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Interlude: Now Far Ahead the Road has Gone


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Music: Inn - LOTRO Soundtrack

The Prancing Pony - Winter 2947 T.A.


Galian's road had been a long and weary one. But, as he was well aware of by now, there are some places in the empty lands of Eriador where one could kick back their feet and rest for a time. The most notable of these places was the Inn of the Prancing Pony, in the Mannish town of Bree. It is late at night when he arrived in early winter, the snow already beginning to gently fall over the land.


OOC: Welcome! Go ahead and narrate an introduction for Galian, where he came from and why he's deciding to spend the night in Bree.

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Galian Elethor (Mirkwood Elf Wanderer 3) sheet appspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 28/28 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 14 (16 in wilderness) | Features

It's late at night when Galian opens the door to the familiar Prancing Pony. She has just come from the Shire, visiting her friend Primula Brandybuck. She was hoping to make one last trip along the East road before winter really set in, looking for the last flowers she could use to make salves and poultices. She's not sure if she is going to stay in the Shire for the winter, make her way all the way to Rivendell, or stay with one of her friends along the way.

She has stayed in this inn many times and knows the proprietor and most of the staff. While here, she generally keeps to herself, never orders anything but water, but always leaves a silver piece for the staff anyway. She could have made camp outside of town and been perfectly comfortable, but she likes to stop in for a night, sit near the bar, and listen to any gossip, also sharing any news she has from her travels.

She gives Barnabus, who she has become relatively good friends with over the years, her last small pouch of Athelas salve, worth enough to pay for a room for a month. She's not likely to stay a month, and she's well ahead on her payments, but she likes to keep the innkeeper happy. She strikes up a conversation with him. Like all humans, he is aging quickly, but she still remembers him as a younger man. After telling him about the upcoming festivals in the Shire, she asks if he's heard anything interesting.

"How's business, Barnabus? Any news in Bree these days? Any rumors of last blossoms of Athelas or Reedmace? Or perhaps some Hagweed? They sometimes have a few last blooms poking through the light snows."



Primula eventually marries Drogo Baggins and they have Frodo, but both of them die in 2980 in a boating accident when Frodo is 12.

Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



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Music: Inn - LOTRO Soundtrack

The Prancing Pony - Winter 2947 T.A.

image.jpeg.b4fa10c928bdcd85e9f7a89a4a119949.jpeg image.png.509378f92a152fea3625c584335dc8fd.png

The kindly innkeeper regarded Galian with a polite nod. While it was most unusual to see an Elf walking the streets of Bree, the folk of this land were welcoming to all travelers, so long as they paid their dues and didn't cause trouble. "Nay, lass, not since that patch from Bronwe's Folly have I any news from you about herbs, with winter settling in and all," he sadly reported. An urgent thought suddenly seemed to spring to the front of his mind, at which point his tone grew low and conspiratorial.

"If you've a mind to help an honest man, I might have a job for you. Not me, mind you, but one Mr. Nicholas Heatherton. You've missed quite a bit of excitement since your last stay with us! You see-"

"Butterbur, where's me ale?!" a woman's cry rang from across the room.

"Be there in two moments, Holly!" he shouted back, before leaning in again. "I haven't time to tell the whole story, so listen close. Mr. Heatherton's brother, Timeas, passed away most suddenly and most queerly a few weeks back. Nick's son, Tomas, got it in his head that Timeas left him an inheritance. A local band of outlanders--trusty and helpful sorts, you'll like them--came to his aid in finding it. Of course, there was also the matter of a nasty ol' Troll digging around the graveyard-"

"BUTTERBUR! We're thirsty!" a man's voice shouted from the bar.

"Coming, Jack!" Butterbur answered, before hastily turning back to Galian. "Tomas and these outlanders set off just a night ago, heading east along the Road. Nick was worried sick for his boy, but a most suspicious character, a dwarf, approached him and offered to bring him after Tomas' company. Nick agreed, and they've left not two hours ago, despite my urging. I don't trust this dwarf in the slightest. He had an ill-favored look to him, made friends with troublemakers out by the Forsaken Inn, and was always late on room payments. If you've the time, follow Mr. Heatherton and make sure he and Tomas are safe. Now, with your pardon, I really must be off!"

Before Galian had a moment to say a word, Barnabas quickly stepped off, tending to the other patrons in the Pony.


OOC: -

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Galian Elethor (Mirkwood Elf Wanderer 3) sheet appspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 28/28 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 14 (16 in wilderness) | Features

Galian walks with Barnabus, helping him deliver the drinks to the impatient patrons. As she tags along with him, she asks a couple more questions.

"So Nick and this dwarf left two hours ago. Tomas and the outlanders left last night. How many outlanders were there? Were they all men? Timeas' grave is in the Weather Hills if I remember correctly, right?"

Once she has the answers to her basic questions she sets off into the night. She'll still need to meditate, but it's better to put a few hours in before the darkness really sets in and the snow covers the trail. While she had been excited to sleep in a bed, she wants to get started and often enjoys the peace of sleeping out in a new snowfall. She doesn't ask what the payment will be, knowing that Butterbur will take care of her.



Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



Edited by BobtheWizard (see edit history)
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Music: Inn - LOTRO Soundtrack

The Prancing Pony - Winter 2947 T.A.

image.jpeg.b4fa10c928bdcd85e9f7a89a4a119949.jpeg image.png.509378f92a152fea3625c584335dc8fd.png

While Barnabas was fairly distracted, he did manage to answer a few more of Galian's questions. "There were three outlanders: a Ranger called Fletcher, a Southron called Léofwyn, and a Dwarf called Orn. They've helped folk around Bree in the past. And no, Timeas was buried just south of town, across the road in our graveyard. Why Tomas decided to go east, I know not. Maybe ol' Tim had some treasure buried out that way?"

After Galian's restful stay, she departed in the dead of night. It seemed the whole of Bree was asleep, aside from the Wardens who patrolled the streets and watched the gates. While most were little more than men armed with clubs and spears, maybe protected by a helmet and a shield, they were a dutiful sort, if a little lazy. A light sprinkle of snow fell upon the land, coating Galian's cloak and hair in a thin layer of white.


OOC: Alright, here we go! We're gonna run a slightly modified solo Journey with Galian. Since you're a Wanderer, you are considered to fill all the vacant roles without penalty (normally at Disadvantage). We will need an Embarkation check, which is 1d12 + Survival proficiency bonus + 1/2 Wisdom bonus. I will use the same Peril Rating that the rest of the Company had for their Journey, since you're going in the same direction.

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Galian Elethor (Mirkwood Elf Wanderer 3) sheet appspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 28/28 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 14 (16 in wilderness) | Features

Galian says her goodbye. "Thanks Barnabus. I'll find Nick and Tomas."

There's no need for her to go up to a room. She keeps everything on herself just for times like these. She walks quickly through Bree, wondering why Tomas thinks there's treasure buried somewhere out east. As she passes the local guards, she says nothing to them, but gives them a quick nod and smile. They've seen her before and know that she is no trouble.

As the snow continues to fall lightly on her shoulders, Galian picks up her pace while she looks for tracks in the road.



Sorry for the incorrect assumption on the gravesite.

Since these are in her Known Lands, DC of Personal Event Tests lowered by 2, and Peril Rating of the Journey is lowered by 2

Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



Edited by BobtheWizard (see edit history)
Embarkation Check
1d12+7 3
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Music: Breefields - LOTRO Soundtrack

The East Road - Winter 2947 T.A.


Setting out into the Bree-lands, Galian was welcomed once more by the gentle snowfall of the night. Yet, she discovered a welcoming sight as she shifted around her packs: someone had filled her satchels with freshly baked bread and thick slices of jerky! Her only guess is that Barnabas had secretly had one of his hobbit employees pull this off, once she had agreed to the task. It will be a most welcoming addition to her supplies for the coming journey.

The East Road was a well-traveled route, especially around Bree. While the snow was freshly falling, there were already many tracks on the ground. To find Nick Heartherton and the dwarf will take some effort. While she could simply guess as to their destination—the Forsaken Inn, perhaps—she may also be able to catch up to them sooner and shadow them. They were chasing after Tomas Heatherton and the outlanders, after all.


Active Effects: Feasts Fit for the Kings of Ancient TimesPerhaps game is plentiful, herbs, mushrooms and root vegetables seem to spring up out of nowhere along the company’s path, or the cook brought exactly the correct amount of salt and pepper. For whatever reason, the company’s meals during this journey are a thing to be anticipated with joy, and to be remembered for days after.

Accordingly, all members of the company receive a +1 bonus to all skill checks made during this journey.

OOC: So, you have a choice to make! Would you like to try tracking Nick and the dwarf out from Bree, or would you like to try and catch them at the Forsaken Inn, the last place one could rest before facing the long wilderness out from Bree-land? If you want to track them, roll a DC 13 Survival check (already reduced from your Known Lands ability). If you would like to gamble and meet them in the Inn, roll a DC 10 Perception check to keep an eye out for them once you arrive.

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To Post: Galian


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Galian Elethor (Mirkwood Elf Wanderer 3) sheet appspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 28/28 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 14 (16 in wilderness) | Features

Galian laughs when she finds the bread and dried meat in her pack. That is why she always gives Barnabus some of whatever salves and potions she can make from the local herbs. She speaks to herself since no one else is around in the darkening night. "Thanks Barnabus. Always looking out for me."

She takes a few bites of the bread - it's delicious of course, with a small bit of rosemary baked in - and tries to find tracks for Nick and the dwarf. There's a chance they stop on the side of the road instead of going all the way to the Inn. If the tracks are too hidden by the snow, though, she instead heads to the Forsaken Inn.


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



Survival for Tracking
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
1d20+6 12
Advantage for Tracking
1d20+6 3
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Music: Breefields - LOTRO Soundtrack

The East Road - Winter 2947 T.A.


A Man and a Dwarf; two very distinct tracks. To find them, all Galian would have to do is pay attention to the stride lengths of the various boot prints in the snow. Not half an hour later, the Elf was fairly confident she was on the right trail. The tracks led to the northeast, heading away from the main road and towards the Chetwood, but completely avoiding the melancholy vale where Combe resided. About two hours later, her keen vision picked up something through the trees: a campfire! But something was off; she only expected to find two figures at the campsite, but instead she found a whole gang! Almost all of them were Men, except for one Dwarf. In total, they were eight strong.

These were gruff sorts, clearly more accustomed to the wild than the comforts of home and hearth. They're all armed, too. From a distance, Galian could see that they wore various patchwork jerkins and shirts of leather as a sort of makeshift armor. They carried clubs and daggers, though a couple also had bows and axes. Most notably, one of this small gang was very much out of place, and looked as though he more likely belonged on a farm than he did anywhere near these sorts of shifty folk. He had a woodcutter's axe at his side, but did not look as though he knew the difference between chopping wood and cutting down an enemy.

This late at night, only one of the rougher looking Men was awake, a bowman. He sat on a stump and kept watch through the dark forest, protecting his fellows as they slept.


Active Effects: Feasts Fit for the Kings of Ancient Times

OOC: If you want to try and sneak into the camp, go ahead and roll a Stealth check, which will be opposed by their Passive Perceptions. To try and pick through their belongings for anything of note, roll Investigation. No specific DC; the higher you roll, the more you find.

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To Post: Galian


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Galian Elethor (Mirkwood Elf Wanderer 3) sheet appspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 28/28 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 14 (16 in wilderness) | Features

Galian follows the tracks of the man and the dwarf until she sees the campfire ahead. Expecting to find only those two, she is surprised to see so many others.

She needs a little more information before she decides whether or not to enter their camp. She also realizes that this will be a good time to rest. She retreats a few paces, keeping out of sight but close enough to see the glow of the fire and hear its crackling. She finds a sheltered area under a tree to keep the snow off of her. She wraps herself in her thick wool cloak and blanket, and starts her meditation, keeping her eyes as the only part of her body uncovered.

After she has rested, and still a couple hours before first light, she then circles the camp at a distance, looking for the tracks of the other men. After assessing their tracks, she approaches their camp again, still not entering the camp, but looking to see how things have changed throughout the night, and to assess the likely threat of this group.


4 hour meditation then circle the camp to look for tracks for the other men, then reassess the camp.

Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



Edited by BobtheWizard (see edit history)
Survival for Tracking
1d20+6 11
1d20+6 12
Perception for observing camp
1d20+6 10
Advantage since in wild
1d20+6 6
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  • 3 weeks later...

Music: Breefields - LOTRO Soundtrack

The East Road - Winter 2947 T.A.


After some searching, Galian is able to uncover the tracks of the camp's inhabitants. All of them seemed to have actually come from deeper in the Chetwood. She's knowledgeable enough about the lands of Bree to know that all sorts of ruffians and outlanders lurk in these forests, though never stray too far inside. In the far reaches, especially the northeast, the most queer of stories have been told. Strange creatures, animals of unusual intelligence, and all sorts of things that go bump in the night can be found there, if you find the right hunter. For the most part, the only threats one should expect from the Chetwood are wild animals or brigands. These seem to be the latter.

It's hard to get a clear look into the camp, beyond what she's already been able to see. The only changes that she's noted now are that several shifts of watchers have passed, and now that dawn is approaching, they will awaken soon and begin their trek through the wild. If she wants to get a closer look, now is her chance.


Active Effects: Feasts Fit for the Kings of Ancient Times

OOC: If you want to try and sneak into the camp, go ahead and roll a Stealth check, which will be opposed by their Passive Perceptions. To try and pick through their belongings for anything of note, roll Investigation. No specific DC; the higher you roll, the more you find.

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Galian Elethor (Mirkwood Elf Wanderer 3) sheet appspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 28/28 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 14 (16 in wilderness) | Features

Having rested in much less time than the humans and dwarf in the camp, Galian thinks that it is good to be an elf. She is up long before the brigands and an hour or so before first light. Now is her chance to find out more. She sneaks into camp, staying away from the light of the fire and keeping to the outskirts in case she is spotted. She looks through a few bags and tries to find out more of what they might be looking for. If she is successful in avoiding detection, she covers her tracks on the way out so hopefully they don't even know she was here.



Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



Edited by BobtheWizard (see edit history)
keep(2d20,highest,1)+6 16,11
1d20+3 4
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Music: Breefields - LOTRO Soundtrack

The East Road - Winter 2947 T.A.


Galian has been around mortals long enough to recognize that they perceive Elves as inherently magical beings. But what is "magic"? Is it Galian's ability to step so softly on the fallen snow she leaves only the faintest footprints? Is it her talent in blending so well to the wilderness that she is able to creep right past a watchful guard without being noticed? Is it the keenness of her gaze that allowed her to traverse the ramshackle camp without awakening anyone inside? Maybe so.

Unfortunately, nothing in this camp really seemed to stand out to her. She was able to find the basics: rations and supplies for the road, a bucket of water placed next to the fire, a number of tents made of patchwork animal hides. She could also tell which tent belonged to which person: the dwarf had his own, as did each of the ruffians. The man Galian was sent after, Nick Heatherton, had a small lean-to made of dead branches and packed moss that he was sleeping in.

Each denizen's personal belongings, however, were all kept within their respective tents, close at hand. They apparently didn't even trust each other to not try to steal from one another. Attempting to search through these would be dangerous, leaving her at a much higher chance of being caught, but if she trusted to her talent enough, she may be able to find something to better inform her of who she's dealing with.


Active Effects: Feasts Fit for the Kings of Ancient Times

OOC: Alright, you've gotten yourself into the camp unnoticed! Sadly, with an Investigation roll of 7, you were only able to scope out fairly obvious things. If you want, you can try to search through someone's personal belongings with a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.

If all Galian does is just taking a look, you're fine. However, note that theft is a Misdeed worth 3 Shadow points (unless you're a Burglar or under certain circumstances). Taking their belongings and leaving the camp will be considered as such.

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Galian Elethor (Mirkwood Elf Wanderer 3) sheet appspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 28/28 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 14 (16 in wilderness) | Features

Not wanting to enter any of the real tents, and not sure which one she should even try to break into, Galian instead focuses on the makeshift lean-to. She decides if she is going to wake someone up, it should be Nick. He's unlikely to kill her on the spot, and might appreciate being taken from their motley crew, if she can figure out how to get him to his destination. He'd be much safer with her than with these brigands.

She slowly and carefully approaches the sleeping man, looking him over before trying to search his belongings. Maybe he wrote down where he wants to go. Maybe she can make something out of it that he hasn't seen yet.



Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



keep(2d20,highest,1)+6 9,5
1d20+3 19
Sleight of Hand
1d20+4 11
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