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Wow, a lot to dig in with here! Given the Hellrider's religious nature, how devoted is she to Tempus? He wouldn't be unwelcomed among the Hellriders, but what does her devotion look like? Has it survived her sacking? Did the Hellriders imply she was the reason the caravan was attacked? 1917 has a very underrated soundtrack, so good call on this one.

Your sheet doesn't appear to be quite done, as it's lacking equipment and Background details aside from which background and the feat, but otherwise everything seems in order.




Wow, a lot to dig in with here! Given the Hellrider's religious nature, how devoted is she to Tempus? He wouldn't be unwelcomed among the Hellriders, but what does her devotion look like? Has it survived her sacking? Did the Hellriders imply she was the reason the caravan was attacked?

Your sheet doesn't appear to be quite done, as it's lacking equipment and Background details aside from which background and the feat, but otherwise everything seems in order.


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