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Screenshot_20230201-234440.png.db8ce705b7312ec5a47bc51f8fc3dc97.pngHeather Nonameyet 

AC: 15 | HP: 16/20 Hit dice: 3/3d10

LR Abilities:  Taunt: 2/2 | Fearless 1/1 | 1st Level 1/3 | Primal spell 1/1

Attacks | Saves | Spells Sheet

Seeing their quarry turn to flee, Heather murmurs some words that her grandmother taught her in the old tongue. She lets fly another arrow, but it goes wide. Where it lands, a thorny briar patch explodes from the ground and withers away just as quickly. She scowls, and makes to draw again.



Bonus action : Cast Ensnaring Strike

Action: Attack shortbow

Concentration: Ensnaring Strike


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