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Hello! Nice site you have here. The formatting features look very nice, and the integration of sheets and dice should be useful.


I'm an engineer who likes spreadsheets far too much. I'm currently a few months into a Discord PBP and 1-2 of the members have been very slow to reply lately, so I'm here to scratch that itch by adding another game to my plate. Long term campaigns are great, but I'd be up for some shorter stuff or even oneshots.


I have experience in 5e, but I'm also hoping to get into PF2. Nice to meet you all!



Hello! Nice site you have here. The formatting features look very nice, and the integration of sheets and dice should be useful.


I'm currently a few months into a Discord PBP and 1-2 of the members have been very slow to reply lately, so I'm here to scratch that itch by adding another game to my plate. Long term campaigns are great, but I'd be up for some shorter stuff or even oneshots.


I have experience in 5e, but I'm also hoping to get into PF2. Nice to meet you all!

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