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Avaday Daydream

Avaday Daydream

D&D/Pathfinder (non version specific):
I know there’s a Statue spell which can turn creatures into living statues, but is there a spell to transform a creature into an intelligent magic item? Like a dragon turning into a suit of dragonhide plate, or a devil turning into a magic cape, or a water elemental turning into a freezing sword, or a satyr turning into an enchanted harp, or Megatron turning into a gun, or a cerberus turning into nunchucks, or so forth?
Avaday Daydream

Avaday Daydream

D&D/Pathfinder (non version specific):
I know there’s a Statue spell which can turn creatures into living statues, but is there a spell to transform a creature into an intelligent magic item? Like a dragon turning into a suit of dragonhide plate, or a devil turning into a magic cape, or a water elemental turning into a freezing sword, or a satyr turning into an enchanted harp, or Megatron turning into a gun, or so forth?
Avaday Daydream

Avaday Daydream

D&D/Pathfinder (non version specific):
I know there’s a Statue spell which can turn creatures into living statues, but is there a spell to transform a creature into an intelligent magic item? Like a dragon turning into a suit of dragonhide plate, or a devil turning into a magic cape, or a water elemental turning into a freezing sword, or a satyr turning into an enchanted harp, or so forth?
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