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Gil's Readied action shoots the swarm, they take 1/2 damage (7)

Zen casts Flaming Sphere DC 16 (Saved, no damage)
Kelly moves. Take poison damage (-2 dex)
Gil casts scorching ray with the beams taking down an appreciable number of bots (32)
Peggy punches and swipes through the air taking out a fair number of bots (19)
Mary moves. Is nauseated


The swarm moves and covers both Peggy and Sal. They both take 5 damage. They must both make DC 16 Fort saves vs. Distraction and Poison. Poison damage is 1 point.

Sal turns a little green as he gets injected by a dozen little needles and runs off to hide in the corner, "Now that's not playin' fair! Gul durned things got me through my jerkin!" He turns and fires a few shots at the blob of buzzing machines.


Swarm has taken 59 points of damage

The party has initiative!



Gil's Readied action shoots the swarm, they take 1/2 damage (7)

Zen casts Flaming Sphere DC 16 (Saved, no damage)
Kelly moves. Take poison damage (-2 dex)
Gil casts scorching ray with the beams taking down an appreciable number of bots (32)
Peggy punches and swipes through the air taking out a fair number of bots (19)
Mary moves. Is nauseated


The swarm moves and covers both Peggy and Sal. They both take 5 damage. They must both make DC 16 Fort saves vs. Distraction and Poison. Poison damage is 1 point.

Sal turns a little green as he gets injected by a dozen little needles and runs off to hide in the corner, "Now that's not playin' fair! Gul durned things got me through my jerkin!"


The party has initiative!



Gil's Readied action shoots the swarm, they take 1/2 damage (7)

Zen casts Flaming Sphere DC 16
Kelly moves. Take poison damage
Gil casts scorching ray with the beams taking down an appreciable number of bots (32)
Peggy punches and swipes through the air taking out a fair number of bots (19)
Mary moves. Is nauseated



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