill himself from mental trauma if he were to inadvertently kill a sentient being...a very real possibility when firing off La Chancla


Doc was part of a brutal wasteland gang in his youth who were guilty of every crime under the sun.  After the locals banded together to slaughter them, he managed to survive, barely, by being literally buried under multiple fallen corpses. He was rescued, healed, and trained by a hermit doctor over the next few years, then, as a young man (and when the doctor felt he was ready), he set out to make his fortune/help the common citizen/earn his penance.


Doc heard rumors of The Tank in his wanderings, but didn't encounter it for nearly a decade.  When he did, he observed The Crew for awhile, and once he determined that the rumors were true, he practically begged them to take him on as an apprentice.  With his doctoring and chemistry skills, he was a valuable addition to the crew and quickly earned his place.  He has been with them for about five years now.  He has yet to find someone he feels is worthy of becoming his apprentice (this is more of a moral thing than an intelligence/skill thing), but he continues to hope.



Doc has a minor mutation that gives him several feline characteristics.  His eyes are slit pupiled, allowing him to see in near darkness, and his reflexes are quite cat-like.  He has the same ability to dilate and restrict the muscles around his larynx that a cat does, which allows him to purr when he wishes (and sometimes when he's happy or distracted). 

He has several other feline mannerisms, including an almost obsessive need to be clean...though that's also partly fueled by his medical training.  He is also brutally honest, to the point where he literally will not lie...dont ask Doc's opinion unless you want the honest, unvarnished truth.

Finally, rather than being rescued from a near-death experience by the hermit who saved and taught him, Doc firmly believes that he literally died that day, but some part of him was so offended by the horrible life he lived up to that point, that he was reborn, like a cat with it's multiple lives, so that he could do penance for his past sins as well as try to bring peace to the souls of those he slew by helping other lost souls in the Wasteland.



Character Name: Marcus "Doc" Strumpky; "Just call me Doc"



Play Overview: Doc is, first and foremost, a healer, and he is damn good at it.  He can heal both in and out of combat, either via direct application of the Heal skill, or through various alchemical items (both personal and AOE).  Doc is also a very firm believer in the Hippocratic OathTo the point where I took a modified Oath Against Harm.

He can do whatever he wants to 'non-sentients', though killing will always be a last resort, just because that's his personality.

But against Sentients, he will ONLY use non-damaging or nonlethal attacks, and will do his level best to convince the rest of the Crew to let enemies surrender whenever possible, rather than allowing them to be killed. If there is no other choice (ie they simply refuse to be reasoned with and/or keep attacking no matter what, or they're specifically targeting non-combatants, Doc will do what he has to to restrain them and not say anything if the others kill them, but in all other circumstances, Doc will pretty much always be the voice of restraint.
, and will not attack any sentient being if he can help it.  If required to do so, his attacks will always be non-lethal, with an aim towards capture, rather than kill.

When required to engage in combat, Doc will act primarily as a Buffer/Debuffer, along with some crowd control, all primarily at Close range.  He carries a tactical shotgun as a primary weapon, and has both lethal and nonlethal rounds.  He also has a Needle Launcher, which allows him to use his poisons at Medium-ish range.  Doc pretty much doesn't have any long range attacks. Again, he relies on the others, outside the tank, to deal with enemies at long range, while buffing the crew until enemies get close enough to engage.

In the tank, Doc is an absolute genius behind the wheel, having grown up in a Wastlander gang that had access to a large number of vehicles and a decent supply of fuel.  He can generally coax a bit of extra speed out of the tank, and is quite adept at what used to be called 'Combat Driving', to make her much harder to hit.

With just a few minutes to prepare, Doc can whip up an incredibly variety of alchemical concoctions, both to heal and harm, and he has advanced enough in his craft to make 'potions and lotions' of all types that are 'shelf stable', capable of lasting for days, weeks, or even years, until used.

Outside of combat, Doc is a capable skill monkey, with prodigious amounts of knowledge about all facets of the Wastes, has a knack for languages, is extremely observant and perceptive, and is, of course, an unparalleled physician.

Doc is a gifted storyteller, his warm, mellow baritone more than capable of soothing the most skittish child or the most aggressive raider.  He's also not a half bad drummer...he even has a small hand drum that he likes to play when the group is camping, to keep them all entertained.  Dont ask him to sing though.  His speaking voice might be like warm butter, but his singing voice could peel the paint off the walls.

Doc's enjoys working with the fruits of the crew's kills while on the road, being quite adept at leatherworking, and spends a fair portion of his downtime either making trade goods and knickknacks from various animal hides, or working on keeping the crew clothed.  He's not a half bad seamstress, either.





Melee attack/damage: If Target is Scouted, +2 to hit

  • Unarmed: +6 / 1d4+2
  • Sanpkhang: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Butterfly Knife: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Acccupuncture Needles: +13 / 0 OR 6 (Precision) (+Poison); Can be thrown w/10' range increment

Ranged attack/damage: Only suffers a -1 to hit penalty per range increment (Huntsman Training)

  • Flashbang: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d8 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled & DeafenedFORT DC 19 or -2 to attack and -4 Initiative & Auditory Perception)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Stinkbomb: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d6 (B/S/P) +6 (Plus Dazzled and SickenedFORT DC 19 or -4 to attack, and -3 to damage; saves; skills; & ability checks)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Tactical Shotgun:  +14 (vs Touch w/Slugs or Beanbags) / 1d10+6 (+Poison)
    • Deadly Nightblade: (Activated @Move action, lasts until canceled): Neurodegenerative toxin (FORT DC 19); Causes Confusion; additional doses cause Mental Ability damage.
  • Needle Launcher: +13 vs Touch / 0 OR 6 dmg (Precision) (+Poison)

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): 

  • Formulae: All Formulae can be thrown (various range increments) and count as Splash weapons (+13 vs Touch); All formulae can have various aspects increased by increasing the creation DC.  Full details of individual items will always be noted on IC post list of 'Current Formulae'.
    • Cherry Bombs: 6 Individual 'Bombs'This counts as a single use of one Formulae.

      They can be thrown as cluster or broken apart and thrown at individual targets. Split ones go inert in 1 round if not used.
      : 3d4 dmg per bombletNormally do Bludgeoning damage, but they can do Acid damage if Doc desires, but this must be decided when they are made.

      Each bomblet can be created to do a different type of damage. ie 3 Bludgeon and 3 Acid, or any other combination.
      ; 25' Increment
    • Improved Acid Flask:  4d6 Acid Damage; 1/2 damage the following round; 25' Increment
    • Improved Sneezing Powder: FORT DC 19 or Staggered for 1 round; on failed save, must continue making saves for 1d4+1 rounds, or remain Staggered; 25' Increment
    • Improved Tanglefoot Bag: Struck target is -2 to attack/-4 Dexterity; must make REF DC 19 save or be glued to floor, unable to move; STR Check or 20HP Slashing Dmg to goo to free self (no To Hit roll required, base weapon + STR dmg only); Once free, can move at 1/2 speed for 3d4 rounds, after which goo becomes brittle and breaks off.
  • Toxins: All Toxins, unless otherwise noted, require a FORT DC 19 Save.  All Toxins have the Incurable property, which means that anyone attempting to counter them must make a check (1d20+Ranks in Heal, no other bonuses) vs a DC of 17, otherwise the poison remains; All Toxins last 1 minute, unless otherwise noted. Toxins are created on the fly, rather than beforehand.  Toxins can be contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury, chosen at the time of creation.
    • Fatigue: Target is Fatigued (cannot Run or Charge, -2 to STR & DEX)
    • Anesthetic: The first 14 HP of damage target takes after the toxin's application are converted to Nonlethal; Target is +3 to save vs Pain effects
    • Degenerating: -4 to 1 stat OR -2 to 2 stats of Doc's choice (except CON); Multiple applications stack
    • Drowsy: Failing a second save makes target Exhausted (Moves 1/2 speed, cannot Run or Charge, -6 to STR & DEX); Failing a third save causes the target to immediately fall asleep (can be roused by hard slap or damage - takes a Standard Action to awaken someone)

Combat Maneuvers: None known; Base CMB +5



AC: If target is Scouted, +2 to AC; Reinforced (via Oath Boon); +2 vs Called Shot or Crit Confirm; +4 vs Crit Confirm on Called Shot

  • Regular: 26
  • Touch: 25
  • Flat Footed: 24


  • For all maneuvers: 30

Saves: +9 vs Poison & Disease

  • FORT: 11
  • REF: 9
  • WILL: 9


  • Full HP: 78
  • Daily HP: 72 (6 sacrificed daily for Oath of Ritual)
  • Temp HP: 33 (Daily dose of Revitalizing Compounds, lasts 6 hours, renewed as needed)

Special Defenses: None



  • Alchemical Items: With sufficient time and a few ingredients, Doc can make a plethora of alchemical items to aid the crew or hinder their enemies.  Literally too many to list.
  • Alchemy Formulae
    • Salve: 3d8+6 Healing
    • Panacea: Can cure almost any conditionBlinded, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, poisoned, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned.
    • War Paint: One paint can be applied per character (Doc can apply 3 to self); 1 application lasts 18 hours
      • Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
      • Blue: +15 Enhancement Bonus to Speed
      • Green: +3 rounds duration on all Morale bonuses
      • Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



  • Craft (Alchemy): +26 Base, Can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Alchemist Lab (Profitable, Swift; +3 to Craft (Alchemy) checks)
  • Craft (Leather): +20 Base; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; GrandMaster Leatherworking Kit (Profitable, Swift; +1 to Craft (Leather) checks)
  • Heal (Duh 😄) : +29 Base, can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Healers Kit w/Surgical Tools (+5 or +6 to Treat Deadly Wounds); Does not require Kit to make Heal checks; when using kit, gain +2 Circumstance bonus (Improvisational Healer); Uses Heal instead of Craft (Alchemy) for all Alchemy Sphere effects (Field Medic Martial Tradition)
    • Without Kit: +43
    • With His Kit: +50/+51 to Treat Deadly Wounds
    • With Normal Kit: +45
  • Knowledge (All): +21 (+15 plus Roguish Know-How to add INT a second time; also gain INT to checks to remember details)
  • Perform (Oratory & Percussion): +20 (Versatile Performance x2; Substitute Perform for Diplomacy; Handle Animal; Intimidate; & Sense Motive); Has GrandMaster Profitable, Swift instrument (+1 to Perform, 2x Gold from busking; checks requiring more than 1 rd take 1/2 time)
  • Perception: +22 (Low Light Vision; can see 10' in smoke/fog/etc; +1/20' range penalty
  • Profession (Pilot): +23 (Specifically, driving; can use appropriate Athletics talents with any vehicle he is driving)



  • Driver: Doc is heavily tilted towards the Driver slot. He has a high Piloting skill, and with the Ace Pilot talent, he can use his Athletics talents with the tank (Swift Movement, Moving Target, and the Run package at present, but I plan to invest more as we level).  This, or riding in the back playing Mad Scientist, are Doc's preferred roles.
  • Engineer: Doc has high INT and solid Tech skills, so he could do a fair job in the Engineer slot, but would defer to a more Tech oriented character.
  • Commander: With his high INT and Perception, Doc would do a reasonably good job as Commander, but, again, would defer to a more tactically oriented character.
  • Loader: Doc would be terrible at this. He's got average strength (12 STR), and basic firearm proficiency (enough to maintain his weapons and make/reload ammo). He would do it in a pinch, but that's it.
  • Gunner: Only in the direst emergency would Doc take the Gunner slot. His Oath of Peace means that he could literally kill himself from mental trauma if he were to inadvertently kill a sentient being...a very real possibility when firing off La Chancla


Doc was part of a brutal wasteland gang in his youth who were guilty of every crime under the sun.  After the locals banded together to slaughter them, he managed to survive, barely, by being literally buried under multiple fallen corpses. He was rescued, healed, and trained by a hermit doctor over the next few years, then, as a young man (and when the doctor felt he was ready), he set out to make his fortune/help the common citizen/earn his penance.


Doc heard rumors of The Tank in his wanderings, but didn't encounter it for nearly a decade.  When he did, he observed The Crew for awhile, and once he determined that the rumors were true, he practically begged them to take him on as an apprentice.  With his doctoring and chemistry skills, he was a valuable addition to the crew and quickly earned his place.  He has been with them for about five years now.  He has yet to find someone he feels is worthy of becoming his apprentice (this is more of a moral thing than an intelligence/skill thing), but he continues to hope.



Doc has a minor mutation that gives him several feline characteristics.  His eyes are slit pupiled, allowing him to see in near darkness, and his reflexes are quite cat-like.  He has the same ability to dilate and restrict the muscles around his larynx that a cat does, which allows him to purr when he wishes (and sometimes when he's happy or distracted). 

He has several other feline mannerisms, including an almost obsessive need to be clean...though that's also partly fueled by his medical training.  He is also brutally honest, to the point where he literally will not lie...dont ask Doc's opinion unless you want the honest, unvarnished truth.

Finally, rather than being rescued from a near-death experience by the hermit who saved and taught him, Doc firmly believes that he literally died that day, but some part of him was so offended by the horrible life he lived up to that point, that he was reborn, like a cat with it's multiple lives, so that he could do penance for his past sins as well as try to bring peace to the souls of those he slew by helping other lost souls in the Wasteland.



Character Name: Marcus "Doc" Strumpky; "Just call me Doc"



Play Overview: Doc is, first and foremost, a healer, and he is damn good at it.  He can heal both in and out of combat, either via direct application of the Heal skill, or through various alchemical items (both personal and AOE).  Doc is also a very firm believer in the Hippocratic OathTo the point where I took a modified Oath Against Harm.

He can do whatever he wants to 'non-sentients', though killing will always be a last resort, just because that's his personality.

But against Sentients, he will ONLY use non-damaging or nonlethal attacks, and will do his level best to convince the rest of the Crew to let enemies surrender whenever possible, rather than allowing them to be killed. If there is no other choice (ie they simply refuse to be reasoned with and/or keep attacking no matter what, or they're specifically targeting non-combatants, Doc will do what he has to to restrain them and not say anything if the others kill them, but in all other circumstances, Doc will pretty much always be the voice of restraint.
, and will not attack any sentient being if he can help it.  If required to do so, his attacks will always be non-lethal, with an aim towards capture, rather than kill.

When required to engage in combat, Doc will act primarily as a Buffer/Debuffer, along with some crowd control, all primarily at Close range.  He carries a tactical shotgun as a primary weapon, and has both lethal and nonlethal rounds.  He also has a Needle Launcher, which allows him to use his poisons at Medium-ish range.  Doc pretty much doesn't have any long range attacks. Again, he relies on the others, outside the tank, to deal with enemies at long range, while buffing the crew until enemies get close enough to engage.

In the tank, Doc is an absolute genius behind the wheel, having grown up in a Wastlander gang that had access to a large number of vehicles and a decent supply of fuel.  He can generally coax a bit of extra speed out of the tank, and is quite adept at what used to be called 'Combat Driving', to make her much harder to hit.

With just a few minutes to prepare, Doc can whip up an incredibly variety of alchemical concoctions, both to heal and harm, and he has advanced enough in his craft to make 'potions and lotions' of all types that are 'shelf stable', capable of lasting for days, weeks, or even years, until used.

Outside of combat, Doc is a capable skill monkey, with prodigious amounts of knowledge about all facets of the Wastes, has a knack for languages, is extremely observant and perceptive, and is, of course, an unparalleled physician.

Doc is a gifted storyteller, his warm, mellow baritone more than capable of soothing the most skittish child or the most aggressive raider.  He's also not a half bad drummer...he even has a small hand drum that he likes to play when the group is camping, to keep them all entertained.  Dont ask him to sing though.  His speaking voice might be like warm butter, but his singing voice could peel the paint off the walls.

Doc's enjoys working with the fruits of the crew's kills while on the road, being quite adept at leatherworking, and spends a fair portion of his downtime either making trade goods and knickknacks from various animal hides, or working on keeping the crew clothed.  He's not a half bad seamstress, either.




Melee attack/damage: If Target is Scouted, +2 to hit

  • Unarmed: +6 / 1d4+2
  • Sanpkhang: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Butterfly Knife: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Acccupuncture Needles: +13 / 0 OR 6 (Precision) (+Poison); Can be thrown w/10' range increment

Ranged attack/damage: Only suffers a -1 to hit penalty per range increment (Huntsman Training)

  • Flashbang: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d8 (B/S/P) +6 (Precision) (Plus Dazzled & DeafenedFORT DC 19 or -2 to attack and -4 Initiative & Auditory Perception)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Stinkbomb: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d6 (B/S/P) +6 (Precision) (Plus Dazzled and SickenedFORT DC 19 or -4 to attack, and -3 to damage; saves; skills; & ability checks)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Tactical Shotgun:  +14 (vs Touch w/Slugs or Beanbags) / 1d10+6 (+Poison)
    • Deadly Nightblade: (Activated @Move action, lasts until canceled): Neurodegenerative toxin (FORT DC 19); Causes Confusion; additional doses cause Mental Ability damage.
  • Needle Launcher: +13 vs Touch / 0 OR 6 dmg (Precision) (+Poison)

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): 

  • Formulae: All Formulae can be thrown (various range increments) and count as Splash weapons (+13 vs Touch); All formulae can have various aspects increased by increasing the creation DC.  Full details of individual items will always be noted on IC post list of 'Current Formulae'.
    • Cherry Bombs: 6 Individual 'Bombs'This counts as a single use of one Formulae.

      They can be thrown as cluster or broken apart and thrown at individual targets. Split ones go inert in 1 round if not used.
      : 3d4 dmg per bombletNormally do Bludgeoning damage, but they can do Acid damage if Doc desires, but this must be decided when they are made.

      Each bomblet can be created to do a different type of damage. ie 3 Bludgeon and 3 Acid, or any other combination.
      ; 25' Increment
    • Improved Acid Flask:  4d6 Acid Damage; 1/2 damage the following round; 25' Increment
    • Improved Sneezing Powder: FORT DC 19 or Staggered for 1 round; on failed save, must continue making saves for 1d4+1 rounds, or remain Staggered; 25' Increment
    • Improved Tanglefoot Bag: Struck target is -2 to attack/-4 Dexterity; must make REF DC 19 save or be glued to floor, unable to move; STR Check or 20HP Slashing Dmg to goo to free self (no To Hit roll required, base weapon + STR dmg only); Once free, can move at 1/2 speed for 3d4 rounds, after which goo becomes brittle and breaks off.
  • Toxins: All Toxins, unless otherwise noted, require a FORT DC 19 Save.  All Toxins have the Incurable property, which means that anyone attempting to counter them must make a check (1d20+Ranks in Heal, no other bonuses) vs a DC of 17, otherwise the poison remains; All Toxins last 1 minute, unless otherwise noted. Toxins are created on the fly, rather than beforehand.  Toxins can be contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury, chosen at the time of creation.
    • Fatigue: Target is Fatigued (cannot Run or Charge, -2 to STR & DEX)
    • Anesthetic: The first 14 HP of damage target takes after the toxin's application are converted to Nonlethal; Target is +3 to save vs Pain effects
    • Degenerating: -4 to 1 stat OR -2 to 2 stats of Doc's choice (except CON); Multiple applications stack
    • Drowsy: Failing a second save makes target Exhausted (Moves 1/2 speed, cannot Run or Charge, -6 to STR & DEX); Failing a third save causes the target to immediately fall asleep (can be roused by hard slap or damage - takes a Standard Action to awaken someone)

Combat Maneuvers: None known; Base CMB +5



AC: If target is Scouted, +2 to AC; Reinforced (via Oath Boon); +2 vs Called Shot or Crit Confirm; +4 vs Crit Confirm on Called Shot

  • Regular: 26
  • Touch: 25
  • Flat Footed: 24


  • For all maneuvers: 30

Saves: +9 vs Poison & Disease

  • FORT: 11
  • REF: 9
  • WILL: 9


  • Full HP: 78
  • Daily HP: 72 (6 sacrificed daily for Oath of Ritual)
  • Temp HP: 33 (Daily dose of Revitalizing Compounds, lasts 6 hours, renewed as needed)

Special Defenses: None



  • Alchemical Items: With sufficient time and a few ingredients, Doc can make a plethora of alchemical items to aid the crew or hinder their enemies.  Literally too many to list.
  • Alchemy Formulae
    • Salve: 3d8+6 Healing
    • Panacea: Can cure almost any conditionBlinded, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, poisoned, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned.
    • War Paint: One paint can be applied per character (Doc can apply 3 to self); 1 application lasts 18 hours
      • Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
      • Blue: +15 Enhancement Bonus to Speed
      • Green: +3 rounds duration on all Morale bonuses
      • Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



  • Craft (Alchemy): +26 Base, Can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Alchemist Lab (Profitable, Swift; +3 to Craft (Alchemy) checks)
  • Craft (Leather): +20 Base; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; GrandMaster Leatherworking Kit (Profitable, Swift; +1 to Craft (Leather) checks)
  • Heal (Duh 😄) : +29 Base, can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Healers Kit w/Surgical Tools (+5 or +6 to Treat Deadly Wounds); Does not require Kit to make Heal checks; when using kit, gain +2 Circumstance bonus (Improvisational Healer); Uses Heal instead of Craft (Alchemy) for all Alchemy Sphere effects (Field Medic Martial Tradition)
    • Without Kit: +43
    • With His Kit: +50/+51 to Treat Deadly Wounds
    • With Normal Kit: +45
  • Knowledge (All): +21 (+15 plus Roguish Know-How to add INT a second time; also gain INT to checks to remember details)
  • Perform (Oratory & Percussion): +20 (Versatile Performance x2; Substitute Perform for Diplomacy; Handle Animal; Intimidate; & Sense Motive); Has GrandMaster Profitable, Swift instrument (+1 to Perform, 2x Gold from busking; checks requiring more than 1 rd take 1/2 time)
  • Perception: +22 (Low Light Vision; can see 10' in smoke/fog/etc; +1/20' range penalty
  • Profession (Pilot): +23 (Specifically, driving; can use appropriate Athletics talents with any vehicle he is driving)



  • Driver: Doc is heavily tilted towards the Driver slot. He has a high Piloting skill, and with the Ace Pilot talent, he can use his Athletics talents with the tank (Swift Movement, Moving Target, and the Run package at present, but I plan to invest more as we level).  This, or riding in the back playing Mad Scientist, are Doc's preferred roles.
  • Engineer: Doc has high INT and solid Tech skills, so he could do a fair job in the Engineer slot, but would defer to a more Tech oriented character.
  • Commander: With his high INT and Perception, Doc would do a reasonably good job as Commander, but, again, would defer to a more tactically oriented character.
  • Loader: Doc would be terrible at this. He's got average strength (12 STR), and basic firearm proficiency (enough to maintain his weapons and make/reload ammo). He would do it in a pinch, but that's it.
  • Gunner: Only in the direst emergency would Doc take the Gunner slot. His Oath of Peace means that he could literally kill himself from mental trauma if he were to inadvertently kill a sentient being...a very real possibility when firing off La Chancla


Doc was part of a brutal wasteland gang in his youth who were guilty of every crime under the sun.  After the locals banded together to slaughter them, he managed to survive, barely, by being literally buried under multiple fallen corpses. He was rescued, healed, and trained by a hermit doctor over the next few years, then, as a young man (and when the doctor felt he was ready), he set out to make his fortune/help the common citizen/earn his penance.


Doc heard rumors of The Tank in his wanderings, but didn't encounter it for nearly a decade.  When he did, he observed The Crew for awhile, and once he determined that the rumors were true, he practically begged them to take him on as an apprentice.  With his doctoring and chemistry skills, he was a valuable addition to the crew and quickly earned his place.  He has been with them for about five years now.  He has yet to find someone he feels is worthy of becoming his apprentice (this is more of a moral thing than an intelligence/skill thing), but he continues to hope.



Doc has a minor mutation that gives him several feline characteristics.  His eyes are slit pupiled, allowing him to see in near darkness, and his reflexes are quite cat-like.  He has the same ability to dilate and restrict the muscles around his larynx that a cat does, which allows him to purr when he wishes (and sometimes when he's happy or distracted). 

He has several other feline mannerisms, including an almost obsessive need to be clean...though that's also partly fueled by his medical training.  He is also brutally honest, to the point where he literally will not lie...dont ask Doc's opinion unless you want the honest, unvarnished truth.

Finally, rather than being rescued from a near-death experience by the hermit who saved and taught him, Doc firmly believes that he literally died that day, but some part of him was so offended by the horrible life he lived up to that point, that he was reborn, like a cat with it's multiple lives, so that he could do penance for his past sins as well as try to bring peace to the souls of those he slew by helping other lost souls in the Wasteland.



Character Name: Marcus "Doc" Strumpky; "Just call me Doc"



Play Overview: Doc is, first and foremost, a healer, and he is damn good at it.  He can heal both in and out of combat, either via direct application of the Heal skill, or through various alchemical items (both personal and AOE).  Doc is also a very firm believer in the Hippocratic OathTo the point where I took a modified Oath Against Harm.

He can do whatever he wants to 'non-sentients', though killing will always be a last resort, just because that's his personality.

But against Sentients, he will ONLY use non-damaging or nonlethal attacks, and will do his level best to convince the rest of the Crew to let enemies surrender whenever possible, rather than allowing them to be killed. If there is no other choice (ie they simply refuse to be reasoned with and/or keep attacking no matter what, or they're specifically targeting non-combatants, Doc will do what he has to to restrain them and not say anything if the others kill them, but in all other circumstances, Doc will pretty much always be the voice of restraint.
, and will not attack any sentient being if he can help it.  If required to do so, his attacks will always be non-lethal, with an aim towards capture, rather than kill.

When required to engage in combat, Doc will act primarily as a Buffer/Debuffer, along with some crowd control, all primarily at Close range.  He carries a tactical shotgun as a primary weapon, and has both lethal and nonlethal rounds.  He also has a Needle Launcher, which allows him to use his poisons at Medium-ish range.  Doc pretty much doesn't have any long range attacks. Again, he relies on the others, outside the tank, to deal with enemies at long range, while buffing the crew until enemies get close enough to engage.

In the tank, Doc is an absolute genius behind the wheel, having grown up in a Wastlander gang that had access to a large number of vehicles and a decent supply of fuel.  He can generally coax a bit of extra speed out of the tank, and is quite adept at what used to be called 'Combat Driving', to make her much harder to hit.

With just a few minutes to prepare, Doc can whip up an incredibly variety of alchemical concoctions, both to heal and harm, and he has advanced enough in his craft to make 'potions and lotions' of all types that are 'shelf stable', capable of lasting for days, weeks, or even years, until used.

Outside of combat, Doc is a capable skill monkey, with prodigious amounts of knowledge about all facets of the Wastes, has a knack for languages, is extremely observant and perceptive, and is, of course, an unparalleled physician.

Doc is a gifted storyteller, his warm, mellow baritone more than capable of soothing the most skittish child or the most aggressive raider.  He's also not a half bad drummer...he even has a small hand drum that he likes to play when the group is camping, to keep them all entertained.  Dont ask him to sing though.  His speaking voice might be like warm butter, but his singing voice could peel the paint off the walls.

Doc's enjoys working with the fruits of the crew's kills while on the road, being quite adept at leatherworking, and spends a fair portion of his downtime either making trade goods and knickknacks from various animal hides, or working on keeping the crew clothed.  He's not a half bad seamstress, either.



Usually I would have you put up a series of different levels of numbers (all day stats, buffed stats, nova stats), but for this level of character, I think I’ll just stick with everyone posting their battle-mode stats. Battle-mode should be the numbers you expect to be fighting at in most rounds of battle. So it should include all long-term buffs you expect to have active, and short term buffs and effects that you will almost always activate if you have a round or two to prep for combat, or you will usually activate within the first round of combat. The numbers shouldn’t include edge cases, highly conditional effects, or what you can achieve if you really burn all available resources. Though it would be a nice addition to mention significant boosts you get from effects using martial focus or other limited resources. 



Melee attack/damage: If Target is Scouted, +2 to hit

  • Unarmed: +6 / 1d4+2
  • Sanpkhang: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Butterfly Knife: +12 / 1d4+6 (Precision) (+Poison)
  • Acccupuncture Needles: +13 / 0 OR 6 (Precision) (+Poison); Can be thrown w/10' range increment

Ranged attack/damage: Only suffers a -1 to hit penalty per range increment (Huntsman Training)

  • Flashbang: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d8 (B/S/P) +6 (Precision) (Plus Dazzled & DeafenedFORT DC 19 or -2 to attack and -4 Initiative & Auditory Perception)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Stinkbomb: +13 (Splash, vs Touch) / 1d6 (B/S/P) +6 (Precision) (Plus Dazzled and SickenedFORT DC 19 or -4 to attack, and -3 to damage; saves; skills; & ability checks)
    • Howling Herbology: (Expend Martial Focus): +6d6 Sonic dmg; +2 to DC of FORT save; Full damage to Objects & Undead
  • Tactical Shotgun:  +14 (vs Touch w/Slugs or Beanbags) / 1d10+6 (+Poison)
    • Deadly Nightblade: (Activated @Move action, lasts until canceled): Neurodegenerative toxin (FORT DC 19); Causes Confusion; additional doses cause Mental Ability damage.
  • Needle Launcher: +13 vs Touch / 0 OR 6 dmg (Precision) (+Poison)

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): 

  • Formulae: All Formulae can be thrown (various range increments) and count as Splash weapons (+13 vs Touch); All formulae can have various aspects increased by increasing the creation DC.  Full details of individual items will always be noted on IC post list of 'Current Formulae'.
    • Cherry Bombs: 6 Individual 'Bombs'This counts as a single use of one Formulae.

      They can be thrown as cluster or broken apart and thrown at individual targets. Split ones go inert in 1 round if not used.
      : 3d4 dmg per bombletNormally do Bludgeoning damage, but they can do Acid damage if Doc desires, but this must be decided when they are made.

      Each bomblet can be created to do a different type of damage. ie 3 Bludgeon and 3 Acid, or any other combination.
      ; 25' Increment
    • Improved Acid Flask:  4d6 Acid Damage; 1/2 damage the following round; 25' Increment
    • Improved Sneezing Powder: FORT DC 19 or Staggered for 1 round; on failed save, must continue making saves for 1d4+1 rounds, or remain Staggered; 25' Increment
    • Improved Tanglefoot Bag: Struck target is -2 to attack/-4 Dexterity; must make REF DC 19 save or be glued to floor, unable to move; STR Check or 20HP Slashing Dmg to goo to free self (no To Hit roll required, base weapon + STR dmg only); Once free, can move at 1/2 speed for 3d4 rounds, after which goo becomes brittle and breaks off.
  • Toxins: All Toxins, unless otherwise noted, require a FORT DC 19 Save.  All Toxins have the Incurable property, which means that anyone attempting to counter them must make a check (1d20+Ranks in Heal, no other bonuses) vs a DC of 17, otherwise the poison remains; All Toxins last 1 minute, unless otherwise noted. Toxins are created on the fly, rather than beforehand.  Toxins can be contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury, chosen at the time of creation.
    • Fatigue: Target is Fatigued (cannot Run or Charge, -2 to STR & DEX)
    • Anesthetic: The first 14 HP of damage target takes after the toxin's application are converted to Nonlethal; Target is +3 to save vs Pain effects
    • Degenerating: -4 to 1 stat OR -2 to 2 stats of Doc's choice (except CON); Multiple applications stack
    • Drowsy: Failing a second save makes target Exhausted (Moves 1/2 speed, cannot Run or Charge, -6 to STR & DEX); Failing a third save causes the target to immediately fall asleep (can be roused by hard slap or damage - takes a Standard Action to awaken someone)

Combat Maneuvers: None known; Base CMB +5



AC: If target is Scouted, +2 to AC; Reinforced (via Oath Boon); +2 vs Called Shot or Crit Confirm; +4 vs Crit Confirm on Called Shot

  • Regular: 26
  • Touch: 25
  • Flat Footed: 24


  • For all maneuvers: 30

Saves: +9 vs Poison & Disease

  • FORT: 11
  • REF: 9
  • WILL: 9


  • Full HP: 78
  • Daily HP: 72 (6 sacrificed daily for Oath of Ritual)
  • Temp HP: 33 (Daily dose of Revitalizing Compounds, lasts 6 hours, renewed as needed)

Special Defenses: None



  • Alchemical Items: With sufficient time and a few ingredients, Doc can make a plethora of alchemical items to aid the crew or hinder their enemies.  Literally too many to list.
  • Alchemy Formulae
    • Salve: 3d8+6 Healing
    • Panacea: Can cure almost any conditionBlinded, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, poisoned, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned.
    • War Paint: One paint can be applied per character (Doc can apply 3 to self); 1 application lasts 18 hours
      • Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
      • Blue: +15 Enhancement Bonus to Speed
      • Green: +3 rounds duration on all Morale bonuses
      • Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



  • Craft (Alchemy): +26 Base, Can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Alchemist Lab (Profitable, Swift; +3 to Craft (Alchemy) checks)
  • Craft (Leather): +20 Base; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; GrandMaster Leatherworking Kit (Profitable, Swift; +1 to Craft (Leather) checks)
  • Heal (Duh 😄) : +29 Base, can always Take 10; Can Aid Another on self @ Swift (will ALWAYS do this outside combat) for additional +4; Exquisite Healers Kit w/Surgical Tools (+5 or +6 to Treat Deadly Wounds); Does not require Kit to make Heal checks; when using kit, gain +2 Circumstance bonus (Improvisational Healer); Uses Heal instead of Craft (Alchemy) for all Alchemy Sphere effects (Field Medic Martial Tradition)
    • Without Kit: +43
    • With His Kit: +50/+51 to Treat Deadly Wounds
    • With Normal Kit: +45
  • Knowledge (All): +21 (+15 plus Roguish Know-How to add INT a second time; also gain INT to checks to remember details)
  • Perform (Oratory & Percussion): +20 (Versatile Performance x2; Substitute Perform for Diplomacy; Handle Animal; Intimidate; & Sense Motive); Has GrandMaster Profitable, Swift instrument (+1 to Perform, 2x Gold from busking; checks requiring more than 1 rd take 1/2 time)
  • Perception: +22 (Low Light Vision; can see 10' in smoke/fog/etc; +1/20' range penalty
  • Profession (Pilot): +23 (Specifically, driving; can use appropriate Athletics talents with any vehicle he is driving)



  • Driver: Doc is heavily tilted towards the Driver slot. He has a high Piloting skill, and with the Ace Pilot talent, he can use his Athletics talents with the tank (Swift Movement, Moving Target, and the Run package at present, but I plan to invest more as we level).  This, or riding in the back playing Mad Scientist, are Doc's preferred roles.
  • Engineer: Doc has high INT and solid Tech skills, so he could do a fair job in the Engineer slot, but would defer to a more Tech oriented character.
  • Commander: With his high INT and Perception, Doc would do a reasonably good job as Commander, but, again, would defer to a more tactically oriented character.
  • Loader: Doc would be terrible at this. He's got average strength (12 STR), and basic firearm proficiency (enough to maintain his weapons and make/reload ammo). He would do it in a pinch, but that's it.
  • Gunner: Only in the direst emergency would Doc take the Gunner slot. His Oath of Peace means that he could literally kill himself from mental trauma if he were to inadvertently kill a sentient being...a very real possibility when firing off La Chancla


Doc was part of a brutal wasteland gang in his youth who were guilty of every crime under the sun.  After the locals banded together to slaughter them, he managed to survive, barely, by being literally buried under multiple fallen corpses. He was rescued, healed, and trained by a hermit doctor over the next few years, then, as a young man (and when the doctor felt he was ready), he set out to make his fortune/help the common citizen/earn his penance.


Doc heard rumors of The Tank in his wanderings, but didn't encounter it for nearly a decade.  When he did, he observed The Crew for awhile, and once he determined that the rumors were true, he practically begged them to take him on as an apprentice.  With his doctoring and chemistry skills, he was a valuable addition to the crew and quickly earned his place.  He has been with them for about five years now.  He has yet to find someone he feels is worthy of becoming his apprentice (this is more of a moral thing than an intelligence/skill thing), but he continues to hope.



Doc has a minor mutation that gives him several feline characteristics.  His eyes are slit pupiled, allowing him to see in near darkness, and his reflexes are quite cat-like.  He has the same ability to dilate and restrict the muscles around his larynx that a cat does, which allows him to purr when he wishes (and sometimes when he's happy or distracted). 

He has several other feline mannerisms, including an almost obsessive need to be clean...though that's also partly fueled by his medical training.  He is also brutally honest, to the point where he literally will not lie...dont ask Doc's opinion unless you want the honest, unvarnished truth.

Finally, rather than being rescued from a near-death experience by the hermit who saved and taught him, Doc firmly believes that he literally died that day, but some part of him was so offended by the horrible life he lived up to that point, that he was reborn, like a cat with it's multiple lives, so that he could do penance for his past sins as well as try to bring peace to the souls of those he slew by helping other lost souls in the Wasteland.



Character Name: Marcus "Doc" Strumpky; "Just call me Doc"



Play Overview: Doc is, first and foremost, a healer, and he is damn good at it.  He can heal both in and out of combat, either via direct application of the Heal skill, or through various alchemical items (both personal and AOE).  Doc is also a very firm believer in the Hippocratic OathTo the point where I took a modified Oath Against Harm.

He can do whatever he wants to 'non-sentients', though killing will always be a last resort, just because that's his personality.

But against Sentients, he will ONLY use non-damaging or nonlethal attacks, and will do his level best to convince the rest of the Crew to let enemies surrender whenever possible, rather than allowing them to be killed. If there is no other choice (ie they simply refuse to be reasoned with and/or keep attacking no matter what, or they're specifically targeting non-combatants, Doc will do what he has to to restrain them and not say anything if the others kill them, but in all other circumstances, Doc will pretty much always be the voice of restraint.
, and will not attack any sentient being if he can help it.  If required to do so, his attacks will always be non-lethal, with an aim towards capture, rather than kill.

When required to engage in combat, Doc will act primarily as a Buffer/Debuffer, along with some crowd control, all primarily at Close range.  He carries a tactical shotgun as a primary weapon, and has both lethal and nonlethal rounds.  He also has a Needle Launcher, which allows him to use his poisons at Medium-ish range.  Doc pretty much doesn't have any long range attacks. Again, he relies on the others, outside the tank, to deal with enemies at long range, while buffing the crew until enemies get close enough to engage.

In the tank, Doc is an absolute genius behind the wheel, having grown up in a Wastlander gang that had access to a large number of vehicles and a decent supply of fuel.  He can generally coax a bit of extra speed out of the tank, and is quite adept at what used to be called 'Combat Driving', to make her much harder to hit.

With just a few minutes to prepare, Doc can whip up an incredibly variety of alchemical concoctions, both to heal and harm, and he has advanced enough in his craft to make 'potions and lotions' of all types that are 'shelf stable', capable of lasting for days, weeks, or even years, until used.

Outside of combat, Doc is a capable skill monkey, with prodigious amounts of knowledge about all facets of the Wastes, has a knack for languages, is extremely observant and perceptive, and is, of course, an unparalleled physician.

Doc is a gifted storyteller, his warm, mellow baritone more than capable of soothing the most skittish child or the most aggressive raider.  He's also not a half bad drummer...he even has a small hand drum that he likes to play when the group is camping, to keep them all entertained.  Dont ask him to sing though.  His speaking voice might be like warm butter, but his singing voice could peel the paint off the walls.

Doc's enjoys working with the fruits of the crew's kills while on the road, being quite adept at leatherworking, and spends a fair portion of his downtime either making trade goods and knickknacks from various animal hides, or working on keeping the crew clothed.  He's not a half bad seamstress, either.



Usually I would have you put up a series of different levels of numbers (all day stats, buffed stats, nova stats), but for this level of character, I think I’ll just stick with everyone posting their battle-mode stats. Battle-mode should be the numbers you expect to be fighting at in most rounds of battle. So it should include all long-term buffs you expect to have active, and short term buffs and effects that you will almost always activate if you have a round or two to prep for combat, or you will usually activate within the first round of combat. The numbers shouldn’t include edge cases, highly conditional effects, or what you can achieve if you really burn all available resources. Though it would be a nice addition to mention significant boosts you get from effects using martial focus or other limited resources. 



Melee attack/damage: Attack bonus and damage for your main melee option(s)

Ranged attack/damage: Attack bonus and damage for your main ranged option(s). Many of you have several options here. 

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): Explosives, companion attacks, traps, alchemy, etc.

Combat Maneuvers: Include CMB and bonuses for combat maneuvers you expect to heavily utilize, you don't need to list all.



AC: list regular/touch/FF of where you expect to normally be.

CMD: CMD with any significant boosts for certain maneuvers.

Saves: Self explanatory

HP: (note regular Temp HP, Delayed Damage, etc)

Special Defenses: Note resistances, DR, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, etc here



List any effects that will benefit the rest of the groups, i.e. buffs, healing, etc. You don’t really need to talk about crafting things here



What are the skills you really excel in, and what are your expected modifiers (counting buffs to these skills you would expect to have active when using them). You don't have to list all, just your strong suit stuff.



What is the primary role you want to fill on the tank, and/or what your character would be best at.

What secondary roles could you also fill fairly effectively.

Any positions you can’t/won’t do, or would be rather terrible at?

How long has your character been with the crew? Pretty new addition? Or been with it for years?



Anything not covered above that it is noteworthy about your character that others should know?



Balance and Character Brief

This is a thread for you to give a quick overview of what your character does mechanically, balance some numbers against each other, and sort out likely roles. 


First, I want everyone to make a placeholder post and you can fill out your information over the next few days. Please refrain from further posts in this thread until everyone at least has their placeholder post up, then you can comment and chat through numbers, roles, etc. Your post should have the following information.


Character Name: Self explanatory


Play Overview: This is a description of how your character aims to perform in and out of combat. Talk about weapons used, preferred ranges, and what their primary and secondary tactics are. Are you focused on ranged attacks? Healing? Traps and explosives? Tanking or melee? Just talk briefly about what you’ll do and how you’ll do it with a brief description. Also quickly some things you are good at out of combat, i.e. skills, face work, crafting, sneaking, that sort of thing.



Usually I would have you put up a series of different levels of numbers (all day stats, buffed stats, nova stats), but for this level of character, I think I’ll just stick with everyone posting their battle-mode stats. Battle-mode should be the numbers you expect to be fighting at in most rounds of battle. So it should include all long-term buffs you expect to have active, and short term buffs and effects that you will almost always activate if you have a round or two to prep for combat, or you will usually activate within the first round of combat. The numbers shouldn’t include edge cases, highly conditional effects, or what you can achieve if you really burn all available resources. Though it would be a nice addition to mention significant boosts you get from effects using martial focus or other limited resources. 



Melee attack/damage: Attack bonus and damage for your main melee option(s)

Ranged attack/damage: Attack bonus and damage for your main ranged option(s). Many of you have several options here. 

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): Explosives, companion attacks, traps, alchemy, etc.

Combat Maneuvers: Include CMB and bonuses for combat maneuvers you expect to heavily utilize, you don't need to list all.



AC: list regular/touch/FF of where you expect to normally be.

CMD: CMD with any significant boosts for certain maneuvers.

Saves: Self explanatory

HP: (note regular Temp HP, Delayed Damage, etc)

Special Defenses: Note resistances, DR, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, etc here



List any effects that will benefit the rest of the groups, i.e. buffs, healing, etc. You don’t really need to talk about crafting things here



What are the skills you really excel in, and what are your expected modifiers (counting buffs to these skills you would expect to have active when using them). You don't have to list all, just your strong suit stuff.



What is the primary role you want to fill on the tank, and/or what your character would be best at.

What secondary roles could you also fill fairly effectively.

Any positions you can’t/won’t do, or would be rather terrible at?

How long has your character been with the crew? Pretty new addition? Or been with it for years?



Anything not covered above that it is noteworthy about your character that others should know?



1 hour ago, Paxon said:


Balance and Character Brief

This is a thread for you to give a quick overview of what your character does mechanically, balance some numbers against each other, and sort out likely roles. 


First, I want everyone to make a placeholder post and you can fill out your information over the next few days. Please refrain from further posts in this thread until everyone at least has their placeholder post up, then you can comment and chat through numbers, roles, etc. Your post should have the following information.


Character Name: Self explanatory


Play Overview: This is a description of how your character aims to perform in and out of combat. Talk about weapons used, preferred ranges, and what their primary and secondary tactics are. Are you focused on ranged attacks? Healing? Traps and explosives? Tanking or melee? Just talk briefly about what you’ll do and how you’ll do it with a brief description. Also quickly some things you are good at out of combat, i.e. skills, face work, crafting, sneaking, that sort of thing.



Usually I would have you put up a series of different levels of numbers (all day stats, buffed stats, nova stats), but for this level of character, I think I’ll just stick with everyone posting their battle-mode stats. Battle-mode should be the numbers you expect to be fighting at in most rounds of battle. So it should include all long-term buffs you expect to have active, and short term buffs and effects that you will almost always activate if you have a round or two to prep for combat, or you will usually activate within the first round of combat. The numbers shouldn’t include edge cases, highly conditional effects, or what you can achieve if you really burn all available resources. Though it would be a nice addition to mention significant boosts you get from effects using martial focus or other limited resources. 



Melee attack/damage: Attack bonus and damage for your main melee option(s)

Ranged attack/damage: Attack bonus and damage for your main ranged option(s). Many of you have several options here. 

Additional option attack/damage (with DCs if appropriate): Explosives, companion attacks, traps, alchemy, etc.

Combat Maneuvers: Include CMB and bonuses for combat maneuvers you expect to heavily utilize, you don't need to list all.



AC: list regular/touch/FF of where you expect to normally be.

CMD: CMD with any significant boosts for certain maneuvers.

Saves: Self explanatory

HP: (note regular Temp HP, Delayed Damage, etc)

Special Defenses: Note resistances, DR, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, etc here



List any effects that will benefit the rest of the groups, i.e. buffs, healing, etc. You don’t really need to talk about crafting things here



What are the skills you really excel in, and what are your expected modifiers (counting buffs to these skills you would expect to have active when using them). You don't have to list all, just your strong suit stuff.



What is the primary role you want to fill on the tank, and/or what your character would be best at.

What secondary roles could you also fill fairly effectively.

Any positions you can’t/won’t do, or would be rather terrible at?

How long has your character been with the crew? Pretty new addition? Or been with it for years?



Anything not covered above that it is noteworthy about your character that others should know?

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