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Character Creation


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(1) Generate your six ability scores. For each of the six attributes, roll 4d6, drop the lowest die, and add them together. You can swap these rolls around to different attributes if you have a particular sort of hero in mind. If no roll is 16 or better, pick an attribute and set it to 16. If you aren't completely satisfied with these scores, you may repeat step (1) up to three times.


(2) You begin play as a Level 0 character with hit points dependent upon your chosen class:

Starting Hit Points (Level 0)
Fighter 8
Cleric 6
Magic-User or Thief 4



(3) Modify Hit Points by your Constitution modifier:

Constitution Modifier
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 +0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3

Only heroes have hit points; monsters and normal people have hit dice instead.

Write down your starting attack bonus. This is +1, except for magic-users, who have no initial bonus. The higher the bonus, the 
better your hero is at hitting a target when wielding bow or blade.  As your hero advances in level, they’ll get better; each time you 
advance, you’ll add your class’s advancement bonus to the score.

Record your Fray die. Your character is a hero, and petty foes should be wary of getting too close. When fighting inferior 
enemies you can roll your Fray die to kill or injure them. 

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