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You just RUINED the rutabagas! AND the pumpkins! And the poor lettuces are completely crushed!

You don't just DUMP a fresh layer of soil down on established garden space, you have to INTEGRATE IT!

*ka-chik* goes the switchblade, *ker-slice* goes the hamstrings, *thumpa-thumpa-thumpa* goes Tetsubo_2017's rag-dolling self, falling off of MY HILL!

ETA: You didn't really think dumping dirt on a rabbit who digs holes all over creation would work, did you?



You just RUINED the rutabagas! AND the pumpkins! And the poor lettuces are completely crushed!

You don't just DUMP a fresh layer of soil down on established garden space, you have to INTEGRATE IT!

*ka-chik* goes the switchblade, *ker-slice* goes the hamstrings, *thumpa-thumpa-thumpa* goes Tetsubo_2017's rag-dolling self, falling off of MY HILL!

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