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  At The Sign Of The Prancing Pon...err...Golden Gear   





Martin smiled happily at Killian, seeming quite happy to interact with the half orc. "Why yes sir. I'm well acquainted with Artificer Humbert. He's the one who sent me to work for Master Leider. If you're heading to the Manor, I'm sure he'll be pleased to see you, and will be more than happy to assist you with whatever you need."

As he finished speaking, the server noticed that the customer who had been signalling him earlier was getting rather insistent...and loud. Turning back to the table, he gave them all a half bow. "Please forgive me gentlemen, but I need to go take care of that patron before he gets upset. When your companion is ready to return to the table, or any of you need a refill, signal me and I'll top you up. I am authorized to take payment myself, or you can establish a tab with Master Leider, should you so choose." Giving another nod of his head, the man moved off into the crowd, deftly avoiding the other servers and patrons. Despite his odd, stiff gait, he appeared to be quite dexterous.

image.jpeg.97762ecba7ce3102e44895ef67161e57.jpegAfter Martin had left and Killian cleaned both the kitten and it's new servant, into who's lap it was rather firmly ensconced, the little ginger feline turned it's deep green eyes on the half orc.
From deep within Killian's mind, he heard a bright, childlike voice resonating through him.
"nice green man...make clean and dry...is good...no like muck and wet"
A faint echo of the kitten's mental voice sounded in Valros' head, as though he'd 'heard' the mental conversation from a short distance away.
Just about then, Bess arrived in response to Valros' call. Looking down at the adorable kitten, her face softened and she grinned. "Well, isn't he the most adorable little thing? I'll be back in a jif with a snack, and a saucer of milk, for the little one." Reaching down, she gave the kitten a quick scratch behind the ears before turning away to head back to the bar and place the tiefling's additional order.
The kitten, having received it's just due of attention settled down in the tiefling's lap, purring contentedly.
"nice lady...bring food...thank warm horn man"


A few minutes later, as Lucrezia was on her way back to the table, Martin returned as well. Once again, he nodded to everyone present and set an empty stoneware mug on the table, before he reached out a hand, the finger flipping back, and the brass nozzle once more sent out a steady stream of warm Korova Cream into the empty mug. A moment later, it was full nearly to the brim, and his finger once more returned to normal. Placing the mug at the appropriate spot, Martin then moved to one side, drawing out Lucrezia's chair and then tucking it back in as she moved to sit. "There you are, madam. Please enjoy your Korova Cream. Be sure to sip, and carefully. It's very hot...KRRZZZZXXXT!!" Just as he uttered the word 'Hot', a strange, static filled HISS emanated from Martin, and his whole body twitched violently. A split second later, there was a soft WHOOSH, followed by a brief, but intense pain on the outside of Lucrezia's right shin.

The server's face morphed from pleasant to horrified in a flash. In a voice barely above a whisper he stammered out an apology, his formerly cheerful voice taking on a somber, mournful tone. Oddly, the tone of the apology carried the most emotion that any of the companions had observed from the server. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me...it's a sickness I have."

Before any of the group could stop him, Martin spun away, quickly striding to a dark corner near the half orc bouncer. As he jerkily moved across the room, the five of them could hear the man muttering something unintelligible, but clearly distressed, under his breath.

Bess, who'd just arrived with two small saucers for Valros' new companion, gave them all a soft, sad smile. Reaching into a pocket in her apron, she pulled out a small glass phial filled with a pearlescent liquid and offered it to Lucrezia. "Please accept my apology as well on behalf of poor Martin. That potion will fix up any damage done to your person."

She huffed in irritation before continuing. "I dont know what that Humbert was thinking...giving that poor thing such a sickness. You'd think a 'Grand High Artificer' would know his trade better than to give a clockwork creation emotions, then force it to do something that so clearly upsets it!"

Setting the dishes down in front of Valros with more force than necessary, though still with enough professionalism to avoid spilling any, she looked over at the corner where Martin had gone and bit her lip. With a soft sigh, the server turned to Lucrezia. "Once again, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry. Master Leider has standing orders that any patron who is affected by Martin's...'tics', gets a full refund for the price of their stay, and a drink on the house. He'll also pay for any necessary repairs to your outfit." She looked down at the dress, a small frown on her face. "Anya" she pointed at a slim, willowy, blonde half-elf on the far side of the Inn, "is a fine seamstress and should be able to repair that for you tonight while you sleep. Just call for her when you're ready to head up for the night and she'll have it back to you, right as rain, in the morning."

Bess hesitated a moment, lingering to answer any additional questions, or, if necessary, soothe tempers, before once again being called away.

As the companions were reacting to all these developments, a gruff voice, sounding like two boulders grinding together, spoke from the shadows of a nearby booth. "If I were you, I'd go on to the Barrow in the morning, and forget about the Clockwork Mage." The comment was followed by a loud slurp as the cloaked, shrouded figure took a large swig from a stoneware Cream mug, before setting it carefully down on the table.





Apologies for the long delay. It's been an...interesting few days. 😬

We'll be back on track now, and I'll make every effort to keep the pace at something more reasonable.


Regarding Martin's 'Tics'

Lucrezia takes 1 point of Fire damage to the outside of her right shin (adjusted by any ER). In addition, unless it's resistant/immune to Fire damage, her dress now has a perfect circle, the size of a quarter, with definite char marks around the edge, burnt in the same location.

If anyone tries to stop Martin from leaving, one of the servers (not Bess, who's on her way at that moment, though not actually there yet) will intervene, stepping between them and the automaton. They will repeat his words about it being a sickness, as well as sincerely apologize. They will then refer all further questions/concerns to the approaching Bess.

If anyone tries to follow, or escalate the situation, the half orc will take a single step out of his alcove and give the follower/escalator a very definite 'I wouldn't do that if you want to keep all your limbs attached to your torso' glare.

That said, you can, of course, react to any and all of the above however you like. That's just what happens in the first seconds after Martin giving Lucrezia a 'hotfoot...err...shin'.

The Phial

A DC 15 Craft Alchemy check (or knowing the formulae for Salve) will reveal that the liquid is an ingestible version of the formulae. It is quite diluted and will only heal 1d2HP worth of damage.

It is a standard Alchemy Formulae, and will degrade in the usual manner, in roughly 12 hours.






  At The Sign Of The Prancing Pon...err...Golden Gear   





Martin smiled happily at Killian, seeming quite happy to interact with the half orc. "Why yes sir. I'm well acquainted with Artificer Humbert. He's the one who sent me to work for Master Leider. If you're heading to the Manor, I'm sure he'll be pleased to see you, and will be more than happy to assist you with whatever you need."

As he finished speaking, the server noticed that the customer who had been signalling him earlier was getting rather insistent...and loud. Turning back to the table, he gave them all a half bow. "Please forgive me gentlemen, but I need to go take care of that patron before he gets upset. When your companion is ready to return to the table, or any of you need a refill, signal me and I'll top you up. I am authorized to take payment myself, or you can establish a tab with Master Leider, should you so choose." Giving another nod of his head, the man moved off into the crowd, deftly avoiding the other servers and patrons. Despite his odd, stiff gait, he appeared to be quite dexterous.

image.jpeg.97762ecba7ce3102e44895ef67161e57.jpegAfter Martin had left and Killian cleaned both the kitten and it's new servant, into who's lap it was rather firmly ensconced, the little ginger feline turned it's deep green eyes on the half orc.
From deep within Killian's mind, he heard a bright, childlike voice resonating through him.
"nice green man...make clean and dry...is good...no like muck and wet"
A faint echo of the kitten's mental voice sounded in Valros' head, as though he'd 'heard' the mental conversation from a short distance away.
Just about then, Bess arrived in response to Valros' call. Looking down at the adorable kitten, her face softened and she grinned. "Well, isn't he the most adorable little thing? I'll be back in a jif with a snack, and a saucer of milk, for the little one." Reaching down, she gave the kitten a quick scratch behind the ears before turning away to head back to the bar and place the tiefling's additional order.
The kitten, having received it's just due of attention settled down in the tiefling's lap, purring contentedly.
"nice lady...bring food...thank warm horn man"


A few minutes later, as Lucrezia was on her way back to the table, Martin returned as well. Once again, he nodded to everyone present and set an empty stoneware mug on the table, before he reached out a hand, the finger flipping back, and the brass nozzle once more sent out a steady stream of warm Korova Cream into the empty mug. A moment later, it was full nearly to the brim, and his finger once more returned to normal. Placing the mug at the appropriate spot, Martin then moved to one side, drawing out Lucrezia's chair and then tucking it back in as she moved to sit. "There you are, madam. Please enjoy your Korova Cream. Be sure to sip, and carefully. It's very hot...KRRZZZZXXXT!!" Just as he uttered the word 'Hot', a strange, static filled HISS emanated from Martin, and his whole body twitched violently. A split second later, there was a soft WHOOSH, followed by a brief, but intense pain on the outside of Lucrezia's right shin.

The server's face morphed from pleasant to horrified in a flash. In a voice barely above a whisper he stammered out an apology, his formerly cheerful voice taking on a somber, mournful tone. Oddly, the tone of the apology carried the most emotion that any of the companions had observed from the server. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me...it's a sickness I have."

Before any of the group could stop him, Martin spun away, quickly striding to a dark corner near the half orc bouncer. As he jerkily moved across the room, the five of them could hear the man muttering something unintelligible, but clearly distressed, under his breath.

Bess, who'd just arrived with two small saucers for Valros' new companion, gave them all a soft, sad smile. Reaching into a pocket in her apron, she pulled out a small glass phial filled with a pearlescent liquid and offered it to Lucrezia. "Please accept my apology as well on behalf of poor Martin. That potion will fix up any damage done to your person."

She huffed in irritation before continuing. "I dont know what that Humbert was thinking...giving that poor thing such a sickness. You'd think a 'Grand High Artificer' would know his trade better than to give a clockwork creation emotions, then force it to do something that so clearly upsets it!"

Setting the dishes down in front of Valros with more force than necessary, though still with enough professionalism to avoid spilling any, she looked over at the corner where Martin had gone and bit her lip. With a soft sigh, the server turned to Lucrezia. "Once again, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry. Master Leider has standing orders that any patron who is affected by Martin's...'tics', gets a full refund for the price of their stay, and a drink on the house. He'll also pay for any necessary repairs to your outfit." She looked down at the dress, a small frown on her face. "Anya" she pointed at a slim, willowy, blonde half-elf on the far side of the Inn, "is a fine seamstress and should be able to repair that for you tonight while you sleep. Just call for her when you're ready to head up for the night and she'll have it back to you, right as rain, in the morning."

Bess hesitated a moment, lingering to answer any additional questions, or, if necessary, soothe tempers, before once again being called away.

As the companions were reacting to all these developments, a gruff voice, sounding like two boulders grinding together, spoke from the shadows of a nearby booth. "If I were you, I'd go on to the Barrow in the morning, and forget about the Clockwork Mage." The comment was followed by a loud slurp as the cloaked, shrouded figure took a large swig from a stoneware Cream mug, before setting it carefully down on the table.





Apologies for the long delay. It's been an...interesting few days. 😬

We'll be back on track now, and I'll make every effort to keep the pace at something more reasonable.


Regarding Martin's 'Tics'

Lucrezia takes 1 point of Fire damage to the outside of her right shin (adjusted by any ER). In addition, unless it's resistant/immune to Fire damage, her dress now has a perfect circle, the size of a quarter, with definite char marks around the edge, burnt in the same location.

If anyone tries to stop Martin from leaving, one of the servers (not Bess, who's on her way at that moment, though not actually there yet) will intervene, stepping between them and the automaton. They will repeat his words about it being a sickness, as well as sincerely apologize. They will then refer all further questions/concerns to the approaching Bess.

If anyone tries to follow, or escalate the situation, the half orc will take a single step out of his alcove and give the follower/escalator a very definite 'I wouldn't do that if you want to keep all your limbs attached to your torso' glare.

That said, you can, of course, react to any and all of the above however you like. That's just what happens in the first seconds after Martin giving Lucrezia a 'hotfoot...err...shin'.

The Phial

A DC 15 Craft Alchemy check (or knowing the formulae for Salve) will reveal that the liquid is an indigestible version of the formulae. It is fairly diluted and will only heal 1d4HP worth of damage. It is a standard Alchemy Formulae, and will degrade in the usual manner, in roughly 12 hours.






  At The Sign Of The Prancing Pon...err...Golden Gear   





Martin smiled happily at Killian, seeming quite happy to interact with the half orc. "Why yes sir. I'm well acquainted with Artificer Humbert. He's the one who sent me to work for Master Leider. If you're heading to the Manor, I'm sure he'll be pleased to see you, and will be more than happy to assist you with whatever you need."

As he finished speaking, the server noticed that the customer who had been signalling him earlier was getting rather insistent...and loud. Turning back to the table, he gave them all a half bow. "Please forgive me gentlemen, but I need to go take care of that patron before he gets upset. When your companion is ready to return to the table, or any of you need a refill, signal me and I'll top you up. I am authorized to take payment myself, or you can establish a tab with Master Leider, should you so choose." Giving another nod of his head, the man moved off into the crowd, deftly avoiding the other servers and patrons. Despite his odd, stiff gait, he appeared to be quite dexterous.

image.jpeg.97762ecba7ce3102e44895ef67161e57.jpegAfter Martin had left and Killian cleaned both the kitten and it's new servant, into who's lap it was rather firmly ensconced, the little ginger feline turned it's deep green eyes on the half orc.
From deep within Killian's mind, he heard a bright, childlike voice resonating through him.
"nice green man...make clean and dry...is good...no like muck and wet"
A faint echo of the kitten's mental voice sounded in Valros' head, as though he'd 'heard' the mental conversation from a short distance away.
Just about then, Bess arrived in response to Valros' call. Looking down at the adorable kitten, her face softened and she grinned. "Well, isn't he the most adorable little thing? I'll be back in a jif with a snack, and a saucer of milk, for the little one." Reaching down, she gave the kitten a quick scratch behind the ears before turning away to head back to the bar and place the tiefling's additional order.
The kitten, having received it's just due of attention settled down in the tiefling's lap, purring contentedly.
"nice lady...bring food...thank warm horn man"


A few minutes later, as Lucrezia was on her way back to the table, Martin returned as well. Once again, he nodded to everyone present and set an empty stoneware mug on the table, before he reached out a hand, the finger flipping back, and the brass nozzle once more sent out a steady stream of warm Korova Cream into the empty mug. A moment later, it was full nearly to the brim, and his finger once more returned to normal. Placing the mug at the appropriate spot, Martin then moved to one side, drawing out Lucrezia's chair and then tucking it back in as she moved to sit. "There you are, madam. Please enjoy your Korova Cream. Be sure to sip, and carefully. It's very hot...KRRZZZZXXXT!!" Just as he uttered the word 'Hot', a strange, static filled HISS emanated from Martin, and his whole body twitched violently. A split second later, there was a soft WHOOSH, followed by a brief, but intense pain on the outside of Lucrezia's right shin.

The server's face morphed from pleasant to horrified in a flash. In a voice barely above a whisper he stammered out an apology, his formerly cheerful voice taking on a somber, mournful tone. Oddly, the tone of the apology carried the most emotion that any of the companions had observed from the server. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me...it's a sickness I have."

Before any of the group could stop him, Martin spun away, quickly striding to a dark corner near the half orc bouncer. As he jerkily moved across the room, the five of them could hear the man muttering something unintelligible, but clearly distressed, under his breath.

Bess, who'd just arrived with two small saucers for Valros' new companion, gave them all a soft, sad smile. Reaching into a pocket in her apron, she pulled out a small glass phial filled with a pearlescent liquid and offered it to Lucrezia. "Please accept my apology as well on behalf of poor Martin. That potion will fix up any damage done to your person."

She huffed in irritation before continuing. "I dont know what that Humbert was thinking...giving that poor thing such a sickness. You'd think a 'Grand High Artificer' would know his trade better than to give a clockwork creation emotions, then force it to do something that so clearly upsets it!"

Setting the dishes down in front of Valros with more force than necessary, though still with enough professionalism to avoid spilling any, she looked over at the corner where Martin had gone and bit her lip. With a soft sigh, the server turned to Lucrezia. "Once again, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry. Master Leider has standing orders that any patron who is affected by Martin's...'tics', gets a full refund for the price of their stay, and a drink on the house. He'll also pay for any necessary repairs to your outfit." She looked down at the dress, a small frown on her face. "Anya" she pointed at a slim, willowy, blonde half-elf on the far side of the Inn, "is a fine seamstress and should be able to repair that for you tonight while you sleep. Just call for her when you're ready to head up for the night and she'll have it back to you, right as rain, in the morning."

Bess hesitated a moment, lingering to answer any additional questions, or, if necessary, soothe tempers, before once again being called away.

As the companions were reacting to all these developments, a gruff voice, sounding like two boulders grinding together, spoke from the shadows of a nearby booth. "If I were you, I'd go on to the Barrow in the morning, and forget about the Clockwork Mage." The comment was followed by a loud slurp as the cloaked, shrouded figure took a large swig from a stoneware Cream mug, before setting it carefully down on the table.





Apologies for the long delay. It's been an...interesting few days. 😬

We'll be back on track now, and I'll make every effort to keep the pace at something more reasonable.


Regarding Martin's 'Tics'

Lucrezia takes 1 point of Fire damage to the outside of her right shin (adjusted by any ER). In addition, unless it's resistant/immune to Fire damage, her dress now has a perfect circle, the size of a quarter, with definite char marks around the edge, burnt in the same location.

If anyone tries to stop Martin from leaving, one of the servers (not Bess, who's on her way at that moment, though not actually there yet) will intervene, stepping between them and the automaton. They will repeat his words about it being a sickness, as well as sincerely apologize. They will then refer all further questions/concerns to the approaching Bess.

If anyone tries to follow, or escalate the situation, the half orc will take a single step out of his alcove and give the follower/escalator a very definite 'I wouldn't do that if you want to keep all your limbs attached to your torso' glare.

That said, you can, of course, react to any and all of the above however you like. That's just what happens in the first seconds after Martin giving Lucrezia a 'hotfoot...err...shin'.

The Phial

A DC 15 Craft Alchemy check (or knowing the formulae for Salve) will reveal that the liquid is an indigestible version of the formulae. It is fairly diluted and will only heal 1d4HP worth of damage. It is a standard Alchemy Formulae, and will degrade in the usual manner, in roughly 12 hours.






  At The Sign Of The Prancing Pon...err...Golden Gear   





Martin smiled happily at Killian, seeming quite happy to interact with the half orc. "Why yes sir. I'm well acquainted with Artificer Humbert. He's the one who sent me to work for Master Leider. If you're heading to the Manor, I'm sure he'll be pleased to see you, and will be more than happy to assist you with whatever you need."

As he finished speaking, the server noticed that the customer who had been signalling him earlier was getting rather insistent...and loud. Turning back to the table, he gave them all a half bow. "Please forgive me gentlemen, but I need to go take care of that patron before he gets upset. When your companion is ready to return to the table, or any of you need a refill, signal me and I'll top you up. I am authorized to take payment myself, or you can establish a tab with Master Leider, should you so choose." Giving another nod of his head, the man moved off into the crowd, deftly avoiding the other servers and patrons. Despite his odd, stiff gait, he appeared to be quite dexterous.

image.jpeg.97762ecba7ce3102e44895ef67161e57.jpegAfter Martin had left and Killian cleaned both the kitten and it's new servant, into who's lap it was rather firmly ensconced, the little ginger feline turned it's deep green eyes on the half orc.
From deep within Killian's mind, he heard a bright, childlike voice resonating through him.
"nice green man...make clean and dry...is good...no like muck and wet"
A faint echo of the kitten's mental voice sounded in Valros' head, as though he'd 'heard' the mental conversation from a short distance away.
Just about then, Bess arrived in response to Valros' call. Looking down at the adorable kitten, her face softened and she grinned. "Well, isn't he the most adorable little thing? I'll be back in a jif with a snack, and a saucer of milk, for the little one." Reaching down, she gave the kitten a quick scratch behind the ears before turning away to head back to the bar and place the tiefling's additional order.
The kitten, having received it's just due of attention settled down in the tiefling's lap, purring contentedly.
"nice lady...bring food...thank warm horn man"


A few minutes later, as Lucrezia was on her way back to the table, Martin returned as well. Once again, he nodded to everyone present and set an empty stoneware mug on the table, before he reached out a hand, the finger flipping back, and the brass nozzle once more sent out a steady stream of warm Korova Cream into the empty mug. A moment later, it was full nearly to the brim, and his finger once more returned to normal. Placing the mug at the appropriate spot, Martin then moved to one side, drawing out Lucrezia's chair and then tucking it back in as she moved to sit. "There you are, madam. Please enjoy your Korova Cream. Be sure to sip, and carefully. It's very hot...KRRZZZZXXXT!!" Just as he uttered the word 'Hot', a strange, static filled HISS emanated from Martin, and his whole body twitched violently. A split second later, there was a soft WHOOSH, followed by a brief, but intense pain on the outside of Lucrezia's right shin.

The server's face morphed from pleasant to horrified in a flash. In a voice barely above a whisper he stammered out an apology, his formerly cheerful voice taking on a somber, mournful tone. Oddly, the tone of the apology carried the most emotion that any of the companions had observed from the server. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me...it's a sickness I have."

Before any of the group could stop him, Martin spun away, quickly striding to a dark corner near the half orc bouncer. As he jerkily moved across the room, the five of them could hear the man muttering something unintelligible, but clearly distressed, under his breath.

Bess, who'd just arrived with two small saucers for Valros' new companion, gave them all a soft, sad smile before turning to Lucrezia and handing the woman a small glass phial filled with a pearlescent liquid. "Please accept my apology as well on behalf of poor Martin. That potion will fix up any damage done to your person."

She huffed in irritation before continuing. "I dont know what that Humbert was thinking...giving that poor thing such a sickness. You'd think a 'Grand High Artificer' would know his trade better than to give a clockwork creation emotions, then force it to do something that so clearly upsets it!"

Setting the dishes down in front of Valros with more force than necessary, though still with enough professionalism to avoid spilling any, she looked over at the corner where Martin had gone and bit her lip. With a soft sigh, the server turned to Lucrezia. "Once again, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry. Master Leider has standing orders that any patron who is affected by Martin's...'tics', gets a full refund for the price of their stay, and a drink on the house. He'll also pay for any necessary repairs to your outfit." She looked down at the dress, a small frown on her face. "Anya" she pointed at a slim, willowy, blonde half-elf on the far side of the Inn, "is a fine seamstress and should be able to repair that for you tonight while you sleep. Just call for her when you're ready to head up for the night and she'll have it back to you, right as rain, in the morning."

Bess hesitated a moment, lingering to answer any additional questions, or, if necessary, soothe tempers, before once again being called away.

As the companions were reacting to all these developments, a gruff voice, sounding like two boulders grinding together, spoke from the shadows of a nearby booth. "If I were you, I'd go on to the Barrow in the morning, and forget about the Clockwork Mage." The comment was followed by a loud slurp as the cloaked, shrouded figure took a large swig from a stoneware Cream mug, before setting it carefully down on the table.





Apologies for the long delay. It's been an...interesting few days. 😬

We'll be back on track now, and I'll make every effort to keep the pace at something more reasonable.


Regarding Martin's 'Tics'

Lucrezia takes 1 point of Fire damage to the outside of her right shin (adjusted by any ER). In addition, unless it's resistant/immune to Fire damage, her dress now has a perfect circle, the size of a quarter, with definite char marks around the edge, burnt in the same location.

If anyone tries to stop Martin from leaving, one of the servers (not Bess, who's on her way at that moment, though not actually there yet) will intervene, stepping between them and the automaton. They will repeat his words about it being a sickness, as well as sincerely apologize. They will then refer all further questions/concerns to the approaching Bess.

If anyone tries to follow, or escalate the situation, the half orc will take a single step out of his alcove and give the follower/escalator a very definite 'I wouldn't do that if you want to keep all your limbs attached to your torso' glare.

That said, you can, of course, react to any and all of the above however you like. That's just what happens in the first seconds after Martin giving Lucrezia a 'hotfoot...err...shin'.





  At The Sign Of The Prancing Pon...err...Golden Gear   





Martin smiled happily at Killian, seeming quite happy to interact with the half orc. "Why yes sir. I'm well acquainted with Artificer Humbert. He's the one who sent me to work for Master Leider. If you're heading to the Manor, I'm sure he'll be pleased to see you, and will be more than happy to assist you with whatever you need."

As he finished speaking, the server noticed that the customer who had been signalling him earlier was getting rather insistent...and loud. Turning back to the table, he gave them all a half bow. "Please forgive me gentlemen, but I need to go take care of that patron before he gets upset. When your companion is ready to return to the table, or any of you need a refill, signal me and I'll top you up. I am authorized to take payment myself, or you can establish a tab with Master Leider, should you so choose." Giving another nod of his head, the man moves off into the crowd, deftly avoiding the other servers and patrons. Despite his odd, stiff gait, he appears to be quite dexterous.

image.jpeg.97762ecba7ce3102e44895ef67161e57.jpegAfter Martin had left and Killian cleaned both the kitten and it's new servant, into who's lap it was rather firmly ensconced, the little ginger feline turned it's deep green eyes on the half orc.
From deep within Killian's mind, he heard a bright, childlike voice resonating through him.
"nice green man...make clean and dry...is good...no like muck and wet"
A faint echo of the kitten's mental voice sounded in Valros' head, as though he'd 'heard' the mental conversation from a short distance away.
Just about then, Bess arrived in response to Valros' call. Looking down at the adorable kitten, her face softened and she grinned. "Well, isn't he the most adorable little thing? I'll be back in a jif with a snack, and a saucer of milk, for the little one." Reaching down, she gave the kitten a quick scratch behind the ears before turning away to head back to the bar and place the tiefling's additional order.
The kitten, having received it's just due of attention settled down in the tiefling's lap, purring contentedly.
"nice lady...bring food...thank warm horn man"


A few minutes later, as Lucrezia was on her way back to the table, Martin returned as well. Once again, he nodded to everyone present and set an empty stoneware mug on the table, before he reached out a hand, the finger flipping back, and the brass nozzle once more sent out a steady stream of warm Korova Cream into the empty mug. A moment later, it was full nearly to the brim, and his finger once more returned to normal. Placing the mug at the appropriate spot, Martin then moved to one side, drawing out Lucrezia's chair and then tucking it back in as she moved to sit. "There you are, madam. Please enjoy your Korova Cream. Be sure to sip, and carefully. It's very hot...KRRZZZZXXXT!!" Just as he uttered the word 'Hot', a strange, static filled HISS emanated from Martin, and his whole body twitched violently. A split second later, there was a soft WHOOSH, followed by a brief, but intense pain on the outside of Lucrezia's right shin.

The server's face morphed from pleasant to horrified in a flash. In a voice barely above a whisper he stammered out an apology, his formerly cheerful voice taking on a somber, mournful tone. Oddly, the tone of the apology carried the most emotion that any of the companions had observed from the server. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me...it's a sickness I have."

Before any of the group could stop him, Martin spun away, quickly striding to a dark corner near the half orc bouncer. As he jerkily moved across the room, the five of them could hear the man muttering something unintelligible, but clearly distressed, under his breath.

Bess, who'd just arrived with two small saucers for Valros' new companion, gave them all a soft, sad smile before turning to Lucrezia and handing the woman a small glass phial filled with a pearlescent liquid. "Please accept my apology as well on behalf of poor Martin. That potion will fix up any damage done to your person."

She huffed in irritation before continuing. "I dont know what that Humbert was thinking...giving that poor thing such a sickness. You'd think a 'Grand High Artificer' would know his trade better than to give a clockwork creation emotions, then force it to do something that so clearly upsets it!"

Setting the dishes down in front of Valros with more force than necessary, though still with enough professionalism to avoid spilling any, she looked over at the corner where Martin had gone and bit her lip. With a soft sigh, the server turned to Lucrezia. "Once again, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry. Master Leider has standing orders that any patron who is affected by Martin's...'tics', gets a full refund for the price of their stay, and a drink on the house. He'll also pay for any necessary repairs to your outfit." She looked down at the dress, a small frown on her face. "Anya" she pointed at a slim, willowy, blonde half-elf on the far side of the Inn, "is a fine seamstress and should be able to repair that for you tonight while you sleep. Just call for her when you're ready to head up for the night and she'll have it back to you, right as rain, in the morning."

Bess hesitated a moment, lingering to answer any additional questions, or, if necessary, soothe tempers, before once again being called away.

As the companions were reacting to all these developments, a gruff voice, sounding like two boulders grinding together, spoke from the shadows of a nearby booth. "If I were you, I'd go on to the Barrow in the morning, and forget about the Clockwork Mage." The comment was followed by a loud slurp as the cloaked, shrouded figure took a large swig from a stoneware Cream mug, before setting it carefully down on the table.





Apologies for the long delay. It's been an...interesting few days. 😬

We'll be back on track now, and I'll make every effort to keep the pace at something more reasonable.


Regarding Martin's 'Tics'

Lucrezia takes 1 point of Fire damage to the outside of her right shin (adjusted by any ER). In addition, unless it's resistant/immune to Fire damage, her dress now has a perfect circle, the size of a quarter, with definite char marks around the edge, burnt in the same location.

If anyone tries to stop Martin from leaving, one of the servers (not Bess, who's on her way at that moment, though not actually there yet) will intervene, stepping between them and the automaton. They will repeat his words about it being a sickness, as well as sincerely apologize. They will then refer all further questions/concerns to the approaching Bess.

If anyone tries to follow, or escalate the situation, the half orc will take a single step out of his alcove and give the follower/escalator a very definite 'I wouldn't do that if you want to keep all your limbs attached to your torso' glare.

That said, you can, of course, react to any and all of the above however you like. That's just what happens in the first seconds after Martin giving Lucrezia a 'hotfoot...err...shin'.





  At The Sign Of The Prancing Pon...err...Golden Gear   





Martin smiled happily at Killian, seeming quite pleased to interact with the half orc. "Why yes sir. I'm well acquainted with Artificer Humbert. He's the one who sent me to work for Master Leider. If you're heading to the Manor, I'm sure he'll be please to see you, and will be more than happy to assist you with whatever you need."

As he finished speaking, the server noticed that the customer who had been signalling him earlier was getting rather insistent...and loud. Turning back to the table, he gave them all a half bow. "Please forgive me gentlemen, but I need to go take care of that patron before he gets upset. When your companion is ready to return to the table, or any of you need a refill, signal me and I'll top you up. I am authorized to take payment myself, or you can establish a tab with Master Leider, should you so choose." Giving another nod of his head, the man moves off into the crowd, deftly avoiding the other servers and patrons. Despite his odd, stiff gait, he appears to be quite dexterous.

image.jpeg.97762ecba7ce3102e44895ef67161e57.jpegAfter Martin had left and Killian cleaned both the kitten and it's new servant, into who's lap it was rather firmly ensconced, the little ginger feline turned it's deep green eyes on the half orc.
From deep within Killian's mind, he heard a bright, childlike voice resonating through him.
"nice green man...make clean and dry...is good...no like muck and wet"
A faint echo of the kitten's mental voice sounded in Valros' head, as though he'd 'heard' the mental conversation from a short distance away.
Just about then, Bess arrived in response to Valros' call. Looking down at the adorable kitten, her face softened and she grinned. "Well, isn't he the most adorable little thing? I'll be back in a jif with a snack, and a saucer of milk, for the little one." Reaching down, she gave the kitten a quick scratch behind the ears before turning away to head back to the bar and place the tiefling's additional order.
The kitten, having received it's just due of attention settled down in the tiefling's lap, purring contentedly.
"nice lady...bring food...thank warm horn man"


A few minutes later, as Lucrezia was on her way back to the table, Martin returned as well. Once again, he nodded to everyone present and set an empty stoneware mug on the table, before he reached out a hand, the finger flipping back, and the brass nozzle once more sent out a steady stream of warm Korova Cream into the empty mug. A moment later, it was full nearly to the brim, and his finger once more returned to normal. Placing the mug at the appropriate spot, Martin then moved to one side, drawing out Lucrezia's chair and then tucking it back in as she moved to sit. "There you are, madam. Please enjoy your Korova Cream. Be sure to sip, and carefully. It's very hot...KRRZZZZXXXT!!" Just as he uttered the word 'Hot', a strange, static filled HISS emanated from Martin, and his whole body twitched violently. A split second later, there was a soft WHOOSH, followed by a brief, but intense pain on the outside of Lucrezia's right shin.

The server's face morphed from pleasant to horrified in a flash. In a voice barely above a whisper he stammered out an apology, his formerly cheerful voice taking on a somber, mournful tone. Oddly, the tone of the apology carried the most emotion that any of the companions had observed from the server. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me...it's a sickness I have."

Before any of the group could stop him, Martin spun away, quickly striding to a dark corner near the half orc bouncer. As he jerkily moved across the room, the five of them could hear the man muttering something unintelligible, but clearly distressed, under his breath.

Bess, who'd just arrived with two small saucers for Valros' new companion, gave them all a soft, sad smile before turning to Lucrezia and handing the woman a small glass phial filled with a pearlescent liquid. "Please accept my apology as well on behalf of poor Martin. That potion will fix up any damage done to your person."

She huffed in irritation before continuing. "I dont know what that Humbert was thinking...giving that poor thing such a sickness. You'd think a 'Grand High Artificer' would know his trade better than to give a clockwork creation emotions, then force it to do something that so clearly upsets it!"

Setting the dishes down in front of Valros with more force than necessary, though still with enough professionalism to avoid spilling any, she looked over at the corner where Martin had gone and bit her lip. With a soft sigh, the server turned to Lucrezia. "Once again, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry. Master Leider has standing orders that any patron who is affected by Martin's...'tics', gets a full refund for the price of their stay, and a drink on the house. He'll also pay for any necessary repairs to your outfit." She looked down at the dress, a small frown on her face. "Anya" she pointed at a slim, willowy, blonde half-elf on the far side of the Inn, "is a fine seamstress and should be able to repair that for you tonight while you sleep. Just call for her when you're ready to head up for the night and she'll have it back to you, right as rain, in the morning."

Bess hesitated a moment, lingering to answer any additional questions, or, if necessary, soothe tempers, before once again being called away.

As the companions were reacting to all these developments, a gruff voice, sounding like two boulders grinding together, spoke from the shadows of a nearby booth. "If I were you, I'd go on to the Barrow in the morning, and forget about the Clockwork Mage." The comment was followed by a loud slurp as the cloaked, shrouded figure took a large swig from a stoneware Cream mug, before setting it carefully down on the table.





Apologies for the long delay. It's been an...interesting few days. 😬

We'll be back on track now, and I'll make every effort to keep the pace at something more reasonable.


Regarding Martin's 'Tics'

Lucrezia takes 1 point of Fire damage to the outside of her right shin (adjusted by any ER). In addition, unless it's resistant/immune to Fire damage, her dress now has a perfect circle, the size of a quarter, with definite char marks around the edge, burnt in the same location.

If anyone tries to stop Martin from leaving, one of the servers (not Bess, who's on her way at that moment, though not actually there yet) will intervene, stepping between them and the automaton. They will repeat his words about it being a sickness, as well as sincerely apologize. They will then refer all further questions/concerns to the approaching Bess.

If anyone tries to follow, or escalate the situation, the half orc will take a single step out of his alcove and give the follower/escalator a very definite 'I wouldn't do that if you want to keep all your limbs attached to your torso' glare.

That said, you can, of course, react to any and all of the above however you like. That's just what happens in the first seconds after Martin giving Lucrezia a 'hotfoot...err...shin'.





  At The Sign Of The Prancing Pon...err...Golden Gear   





Martin smiled happily at Killian, seeming quite pleased to interact with the half orc. "Why yes sir. I'm well acquainted with Artificer Humbert. He's the one who sent me to work for Master Leider. If you're heading to the Manor, I'm sure he'll be please to see you, and will be more than happy to assist you with whatever you need."

As he finished speaking, the server noticed that the customer who had been signalling him earlier was getting rather insistent...and loud. Turning back to the table, he gave them all a half bow. "Please forgive me gentlemen, but I need to go take care of that patron before he gets upset. When your companion is ready to return to the table, or any of you need a refill, signal me and I'll top you up. I am authorized to take payment myself, or you can establish a tab with Master Leider, should you so choose." Giving another nod of his head, the man moves off into the crowd, deftly avoiding the other servers and patrons. Despite his odd, stiff gait, he appears to be quite dexterous.

image.jpeg.97762ecba7ce3102e44895ef67161e57.jpegAfter Martin had left and Killian cleaned both the kitten and it's new servant, into who's lap it was rather firmly ensconced, the little ginger feline turned it's deep green eyes on the half orc.
From deep within Killian's mind, he heard a bright, childlike voice resonating through him.
"nice green man...make clean and dry...is good...no like muck and wet"
A faint echo of the kitten's mental voice sounded in Valros' head, as though he'd 'heard' the mental conversation from a short distance away.
Just about then, Bess arrived in response to Valros' call. Looking down at the adorable kitten, her face softened and she grinned. "Well, isn't he the most adorable little thing? I'll be back in a jif with a snack, and a saucer of milk, for the little one." Reaching down, she gave the kitten a quick scratch behind the ears before turning away to head back to the bar and place the tiefling's additional order.
The kitten, having received it's just due of attention settled down in the tiefling's lap, purring contentedly.
"nice lady...bring food...thank warm horn man"


A few minutes later, as Lucrezia was on her way back to the table, Martin returned as well. Once again, he nodded to everyone present and set an empty stoneware mug on the table, before he reached out a hand, the finger flipping back, and the brass nozzle once more sent out a steady stream of warm Korova Cream into the empty mug. A moment later, it was full nearly to the brim, and his finger once more returned to normal. Placing the mug at the appropriate spot, Martin then moved to one side, drawing out Lucrezia's chair and then tucking it back in as she moved to sit. "There you are, madam. Please enjoy your Korova Cream. Be sure to sip, and carefully. It's very hot...KRRZZZZXXXT!!" Just as he uttered the word 'Hot', a strange, static filled HISS emanated from Martin, and his whole body twitched violently. A split second later, there was a soft WHOOSH, followed by a brief, but intense pain on the outside of Lucrezia's right shin.

The server's face morphed from pleasant to horrified in a flash. In a voice barely above a whisper he stammered out an apology, his formerly cheerful voice taking on a somber, mournful tone. Oddly, the tone of the apology carried the most emotion that any of the companions had observed from the server. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me...it's a sickness I have."

Before any of the group could stop him, Martin spun away, quickly striding to a dark corner near the half orc bouncer. As he jerkily moved across the room, the five of them could hear the man muttering something unintelligible, but clearly distressed, under his breath.

Bess, who'd just arrived with two small saucers for Valros' new companion, gave them all a soft, sad smile before turning to Lucrezia and handing the woman a small glass phial filled with a pearlescent liquid. "Please accept my apology as well on behalf of poor Martin. That potion will fix up any damage done to your person."

She huffed in irritation before continuing. "I dont know what that Humbert was thinking...giving that poor thing such a sickness. You'd think a 'Grand High Artificer' would know his trade better than to give a clockwork creation emotions, then force it to do something that so clearly upsets it!"

Setting the dishes down in front of Valros with more force than necessary, though still with enough professionalism to avoid spilling any, she looked over at the corner where Martin had gone and bit her lip. With a soft sigh, the server turned to Lucrezia. "Once again, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry. Master Leider has standing orders that any patron who is affected by Martin's...'tics', gets a full refund for the price of their stay, and a drink on the house. He'll also pay for any necessary repairs to your outfit." She looked down at the dress, a small frown on her face. "Anya" she pointed at a slim, willowy, blonde half-elf on the far side of the Inn, "is a fine seamstress and should be able to repair that for you tonight while you sleep. Just call for her when you're ready to head up for the night and she'll have it back to you, right as rain, in the morning."

Bess hesitated a moment, lingering to answer any additional questions, or, if necessary, soothe tempers, before once again being called away.

As the companions were reacting to all these developments, a gruff voice, sounding like two boulders grinding together, spoke from the shadows of a nearby booth. "If I were you, I'd go on to the Barrow in the morning, and forget about the Clockwork Mage." The comment was followed by a loud slurp as the cloaked, shrouded figure took a large swig from a stoneware Cream mug, before setting it carefully down on the table.





Apologies for the long delay. It's been an...interesting few days. 😬

We'll be back on track now, and I'll make every effort to keep the pace at something more reasonable.


Regarding Martin's 'Ticd'

Lucrezia takes 1 point of Fire damage to the outside of her right shin (adjusted by any ER). In addition, unless it's resistant/immune to Fire damage, her dress now has a perfect circle, the size of a quarter, with definite char marks around the edge, burnt in the same location.

If anyone tries to stop Martin from leaving, one of the servers (not Bess, who's on her way at that moment, though not actually there yet) will intervene, stepping between them and the automaton. They will repeat his words about it being a sickness, as well as sincerely apologize. They will then refer all further questions/concerns to the approaching Bess.

If anyone tries to follow, or escalate the situation, the half orc will take a single step out of his alcove and give the follower/escalator a very definite 'I wouldn't do that if you want to keep all your limbs attached to your torso' glare.

That said, you can, of course, react to any and all of the above however you like. That's just what happens in the first seconds after Martin giving Lucrezia a 'hotfoot...err...shin'.





  At The Sign Of The Prancing Pon...err...Golden Gear   





Martin smiled happily at Killian, seeming quite pleased to interact with the half orc. "Why yes sir. I'm well acquainted with Artificer Humbert. He's the one who sent me to work for Master Leider. If you're heading to the Manor, I'm sure he'll be please to see you, and will be more than happy to assist you with whatever you need."

As he finished speaking, the server noticed that the customer who had been signalling him earlier was getting rather insistent...and loud. Turning back to the table, he gave them all a half bow. "Please forgive me gentlemen, but I need to go take care of that patron before he gets upset. When your companion is ready to return to the table, or any of you need a refill, signal me and I'll top you up. I am authorized to take payment myself, or you can establish a tab with Master Leider, should you so choose." Giving another nod of his head, the man moves off into the crowd, deftly avoiding the other servers and patrons. Despite his odd, stiff gait, he appears to be quite dexterous.

image.jpeg.97762ecba7ce3102e44895ef67161e57.jpegAfter Martin had left and Killian cleaned both the kitten and it's new servant, into who's lap it was rather firmly ensconced, the little ginger feline turned it's deep green eyes on the half orc.
From deep within Killian's mind, he heard a bright, childlike voice resonating through him.
"nice green man...make clean and dry...is good...no like muck and wet"
A faint echo of the kitten's mental voice sounded in Valros' head, as though he'd 'heard' the mental conversation from a short distance away.
Just about then, Bess arrived in response to Valros' call. Looking down at the adorable kitten, her face softened and she grinned. "Well, isn't he the most adorable little thing? I'll be back in a jif with a snack, and a saucer of milk, for the little one." Reaching down, she gave the kitten a quick scratch behind the ears before turning away to head back to the bar and place the tiefling's additional order.
The kitten, having received it's just due of attention settled down in the tiefling's lap, purring contentedly.
"nice lady...bring food...thank warm horn man"


A few minutes later, as Lucrezia was on her way back to the table, Martin returned as well. Once again, he nodded to everyone present and set an empty stoneware mug on the table, before he reached out a hand, the finger flipping back, and the brass nozzle once more sent out a steady stream of warm Korova Cream into the empty mug. A moment later, it was full nearly to the brim, and his finger once more returned to normal. Placing the mug at the appropriate spot, Martin then moved to one side, drawing out Lucrezia's chair and then tucking it back in as she moved to sit. "There you are, madam. Please enjoy your Korova Cream. Be sure to sip, and carefully. It's very hot...KRRZZZZXXXT!!" Just as he uttered the word 'Hot', a strange, static filled HISS emanated from Martin, and his whole body twitched violently. A split second later, there was a soft WHOOSH, followed by a brief, but intense pain on the outside of Lucrezia's right shin.

The server's face morphed from pleasant to horrified in a flash. In a voice barely above a whisper he stammered out an apology, his formerly cheerful voice taking on a somber, mournful tone. Oddly, the tone of the apology carried the most emotion that any of the companions had observed from the server. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me...it's a sickness I have."

Before any of the group could stop him, Martin spun away, quickly striding to a dark corner near the half orc bouncer. As he jerkily moved across the room, the five of them could hear the man muttering something unintelligible, but clearly distressed, under his breath.

Bess, who'd just arrived with two small saucers for Valros' new companion, gave them all a soft, sad smile before turning to Lucrezia and handing the woman a small glass phial filled with a pearlescent liquid. "Please accept my apology as well on behalf of poor Martin. That potion will fix up any damage done to your person."

She huffed in irritation before continuing. "I dont know what that Humbert was thinking...giving that poor thing such a sickness. You'd think a 'Grand High Artificer' would know his trade better than to give a clockwork creation emotions, then force it to do something that so clearly upsets it!"

Setting the dishes down in front of Valros with more force than necessary, though still with enough professionalism to avoid spilling any, she looked over at the corner where Martin had gone and bit her lip. With a soft sigh, the server turned to Lucrezia. "Once again, ma'am, I'm terribly sorry. Master Leider has standing orders that any patron who is affected by Martin's...'tics', gets a full refund for the price of their stay, and a drink on the house. He'll also pay for any necessary repairs to your outfit." She looked down at the dress, a small frown on her face. "Anya" she pointed at a slim, willowy, blonde half-elf on the far side of the Inn, "is a fine seamstress and should be able to repair that for you tonight while you sleep. Just call for her when you're ready to head up for the night and she'll have it back to you, right as rain, in the morning."

Bess hesitated a moment, lingering to answer any additional questions, or, if necessary, soothe tempers, before once again being called away.

As the companions were reacting to all these developments, a gruff voice, sounding like two boulders grinding together, spoke from the shadows of a nearby booth. "If I were you, I'd go on to the Barrow in the morning, and forget about the Clockwork Mage." The comment was followed by a loud slurp as the cloaked, shrouded figure took a large swig from a stoneware Cream mug, before setting it carefully down on the table.





Apologies for the long delay. It's been an...interesting few days. 😬

We'll be back on track now, and I'll make every effort to keep the pace at something more reasonable.


Regarding Martin's 'Ticd'

Lucrezia takes 1 point of Fire damage to the outside of her right shin (adjusted by any ER). In addition, unless it's resistant/immune to Fire damage, her dress now has a perfect circle, the size of a quarter, with definite char marks around the edge, burnt in the same location.

If anyone tries to stop Martin from leaving, one of the servers (not Bess, who's on her way at that moment, though not actually there yet) will intervene, stepping between them and the automaton. They will repeat his words about it being a sickness, as well as sincerely apologize. They will then refer all further questions/concerns to the approaching Bess.

If anyone tries to follow, or escalate the situation, the half orc will take a single step out of his alcove and give the follower/escalator a very definite 'I wouldn't do that if you want to keep all your limbs attached to your torso' glare.

That said, you can, of course, react to any and all of the above however you like. That's just what happens in the first seconds after Martin giving Lucrezia a 'hotfoot...err...shin'.



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