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Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 4

Ground units defend whatever tps necessary to resist sacks.
Treasure Paperwork
Spending 2 Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 3



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)

Seventy two notes, played on the strings of souls. Seventy two thousand troops, aboard the habor. Seventy two hours drawn within the liminal space where dreams become transparent.

Mil: Raise Space Unit
Mil: Raise Space Unit

Orchestrate Space Opera. Not just for the renown, but to be capable of demonstrating solid aerial superiority through the orbit of Sansar and beyond. With the (possible) death of Neon, kicking up the Illusion Brigades en masse is a big deal, as well as mechanizing every manner of Kaiju possible. Not only that, but sailors of the stars start to really form up their prowess and practice elite fighting tactics in ways that only a set of sorcerers could dare to attempt. Boarding actions and clashes within Sansar orbit and within empty regions of space (with more on lookout duty for 'interruptors') become more common, as well as broadcast for popularity and entertainment.
Int: Coerce TP 3 of Charmed Textiles in Region 42

The people demand more. More security. More lucky charms. More magic. We shall give it to them.

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

BCC Inquisition (Friend Making Yay)

Welcoming in the BCC to the one region 44, the Moonsoul Mountains works well. There'll be relatively three rough 'sections' of places one can visit (it gets a lot more complicated but it roughly breaks down to:)

The Wilds

The Zelf Colonies

The Moonsoul Mountains

The BCC would be freeily allowed to come in and talk to the Zelfs within their colonies and within their society. It's moderately free, and they've worked out something akin to a democracy or anarchy or whatnot. The Zelfs were all born within the past twenty or so years, and so are forming a society. They've just begun to really enter with trade for outsiders, and with the introduction of the Union currency, have discovered and started things up for barter.

The mages atop the mountains help them where possible in a lot of ways, and they are called to and help in turn. They technically are free to go and roam the lands or the stars, but so far relatively few have chosen to do so, they seem quite happy with the situation as it is. Partly because as long as the sorcerers get what they desire and need (and as long as there isn't rampant crime or murder or whatnot) they're pretty content to let the Zelfs run amongst themselves as they please.

Within the Wildlands are a lot of monsters and kaiju and magical radiation. While the BCC will be allowed to roam freely, there will be escorts and even with an escort safety cannot be *purely* guaranteed. These areas are largely unpopulated though spare excavation crews that do work pulling out the wreckage, figuring out safe lines of travel to get around the region and especially outside it, and sometimes Moonmen going into it for various purposes. It's (probably) largely irrelevant to their purposes.

The Moonsoul Mountains themselves are where the small tribes of sorcerers lived for centuries before all this elect stuff. They in comparison have a relatively small set of things, and it really is like seeing a small society dug out of the past. At least, it was, though computers and meme culture and other things have gotten to it and made them considerably more interesting and varied. Zelfs are allowed here, and often they traverse around, but relatively few do so full time. It's kind of an ancestral home for the original peoples here, though any visitation and look around these areas, while welcomed and shown around, will always be done under intense scrutiny.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 2
1 Ground Unit: Defend TP 70

Treasure Paperwork
Spending 2 Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 3



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)

Seventy two notes, played on the strings of souls. Seventy two thousand troops, aboard the habor. Seventy two hours drawn within the liminal space where dreams become transparent.

Mil: Raise Space Unit
Mil: Raise Space Unit

Orchestrate Space Opera. Not just for the renown, but to be capable of demonstrating solid aerial superiority through the orbit of Sansar and beyond. With the (possible) death of Neon, kicking up the Illusion Brigades en masse is a big deal, as well as mechanizing every manner of Kaiju possible. Not only that, but sailors of the stars start to really form up their prowess and practice elite fighting tactics in ways that only a set of sorcerers could dare to attempt. Boarding actions and clashes within Sansar orbit and within empty regions of space (with more on lookout duty for 'interruptors') become more common, as well as broadcast for popularity and entertainment.
Int: Coerce TP 3 of Charmed Textiles in Region 42

The people demand more. More security. More lucky charms. More magic. We shall give it to them.

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

BCC Inquisition (Friend Making Yay)

Welcoming in the BCC to the one region 44, the Moonsoul Mountains works well. There'll be relatively three rough 'sections' of places one can visit (it gets a lot more complicated but it roughly breaks down to:)

The Wilds

The Zelf Colonies

The Moonsoul Mountains

The BCC would be freeily allowed to come in and talk to the Zelfs within their colonies and within their society. It's moderately free, and they've worked out something akin to a democracy or anarchy or whatnot. The Zelfs were all born within the past twenty or so years, and so are forming a society. They've just begun to really enter with trade for outsiders, and with the introduction of the Union currency, have discovered and started things up for barter.

The mages atop the mountains help them where possible in a lot of ways, and they are called to and help in turn. They technically are free to go and roam the lands or the stars, but so far relatively few have chosen to do so, they seem quite happy with the situation as it is. Partly because as long as the sorcerers get what they desire and need (and as long as there isn't rampant crime or murder or whatnot) they're pretty content to let the Zelfs run amongst themselves as they please.

Within the Wildlands are a lot of monsters and kaiju and magical radiation. While the BCC will be allowed to roam freely, there will be escorts and even with an escort safety cannot be *purely* guaranteed. These areas are largely unpopulated though spare excavation crews that do work pulling out the wreckage, figuring out safe lines of travel to get around the region and especially outside it, and sometimes Moonmen going into it for various purposes. It's (probably) largely irrelevant to their purposes.

The Moonsoul Mountains themselves are where the small tribes of sorcerers lived for centuries before all this elect stuff. They in comparison have a relatively small set of things, and it really is like seeing a small society dug out of the past. At least, it was, though computers and meme culture and other things have gotten to it and made them considerably more interesting and varied. Zelfs are allowed here, and often they traverse around, but relatively few do so full time. It's kind of an ancestral home for the original peoples here, though any visitation and look around these areas, while welcomed and shown around, will always be done under intense scrutiny.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 2
1 Ground Unit: Defend TP 70

Treasure Paperwork
Spending 2 Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 3



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)

Seventy two notes, played on the strings of souls. Seventy two thousand troops, aboard the habor. Seventy two hours drawn within the liminal space where dreams become transparent.

Mil: Raise Space Unit
Mil: Raise Space Unit

Orchestrate Space Opera. Not just for the renown, but to be capable of demonstrating solid aerial superiority through the orbit of Sansar and beyond. With the (possible) death of Neon, kicking up the Illusion Brigades en masse is a big deal, as well as mechanizing every manner of Kaiju possible. Not only that, but sailors of the stars start to really form up their prowess and practice elite fighting tactics in ways that only a set of sorcerers could dare to attempt. Boarding actions and clashes within Sansar orbit and within empty regions of space (with more on lookout duty for 'interruptors') become more common, as well as broadcast for popularity and entertainment.
Int: Coerce TP 3 of Charmed Textiles in Region 42

The people demand more. More security. More lucky charms. More magic. We shall give it to them.

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 2
1 Ground Unit: Defend TP 70

Treasure Paperwork
Spending 2 Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 3



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)

Seventy two notes, played on the strings of souls. Seventy two thousand troops, aboard the habor. Seventy two hours drawn within the liminal space where dreams become transparent.
Mil: Raise Space Unit
Mil: Raise Space Unit

Orchestrate Space Opera. Not just for the renown, but to be capable of demonstrating solid aerial superiority through the orbit of Sansar and beyond. With the (possible) death of Neon, kicking up the Illusion Brigades en masse is a big deal, as well as mechanizing every manner of Kaiju possible. Not only that, but sailors of the stars start to really form up their prowess and practice elite fighting tactics in ways that only a set of sorcerers could dare to attempt. Boarding actions and clashes within Sansar orbit and within empty regions of space (with more on lookout duty for 'interruptors') become more common, as well as broadcast for popularity and entertainment.
Int: Coerce TP 3 of Charmed Textiles in Region 42

The people demand more. More security. More lucky charms. More magic. We shall give it to them.

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 2
1 Ground Unit: Defend TP 70

Treasure Paperwork
Spending 2 Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 3



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)
Mil: Raise Space Unit
Mil: Raise Space Unit

Orchestrate Space Opera. Not just for the renown, but to be capable of demonstrating solid aerial superiority through the orbit of Sansar and beyond. With the (possible) death of Neon, kicking up the Illusion Brigades en masse is a big deal, as well as mechanizing every manner of Kaiju possible. Not only that, but sailors of the stars start to really form up their prowess and practice elite fighting tactics in ways that only a set of sorcerers could dare to attempt. Boarding actions and clashes within Sansar orbit and within empty regions of space (with more on lookout duty for 'interruptors') become more common, as well as broadcast for popularity and entertainment.
Int: Coerce TP 3 of Charmed Textiles in Region 42

The people demand more. More security. More lucky charms. More magic. We shall give it to them.

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 2
1 Ground Unit: Defend TP 70

Treasure Paperwork
Spending 2 Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 3



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)
Mil: Raise Space Unit
Mil: Raise Space Unit
Orchestrate Space Opera
Int: Coerce TP 3 of Charmed Textiles in Region 42

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 2
1 Ground Unit: Defend TP 70

Treasure Paperwork
Spending 2 Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 3



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)
Mil: Raise Space Unit
Mil: Raise Space Unit
Orchestrate Space Opera
Int: Coerce TP 3 of Charmed Textiles in Region 42

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 2
1 Ground Unit: Defend TP 70

Treasure Paperwork
Spending 2 Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 3



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)
Mil: Raise Space Unit
Mil: Raise Space Unit
Orchestrate Space Opera
Int: Coerce TP 3 of Charmed Textiles in Region 42

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 2
1 Ground Unit: Defend TP 70

Treasure Paperwork
Spending 1? Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 4



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)
Mil: Orchestrate Space Opera (Raise Unit Space)
Mil: Raise Unit Space
Int: Coerce TP 3 of Charmed Textiles in Region 42

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



Rocket Relm

Rocket Relm

purifier shrine flag edit.png


Glorious Purifiers
Ruler: Titania
Diplomacy: 8
Military: 6
Economy: 3
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 8
Stat Growths
+1 Mil, +1 Int
Ground Units: 3 Space Units: 2
1 Ground Unit: Defend TP 70

Treasure Paperwork
Spending 1? Treasure on actions, Gaining 1 Treasure from income.
Expected Net Change 4 > 4



Dip: Raise Rep 2>3 BRG Roll = 21
(Spend 1 Favor Raise Rep 3>4, to become Partner Of The Board)
Mil: Orchestrate Space Opera (Raise Unit Space)
Mil: Raise Unit Space
Int: Don't leave me on read, Orgs

Int Secret



Give economic support for any nation with a capital on Sansar to buy TP 2 of Unblemished Wreckage.
As part of an economic boon and mixing (and the people of the Moonsoul Mountains learning what economy 'is', they open themselves up to visitors and decide to engage some of their wilds diving relations to those from the outside. Of course, any Zelfs in the production chain will remain independent as per the First Zociety Charter, but parts of the chain unrelated will ferry to whoever else comes.

Technically, people are allowed to try doing wilds delving. Practically, Moonsoul Mountains and Glorious Purifiers will not be held accountable for any strange or lethal incidents that occur within the Danger Zones.

The faith of Coedd is one that many of the sorcerer people atop the mountains have taken to, and established a hybrid between their own mixed faith and that of Coedd. It's not too different from the adaptation processes they've done with other legends they've yanked into their fold, although with Coedd the process is more pervasive and intense. But the edits essentially boil down to:
Cultivate Plants.
Yeah that's about it.

(most) Plants don't have souls in the same way that humans, jy'mar, and other species with higher order intelligence do, but they can be grown and provide bounty all the same. There's quite a bit of magic surplus, and over the years of this symbiosis, an equivalent of "oxygen-carbon dioxide" exchange makes both happier than they would be alone. The Zelfs benefit too, simple flowers growing in the hospitals help tend to and nourish their weary, bleeding souls. Speaking of...

The first signs of aging hit Zelfs. Energy gets lower, dipping down to an average of 0.94 for a Zelf aged fifteen years. Their skin takes on less luster and more plain rust. Cognitive capacities slightly decline. Little bits of damage here and there accrue from exertion and overexertion. Maintenance hospitals start to set up within the outskirts of the Moonsoul Mountains, as discussion of this problem begins in earnest.

Moonmen, Origins


The beginning of our society can be traced back to roughly right after the bombardment era. Our magic radiation was setting in, and the original people of our age were humans. Most of whom left our ancestral home, fled to other regions of the world. They aren't what we would consider Moonmen. What makes our tradition and heritage is those who stayed.

Links provided to historic details, from people who know a lot more than me.

The first generation had to abandon more and more of the physical limitations to survive in this climate. Even the mountains themselves have some residual, although you wouldn't know it because over the centuries it has been shoveled off to create livable habitats. If it was in the condition today that it was back then, humans might have been able to survive there.

As it was, we needed to adapt. Second generation Moonmen took on a whole new physiology, staying essentially human but building the suits necessary to survive into their skin, their bones. This transitioned on to third generation and beyond, where we added in magic mixtures and figments of imagination to allow the thriving of bodies that now could survive with it.

Now our physiology is sufficiently altered that the rituals are required to produce new offspring. We used something akin to the original to massage within the Moonsoul Mountains to pour out our Zelfs, because acting as a part of the elect we need more people than just us weary survivors.

Of subtle ingredients and trade secrets I cannot share. But I can share some generalities, and help visitors get boarded in, if willing to visit Select Areas.

With all the dead in the wake of the carnage last turn, the civilian population has taken a dip. The humanitarian efforts continue over in Veehra, though slow down as the wars slow down and less people wind up dead there. Recentering more within the local orbits and the outskirts of the (former) corvee labor specifically. It is estimated one in every eight of the "slaves" had died or gone missing, and the survivors are given condolences. Some even move onto Sansar to live in little colonies.

The Moonmen work to spread good images and get a social grasp of situations is on the rise. The Moonmen are finally starting to hit an era where they work on their social image and understand and begin integrating properly into the community at large.



Holly Hakurei Heliotrope reporting in from my native homeland, the wildlands!

The armies of the House Of Fire come to our shores, having the gall to come to my literal house! The Soom Raiders strike at our economic interests, and where they fail even more marauders pick up and blot out the sun. Look at what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our power! Dozens and dozens of fleets stampeding all over like a furious kaiju, and for what? A handful of Moonmen fended the majority off like, well, a furious impotent kaiju, and we took our price too. All without a single sorcerer casualty. Pathetic.

... Zelf casualties are higher. Our sponsor today is setting up a memorial service for the fallen, both foreign and domestic. We're cutting to them now, in 3, 2, 1...

Backstage Basu Preparations

I'm glad you all could join me for my preparations. Seventy two sparks of inspiration will be sufficient, it's a number fond to my heart. I'll be heading off soon and no, not even premium subscribers will be able to be in the room where it happens. But before I go, I'll leave you with a little song. Sparks, come join me, it sounds something like this...

War Against Organizations

WOAH. Are you seeing this? For the second time in the same year, the-it's all crumbling. Look at them go. Can the Basu Rahmans survive this onslaught? The Maharaj's Dream is sure to land, and the enemies are SURE to come stalking it! Releasing September 31st, the new map pool featuring the theorized insides of the Maharaj's Dream, the skies of Ophon, the bass of Badal! Play out your war dreams here, see if you can save the corporate overlords. Or.... destroy them.

Featuring song tracks from the albums Emperor's Groove, Inside Out, and Big Corsair C-, graphics uploaded from the latest 4d prime novels, and so much more!

"Really, the fables can be anything. Just look at Jenny here." "I hate my life." "Don't mind her, she's a jokester. One time the Moonmen council decided to make some pretend fairy tales up on purpose and then see if they could use that to infuse and create a new Moonman. And look where we are, my precious baby. What a darling~" "The Moonmen have an occasional propensity to get too caught up in the question of whether they could to consider whether they should."

"But no, I'm... glad to exist. Certainly a better cut of the deck than the poor survivors we shipped for treatment to the United Houses of Senkar, did you know there are people born with painful defects that don't get fantastic cosmic power attached? Besides, I got off easy, just look at Tita-
And we'll be back after a word from our sponsor! Who is... currently on... fire why are you on fire you knew we were going to do a snappy surprise transition don't you do this to m-"



Holly paces uncontrollably, having her full attention on this battle now, an event she had been leaving shoutcasting to for Jenny. Holly was always more of a smooth jazz type of girl more than a heavy metal, and when she did go for blood it wasn't like this. Still, the presence of this mysterious challenger proved to get qui-"Oh you better be using a shell you squid-brain! Disappear for a decade, show up again, now you're doing this?"
"Shell?" One of the people with her asks. There'd been some connections with the BCC and occasional onboarding of pirates to peer in. One would like to say it was because the BCC were taking a cultural interest, but it's actually because Holly was running the largest E-Sports tournaments on the scene and their culture was an internet one that happened to produce the largest competitors. "Yeah, like, another body, a fleshling to fight in their stead with their blessing and power. They shouldn't be risking their own soul for something as stupid as this." "You mean like... a slave."
"wh... no. Neon Light Illusion was always wound up about that free will junk. I mean, I care, kinda, but like they cared in the way that your folk seem to care. We argued about it from time to time, honestly had a real big fight about it before they disappeared and I never got to..." The girl exhales a sigh. "Anyway, no, Neon wouldn't be using a puppet unless they expressly agreed to it. Which is why I'm worried they didn't."

"Neon, is he one person, or multiple? You keep saying they like..." "They're nonbinary. ... okay Jenny I'll explain what that means later right now I need to track this coreclown down, get back to shoutcasting."



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