Added to the Guide - B
If anyone is looking for how to roll Fate dice on the new dice roller, here are the steps:
1. Make a post, either a placeholder post just for your dice or the character/IC post. Note: dice can only be rolled in game forums.
2. Click "Roll Dice" on the far right of the post bit (it is the picture of the two dice with the "+" sign).
3. Give the roll a name if you want, and then in the "Dice String" box, type fate(modifier). So if you are rolling 4dFate+3, the string would be fate(3). The roller needs some sort of number as the modifier, so if you are rolling straight 4dFate plus nothing, the string is: fate(0).
4. Click "Roll" to add the dice to the post.
You can then edit your post as needed without messing with the roll(s). You can also add more rolls to the same post if you like. Right now there is no way to see what each of the four individual Fate dice rolled (you just see the final total), nor is there a way to roll more or less than 4 Fate dice at a time as a single roll. I am told, however, those are in the works.