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Screenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngScreenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngEd Billings - Some Ranger Fella and his Trusty Hound Dog

AC: 18 [16] HP: 29/36 Fort: 6 Ref: 8[6] Will: 6 Init: Perception: 8

Zebediah Edvard Billings IV
Male NG Human Ranger Level 3, Init 4, HP 36/36, Speed 30, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 6, 

CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 3

MW Composite Longbow (+2) 600gp (40x Arrows / 20x Incendiary Arrows) +9 (1d8+2, x3)
MW Longsword 315gp 8 (1d8+2, (19-20)x2)
Light Mace 5gp 8 (1d6+2, x2)
MW Chain Shirt (250gp) (+4 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 18 [15], Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition (-3 Dex)

Ed reckons spending the past half hour trying to get a fortified house open whilst preparing defenses outside the front door and then griping about the house getting opened up at the front door is a bit non-sensical, but he doesn't say anything about it. He just nods his appreciation to the goblin with the heavy pickaxe. After all, daylight was burning and Ed wasn't keen on bunking up in a village with a bunch of undead in it. People was gonna start getting hungry soon too. They'd probably like to eat and not get eatin at the same time.

As the mage starts negotiating with the foul creature inside the building, Ed starts figuring that this group needs to decide sooner or later whether they was gonna slay a bunch of evil, dead creatures and make this settlement safe or keep tryin' to make buddies of all these things. Cuz, he's pretty sure none o' these things is the trustable types and would mostly just like to kill everyone still breathin' and eat all of em' at their earliest convenience. And that's usually more than enough to constitute a thing that needs to be made full dead quickly, in Ed Billing's reckoning.

Seeing as no one else appeared to be in the right mood to orchestrate countermeasures, the normally quiet ranger decides to take it on himself and falls back into his soldierly paces. "You there!" he hollers up at Drew, "you mind hoppin' down over here? And... uh.... Torren," he says remembering the warrior's name, "I could use you up in front here as well! And also you, Sir," he says beckoning to the visored half-elf with whom he spoke briefly a few minutes prior. "If you fellas wanna form up tight here in the front, I think that'd be a good start and make everyone feel a bit easier... Ed says, preparing his bow. "MISS!" he hollers up to Heva on the roof. "I could use your bow down here!"

"You fellas with any magic in ya, if you don't mind, please formin' up in an arc at the rear. I don't reckon this talkin' is gettin' much further... and if you're outta magic,"
Ed announces widely, "feel free get yourself a crossbow or a rock or a sharp stick or somethin'... Cuz, I'm fixin' to clean this here establishment in short order!" the Ranger states, plainly growing impatient, along with everyone else.

In battle, things don't always go as intended. Best thing to do is be ready to roll with the punches and not lose your head. Ed was ready to roll right over this house with a torch in about one second. The place smelled absolutely terrible.

"BUGLER!! GET THE F#$@ ON OUTTA HERE NOW!!! This ain't no place for doggos!"

(Pending everyone gets into formation) "Whenever you're all done with your conversation there, Mr. Wizard Sir," Ed says, addressing Edwin.




Free: Talky talk talk


Move: Move into second row and draw bow.

Standard: Readied action to fire arrow.

Full Round:



Screenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngScreenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngEd Billings - Some Ranger Fella and his Trusty Hound Dog

AC: 18 [16] HP: 29/36 Fort: 6 Ref: 8[6] Will: 6 Init: Perception: 8

Zebediah Edvard Billings IV
Male NG Human Ranger Level 3, Init 4, HP 36/36, Speed 30, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 6, 

CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 3

MW Composite Longbow (+2) 600gp (40x Arrows / 20x Incendiary Arrows) +9 (1d8+2, x3)
MW Longsword 315gp 8 (1d8+2, (19-20)x2)
Light Mace 5gp 8 (1d6+2, x2)
MW Chain Shirt (250gp) (+4 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 18 [15], Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition (-3 Dex)

Ed reckons spending the past half hour trying to get a fortified house open whilst preparing defenses outside the front door and then griping about the house getting opened up at the front door is a bit non-sensical, but he doesn't say anything about it. He just nods his appreciation to the goblin with the heavy pickaxe. After all, daylight was burning and Ed wasn't keen on bunking up in a village with a bunch of undead in it. People was gonna start getting hungry soon too. They'd probably like to eat and not get eatin at the same time.

As the mage starts negotiating with the foul creature inside the building, Ed starts figuring that this group needs to decide sooner or later whether they was gonna slay a bunch of evil, dead creatures and make this settlement safe or keep tryin' to make buddies of all these things. Cuz, he's pretty sure none o' these things is the trustable types and would mostly just like to kill everyone still breathin' and eat all of em' at their earliest convenience. And that's usually more than enough to constitute a thing that needs to be made full dead quickly, in Ed Billing's reckoning.

Seeing as noone else was in the right mood to orchestrate countermeasures, the normally quiet ranger decides to take it on himself and falls back into his soldierly paces. "You there!" he hollers up at Drew, "you mind hoppin' down over here? And... uh.... Torren," he says remembering the warrior's name, "I could use you up in front here as well! And also you, Sir," he says beckoning to the visored half-elf with whom he spoke briefly a few minutes prior. "If you fellas wanna form up tight here in the front, I think that'd be a good start and make everyone feel a bit easier... Ed says, preparing his bow. "MISS!" he hollers up to Heva on the roof. "I could use your bow down here!"

"You fellas with any magic in ya, if you don't mind, please formin' up in an arc at the rear. I don't reckon this talkin' is gettin' much further... and if you're outta magic,"
Ed announces widely, "feel free get yourself a crossbow or a rock or a sharp stick or somethin'... Cuz, I'm fixin' to clean this here establishment in short order!" the Ranger states, plainly growing impatient, along with everyone else.

In battle, things don't always go as intended. Best thing to do is be ready to roll with the punches and not lose your head. Ed was ready to roll right over this house with a torch in about one second. The place smelled absolutely terrible.

"BUGLER!! GET THE F#$@ ON OUTTA HERE NOW!!! This ain't no place for doggos!"

(Pending everyone gets into formation) "Whenever you're all done with your conversation there, Mr. Wizard Sir," Ed says, addressing Edwin.




Free: Talky talk talk


Move: Move into second row and draw bow.

Standard: Readied action to fire arrow.

Full Round:



Screenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngScreenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngEd Billings - Some Ranger Fella and his Trusty Hound Dog

AC: 18 [16] HP: 29/36 Fort: 6 Ref: 8[6] Will: 6 Init: Perception: 8

Zebediah Edvard Billings IV
Male NG Human Ranger Level 3, Init 4, HP 36/36, Speed 30, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 6, 

CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 3

MW Composite Longbow (+2) 600gp (40x Arrows / 20x Incendiary Arrows) +9 (1d8+2, x3)
MW Longsword 315gp 8 (1d8+2, (19-20)x2)
Light Mace 5gp 8 (1d6+2, x2)
MW Chain Shirt (250gp) (+4 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 18 [15], Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition (-3 Dex)

Ed reckons spending the past half hour trying to get a fortified house open whilst preparing defenses outside the front door and then griping about the house getting opened up at the front door is a bit non-sensical, but he doesn't say anything about it. He just nods his appreciation to the goblin with the heavy pickaxe. After all, daylight was burning and Ed wasn't keen on bunking up in a village with a bunch of undead in it. People was gonna start getting hungry soon too. They'd probably like to eat and not get eatin at the same time.

As the mage starts negotiating with the foul creature inside the building, Ed starts figuring that this group needs to decide sooner or later whether they was gonna slay a bunch of evil, dead creatures and make this settlement safe or keep tryin' to make buddies of all these things. Cuz, he's pretty sure none o' these things is the trustable types and would mostly just like to kill everyone still breathin' and eat all of em' at their earliest convenience. And that's usually more than enough to constitute a thing that needs to be made full dead quickly, in Ed Billing's reckoning.

Seeing as noone else was in the right mood to orchestrate countermeasures, the normally quiet ranger decides to take it on himself and falls back into his soldierly paces. "You there!" he hollers up at Drew, "you mind hoppin' down over here? And... uh.... Torren," he says remembering the warrior's name, "I could use up in front here too! And also you, Sir," he says nodding to the half elf with whom he spoke briefly a few minutes prior. "If you fellas wanna form up tight here in the front, I think that'd be a good start and make everyone feel a bit easier... Ed says, preparing his bow. "MISS!" he hollers up to Heva on the roof. "I could use your bow down here!"

"You fellas with any magic in ya, if you don't mind, please form up in an arc at the rear. I don't reckon this talkin' is gettin' much further... and if you're outta magic, feel free get yourself a crossbow or a rock or a stick or somethin'... Cuz, I'm fixin' to clean this here establishment!"
the Ranger states, plainly growing impatient, along with everyone else.

In battle, things don't always go as intended. Best thing to do is be ready to roll with the punches. Ed was ready to roll right over this house with a torch in a second. Place smelled absolutely terrible.

"BUGLER!! GET THE F#$@ ON OUTTA HERE NOW!!! This ain't no place for doggos!"

(Pending everyone gets into formation) "Whenever you're all done with your conversation there, Mr. Wizard Sir," Ed says, addressing Edwin.




Free: Talky talk talk


Move: Move into second row and draw bow.

Standard: Readied action to fire arrow.

Full Round:



Screenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngScreenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngEd Billings - Some Ranger Fella and his Trusty Hound Dog

AC: 18 [16] HP: 29/36 Fort: 6 Ref: 8[6] Will: 6 Init: Perception: 8

Zebediah Edvard Billings IV
Male NG Human Ranger Level 3, Init 4, HP 36/36, Speed 30, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 6, 

CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 3

MW Composite Longbow (+2) 600gp (40x Arrows / 20x Incendiary Arrows) +9 (1d8+2, x3)
MW Longsword 315gp 8 (1d8+2, (19-20)x2)
Light Mace 5gp 8 (1d6+2, x2)
MW Chain Shirt (250gp) (+4 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 18 [15], Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition (-3 Dex)

Ed reckons spending the past half hour trying to get a fortified house open whilst preparing defenses outside the front door and then griping about the house getting opened up at the front door is a bit non-sensical, but he doesn't say anything about it. He just nods his appreciation to the goblin with the heavy pickaxe. After all, daylight was burning and Ed wasn't keen on bunking up in a village with a bunch of undead in it. People was gonna start getting hungry soon too. They'd probably like to eat and not get eatin at the same time.

As the mage starts negotiating with the foul creature inside the building, Ed starts figuring that this group needs to decide sooner or later whether they was gonna slay a bunch of evil, dead creatures and make this settlement safe or keep tryin' to make buddies of all these things. Cuz, he's pretty sure none o' these things is the trustable types and would mostly just like to kill everyone still breathin' and eat all of em' at their earliest convenience. And that's usually more than enough to constitute a thing that needs to be made full dead quickly, in Ed Billing's reckoning.

Seeing as noone else was in the right mood to orchestrate countermeasures, the normally quiet ranger decides to take it on himself and falls back into his soldierly paces. "You there!" he hollers up at Drew, "you mind hoppin' down over here? And... uh.... Torren," he says remembering the warrior's name, "I could use up in front here too! And also you, Sir," he says nodding to the half elf with whom he spoke briefly a few minutes prior. "If you fellas wanna form up tight here in the front, I think that'd be a good start and make everyone feel a bit easier... Ed says, preparing his bow. "MISS!" he hollers up to Heva on the roof. "I could use your bow down here!"

"You fellas with any magic in ya, if you don't mind, please form up in an arc at the rear. I don't reckon this talkin' is gettin' much further... and if you're outta magic, feel free get yourself a crossbow or a rock or a stick or somethin'... Cuz, I'm fixin' to clean this here establishment!"
the Ranger states, plainly growing impatient, along with everyone else.

"BUGLER!! GET THE F#$@ ON NOW!!! This ain't no place for doggos!"

(Pending everyone gets into formation) "Whenever you're all done with your conversation there, Mr. Wizard Sir," Ed says, addressing Edwin.




Free: Talky talk talk


Move: Move into second row and draw bow.

Standard: Readied action to fire arrow.

Full Round:



Screenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngScreenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngEd Billings - Some Ranger Fella and his Trusty Hound Dog

AC: 18 [16] HP: 29/36 Fort: 6 Ref: 8[6] Will: 6 Init: Perception: 8

Zebediah Edvard Billings IV
Male NG Human Ranger Level 3, Init 4, HP 36/36, Speed 30, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 6, 

CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 3

MW Composite Longbow (+2) 600gp (40x Arrows / 20x Incendiary Arrows) +9 (1d8+2, x3)
MW Longsword 315gp 8 (1d8+2, (19-20)x2)
Light Mace 5gp 8 (1d6+2, x2)
MW Chain Shirt (250gp) (+4 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 18 [15], Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition (-3 Dex)

Ed reckons spending the past half hour trying to get a fortified house open whilst preparing defenses outside the front door and then griping about the house getting opened up at the front door is a bit non-sensical, but he doesn't say anything about it. He just nods his appreciation to the goblin with the heavy pickaxe. After all, daylight was burning and Ed wasn't keen on bunking up in a village with a bunch of undead in it. People was gonna start getting hungry soon too. They'd probably like to eat and not get eatin at the same time.

As the mage starts negotiating with the foul creature inside the building, Ed starts figuring that this group needs to decide sooner or later whether they was gonna slay a bunch of evil, dead creatures and make this settlement safe or keep tryin' to make buddies of all these things. Cuz, he's pretty sure they're not the trustable types and would mostly just like to kill everyone still breathin' and eat all of em' that's standin' there at their earliest convenience. And that's usually more than enough to constitute a thing that needs to be made full dead quickly, in Ed Billing's reckoning.

Seeing as noone else was in the right mood to orchestrate countermeasures, the normally quiet ranger decides to take it on himself and falls back into his soldierly paces. "You there!" he hollers up at Drew, "you mind hoppin' down over here? And... uh.... Torren," he says remembering the warrior's name, "I could use up in front here too! And also you, Sir," he says nodding to the half elf with whom he spoke briefly a few minutes prior. "If you fellas wanna form up tight here in the front, I think that'd be a good start and make everyone feel a bit easier... Ed says, preparing his bow. "MISS!" he hollers up to Heva on the roof. "I could use your bow down here!"

"You fellas with any magic in ya, if you don't mind, please form up in an arc at the rear. I don't reckon this talkin' is gettin' much further... and if you're outta magic, feel free get yourself a crossbow or a rock or a stick or somethin'... Cuz, I'm fixin' to clean this here establishment!"
the Ranger states, plainly growing impatient, along with everyone else.

"BUGLER!! GET THE F#$@ ON NOW!!! This ain't no place for doggos!"

(Pending everyone gets into formation) "Whenever you're all done with your conversation there, Mr. Wizard Sir," Ed says, addressing Edwin.




Free: Talky talk talk


Move: Move into second row and draw bow.

Standard: Readied action to fire arrow.

Full Round:

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