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Grinding to a screeching halt, the starboard sawprow tried to chew through the ricocheted trident, but failed as the shaft buried itself somewhere in the inner workings. Tolliver yanked the throttle back to full stop on that side, and left the port engine turning slowly. Can't leave the Argos at a complete standstill, better to circle slowly than have no movement at all, his mind raced through possible fixes - reverse the sawprow and hope it dislodged on its own? No - if it couldn't move forward, reversing may just make it worse. He was going to have to get down there and free the harpoon manually.

Double checking the engine on that side was disconnected (not wanting to have it suddenly burst to life with him in the teeth), he leaped down from the captain's raised platform, calling to Park.

"Keep that thing away from us if you can! I've got to free the saw or we'll be as dead as her," he points to the wrecked Firefly ship. In a moment, he was at the railing pushing off and over the edge of the starboard bow. His grappling hook secured to the deck, he used the rope to swing down to the lodged harpoon. Then, using the momentum of the fall, he tried to grab at the weapon, hoping his weight would pull it free.


Rolled Grace + Vault as they seemed to be appropriate - if different thoughts, please feel free to amend

Grappling hook: Treat conflicts as triumphs when climbing or swinging





Grinding to a screeching halt, the starboard sawprow tried to chew through the ricocheted trident, but failed as the shaft buried itself somewhere in the inner workings. Tolliver yanked the throttle back to full stop on that side, and left the port engine turning slowly. Can't leave the Argos at a complete standstill, better to circle slowly than have no movement at all, his mind raced through possible fixes - reverse the sawprow and hope it dislodged on its own? No - if it couldn't move forward, reversing may just make it worse. He was going to have to get down there and free the harpoon manually.

Double checking the engine on that side was disconnected (not wanting to have it suddenly burst to life with him in the teeth), he leaped down from the captain's raised platform, calling to Park.

"Keep that thing away from us if you can! I've got to free the saw or we'll be as dead as her," he points to the wrecked Firefly ship. In a moment, he was at the railing pushing off and over the edge of the starboard bow. His grappling hook secured to the deck, he used the rope to swing down to the lodged harpoon. Then, using the momentum of the fall, he tried to grab at the weapon, hoping his weight would pull it free.


Rolled Grace + Vault as they seemed to be appropriate - if different thoughts, please feel free to amend


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