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4. A Course To Coruscant

spacer.pngHakai tended to the Chandrilan while Zemei saw to it their prisoner would not cause in further issues (nor that he might die from his injuries). Maxon was still in shock from the encounter aboard the Radian’t galley. Nonetheless, the boy dutifully went to the scanners and to monitor craft traffic communication to and from The Jungle for the all clear that the Star Destroyer was no longer in the vicinity.

That left a little time for thinking and talking. Zemei returned to Amon who was deep in thought. “It’s a bold plan, captain. I’ll say this for you — you’ve got moxie going after the Empire like this.”

Willa presently returned with Hakai. The pale-skinned Chandrilan was resilient despite her harrowing near-death experience with Balak’ka. Amon felt the kinship with Hakai. Her medical skill was clearly considerable to put Willa back in action so quickly.

“So, what?” Zemei continued. “We just go right to Coruscant and ask to use their computers?”

Amon also had to consider his promise to the twi’lek merchant to get his wares out of hock. Certainly the newly minted empire had a lockdown of all activities on the capital planet.


Just a little banter to get in the feel of the characters again. I'm reducing NPCs just to an aspect or two. Action will be focused on Amon, but some of those aspects will justify taking actions on behalf of some of his crew on occasion. But mainly, they are there to help you and to cause some complications.

The main thing here is a feeling that even though they are with you, there is some doubt about the plan.

Game Level Aspects: Dark Conspiracy | Galactic Upheaval and the Rise of the Empire

Maxon Katar's Aspects: Jedi Apprentice Eager To Prove Himself | Can't Let Go
Zemei Ki's Aspects: Relentless Mandalorian Bounty-Hunter
Hakai Mar's Aspects: Self-Taught Force Adept Healer
Felagi Nai's Aspects: Shrewd Miralukan Slicer
Willa Aspects: Level-Headed Chandrilan Diplomat | There Is Always Another Way

Situation Aspects and Points:
A Labyrinth of Scrap Floating in an Asteroid Belt
Air of Uncertainty
Aboard the Radiant

GM Fate Points: 1

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