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Inquisitor D

Inquisitor D

As one more applicant with a Seraph transformation planned, the monk is extremely tempting in terms of the PC interaction angle. Having a Downcast, someone who knew this power, who probably deserves it more than you... it's got such potential! All three are fun, and I can actually see some Irata-specific character interaction angles with a Dragonborn Paladin given their place in the Inquisition's history, but yeah, the monk feels like the seller here.

Inquisitor D

Inquisitor D

As one more player with a Seraph transformation planned, the monk is extremely tempting in terms of the PC interaction angle. Having a Downcast, someone who knew this power, who probably deserves it more than you... it's got such potential! All three are fun, and I can actually see some Irata-specific character interaction angles with a Dragonborn Paladin given their place in the Inquisition's history, but yeah, the monk feels like the seller here.

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