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Broom swoops low over the town, looking for something like Dash's feet on one of them. Almost every single one has some kind of markings over the door. He was pretty sure it was 'writing', but that was never something that he really paid much attention too before. Most of the buildings in the town were practically identical in shape and color, which made it easy to forget which parts of the town he had already looked at. He was about to give up and head back to the others when he noticed that the sign he was looking for was not actually on the door at all. Here and there, scattered seemingly randomly through the town there were some buildings that had a small wooden hutch at the back of the building that held a couple of well-fed rabbits. These buildings also seemed to have one or more sets of rabbit's feet hanging in one of the north facing windows. All told there were thirteen of these buildings across the town.

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