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4. A Course To Coruscant

Zemei returned to the Radian't small brig. With Maxon at the controls, R4-D4 made its way from the computer panels, uploading coordinates in preparation for their jump into hyperspace. A small gunship detached from a cluster of astroids and rocketed a similar flight path. The area was not yet safe for hyperspace jump. R4 had not yet entered the coordinates.

That is when Amon's discussion with Hakai was cut short.

"Company!" Max cried out from the cockpit. Amon quickly joined him. Max pointed out the craft on the short wave scanners. "He's not exactly tailing us, but he's not exactly not tailing us, if you know what I mean."

Amon observed, but did not immediately know what to think. Willa joined the pair, looking over the Jedi's shoulder. "A spy?"


Back to solo mode! I don't know what I'm going to do with all these characters around. 😆

I added A "Casual" Course Through the Astroids to the list of situation aspects.

Game Level Aspects: Dark Conspiracy | Galactic Upheaval and the Rise of the Empire

Maxon Katar's Aspects: Jedi Apprentice Eager To Prove Himself | Can't Let Go
Zemei Ki's Aspects: Relentless Mandalorian Bounty-Hunter
Hakai Mar's Aspects: Self-Taught Force Adept Healer
Felagi Nai's Aspects: Shrewd Miralukan Slicer
Willa Aspects: Level-Headed Chandrilan Diplomat | There Is Always Another Way

Situation Aspects and Points:
A "Casual" Course Through the Astroids
Aboard the Radiant

GM Fate Points: 1

Amon's Fate Points: 3



4. A Course To Coruscant

spacer.pngZemei returned to the Radian't small brig. With Maxon at the controls, R4-D4 made its way from the computer panels, uploading coordinates in preparation for their jump into hyperspace. A small gunship detached from a cluster of astroids and rocketed a similar flight path. The area was not yet safe for hyperspace jump. R4 had not yet entered the coordinates.

That is when Amon's discussion with Hakai was cut short.

"Company!" Max cried out from the cockpit. Amon quickly joined him. Max pointed out the craft on the short wave scanners. "He's not exactly tailing us, but he's not exactly not tailing us, if you know what I mean."

Amon observed, but did not immediately know what to think. Willa joined the pair, looking over the Jedi's shoulder. "A spy?"


Back to solo mode! I don't know what I'm going to do with all these characters around. 😆

I added A "Casual" Course Through the Astroids to the list of situation aspects.

Game Level Aspects: Dark Conspiracy | Galactic Upheaval and the Rise of the Empire

Maxon Katar's Aspects: Jedi Apprentice Eager To Prove Himself | Can't Let Go
Zemei Ki's Aspects: Relentless Mandalorian Bounty-Hunter
Hakai Mar's Aspects: Self-Taught Force Adept Healer
Felagi Nai's Aspects: Shrewd Miralukan Slicer
Willa Aspects: Level-Headed Chandrilan Diplomat | There Is Always Another Way

Situation Aspects and Points:
A "Casual" Course Through the Astroids
Aboard the Radiant

GM Fate Points: 1

Amon's Fate Points: 3

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