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spacer.pngEdwin Arcadia

AC13 HP 27/27 Fort 4 Ref 4 Will 4 Init +6 Perception +2(alertness,familiar +12)

Edwin Arcadia
M   human wizard, Level 3, Init 6, HP 27/27, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 12, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 1   
include alchemical reagent bonus Acid splash +3 (1d3+1, 20/x2)
masterwork Haramaki (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition: +2 trait bonus to will saves vs charm and compulsion
+2 racial bonus to survival checks to avoid getting lost 


Prepared spell

cantrips: acid splash, Prestidigitation, detect magic,dancing light

lvl 1: grease(used), mage armor,web bolt, ears of the city, (hydraulic push)(used)

lvl 2: create pitx2(used) (fog cloud)

wand of enlarge other charges: 49/50

School power uses: 7/8

"Game? Cheat? i dont remember anyone saying this was a game, or that i was limited to one question at a time, but i thank you for your answers, we'll be here if you change idea and wish to speak again"

He move away from the door and gesture Torren and Raziel to come closer, whispering "give me some more time, i want to try one last thing, should take a minute, after that you can solve the problem the warrior way, just remember he said -we- not -i- "

Said that, hoping to have gained that extra minute, the wizard begin concentrating.

In a certain way the ghoul was correct, Edwin cheated, the whole negotiation was to test if the ghoul was able to communicate.

The village has inhabitants, they are undead, but are intelligent, know common and if kindly asked are willing to talk, his info-gathering spell should work, in theory.

"this is a powerful spell, i'll be blind and deaf for a bit" he inform Raziel

First thing, Edwin focus on the questions he will ask, he wont have time to decide once the spell is cast.

1: can you tell me about the other settlements that you know, including (approximate) direction and distance

2: can you tell if there are other threats(creatures/traps/hazards) in the village, what and where are they?

3: can you enlighten me on why you decided to come here an lock yourself into the manor?

Satisfied, he cast the spell and cross his fingers for extra magic boost



Edwin move back to his initial position and then cast Ears of the city, using the ghouls as sources for the rumors, this will take 3 rounds and edwin will be blind/deaf for the duration



spacer.pngEdwin Arcadia

AC13 HP 27/27 Fort 4 Ref 4 Will 4 Init +6 Perception +2(alertness,familiar +12)

Edwin Arcadia
M   human wizard, Level 3, Init 6, HP 27/27, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 12, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 1   
include alchemical reagent bonus Acid splash +3 (1d3+1, 20/x2)
masterwork Haramaki (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition: +2 trait bonus to will saves vs charm and compulsion
+2 racial bonus to survival checks to avoid getting lost 


Prepared spell

cantrips: acid splash, Prestidigitation, detect magic,dancing light

lvl 1: grease(used), mage armor,web bolt, ears of the city, (hydraulic push)(used)

lvl 2: create pitx2(used) (fog cloud)

wand of enlarge other charges: 49/50

School power uses: 7/8

"Game? Cheat? i dont remember anyone saying this was a game, or that i was limited to one question at a time, but i thank you for your answers, we'll be here if you change idea and wish to speak again"

He move away from the door and gesture Torren and Raziel to come closer, whispering "give me some more time, i want to try one last thing, should take a minute, after that you can solve the problem the warrior way, just remember he said -we- not -i- "

Said that, hoping to have gained that extra minute, the wizard begin concentrating.

In a certain way the ghoul was correct, Edwin cheated, the whole negotiation was to test if the ghoul was able to communicate.

The village has inhabitants, they are undead, but are intelligent, know common and if kindly asked are willing to talk, his info-gathering spell should work, in theory.

"this is a powerful spell, i'll be blind and deaf for a bit" he inform Raziel

First thing, Edwin focus on the questions he will ask, he wont have to decide once the spell is cast.

1: can you tell me about the other settlements that you know, including (approximate) direction and distance

2: can you tell if there are other threats(creatures/traps/hazards) in the village, what and where are they?

3: can you enlighten me on why you decided to come here an lock yourself into the manor?

Satisfied, he cast the spell and cross his fingers for extra magic boost



Edwin move back to his initial position and then cast Ears of the city, using the ghouls as sources for the rumors, this will take 3 rounds and edwin will be blind/deaf for the duration



spacer.pngEdwin Arcadia

AC13 HP 27/27 Fort 4 Ref 4 Will 4 Init +6 Perception +2(alertness,familiar +12)

Edwin Arcadia
M   human wizard, Level 3, Init 6, HP 27/27, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 12, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 1   
include alchemical reagent bonus Acid splash +3 (1d3+1, 20/x2)
masterwork Haramaki (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition: +2 trait bonus to will saves vs charm and compulsion
+2 racial bonus to survival checks to avoid getting lost 


Prepared spell

cantrips: acid splash, Prestidigitation, detect magic,dancing light

lvl 1: grease(used), mage armor,web bolt, ears of the city, (hydraulic push)(used)

lvl 2: create pitx2(used) (fog cloud)

wand of enlarge other charges: 49/50

School power uses: 7/8

"Game? Cheat? i dont remember anyone saying this was a game, or that i was limited to one question at a time, but i thank you for your answers, we'll be here if you change idea and wish to speak again"

He move away from the door and gesture Torren and Raziel to come closer, whispering "give me some more time, i want to try one last thing, should take a minute, after that you can solve the problem the warrior way, just remember he said -we- not -i- "

Said that, hoping to have gained that extra minute, the wizard begin concentrating.

In a certain way the ghoul was correct, Edwin cheated, the whole negotiation was to test if the ghoul was able to communicate.

The village has inhabitants, they are undead, but are intelligent, know common and if kindly asked are willing to talk, his info-gathering spell should work, in theory.

"this is a powerful spell, i'll be blind and deaf for a bit" he inform Raziel

First thing, Edwin focus on the questions he will ask, he wont have to decide once the spell is cast.

1: can you tell me about the other settlements that you know, including (approximate) direction and distance

2: can you tell if there are other threats(creatures/traps/hazards) in the village, what and where are they?

3: can you enlighten me on why you decided to come here an lock yourself into the manor?



Edwin move back to his initial position and then cast Ears of the city, using the ghouls as sources for the rumors, this will take 3 rounds and edwin will be blind/deaf for the duration

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