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Alex "Duende" Villagos



spacer.png"I'm slowing down the last trike and the raiders on the roofs," Alex calls out. Even as he speaks, he pops two cartridges into the specialized port on his rifle to top off the magazine, a motion so fluid and practiced he's finished before he's done speaking. At this distance, and with the tank now moving a much more manageable speed, he knew he could make accurate shots off quickly. He wouldn't have the time to use some of his more effective tricks, but sometimes quantity counted more than quality, and his main goal was to attempt to distract and hinder the raiders that were the biggest threats to the refugees, and right now those were the ones on top of the vehicles and manning the guns.


Raising the rifle back to his cheek, he steadies himself against the tank and takes a quick cleansing breath as he aims at his first target - the last remaining trike. A quick squeeze of trigger and he moves on to the next before even waiting to see the outcome of the first shot, making a slight adjustment tot he left to bring the raider on top of the livestock truck in his sights. Again a squeeze of the trigger and a swing to the left, a bit further this time, finding the jeep with the two raiders on top. The nearer of the two, the one harrying the passenger, gets the first shot, then two into his partner stabbing the driver.


With one round left, he swings back to his right, to the chaos of the platform truck. The last shot goes to the far gunner - granted, the nearer one had apparently been firing on him, but so far his accuracy didn't exactly strike fear into Alex's heart, and now with Packer up top to provide even more cover, he was more concerned with the one that had been firing on the fleeing refugees. It was more of a distraction tactic than anything - as if being on fire wasn't enough of a distraction -  leaving the man bleeding badly but otherwise unharmed, and being too glancing a shot to even allow the chemical coating on the round to affect him.



OOC Stuff



Combat Mechanics



Thermal vision (ignore concealment from smoke, dust, etc.): 8 rounds

Chemical Coating - Improved Tanglefoot Bag: 5 rounds

Active Stance: Duelist/Long Cuts/Debilitating Injuries

Starting sequence: 5


Swift: Change Stance (link) - Barrage/Close Combat Specialist

Free: Reload rifle

Standard: Flurry (finish) - As a standard action the prodigy may make one ranged attack per link in her sequence, but no one creature may be targeted by a number of attacks greater than half the length of the sequence. These attacks are made at the prodigy’s full base attack bonus.

  • One attack at Trike 1
  • One attack at raider on top of livestock truck
  • One attack at raider on passenger side of jeep roof
  • Two attacks at raider on driver's side of jeep roof.

Any enemy I hit will be entangled (Improved Tanglefoot Bag: -2 att/-4 DEX, moves half speed for 3d4 rounds). It will also need to make a DC 19 Ref save or be stuck and unable to move (tanglefoot)


Attack bonus: +14 (+6 BAB, +1 size, +5 DEX, +2 enhancement) + 2 (Eagle Eye) = +16 vs. touch AC; targets scouted, so treated as 2 AC less

Damage: 3d6 (Heavy Sniper rifle) + 7 (Dex/Enhancement)


See OGMW rolls for attack & damage


Move: Surface Cut (Opener) on platform truck gunner firing at refugees - 3 bleed damage on hit



Swift: Maintain/recenter Aggressive Flanking on tank

Standard: Focusing Cry (restore MF to Duende & The Tank)


     Free Action: Reload rifle

     Immediate Action: -

     Swift Action: Change Stance (Link) - Barrage/Close Combat Specialist

     Move Action: Surface Cut (Opener)

     Standard Action: Flurry (Finisher 5)

     Full Round Action: -

     5 Foot Step: -

Sequence: 1 link (+0 Attack & Damage)

Rifle rounds: 0/6


General Info






     Knowledge (Wastes, Dungeoneering, Geography, Local, Nature, Leaders): Base +15

     Perception: Base +22



     Low Light Vision

     Can see 10' in Smoke, Fog, etc


     Perception: +21 (+1/60' Range Increment)

     Sense Motive: +10

     Stealth: +25


These abilities are activated at the beginning of each day, or when they expire.

  • Fate: The Emperor Motif: Reduce penalties to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, or ability checks by 1 (minimum -1); Duration: Permanent (Fated Oath Boon)
  • War Paint: Can have 2 War Paints active at once (Highland Clansman (Refluffed @Tanker Crew)
    •      Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
    •      Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



     Maintenance: Improved Firearm (Heavy Sniper Rifle x2)

Railgun: x3 range increment of firearm (540'). Can fire underwater.

    Pressurized Shot: Move action to add 3d6 damage to next shot on the following round or later



Current Run Speed: 60 (60 Base)

Current Initiative Bonus: +7 (+5 DEX, +2 First to Battle)

Current Hit Points: 60/60 (66 Max/-6HP for Oath of Ritual)

Current Temp Hit Points: 50

Primary Martial Focus: Yes

Current AC: 29 (Base 10; +1 size; +5 DEX; +1 Inhuman Resilience (Natural); +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))

Current Touch AC: 28 (Base 10; +1 size; +5 DEX; +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon) )

Current Flat Footed AC: 24 (Base 10; +1 size; +1 Inhuman Resilience (Natural); Prescient Dodger +6; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))

Current CMB: 11 (6 BAB + 5 DEX)

Current CMD: 31 (Base 10; -1 size; +6 BAB ; -1 STR; +5 DEX; +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))


     FORT: +8 (Base: +5; +1 CON; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

     REF: +12 (Base: +5; +5 DEX; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

     WILL: +9 (Base: +5; +2 WIS; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

Resistances: N/A




Formulae (# Carried)

Can have 5 Formulae 'active' at one time.


Save DC: 19 (Unless otherwise specified)
Attack Mod: +11 vs Touch (Splash)
Range Increment: 25'


Improved Liquid Ice (2)

AoE Cold Damage + Stagger

Struck Target takes 3d6 Cold, Fort 19 or Staggered and movement halved for one round

5' Half damage

10' 3 damage


Chemical Coating: Improved Liquid Ice (1)

Cold Damage + Stagger

Struck Target takes 1d6+3 Cold, Fort 19 or Staggered and movement halved for one round


Improved Tanglefoot Bag (1)

AoE Sticks targets in place via glue-like substance

Struck target-2 att/-4 DEX; REF 19 to stuck to floor

     STR Chk or 20HP Slashing dmg to remove

          Half speed for 3d4 rounds

     5' radius


Chemical Coating: Improved Tanglefoot Bag (1)

Sticks target in place via glue-like substance

Struck target-2 att/-4 DEX; REF 19 to stuck to floor

     STR Chk or 20HP Slashing dmg to remove

          Half speed for 3d4 rounds



Daily Carry Gear

Tank Key







Alex "Duende" Villagos



spacer.png"I'm slowing down the last trike and the raiders on the roofs," Alex calls out. Even as he speaks, he pops two cartridges into the specialized port on his rifle to top off the magazine, a motion so fluid and practiced he's finished before he's done speaking. At this distance, and with the tank now moving a much more manageable speed, he knew he could accurate shots off quickly. He wouldn't have the time to use some of his more effective tricks, but sometimes quantity counted more than quality, and his main goal was to attempt to distract and hinder the raiders that were the biggest threats to the refugees, and right now those were the ones on top of the vehicles and manning the guns.


Raising the rifle back to his cheek, he steadies himself against the tank and takes a quick cleansing breath as he aims at his first target - the last remaining trike. A quick squeeze of trigger and he moves on to the next before even waiting to see the outcome of the first shot, making a slight adjustment tot he left to bring the raider on top of the livestock truck in his sights. Again a squeeze of the trigger and a swing to the left, a bit further this time, finding the jeep with the two raiders on top. The nearer of the two, the one harrying the passenger, gets the first shot, then two into his partner stabbing the driver.


With one round left, he swings back to his right, to the chaos of the platform truck. The last shot goes to the far gunner - granted, the nearer one had apparently been firing on him, but so far his accuracy didn't exactly strike fear into Alex's heart, and now with Packer up top to provide even more cover, he was more concerned with the one that had been firing on the fleeing refugees. It was more of a distraction tactic than anything, leaving the man bleeding badly but otherwise unharmed, and being too glancing a shot to even allow the chemical coating on the round to affect him.



OOC Stuff



Combat Mechanics



Thermal vision (ignore concealment from smoke, dust, etc.): 8 rounds

Chemical Coating - Improved Tanglefoot Bag: 5 rounds

Active Stance: Duelist/Long Cuts/Debilitating Injuries

Starting sequence: 5


Swift: Change Stance (link) - Barrage/Close Combat Specialist

Free: Reload rifle

Standard: Flurry (finish) - As a standard action the prodigy may make one ranged attack per link in her sequence, but no one creature may be targeted by a number of attacks greater than half the length of the sequence. These attacks are made at the prodigy’s full base attack bonus.

  • One attack at Trike 1
  • One attack at raider on top of livestock truck
  • One attack at raider on passenger side of jeep roof
  • Two attacks at raider on driver's side of jeep roof.

Any enemy I hit will be entangled (Improved Tanglefoot Bag: -2 att/-4 DEX, moves half speed for 3d4 rounds). It will also need to make a DC 19 Ref save or be stuck and unable to move (tanglefoot)


Attack bonus: +14 (+6 BAB, +1 size, +5 DEX, +2 enhancement) + 2 (Eagle Eye) = +16 vs. touch AC; targets scouted, so treated as 2 AC less

Damage: 3d6 (Heavy Sniper rifle) + 7 (Dex/Enhancement)


See OGMW rolls for attack & damage


Move: Surface Cut (Opener) on platform truck gunner firing at refugees - 3 bleed damage on hit



Swift: Maintain/recenter Aggressive Flanking on tank

Standard: Focusing Cry (restore MF to Duende & The Tank)


     Free Action: Reload rifle

     Immediate Action: -

     Swift Action: Change Stance (Link) - Barrage/Close Combat Specialist

     Move Action: Surface Cut (Opener)

     Standard Action: Flurry (Finisher 5)

     Full Round Action: -

     5 Foot Step: -

Sequence: 1 link (+0 Attack & Damage)

Rifle rounds: 0/6


General Info






     Knowledge (Wastes, Dungeoneering, Geography, Local, Nature, Leaders): Base +15

     Perception: Base +22



     Low Light Vision

     Can see 10' in Smoke, Fog, etc


     Perception: +21 (+1/60' Range Increment)

     Sense Motive: +10

     Stealth: +25


These abilities are activated at the beginning of each day, or when they expire.

  • Fate: The Emperor Motif: Reduce penalties to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, or ability checks by 1 (minimum -1); Duration: Permanent (Fated Oath Boon)
  • War Paint: Can have 2 War Paints active at once (Highland Clansman (Refluffed @Tanker Crew)
    •      Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
    •      Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



     Maintenance: Improved Firearm (Heavy Sniper Rifle x2)

Railgun: x3 range increment of firearm (540'). Can fire underwater.

    Pressurized Shot: Move action to add 3d6 damage to next shot on the following round or later



Current Run Speed: 60 (60 Base)

Current Initiative Bonus: +7 (+5 DEX, +2 First to Battle)

Current Hit Points: 60/60 (66 Max/-6HP for Oath of Ritual)

Current Temp Hit Points: 50

Primary Martial Focus: Yes

Current AC: 29 (Base 10; +1 size; +5 DEX; +1 Inhuman Resilience (Natural); +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))

Current Touch AC: 28 (Base 10; +1 size; +5 DEX; +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon) )

Current Flat Footed AC: 24 (Base 10; +1 size; +1 Inhuman Resilience (Natural); Prescient Dodger +6; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))

Current CMB: 11 (6 BAB + 5 DEX)

Current CMD: 31 (Base 10; -1 size; +6 BAB ; -1 STR; +5 DEX; +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))


     FORT: +8 (Base: +5; +1 CON; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

     REF: +12 (Base: +5; +5 DEX; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

     WILL: +9 (Base: +5; +2 WIS; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

Resistances: N/A




Formulae (# Carried)

Can have 5 Formulae 'active' at one time.


Save DC: 19 (Unless otherwise specified)
Attack Mod: +11 vs Touch (Splash)
Range Increment: 25'


Improved Liquid Ice (2)

AoE Cold Damage + Stagger

Struck Target takes 3d6 Cold, Fort 19 or Staggered and movement halved for one round

5' Half damage

10' 3 damage


Chemical Coating: Improved Liquid Ice (1)

Cold Damage + Stagger

Struck Target takes 1d6+3 Cold, Fort 19 or Staggered and movement halved for one round


Improved Tanglefoot Bag (1)

AoE Sticks targets in place via glue-like substance

Struck target-2 att/-4 DEX; REF 19 to stuck to floor

     STR Chk or 20HP Slashing dmg to remove

          Half speed for 3d4 rounds

     5' radius


Chemical Coating: Improved Tanglefoot Bag (1)

Sticks target in place via glue-like substance

Struck target-2 att/-4 DEX; REF 19 to stuck to floor

     STR Chk or 20HP Slashing dmg to remove

          Half speed for 3d4 rounds



Daily Carry Gear

Tank Key







Alex "Duende" Villagos



spacer.png"I'm slowing down the last trike and the raiders on the roofs," Alex calls out. Even as he speaks, he pops two cartridges into the specialized port on his rifle to top off the magazine, a motion so fluid and practiced he's finished before he's done speaking. At this distance, and with the tank now moving a much more manageable speed, he knew he could accurate shots off quickly. He wouldn't have the time to use some of his more effective tricks, but sometimes quantity counted more than quality, and his main goal was to attempt to distract and hinder the raiders that were the biggest threats to the refugees, and right now those were the ones on top of the vehicles and manning the guns.


Raising the rifle back to his cheek, he steadies himself against the tank and takes a quick cleansing breath as he aims at his first target - the last remaining trike. A quick squeeze of trigger and he moves on to the next before even waiting to see the outcome of the first shot, making a slight adjustment tot he left to bring the raider on top of the livestock truck in his sights. Again a squeeze of the trigger and a swing to the left, a bit further this time, finding the jeep with the two raiders on top. The nearer of the two, the one harrying the passenger, gets the first shot, then two into his partner stabbing the driver.


With one round left, he swings back to his right, to the chaos of the platform truck. The last shot goes to the far gunner - granted, the nearer one had apparently been firing on him, but so far his accuracy didn't exactly strike fear into Alex's heart, and now with Packer up top to provide even more cover, he was more concerned with the one that had been firing on the fleeing refugees. It was more of a distraction tactic than anything, leaving the man bleeding badly but otherwise unharmed, and being too glancing a shot to even allow the chemical coating on the round to affect him.



OOC Stuff



Combat Mechanics



Thermal vision (ignore concealment from smoke, dust, etc.): 8 rounds

Chemical Coating - Improved Tanglefoot Bag: 5 rounds

Active Stance: Duelist/Long Cuts/Debilitating Injuries

Starting sequence: 5



Swift: Change Stance (link) - Barrage/Close Combat Specialist

Free: Reload rifle

Standard: Flurry (finish) - As a standard action the prodigy may make one ranged attack per link in her sequence, but no one creature may be targeted by a number of attacks greater than half the length of the sequence. These attacks are made at the prodigy’s full base attack bonus.

  • One attack at Trike 1
  • One attack at raider on top of livestock truck
  • One attack at raider on passenger side of jeep roof
  • Two attacks at raider on driver's side of jeep roof.

Any enemy I hit will be entangled (Improved Tanglefoot Bag: -2 att/-4 DEX, moves half speed for 3d4 rounds). It will also need to make a DC 19 Ref save or be stuck and unable to move (tanglefoot)


Attack bonus: +14 (+6 BAB, +1 size, +5 DEX, +2 enhancement) + 2 (Eagle Eye) = +16 vs. touch AC; targets scouted, so treated as 2 AC less

Damage: 3d6 (Heavy Sniper rifle) + 7 (Dex/Enhancement)


See OGMW rolls for attack & damage


Move: Surface Cut (Opener) on platform truck gunner firing at refugees - 3 bleed damage on hit



Swift: Maintain/recenter Aggressive Flanking on tank

Standard: Focusing Cry (restore MF to Duende & The Tank)



     Free Action: Reload rifle

     Immediate Action: -

     Swift Action: Change Stance (Link) - Barrage/Close Combat Specialist

     Move Action: Surface Cut (Opener)

     Standard Action: Flurry (Finisher 5)

     Full Round Action: -

     5 Foot Step: -

Sequence: 1 link (+0 Attack & Damage)

Rifle rounds: 0/6


General Info







     Knowledge (Wastes, Dungeoneering, Geography, Local, Nature, Leaders): Base +15

     Perception: Base +22



     Low Light Vision

     Can see 10' in Smoke, Fog, etc


     Perception: +21 (+1/60' Range Increment)

     Sense Motive: +10

     Stealth: +25

These abilities are activated at the beginning of each day, or when they expire.

  • Fate: The Emperor Motif: Reduce penalties to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, or ability checks by 1 (minimum -1); Duration: Permanent (Fated Oath Boon)
  • War Paint: Can have 2 War Paints active at once (Highland Clansman (Refluffed @Tanker Crew)
    •      Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
    •      Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



     Maintenance: Improved Firearm (Heavy Sniper Rifle x2)

Railgun: x3 range increment of firearm (540'). Can fire underwater.

    Pressurized Shot: Move action to add 3d6 damage to next shot on the following round or later



Current Run Speed: 60 (60 Base)

Current Initiative Bonus: +7 (+5 DEX, +2 First to Battle)

Current Hit Points: 60/60 (66 Max/-6HP for Oath of Ritual)

Current Temp Hit Points: 50

Primary Martial Focus: Yes

Current AC: 29 (Base 10; +1 size; +5 DEX; +1 Inhuman Resilience (Natural); +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))

Current Touch AC: 28 (Base 10; +1 size; +5 DEX; +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon) )

Current Flat Footed AC: 24 (Base 10; +1 size; +1 Inhuman Resilience (Natural); Prescient Dodger +6; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))

Current CMB: 11 (6 BAB + 5 DEX)

Current CMD: 31 (Base 10; -1 size; +6 BAB ; -1 STR; +5 DEX; +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))


     FORT: +8 (Base: +5; +1 CON; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

     REF: +12 (Base: +5; +5 DEX; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

     WILL: +9 (Base: +5; +2 WIS; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

Resistances: N/A




Formulae (# Carried)

Can have 5 Formulae 'active' at one time.

Save DC: 19 (Unless otherwise specified)
Attack Mod: +11 vs Touch (Splash)
Range Increment: 25'


Improved Liquid Ice (2)

AoE Cold Damage + Stagger

Struck Target takes 3d6 Cold, Fort 19 or Staggered and movement halved for one round

5' Half damage

10' 3 damage


Chemical Coating: Improved Liquid Ice (1)

Cold Damage + Stagger

Struck Target takes 1d6+3 Cold, Fort 19 or Staggered and movement halved for one round


Improved Tanglefoot Bag (1)

AoE Sticks targets in place via glue-like substance

Struck target-2 att/-4 DEX; REF 19 to stuck to floor

     STR Chk or 20HP Slashing dmg to remove

          Half speed for 3d4 rounds

     5' radius


Chemical Coating: Improved Tanglefoot Bag (1)

Sticks target in place via glue-like substance

Struck target-2 att/-4 DEX; REF 19 to stuck to floor

     STR Chk or 20HP Slashing dmg to remove

          Half speed for 3d4 rounds




Daily Carry Gear

Tank Key

     On dog tag style necklace if not in use






Alex "Duende" Villagos







OOC Stuff

WIP - mechanics done, still need narrative


Combat Mechanics



Thermal vision (ignore concealment from smoke, dust, etc.): 8 rounds

Chemical Coating - Improved Tanglefoot Bag: 5 rounds

Active Stance: Duelist/Long Cuts/Debilitating Injuries

Starting sequence: 5



Swift: Change Stance (link) - Barrage/Close Combat Specialist

Free: Reload rifle

Standard: Flurry (finish) - As a standard action the prodigy may make one ranged attack per link in her sequence, but no one creature may be targeted by a number of attacks greater than half the length of the sequence. These attacks are made at the prodigy’s full base attack bonus.

  • One attack at Trike 1
  • One attack at raider on top of livestock truck
  • One attack at raider on passenger side of jeep roof
  • Two attacks at raider on driver's side of jeep roof.

Any enemy I hit will be entangled (Improved Tanglefoot Bag: -2 att/-4 DEX, moves half speed for 3d4 rounds). It will also need to make a DC 19 Ref save or be stuck and unable to move (tanglefoot)


Attack bonus: +14 (+6 BAB, +1 size, +5 DEX, +2 enhancement) + 2 (Eagle Eye) = +16 vs. touch AC; targets scouted, so treated as 2 AC less

Damage: 3d6 (Heavy Sniper rifle) + 7 (Dex/Enhancement)


See OGMW rolls for attack & damage


Move: Surface Cut (Opener) on platform truck gunner firing at refugees - 3 bleed damage on hit



Swift: Maintain/recenter Aggressive Flanking on tank

Standard: Focusing Cry (restore MF to Duende & The Tank)



     Free Action: Reload rifle

     Immediate Action: -

     Swift Action: Change Stance (Link) - Barrage/Close Combat Specialist

     Move Action: Surface Cut (Opener)

     Standard Action: Flurry (Finisher 5)

     Full Round Action: -

     5 Foot Step: -

Sequence: 1 link (+0 Attack & Damage)

Rifle rounds: 0/6


General Info







     Knowledge (Wastes, Dungeoneering, Geography, Local, Nature, Leaders): Base +15

     Perception: Base +22



     Low Light Vision

     Can see 10' in Smoke, Fog, etc


     Perception: +21 (+1/60' Range Increment)

     Sense Motive: +10

     Stealth: +25

These abilities are activated at the beginning of each day, or when they expire.

  • Fate: The Emperor Motif: Reduce penalties to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, or ability checks by 1 (minimum -1); Duration: Permanent (Fated Oath Boon)
  • War Paint: Can have 2 War Paints active at once (Highland Clansman (Refluffed @Tanker Crew)
    •      Black: +7 Competence Bonus to Stealth
    •      Yellow: +7 Competence Bonus to Perception



     Maintenance: Improved Firearm (Heavy Sniper Rifle x2)

Railgun: x3 range increment of firearm (540'). Can fire underwater.

    Pressurized Shot: Move action to add 3d6 damage to next shot on the following round or later



Current Run Speed: 60 (60 Base)

Current Initiative Bonus: +7 (+5 DEX, +2 First to Battle)

Current Hit Points: 60/60 (66 Max/-6HP for Oath of Ritual)

Current Temp Hit Points: 50

Primary Martial Focus: Yes

Current AC: 29 (Base 10; +1 size; +5 DEX; +1 Inhuman Resilience (Natural); +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))

Current Touch AC: 28 (Base 10; +1 size; +5 DEX; +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon) )

Current Flat Footed AC: 24 (Base 10; +1 size; +1 Inhuman Resilience (Natural); Prescient Dodger +6; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))

Current CMB: 11 (6 BAB + 5 DEX)

Current CMD: 31 (Base 10; -1 size; +6 BAB ; -1 STR; +5 DEX; +6 Prescient Dodger; +5 Unarmoured Training; +1 Deflection (Oath Boon))


     FORT: +8 (Base: +5; +1 CON; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

     REF: +12 (Base: +5; +5 DEX; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

     WILL: +9 (Base: +5; +2 WIS; +2 Inhuman Resilience)

Resistances: N/A




Formulae (# Carried)

Can have 5 Formulae 'active' at one time.

Save DC: 19 (Unless otherwise specified)
Attack Mod: +11 vs Touch (Splash)
Range Increment: 25'


Improved Liquid Ice (2)

AoE Cold Damage + Stagger

Struck Target takes 3d6 Cold, Fort 19 or Staggered and movement halved for one round

5' Half damage

10' 3 damage


Chemical Coating: Improved Liquid Ice (1)

Cold Damage + Stagger

Struck Target takes 1d6+3 Cold, Fort 19 or Staggered and movement halved for one round


Improved Tanglefoot Bag (1)

AoE Sticks targets in place via glue-like substance

Struck target-2 att/-4 DEX; REF 19 to stuck to floor

     STR Chk or 20HP Slashing dmg to remove

          Half speed for 3d4 rounds

     5' radius


Chemical Coating: Improved Tanglefoot Bag (1)

Sticks target in place via glue-like substance

Struck target-2 att/-4 DEX; REF 19 to stuck to floor

     STR Chk or 20HP Slashing dmg to remove

          Half speed for 3d4 rounds




Daily Carry Gear

Tank Key

     On dog tag style necklace if not in use




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